THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 61. Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday July 12 1932 Number 3781 CHURCH UNITY IS THREATENED IT.OI i> I'OliMS l\ l» It I M I. THE BAPTIST SKIES OVEIt ikhikinai, i»irri:iti.\ i:s TWO ANSOt'IATIOXN IN SIGHT or i:\« ii ritoMi. xi:\t i.i:\i>i:its invoi.veii in TIIK ONTItOVKItsV \|,|, Is NOT IIAKMOMOIS IN TIIK A(iK.()I,D ( i For tinie • the memory of man runneth n«t to the contrary, the Primitive Baptist church ha-- l>ecn a strong. harmonious religious organisation in Stoke-". Surry and Patrick counties, especially. The Reporter i.s iniortned. howev. or. that recently, within the la«t year or two. a schism lias develop ed in this age-old church which has almost threatened to disrupt the usual harmony that lias so long dis tinguished fhs' hody. The differ.m-es. so we are Inform, ed. are doctrinal or fundamental, having to do with predestination, that time-lionored t"net of thi church- The church proper has ai. ways stood hy tlijs Pr'll'ipb', stead fast and iiimovald.'. believing in the ininiutah'c purpose or tie Tee of Clod from eternity re-pectiiv- all events, especially the pr.ordinatiou of men to everlasting happiness or misery. , it i.s stated that a number 01 the younger preachers, among them Klder J. A. FagK. Klder .1. Watt Tuttl«. Elder Brown. Eld.r Watt Pi'Uldy. and others. have adopted a much mere ljiipral interpretation «.t* the s'riptuivs concerning this fun damental doctrine, and that a large following of the church : s siding with the newer dis|iousati"n. Tlie lU'Porier's informant says that Piney Grove, clear Spring, and several other churches have formed themselves, either n"m'nall.v or ex. (pressly. into a different association from those churches holding to the •original and old-time fa'th on pre. destination and possibly other fun damental questions. It is further alleged that T. W. Tilley. a prominent citizen of Pet er's Creek township, and for a long time a leader In the functions of ♦he Primitive Baptist Church in fUokes and Patrick counties, is one who ja foremost in the adherence to the old-time doctrines and faith, and that he has with him a largo and strong following with the cen ter of their strength and activities j». Snow Creek church, Peter's Creek township. The Primitive Baptist church •muiviiers among its adherents a large Per cent- of the citizens both men and women 0 f Stokes county, and any diversities of belief or f a ith among its members must h e of ah. sgrbing interest to practically ail our people of all denominations. I Presiding Elder Poovey 111 Presiding Elder Poovey. of the M.. K. Church, this district is ill i.t i a Mt. Airy hoepita],, and has just \ submitted to a serious operation, j T. M. Gordon, popular cashier of the Bank of Pilot Mt., was among the visitors here thl„ week. DR. GRIFFIN ON 1 THE SALES TAX THINKS IT IS I sT ANI) I V. > I'l>l'lT.Alt (ITI/.IIN Ol' KINO SPEAKS I'ltllKl.Y Ills .MINI». ; - - liditm- It por er: Will you l>e so kind as to publish this brief article touching my views ' relative to the Merchants Sales Tax. 1 ( I think that two-thirds of the Pco i pie of old North Cjrolina are in I harmony with my views. Just why an honee-t. intelligent, consistent and patriotic citizen should help to enact a law so tin- . Just an! so unpopular is a mystery to the fair and logical mind of this i g'»nth' scribe. In the iir*t place, it doesn't re-J quire a Solomon, or a Socrates to see that it i.s a piece of ill-advised. ( .•duplicated, intricate clues, legisla. lilt ion that handicaps the broken merchants of the St ite and a fi nancial burden greater than the eon. earner can hear. It" I.guilty should net only i'- tested in the cours hut th" people should rise in mass ami demand its immediate repeal. It should be abrogated hy puM: t 'con.