THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 61. Suicide Last Night j In Upper Stokes; Woodrow Montgomery Ends Life- After, Disappointment In Love AHair===Used Two Guns In Fatal Shots. i Woodrow Montgomery, aged 17, was found earh' last night, near Asbury, dead, with two bul- 1 lets, self-inflicted, through his breast. . By his 'ay two Owl-head pistols. Circum stances i id that the unfortuuate young man had died me of these guns in each hand, firing two charges into his own body. Sheriff John Taylor, being notified, hurried to the scene. A jury was summoned, composed of i F. H. Chilton, Frank Christian, Will George, G.I L. Coin, T.J. Hudson. Sam Lawson. Dr. Spotts wood Taylor, of Philadelphia, acted as Coroner., The coroner's verdict was suicide. Young Montgomery, whose home is at Claud-; ville, Ya., has recently been staying at Bob Slate's near Asbury. His parents are dead. Has sister, 1 Mrs. Susie Coins of Brim; brothers, Pate Mont-j gomery of Fiancisco; J. D. Montgomery of Pin nacle; Chas. Montgomery of Virginia. TO EXPLAIN NEW EX-SERVICE LAW, KKl> CROSS OIT'K'I \l ITtOM WIXSTOX.S AI.I'.M COJIIM; TO STOKES roll CONVIMKMJK OF KX-SEKVIUE >iHN—i N i» i: u ECONOMY ACT. MANY I'EN. sionKits to hi: ( I r oi k—aiiss HICK IKY TO IIE IIKItE JULY 8 IVD IK. I I Mis* I.ina Buckley, execuMve sec retary of the Winston-Salem lte-l •Cross chapter, will l>e at tl»e court hou-e in Banbury on Monday, July S. and Tuesday, July 18. Pur the Convenience of ex-service men who desire 'to be informled (regarding their eligibility under the new pen sion law ■ , Under the new Economy Act. Mi»vi Buckley says, many men who have been drawing benefits from tlie government will ►ecdive >heir Oatt checks on July 1. It is explained that many of them have disabilities which they have never been able to show originated in service, and l>e Mu*e of this fact have been draw. Ins under a non-service clause of the law. Under the new law the entitle ments are greatly chinked. Miss Boaklay points out. and she request* the Reporter to advise the ex-aervice men of Stokes county as well as their dependents that »he will be J glad to have any of them consult tier at the t'me «h« will b« in stokes. . On To Seven Island Work Hi driving ahead on the road to Seven I»land ford, an'd you c.nn now drive to the river bridge In your automobile with pleasure and ease. Try the new route, and see an entirely new country to autoni >. hilUta. ' Superintendent E. O. Creak man' with a squad of convicts and using i a it rant or and road machine, is doing wanders to this hitherto inaceesib'.e. territory. Ab Benton, colored, shot and kid 1 ed a largo rattlesnake near the pub. I lie school building |at:t week. The reptile bore 8 rattles. Established 1872. Birthday Party. i I Mis" Nellie Joyce on T'ricl'ijy after, noon delight fully entert titled .t numlier of littl" folk at a birthday party in honor vt Josephine Pepper's seventh birthday. 'lifts were presented on th" porch arte,- whi' h the children assembled on tlie latvn where they enjoyed a number of games | Misp Joyce then called tlie child, ren into the dining room where a ■color scheme of green and gold created a beautiful setting for the cake, which sat in the center of the table bearing seven yellow candles The cake was laitor cut and served v|th ice cream. After these refreshments th" children went back into the yard where, while playing another game, a note from the Birthday Fairy was found, which told (them to follow n trail which she had left for them. This trait led around (trees, up to terrace, and in all directions, and finally led to the summer house