THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 61. PROGRAM OF i STOKES BUILDING 'ill I s " I'tUNIY SIMM l.l» >ll \ 11»*. 1 R MI;IA I\ TIII: YAST I:\I»I:\. IHTI IN - REING I.AI XCIIER ITV TIM. I\I»I -I MI \I. I:I;N>\ I lt% AIT. NOW I.WV. Rl.l-'.XiX Ml' MI'VKV NOW \\ \ll. \ I.!: roll M.I. 11l «\NIIS. [. i i :- 1 r !,. 'tie \\oi-1j * ynr' C « lyl ;* ]-\ il'-.llt t Line 'it i will i>» star!'d if oi»co. :i; • '■{ nvG ot ino n i» h' u«n\ iiv;» !! .U#» \v,.-1 « n 1 i. ,d: o- ■' v.hi' li iif - '■•N'n o'iii|iloit*d for set' i| works. >.; • t• iri! :-:po)'-'ed by ho Pt hml ' nwiii "f t"0'l rend «• -ain- t-o the nl\ • l»i!i*v i shif itrf roa-i ' in.l '(i -I tl'l '.lf r' f"i'o>*.t ii program. I', n im't Hi'' Reporter i- advise.l l»\ Chair" •• K. P. .Ii ffress, • •:' '• • State lllv.ii- :y i til I'ilMi'- Works Ci lU'l-i-' li' 11. til.'! 111. '--.(' illll" l||'.> ', federal hi' "i'v will iiuiu- liito'.i •■.» WciVid tr. tllr S'-l: ■ 111' North i" • ••_ •11M-| under 'lit' tri m- (if tin- Itfltt-- Moid"' y Ait just hits-e-1 'it* Spe -ideally ho State " i'l receive sll.uft".oo(i in lie used in highway construction. ami o>t of this fund 'f is supposed that, funds will ho nv 'il ahle .fur Ihi; following road work in S'ttikos tintyt 1. Surt:• i-sii« thi- Hti.-l; Islund.Yir. ftinin lino highway: I*. .Surfacing the highway from Meadow-- i> ' lot'mintion • i 3. Building a now road front Plot.' nnmt Spring*. on No. SO, via Monro's Vatlo Meeuim. Rockhuuse. to Pilot Mountain - 4. Building ami surfacing rohl from McHone's g.Vurc. near Virginia line, via Sandy Ridge a-nd Di'Urd to Pine Hall. 5. Building new bridge over Town Fork .it Walnut. Cove. Federal funds to he allocated to the above project* will he extended through the channels of the State >• U HW'W.&y ami • Puhljc.'.Works Com «ni»»ion. It is 'understood that the Hanging .• Rock and Seven Island ford pro jects will he constructed through •the it. F. C. agencies under the 'head >' relieving unemployment. A* soon a« th've project* hav-» ->oo'i • I whipped into shape so that they may he otth-i illy recognised a* -publie. fo ids .Jhc jt will he takeji over hy the state authorities. At th if lime they -nay he el'gihle for f'-dei-il. -Id. i Death Of Joseph Martin Joseph Martin, a prominent *'c it. i*en and farmer of Peter's Creek tbwn-tblp, died at his home near Tgvwsonville. He was aged about 75 or 30. Mr. Martin was a good citizen, and \vi'l be mimtcd in his community.' i lie was the father of Roy Martin, and Mix. Mrs. Shores Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Martin, who have b'en .-pending several month* here, have returned to Wil mington. where Mr. Martin has ac. ccpted a position. Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday June 21 19:13 CARR STEVENS IS BADLY HURT l>lsTKi;»lNi MCIDIAT T«» FOR- ' M|-:it STOKES IStIY NEAR t'tll.. I \\. Gl II.IORR cm'XTY CRI SHER AND MXNGI.ER HY Itl'N \W \V TEVM. MAY NO V Rt:t OVER—\\ \ - INGXGIR IN II \ l 1.1 N't: IP WHEW—RI:I.