-utv a.nd l,y public sentiment. It i" tyrannical, crude and luing lt some to say the least. I know of it legislator who sai 1 : lie voted against Its en ut iiient twice and was forced to voto for it the third time. I don't see what could have forced him to vote other th in his honest sctimeiits, un less it was the influence and the pre-ure of tho thai was spent so lavishly during tho I art General Assembly. The law should hive been less I diabolical and p.rnicious if tho l.ccislaturc had exercised a little common sense to have tlxed the per coinage at a flat rate of :i cents Ol the dollar. This would have eliminated much red tape and trouble with economy of time in its execution. This would htave greatly simplified the l.w and would have enabled the merchants to sim. ply deduct 3 per cent from their total sales with little trouble. | However, I guess the intention of ' those wno voted for it was to pose as super men however, it had the I reverse effect which is best express- j sed by using the adjective effemi.' nate. i Its privilege tax, its special tax, its general tax, its income tax and to cap the climax its dog tax, and then some. And if one has any I money left other than theirs they are compelled to pay the Spate— the 'State officials are so kind to Permit one to use it to buy clothes tind food for the family. If the re-1 mainder isn't enough to provide food for them le.t them perish- If the legislators who voted for I this tax had wanted tho merchants of the state to he set apart as tax | gatherers the.v should have, at least. I honored them and djgnilted them wish , the title of sheriff and paid them $2,500 per annum commensurate with the salaries paid to tho State ! officials for the last twen/ty years' I and their Indiscreet and miscellan., eons appropriations that have can#- J ''d this tax huiHen and to have giv en Fred E. shore of King the Mar- I ghall's baton to force 'hem to obey DEATH OF MISS M. MARTIN STOKES cm VIA I. \HY. I'ltOMl. X II N T IN tVINsTON-SAI.EM 111' Si N ESS (ll!(ll>. PASSES NATIVE OK SANIIY ItllH.K. , 1 Misg Minnie .Marion Martin. Its, of Winsion-balcm, well known bus. iness woman, passed away Wednes day afternoon tit 3:15 o'clock at » Winston.Salem hospital. She had been seriously ill for the past tw > weeks. Miss Martin was horn at |S a ndy Itidae in Stokes county, January fi. ISIIS, a daughter of the late J. M.» and Ann E. Brown Martin- She ha I resided in Winston.Salem for thj Past .fifty years. | In 1903 Miss Martin, with h'r sis tor, Miss t'arrje Martin, establish ed the firm of Misses M and r Martin, which was the lirst exclu sive ladies' ready to wear firm :n Winston.Salem, and among the fiiv; in tlie South- They built up a large business during the suijee ding 3 year.-', conducting their business their home at til Hi ave she was widely known in Winstiui- Sah'in and North I'aroljna. jShe was a consistent Christian woman of sterling character and devoted t" her church, the St. Paul's Episcopal, and shed hT influence for civic betterment. She attracted n wills circle of friends not only the business world hocauso of her abi|. ity an.l high standard of eiliics in her social contacts .thn»ui:hout her career of accomplishments. Royalty to duty ami friends was a watchword and despite the on eroachnient of disease she never faileil to take advantage of everv opportunity for service- Her dis abilities she bore without murmo.- and wlun tlnal weakness Is-gan t" take her strength her faith re mained unswetA'ing. Surviving are the 3 sisters. Mi\ A. \ . Nash. Mrs. Eloise Ko.v au,l j Miss t'arrie Martin, all of Winston. Salem, and three brothers, Henry B. Martin of AVinstoni-Salem. I editor of The Sentinel: George J. ! Martin of Portsmouth, Ohio, an 1 W. J. Martin, of Leland. ■ I I | Shocking: Precedent . Judge Hoyle ISink sitting on tha bench pulliing placidly at a pipe, is a startling precedent here. In the audience we saw on e or two fellows reaching for their cjg. arettes- but surreptitiously and doubtful. One old fellow- put in a tremendous chew of black tobacco, but he swallowed most of the Juice. In our Judgment. His Honor must be a man of great common sense, and capable of trying our culpr'tr. with wisdom and Justice tempered j with mercy. I Crops Refreshed By Rains Crops which have seriously suf. fcred from the drought, were great-' ly refreshed by copious showers Monday and Tuesday. the law. ERNEST M. GRIFFIN. King, N. C. SUDDEN DEATH OF WILL BOOZE HI: \v.