where each child Pound a souvenir ■lnvjted guests were: Josephine Pepper, Pauline Booth. Joan Easley. Virginia Joyce, Maxjne Nelson, Loi s Stephens. Nellie Louise Taylor and Mary Ann Webster. Francisco Items. Francisco, June 18 I Surry oounty has a county league ■hall club. The league started Sat. urday, opening at WestfMd with Level Cross the visiting team. Final' score was « and. 2 in. favor of We«t fleld. There was preaching service at State Line Church at usual time 11:30. Elders Brown and Priddy preaching. Tw 0 joined the church. Elders Brown and Priddy also preached at Frank Wright's Satur day night. I Wheat $t Per Bushel, j The golden grain is pdaying around $1 now. having trebled j.i ' price in 90 d-iys. j Western wheat growers are eat. ed. 1 Danbury, N. C., Wednesday June 28 1933 BAILEY'S SPEECH AT CHAPEL HILL om.v «i\i: «>i Tin: ;i:i;\t ,\i». MINISTKAtION «( >•.( lies 11 t s | v i: r m:i:\ itt i\ thin. says Tin: si.\ vn>K I Till: "l >lll-1 It: II «;o\i;it\. >li:\T" ATTTNIIi II |}Y MM. Ill;it >l' IAM \l. ill I i I Its AMI i I'OI.ITK IANS. I I Si lie Set: I'll- S. ;j':,,fi- Spttp-icr. sheriff .1. ii *l*iy 1 • .»•. s. 11.I 1 . t chrlsti in. Wm. Al trshall uml ltolur Sin.: h :mi• • ii'.4 tli> Stokes li-ers :m.! ii.ili iiiatis who attend 1 ■ the "I u.-'tit ir» of i lovcrutitcni" chapel Mil] i.ts' week. j The "I n-jit II • Cnverntiie'. " ■ Hiii- i meet in.-. • ajiyd In Sta'e oi- ! cM'laiu " ■it in- :: ..| ]h . I -tie. I' :• .I, |!; „. .. I . , '«' '••• ' ••Illt.V lllli'CS 1, _ 1 Hioii • -i" if s;i eh ilimijil j-i. ••I'll 'y ei'a i i. | Tile i-hii'f fe I'.'tio he occasion ! ir.l.i :i 'Pcc'di hy Senator .1. W. Ii 'ile.v, *■' h" delivered i ni'isterfil ;illress whi'i'li for hoimht, depth clarity :in.| ch oucnee wji- i "• no: in i oil hy many of t'-t dele-' ite to >.' one of the Ki'Cllt.M Mill! ft "■!••. S l(.y hml ever hear'!. I'l'intinir out Ihi". the»v pad been no inflation in the eountry and that only one cf '-he measures in ilio administration'* pro strain had heen put into effect tm date. Sen 1. tor Josiah W. I!ailey. declared that the t«o irreat reasons underlying: the improved eci'nonii" conditions in the country had been "America's so- ing off the gold *t indard and Pres ident Roosevelt's driving fear out of the land l»y put ting the mas psy_ rhojosy of America into reverse from fear into hope, confidence and cheer-" Representative W. B. I'n»s»ead. of Durham, presided anl Repre sentative* U. L. Doughton. 0 f Spar ta. J. Bayard Clark, of FayetteviUe and Walter Lambeth, of Thoma-- vjlle. spoke on the same Program, inaugurating the practice of bavin* the state's congressmen meet with its City, counity, and state official* to discuss and interpret new national legislation. senator Reynolds. Rep. resentatjre Hancock and other mem. bers of 4*e congresston-il delegation had a'lso eapected to be present but were detained- The morning was consumed with the continuation of group meetings at which the different associations of public officer* and private cl-tieens discussed pertinent legislation of the 19SS assembly, surveyed larft year's work, and perfected an ambitious program for ne*t year. • Following a masterful prewnta. tlon of conditions and failure of or. dinary methods, the state's sena tor sketched the radical emergency Jegt-sjition which was adopted, with its great programs for relief and public works, then set himself to consider the Implications involved in a Program of legislation new *o' American governmental theory-. When the United States threw > tfie last of its tlnanclal power into the situation." Mr. Bailey declared, "the government assumed the ro-j sponsibillty for the welfare of t tier- I American people." fi VVIN STON -SALEM IS INTERESTED TWIN t !TY MAN. I'OI'.MIK Kl-:s. iih:nt or stoki:s c»i nty. \vi!iTi:s with I:i:it:i:i:\ i: to !'i:orosi:ii ito\i>s to iti-: i'.i ;i oi: si hi'.