\. TUI: op p. M. STI:\ I:N> \T ' llMill ItV. i'.i rr Stevens. "3. formerly m St'iki-s. \\:i-- badly injiit'e'l near fix. Guilford I'liiiity. Friday, when the t' - am he wis dr'vjne. while hauling "heat, ran (iwn.v. Stevens ' was thrown from the u.T-'nn and 1 d rigged a ilistanee of nearly 11111 yards, the wh-ol "f the wagon 1 passing over hi- IMidi . Thirti n hi.- rjh- were lv k n. lijs lung |dev •- ed. lii-• right, eye dc-siroy- d. hi.' right shoulder broken. He w.a picked up unconscious an'l «|>ii--K'. curried t" a hospital in tlreeiishiip , ■ "li re his i-,,ndit ; on j. rep"-rtcl n' Inn ho-pele.-'s. Tlie unfortunate young man is a sun "f t.he late W.iper Stephens, who has been dead a f-w years. "Ini removed some y-eat's a-i> witn his family from Peter's Creek town chip, near Dinluiry. to Montgomery county, where Mrs. Steven-', the widow, now resides. Can- is .a nep. I hew of P. M. Stevens, of Ilanburv. He lias recently been liv'ng on th • farm of clay Ttteker, in Guilford county, near Colfax. I ! Seven Island Road The inunty or state highway forces are a; work on the Seven Island road, using .a number of hands, a tractor and road mach'Vne • This road, which leads from Dan bury to Seven Island ford 071 Dan river, will emerge in Peter's Creek township at a point near Mnid r Priddy's garage. laMd'mg from the river north, ifi will traverse, the shelton ridge. This road it is mid will decrease the dißancfe (to tjie county seat from Sandy ItVige and northern •parts of the county, some three or four mile's. Death Of John M. Tuttle John Martin Tuttle. 75. .passed ! away last week at his home near "Walnut Cove after an illness of more t.'han one year. Surviving are 'the widow: three daughters. Mrs. J. M. Alley, of King; Mrs. A. W. Staley, of Greens- I horo; Miis Elizabeth Tuttle. of Wal. 1 nufi Cove, and three sons, Frank O. I Tuttile. of Dennjson. Texas: James C. Tuttle. of Forth Worth, Texas: and Samuel R. Tuttle. of Walnut 1 Cov e . Burial followed In Stokegburg M. j E. Church graveyard, at Walnut 1 Cove. 1 Death Of Mrs. John H Voss 1 1 Mrs- John -H. Voss. 43, died at Waterbury, Conn., last week. IShe was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | I A. S. Vc*-s of Mountain Vtew, Stokes county. s i TO LOCATE AT COUNTY HOME FROMON CHIP t>F TUll 111 NR. RICH MEN. AM. WMiTli. TO HR poN-Titrcn t» !.MMI:RIATI.i.v —l it! t > PIIOt'H.TV TO H(1 |\|Pl!'»\ ! !> I'IR>T. The I it-'", tie i ti c Pi'ivliii-nt 1 U oseve t'" "• !'• -i"tl • 1 in:a'l" tied in Sti-ki'S. v.!!: he |- -itt-.l oil the 1 ''utility li'-tne firm, TN-l MM: th- ' • amPet's are I" he .-ill wiii'e. and not ( I-- -: "t'l'.l. as hitil '• m lit fir-", ill li- ; '■ ' ted ( Everybody wonders what "erosion i-imp" me'its. and \v- are t"ld tliit ; i: means "land saving." 1 Ki'oa'on is defined to l'o a we irin t awav. W.- are t" lie snewn iirm-tie il in.-,hud- of preserving the s"ii. and 1 aiming tiie way. a"e tcn-u ing. ditct'. img. dr.i pin-. etc. The eeunty home t 1 in land i-' the first example. This ern.s'on 1 imp is to a-.-mn. iniiil.iie men wlm "ill rc-eive (-"inle-n.sati'-n 0 f sl.llll |».|- (! a y each. "it 1« rail read fare, clothing, iiosi'ilal '•ills provided for. The workers en list for a period of six months. 