\s \«;■ AIMM"I* \\l> l.l\ I I) VI lilMi I 01.1.1M0N «>F I \lts VI Mill NT Ol,l\ i: svnituw OTHER NEWS I>l MM.. I —— 1 Kin-, July 12.—Will limine, aae I about "in, ami single was f-jun I dead in the read near hin heme two miles south oust of town Saturday afternoon. Mr ilooxe was on his way to attend a lawn party at Jef ferson Church when he fell- When he left liis home he was in hi- usual good health apparently. A eoro_ ner's jury decided that he dh'd from natural causes. 1 The funeral service was conduct', ed at Macedonia t'hurch Sunday af ternoon at two o'clock and burial followed itt the church cemetery, j A. S. Iloh's. of Washington, I) is spoliating a few days with rcL' atives here. Mr. Moles is a retired railway mail clerk. The King Tigers defeat)''! Youn", Transfer Co.. of Winston-Salem, on .the King diamond Saturday. Score 3 and 2. Mr. and Mrs. I'iersoii Riimiev. of Winstoii.Salein, visited relatives here Saturday. Kdwin II I'arrcll. prominent planter of tlie Xeatmuu section, was a business visitor here Satur. da.v. I Miss Leona I'ulliani. trained nurse of llmh I'oint, is spending her va cation here the guest of her gran I mnlhcr, Mrs. It. r. I'ulliani. ■ A Chevrolet loupe lieiiur ilrtven by Itcv, Mohert (Irilihins, of Win., m, and a IMynu nth sedan with Scales Croincr. of King Monte 3. at the Wheel, collided on th" highway near Mount Olive church '"a til rd ay attcrnoon. A|| occupants escaped unhurt except a small lmy who was in company with Mr. Orihbitys; he sustained minor lirajs. es. Moth cars were damaged enn siderab*y. Messrs. Thos. B. Smith and A. r - K iser have returned from a bus iness trip t'» Washington. D. c. The 8. 10. Mauser Co. are c.los. I '"f their store here within the next . few days. The stock of merchandise j will h e moved to their Walnut Cove store. ' Mack Kjrby has returned from a trip to Oklahoma and other west, ern states. ' Mrs. Ournie Edwards and child, ren. of Winston-JiaJem, are spend, ing some time with relative here 1 Tho following births were regis tered here last week: To Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Burrow, a son: to Mr and Mrs. William Matthews. a daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hooker, a eon and to Mr. and Mrs. O. Ross Meadows, a daughter. Mrs. William Machine, of Oreens ! I'oro, is spending a few days with her daughter. Mi*, M. M \ e w. sum near here. | The King Junior T.easue defeat ed Old Richmond in a game played here Saturday. Final score 3 and :• j Mjss I.ucy Leary. icounty nurse, has returned from Portsmouth. Va. where she spent her vacation with relative. Quite a number of people from j here attended the township Sund.v RECEPTION TO C. C. C. AT COVE M \ Y lit .ItIII\ C. 11l It 111 ltso\ Oi l It 1A1.1.Y WELCOMES Till t \Mi»— l'itt \ M or I:\TEK. T \I\.ME\T. I ■ ! Walnut Cove. July 11 o n |p s t Wednesday evening, at the school n auditorium, the mayor Mr. John J c. Ilutilierson. ascisK'il hy Mr S I.awrence Ma' ltae. gave a reception •* to the civilian t'onscrvati))n t'orps. I wherein the town olllcials and a townsmen welcomed the otNyia l •" members of the staff, anil ih)' em. v ploy cert of the c a mp to this town' and community. The program was 1 as follows: i 1 . Song hy all. America. » -. Invocation, hy Rev. C. M Hutchison. l j 3. Address. by Mayor J. >' i Hutchison, •I. Aililii'sc of welcome, hy I fence Mar Mae i t | 5. Response, hy Capt. Join) Mo. I Howell. I It. Song by all, Rattle Hymn >i 1 the Republic. "• Atldt'ess. by Rev. t> E. Ward. ' S. Addresses by memher of th • 1 '*• C. C. >ll i a' j.