\«t:ii in this 01 viy —I'OMiS WOt l.l> I'ililMi IN .MANY YIKITims TO OI K VOI V. TAIN Slit'TlON. A prominent c'tizen pf Win*t"ti. S tlem. w liii was a furim r resident if Stores coun'y. and who is very much interested in the pr"pe i road improvements t r stoke* writes the lteput'ter as folions: "JWitor lleiiorler: "1 have noted with interest your t'ef -reitees in this week's Itep' r'-t In lie the pro-Pe'tivc rout imp ovc. ment :| "d iiuildjim campaign in Stoi; s County. "Kacll proict 1111-1 ■ 1.. ■ 111' 11 i- a tm rit"i'."t:- on . and anythinsf v. . may In- ai'le t' •or•ay in fur'lie an f of the improvement f s. •!. county I'oails wil] lie u iw ■ *ns .-vr. i««. "I am especially impressed with ">e prope-eii road from J'ieoitioet Sprtnqy -to Pilot .M • oin,Uiill, aluii ihe Xorth side of the uu'iiuain ranso. 1 al*o lielieve. once tlte road leadinst from Meadows to tJerman ton is re-traded and made a snivel and tarvia road, that the road lea v.. in« this hichway ai>out a half mil • north of the old Itogs Store, should he made an early project, running ah»nK the south side of the mountain ranste, via J'la.l Shoal Church, K. \V, Carroll's. Quaker Gap Church, Ca Pella, Hanew I . M. I', A. (*ump and intersect the Wjnston.Mt. Airy highway at or near Dalton Station. Such a highway, in my opinion, would draw thousands from the sur. rounding towns for an afternoon drive and would lead to the settle, nient of the section, hy a clas* of citizens who like a nearby country place that gives the mountain scene and at the same time requires lit. 'tile hardship in the way of long drives. "If the road north of the moun. tain cannot be built soon. I believe the one mentioned could and should be sponsored, and pushed to com. pleilon." , Congressman Hancock In Town Monday Congressman Frank Hancock was In Danbury a short whfle Monday, calling on a number of his friend* here. He was on his way to Vade Meetim with his young son, the Ut. tec Joining tlie boys' camp at Vade Mecum. Mr. Hancock was very eothusias. iestic over President Roosevelt and his policies and .the great move. I ments getting underway at Wash ington for the nation's relief. Convalescing The many friends of Hazel, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Potree. will be glad to learn that she has rapidly recovered from the ef fects of an operation at Baptist ho«- ; njtal last week for « mastoid trouble. ft sh J,-*aa brought home Monday. Serious A&fair Shocks Francisco Will Collins Shoots (iid Collins and Mose Lawson==Both Wounded Men Taken to Mount Airv Hospital. Will Collins shot and seriously wounded Gid Collins and Mose Luwson Sunday nignt at his filling station at Fran cisco . Gid Collins and Mose Lawson, both seriously wounded, were taken to a Mount Airy hospital. The particulars as told the Reporter are that Collins and Lawson were drunk and disor derly at the filling station of Will Collins, who ordered them out. Gid and Mose, one with a gun, the other with a knife, advanced on Will in his store. Tne lat ter drew a gun and fired several snots. Wlliaiti H. Nunn. Fiaix'isi'o. .Illlie I s , Funeral services fi.r William 11. Xunn. "i-ll known mdileu'. of Fran. , ojM'o, stakes County, who 1 i.