't is part of the government's gigantic plan of relieving itnemplov. nient. All tlie camps throughout 1 t.iie country are -supposed to gjve wwk t M 2"»0,0IM) niA-n. Death Of William H. Nunn Funeral service for William 11. Nunn., so, well known resident of Frano'sc-o section. Stoki>» county, who died Thursday morning after an Illness of five years of paralysis, was held fi'-'tn the h-mie Friday at J o'clock, with Rev. J. W. Brown and J. H. Hall ofticiatlng. Interment wjs in IDII t'emetery- He is survived by six sons and four daughters, J. M. Nunn, of Trinity: L. M. Nunn. of Meadows; W. C. Nunn of Arizona; R. A. Nunn, of Oxford. Cal.; Clifford Nunn. of Man agarola. Cab: and V. S. Nunn, of Francisco: Mrs. Joe Hill, of Fran, oisco; Mrs. Nat AVard, of King, and Mrs. Frank Hill, of Peters Creek, Va 1 Services Next Sunday— 1 Communion To Be Observed Rev. .1. B. Needhum, pastor of the Danbury M. R. Church, will fill his regular apitolntmcnt at the I . , jDanbury M. K. Church Sunday morning at the regular ho-ur, 11 o'clock. The sacrament of the I.oisd's Supper will be observed at thi* ser vice. In the afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. Need ham will preach ait V.xde Me dina. and will preach at the Dan- 1 bury Presbyterian churo.h at night [of the same day. at 3 p. m. I I ' Marriage Today. ' Dad'* Smith, aged some 75 or 80 years, -and Miss Pearl Cox. 29, were united in marriage today, Justice N. 15. Wall officiating. The friends of both the eontrao'. ing parties extend good wishes for a long life and much happiness, Joe Alley, of King, was In town Monday. WORD OF WARNING - FROM MRS. FRADY I.ARIES ARVtSF.It Tt) jslll N so. I Mt.t.R "FANNING POV.RI t; . V lilt II ARE I Nil! M.I it! t I.— MRS. I t; \RY \\ ! 1.1. Ii I !.P .soi.A i CANMNC Ell ' r I tepo't(-! ■ Since working in the county I til- I many I'c'iph 11-e the calU ' "canning I'owder-" in ''tinning fend ' especially those imnaeid foods. • • 1 as I'CUP-, corn, v •'.. t tin.: are mere dilli- iilt to save. It Is net ad\i-'ubie te li e tlie- ' 1 powt! i's, they are tindesira l, 'e fretn 1 the st-iudpoim of heal h Any women in the ininnj who or" having- any kind of i-aiiiiing tire'oleic -ueli as not lieiitg a'-le t" i-an .- tain vegetables so that, tliev "II keep, i'' t Hoy "ill let me know tip. fact, when they are re tdj to • if they will write m ( . ami tell me : where they live- I shall he g'-i.l 'o so te their home and help them. 1 mi here to help you. c«li . n me. ' Addre-v me. MRS. RKFI.AII l'R(il'ST FRAPV (•emianton. N. u. State To Share Again In Federal Aid For Road v , Raleigh. Jii'no 15.—Federal aid funds for read building in North Carolina make possible an early start on the construction of 14 North Carolina highway projects on ' which low bids aggregate elightlv •over $500.w00. The release of these funds in th" state was possible by the lifting of President Roosevelt's ban on ex penditure of emergency federal aid fundn. K. R. Jeffreys, chairman of the highway and public works depar.. merit, w«s informed -today by tele, ■phone by the federal bureau of roads that government funds wii|l tie available at once for the deferred projects on which bids were receiv ed on March 23. Chairman Jeffress M'aied that b would' .