-1 ] pilaff. I". Instrumental sic by My. 1 II It. MclMiersmi while the inayo 1 ollicially greets the members of the a '' "n retiring from the au|- ( itorium. i I Death Of Mrs. George Smith ! I Mrs. (leaM'ge Smith, who Uveal with h'-r husband and family in the up per part of Peter's Creek township. | near Campbell old pustofflcc. died at the Stuart, \'a., hospital Moiulav, I ufter an operation. The ft mains were brought to the home in Stokes by Wlson Funeral! Association, and were interreal at , the cemetery near ilia- home Tues. I day. Elder J. Watt Tutfe conduct, cd the •eeremonios. I Mrs. Smith was an excellent w>. man. She is survived by her hits-j band and several children us fol_ j lows: Mrs. Robert t'raddock. an.l j Miss Irene Smith, daughters; undj Messrs. Sam. Hrue. Cobh. Ark, Paul and Hobart, sons. Justice Wall's Court. Monday, Elmer Brown. Col., was bound over to court on the charge of assault and drunkeness. | Robert Smith, white, charged with indecent conduct, was sentenced to roads for 30 days. A prolonged drought in Burke' County has damaged gardens, hav, pastures, ami other crops t> the i I j extent of $50,000, aays R. L. Sloan.' county a "en i. School convention at Mount olive Church Saturday. ! Mcsttamea W. ts. Tuttle and Wll. burn /shouse, of Rural Hall, visitel j relatives here Saturday. . l">r. Spear Harding, of Mocksvillc, wax among the visitors here Sun. day. j R. A. Spainhower and family of j Winston_Salem, visited relatives here Sunday. • i MH)-TERM OF SUPERIOR COURT 111- IIONOK. 11. IK>\ 1.1: SINK IS I'liiMiHM, iiii iii: \ICI-: NO « XM:-. (ii i.\i:■ ■ INII:KI:NT I)|Sl'«>S| I K»N> TO I) M I;. A number ill' (li'. ui. t . cas-cg camg iii' for trial m .Monday's calendar, .ludge 11. 11 uy i«* sink. who i>s pre ■"iding at this 111 d-tenn of |ltolces Superior Court. civil actions, hasti ly pushed these cases to trial re. suiting in a divorce for Walter Spencer Fowler who was suing his wife llrona Wall Fowler. Another divorce case that of I. W. Ashhtirn vs. Mary Frances Ashburn. This resulted jn a iiuick verdict for the plaintiff. Annie U. t'ooksey was suing llallis Doyle t'ooksey, this action ended iu a mistrial, no divorce yet. Mi the case >f 'ordinal Hat Com. Puny vs. .1. 11. 1 ,cu Ue. the verdict was in favor of the defendant, wh prodii.-cd evidence that the debt al leged against him had heen paid to the a cent's plaintiff. An action for divorce was that of Mr-. I- - -I*.» I \|. snell vs. Iloliert O. > s nell. Divorce was man ted. In the aciion of 11. tt. Kennedy vs. 11. .\liticn. Judgment of non. suit was signed. Itex Sniih vs. f!. c. Jessup and Ida .lesstip resulted in judgment Cor the plaintiff. In Archie Kington by his father and next friend. John !. Kington, vs. Mrs. .luliu t'ornel'a I'edninn an I otl.ei's. judgment was in favor of plaintiff. At this writing. Mrs. Ann Hin_ nett vs. Howard I'en'lc't and other* is being tried. E. R, Nelson Makes Fine Catch K. It Nelson caught seven carp j in D.ui Kjvor near Uuck Island ford 1 Friday. These fish were small, none of them weigh nu over lu pounds j aideee. Mr Nelson means no dish. • credit or disparagement to Hence J!• lineluiiiv or ltaleigh Young, er i other fishers of Danhur.v and Sted—, I man lake, as he is not a profession al himself, but just goes out occas ionally when there is nothing else to do. Mr. Nelson says that Friday was not a good day to fish, and that h hopes some time soon to make # real haul when the evgns are right. M. E. Church Services, July 16 Services of the M. K. Church for Sunday. .Inly it! are announced as follows: I At I'ine Hill 11 A. M. Message hy the llev. J T. I'.at ledge. The pastor, the llev. J. 11. Need ham will preach at 1 'avis t'hapel at 11 A. M.. at Forrest t'hapel in the afternoon tit 3. and again at 8 l*. M. Servi.vs will h e held at Forrest t'hapel each evening during the following week at 8. The Kev. w. H. Thompson will assist In. these services.. Fa'vin Aatie, of I.awsonvillo, was here Sunday.