>.i ■ Th'Uiivnluy morning af;« r all illness of | were held ai his Inmie at 2:3" Friday e\>nin« hy Itev. J. 11. Hall. Interment was in the Hill wme. jtery. Active pallbearers- wore W. s. (•eorge, W. K. Collins. It. Smith. Willjam fteoiffe. K. I). Cox. IW. s. HaKer. Honorary: j. y j Cox. U. V. (kilns. K. (J. Coins. John c. Hundley. Mr. Nunn was born in stokes county. July 20, 1850. His age was 82 years, 10 months and 25 days He was a non of the late John a ul Louise Hill Nuan. lie was married 'to Ruth Jane cniiih jn IH7O S l e preceded him in death 18 years ago 80-rn to this hni'Pi «e v e 13 children. lof which 3 died in infancy. Sur viving are six sons, a* follows: J. M. Nunn. of Trinity, x. L. H. Nunn, of Meadows. Stokes county: W. S. Nunn. of Chandler. Anfjj.; R. A. Nunn, of Manzinola. Cal.; IV. S. Nunn. of Francisco. Also J daughters, as follows: Mm. J. H. Hill, of Fptncisco: Mrs, Frank Hill. ot Peter's Creek, Vs.; Mis« Vunnie of King; Miss (k»rlrude Nun.n, of Francisco. There are 40 grand, chjdren and 10 great grandchildren, and one gwa* great «ranJehlld. ■ The deceased was a good husban.l. kind father and good neighbor. FRIEND. Off To District Conference Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Need ham, pas tor of the M. E. Church, and Mrs. W. E. Joyce are attending the district conference uf the M. K. Church at Jefferson. Clyde A* Shreve of Greensboro will preaoh at the Baptist ohuroh here Sunday. Mr. Shreve is a yonrg lawyer and will preaoh in the ab sence of the pastor, Mr* Long. Number 3,782 DKATII OF FORMER STOKES LADY .MUX. WMI.IM: ,S\MH:I,S. AN, SISTER or MISS. i . .1. vorxti, or IHMllltV, Pills VI IIK.II POINT. I''■ •»• .1 v. - i ttU> Banbury u.i. • • 11v' Hi i 1 I'' i t l iMay t-> "II!- a t'-e I •• I • 111 rial .f M • \IV.I-1 no •*■' : *ii tin died '! M-s 1 *!i ii .• • diiUKb. tor Mr 11. v .1. , ,t 11It. I'- !- . Mlll h - !. i.l lii-en ill > w- -.1 . -• M • -i u 1. n Stoke* COUNT;. MI NOV miipi- 19. I\4R., RH; 1! 1 i.-li 1 r 111. iih a t.| Elizabeth Redd! -k Hi- tvuii •nd si-i-ni th-i greater p.-irt - f her lie in lli-.h ruin!. Slip V..-I- rrt-utly lovpii liy ad who knew liei'. Tlip deceased w.i.s a liieiniii'i- of Ihe Primitive IViptist Chni-i-h anil always look an a'*tjvo pari in church work as long as her health permitted. Surviving: are four .--n>. Serae-'tnt A. l'. Samuels, boy's ei-inmis.-ion-r; J. W. Samuels. J. K. Samuels and 1.. P. Samuels, all of High Point; three daughters. Mrs. W.. IS. Brack, ett. Mrs. W. 10. Young and Mr>. H. R. Meredith, all of liitcli Point and one sister, Mrs. Xeal.v Young, of Banbury. There are grand, children and 4!' ere at grandchildren surviving. Services were at the Prim, itive Baptist Churi-h. High Point, at 3 o'clock Friday in charge of Elder Watt Tuttle. Inierment was in the Primitive Baptist cemetery. | Returned. I»r. and Mrs. R. H. Moretleli* and son, Joe. have spent sevprat days at Cambridge. Md. with Mrs- Morefield's aunts. Mrs. U. W. Ret. en and Mrs. C. W. Fowler, after having visited her eriter, Mrg. H. W. Hilgorman and severail nieees. in Baltimore. Mrs. W. R. Ke«r in Greenville, Del.. Mr. J. F. Kir. win at Taylor's Island. Md-, Mrs. C. L. Henry in Wilmington, De?.„ and aieo after having spervt several days at Cape May Beach. Md. An interesting feature or the wa-s a visit to quaint "Old Trinity P. E. Church" near Cambridge. *d«. where the first se-tilers of Cambridge in 1680 are buried, and where them is a cushion o-n which Queen Anon kneilt and a chalic of commtmiom service presented to the church by Qu.x'n Anne. The pillow Just men. tinned may be seen now In Chimgov at th*' Wirrld Fair. Dr. Mort'fieWJ and family returned la.-;: Tuesday from their extended trip. Solichor Carbide W. Higgina. of t-i'arta. in the Eleventh district, spent a short while heps Tuesday.