-end instructions to the suc cessful bidders immediately for starting -their project*. i i - ■ Returned From ! Pleasure Trip After spending two weeks .it Washington. Baltimore. Philadelphia and Atlantic City, Sheriff and Mrs. J•' John Taylor and children, Angela and Nellie Rouisc. and Miss Marv Taylor, returned, home Saturday, reporting a delightful trip. The party was accompanied home by Dr. Spottswood Taylor, a brother of Sheriff Taylor, of Philadelphia, tvh > will spend several woks here am] at Wins-tonJSltleni visiting relaf inl and friends. Contract Awarded For Surfacing Lawsonville Road Contract has been let to the Elliot Building Co".. of Hickory, for sur facing the Buck Island-I«awson\y,He- Virginia Line highway. The price was $23,000. Work will begin at wnce- AT CHAPF' Vt»*® JUN . - > and 2 ' INs'l'l ill! lif «,(»\ I RNMENT' 'I ! > ID I!. »11 |-tr; i-, ! ' . t I \i N i Ii R\ lit i't.t -FN I'M i \ ' I'll iI i IF- « H I) \l t"N. st (>(» t-. ( (li NT'i . R 1 N . ' . 111,- I" ' :; Th >( ck -|- ' l l .- ■ I ■ ill i ■ h ! : -•- II • . > - t. ;.ee' me l ' ■ 'he f.,| ■Tic e1 - ii. -(. s I 'l' i xt'lain U'g 1 iti ii "t th 1 :•:::; 'Joni"-;:! \s-em' a t*. II ■: . i- 'linty iini . e i ••'! . i:.. - ■ T(. (• !-| i ii 11 • i U--i-1 i i'l'l '•curing - a'c '■ «l lie :;1 g"'.'er - tie if 11 • iii '- 3 . Te to "in ~- -' o (• \-!i, i' g e :«!• ' • ■ ■•-. -iiii ei' iolt.-lli -•( ' " cell -1 !;• • • .- 'if -•:••(• fill ' Iff i . •]- J'lii! . >tens I 'art i' it'll' II ill 'lie di -Us.;. - - wll '•(■: Goven I i irg ii an-. 1..e r . Gov. Graham. Speaker llarri- A .1 .\i 1 x"*"!|, A" • (: t- i: .■•limit 1:. t:. Reynejii . .1 \v 1: ~v. 1;. 1. I'■ aril- II .111! 111 her-. 'ii-- tips 1 ' "'li itt'ending and p irtieip (ting wi|l t.f !.egis'at jve of fleers: .l-iidiestrj eft; - . : I'ro'se- i . ing olTu'er.-: ('utility ••einmiM- ••• (~ : i'cun:.v at'orneys; Sherili's: Regis ters '»f Deeds; Prison "llicin'.-. I'lcrks. Klction "tile: 11s .11, li .'ill lithe,' 'i ! - zen* interested. All county nilicers ire urged to attend, and may send in any iiue:;- tlons relative to recent legislation to Albert Coats. D : rector of The Insti. tute of Government. Chapel Hill. N. C. Reservations for rooms may be made at SI.OO p.. r ,)., v . Meais wiM he 30 cent*'. 1 A. R. PHILLIPS j I Boys In Camp Enjoy Outing At Vade Mecum Th-- 10 hoys at Made Mecum Spring*, registered f«r the period «-f Canip Cheshire, are having a won. derful time, and are- reported finding the activities there beneficial, both (physically and mentally, rei>ort-i th" Winaton-Saiem Journal. A helpful course of instruction by a select faculty has kept them em ployed and a portion of their time is made i'enficial through recrea tional activities. The hoys "pre "weighed in" at the opening i-t the camp Monday, and the program, hacked by the "great eat- provided with lite instruction Of Mist Elizabeth Henley, dietitian and with .the cure of Mj S s k'aihJe-f 11'HVZC. registered nurse, the 40,v,- are .expecting to h- at the camp wtui ord for g ,i n jn weight (held .by the girls camp of | year—much to their dlgustt as w-II a * in mental development. The camp vc . u . js - n of David Y Ues. director. f'the: member* of the staff, besides those mentioned, are 'Stratum Lawrence. Chanel Hill, business manager, and George Henry. Chapel lliil purchts. ing agent. The faculty includes Itev. n. R. of Winston-Salem; Rev. Frank Dean. »f Wil S0I ,; He V . j. jA. \ a he. of Greensboro; Mi*> Rosalie Wilson, of "VfiftstdKiSiiem." Number :?.781 , ni'] DEATH OF JOHN M '! I'TTLE I ' 11 \!> Il\l ?> T. > \ llfl'l Ol.l» \N 'I U JI'CMi A HON. «• • 1 |) ,« I [.; \|*;* ( |>|s. •i i r ir; - • i . \ i • or si'M. \\ ■ s —"it. in:i>\!ti-:rK vi\ l> t!'» \P. l.\ l.'l !i K m i!'ts—v \>\i i I,\I M:WS, M • • J .. Mr. John. M 'I .• w! -I M tl'P.ri. * '• v , '■ >i| a. :■ j ■ home near \V U ''■ 1 ■ Th> . ■' i mo! n riH He i.' I t. he I 1.1 -i : ~1 T1 ' ' "I Mr. T 0 v. as hor. -»i-i i- • .1 ••• al li whom ■' "'! I ll' 'I .•. T!f : u i-, ' "I ' '■ I 'it'-: fun. • r;• 1 >■ I . . .V •■ •! on •' t 1 ' I' a"i li :' • ( fo" ' ''i I' 'l' ! is i'cen ni !i litis., la.h r-.i- J,.... or more, iml ' i• i . ! a ..:!■■ lines. I'l l ■ i.. . •, », .Mrs. .Minnie Alf.% Kj : X o. I*l i 1 ' 'cv T ' • i • • Vil,l; fi' I'"fill'!: '11(1 ' ' es T 1,. ~! 'l'e\ is; M M... i i. X. '■ .Miss I ilir.i In !li 'l' I I'll. ;,!i(j Salu Tin IY ••!' Wi: i)ii: i I iii' irni'i 'l si'i i i-'es w- re eniuluct. i"l l.y Itev. .!. T Kit led~e of Mail;. S"li. ai ;hc liiniie. Alter the services at. the lM"iiie. the Junior Order I'njteil Mechanics. headed l\v M. x. Wheel, er. I'l uivillov. and assisted by Rev. C. li. Hutehis'tn. t'haplain, con cluded the services at the grave. The Pallbearers, composd of mem. berg of the fraternity, which Mr. Tut tie. the deceased, joined fn 1907. were Messrs. JJ. F. Johnson. It. (}. Tattle. 0. A. Hensdalc. 11. R. Mr. ( rhetwon, John N'eal and Charlie TnMie. _ ir. 4, i I Quito an uproar was created on Suiiwnjtt Avenue about s;3O p. ni , fnndav evening, when two beggars Proceeded up Sunt mitt Avenue bwg. ging rations from th e various homes; and finally arriving a t the home of l>r. i*. A. Holsabeck. it. wiih re ported, ticok their scat in »ne ef 'he automobiles of Dr. llelttabgch. and prepared to travel in comfort. Hearing his car in' t.he act of start ing. the Doctor repaired ijuickly to the scene, only to se" the heels of the two culpri's bidding good-bye. Married At Hillsville I Mr. and Mrs. I). R. Kulk of 1'ilo; Mt„ announce ''he marriage of thejr daughter, Annie- Ruth, to Raymond l. Thomas of K n?, The wedding '.a-, soloni-. zed in \'a ( t^atitrd-av -corning- June 17. 1933 at k o'clock.. ,^T"S,V r !*>,.tl-e daughter of Mr. and M r.t. D. R. Fu.k of Dcm. Vf , Pilot Mountain, and a recent grad uate of the Pilot Mountain High School, she is a popular member of the younger social set of the town. The bridegroom Is « nattire of King, and a graduate of (Stiilfcrd Cnllegc. He is the son of Mr. and Mn«. O. W. Thomas 0 f King, and a member of the faculty of the Stoneville High School, where he is instructor in English and history. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas will be at s home to their friends after' June 20 r vJiUt Kiflgv 'C ' Y,t'