THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 01. U. S. TO RESCUE BANK LOSERS STOKES DEPOSITORS MAY IIK. I lIVE DIVIDEND SOON FROM I.IQI 11> VIED . MORTGAGES FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO IIWDI.I: I'lto/.E \ ASSETS PLAN ALREADY L\ I'OIH K IN WEST HANCOCK GOES 1.. WASH 1 XC.TON TO IHSCI ss PLAN" WITH FEDERAL AL'TII. OH I'll ES _ MAY HE BIG BOON I 1(111 STOKES DEPOSITORS. The following dispatch of July 15 will no doubt provo of absorbing interest to Stokes bank Charlotte July 15.—Commissioner (lurney I'. Hood, of the st ate bank, int.' department prepared today to seek liquidation of the thousands of dollars now tied up in farm mort gages held by closed or restricted banks by a campaign for use of the facilities offered by the Farm Cred it Corporation. lfe announced his plan shortly af ter returning from a quick trip to •Columbia where he consulted of ficials of the land bank an t the federal 'and commissioner with regard to operation of the recent-- (itemlisted farm credit laws. His statement was made shortly after ill-patelle.-, re!a: • ! that ar rangements hod been made for a campaign in South Carolina t" en list the co..iporat:on of debtors aml mortgage holders in a similar move, mint- Previously, the administra tion's cr.'iTif" piaii hail neon officially extended to Wi- on.Cn, Illinois, and lowa. As a first step. .Mr. Hood -aid it survey will he made of til! the as sets of North Carolina banks, in cluding those operating on a no - ma! basis as well as the institutions now closed or operating tinder re strictions. The commissioner said lie coital not estimate how long would be re quired to make the survey, an I that he was unable to approximate the amount represented by farm mortgages in the assets of the banks. As soon as the survey is complet ed. he said, a meeting will be call ed. at which a representative of the credit administration will be re quested to give full information up. on the possibilities of the program. Under the liberalized credit laws recently enacted. Mr. Hood explain ed a debtor may borrow from thu land bank up to 50 per cent, of the appraised value of his farm, includ. ins personal property, and lie may borrow an additional 25 per cent, from the land bank commissioner, making a total of 75 per cent, avail able- -1o illustrate how* the hanks may take advantage of the facilities, he said if a bank holds a $4,000 mort gage on property valued at $4,000, the debtor can borrow- $3,000 from federal sources. If the bank officials or liquadating agents see fit to set tle the mortgage for this amount. 1 the farm owner can borrow* it. and ' Pay the bank, while the government agency will take over the mortgage-. 1 The farm owner will benefit, he explained, by getting a reduction in 1 his interest rate, wheh may h e as low* as a 4 1.2 n er cent., and also ' by liberal terms a* ti the principal. ' Established 1872. WORK SLACKS ON I BUCK ISLAND ROAD . DI E TO DIMINISHING SUPPLY I OE GKAVEI. DAI.I.AST AT HICK ISLAND STATE TIN. ) (.INllElis 11 liltE TESTING OTII- Elt KOI'HCES EI.MOT lil II.D. ING COMPANY MAY Olt MAY NOT EIN'ISII ,lOH. Work «f surfacing the Duck Is. . land-Virgin l .i line highway, which hits been in progress for a week or more, has temporarily slackened i Pending the Htate's procuring unoth. . er supply of gravel ballast. It is stated that the beds of gravel ■ in the island near Buck Island ford, based on the sufficiency of i wjy.rh the State let Hie contract for surfacing the road t> the Virginia line, to tb»* Elliot Building Company, have during the last few days either rapidly become exhausted or have failed t> the ext.nt that other sott-v ces must be developed at once. State Testing Engineer litl-cn of Ilaleirli is here this week assisting in the effort t" find other availably source* "f ballast. As the Elliot Huildin- t"tutipanv predicated its hid for the surfaeing on the Stale's assurance of a sit:', fit kn y of grave! at Buck M m,!, ninl allowed n•• eoiiililjotis* a long, i- haul, it i-- generally presum. cd that the Italt wa y depart men will have to pay the eontraetor f" ' the extra haul. otherwise there woukl bo ne'essttrjiy be a re-letting of the contract. I!" a! .Movie Romance of the l'l_ - . . rot.11 Actress I'at'i bter. Strang r' Than Any Port Her .Mo:bur live*, flayed. Head About it in The American Weekly, the Magazine• __ I Willi Xvxt Siiiithty'« Unit! more Am print n. Du.v it from i ymil' i ivori'e np\\ .-•deal. 1* or new.-.! b"y. I For i n stance, the commissioner pointed the law provides that no payment of principal is necessary for the first five years, a provision that transforms a technical lo.year loan into an actual 15-year loan. .. Washington dispatches said a corps of expert appraisers would ho sent into South Carolina late this month to expedite operation of the plan. Mr. Hood expressed the hope that preliminary details In North Caro lina may be disposed of In time to have this state ready to avail itself of the services of the appraisers a* soon as they have completed their work in SoutK Carolina. LATER. ; Congressman Fratfk Hancock, who is in the state taking his va cation has left for Washington to take up the matter of early possible relief to the bank depositors of the fifth North Carolina district. Millions of dollars are locked no In closed hanks a i] 0V o r the State of North Carolina where hundreds of banks went down during the last two or three years of the depression. ' while in the nation more than 10.. j 000 banks closed their doors. Congressman Hancock will UA> his efforts to induce the if. s. Gov. ernment to set the machinery of the "Wisconsin plan" in operation in the State at once. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday July 19 1933 KIDNAPING ON > THE INCREASE t IN ItOED DEFIANCE OF THE I STRINGENT I.AWs. THE THAI'. I'M GROWS. Chicago, July 15.—t't'ganized ki.i . n a pet's, America'-- must .desperate criiiiin.'iLs today were revealed as operating in defiance of even the . most drastic abduction laws enact i >d since the tragedy of the l.ind t 'hergh baby. I 111 several states Penalties have . been tightened within the last year to include the death sentence. But 1 the kidnaping wave of the past 3 I months 'has shown that gangsters, [ their beer and liquor revenue gone. • pl.v their tyrannical trade in open i scorn of state and federal author. . itie*. Three major kidnaping* rocked ? l H, li«e hist week. Two w e .*o in Illinois where the abductors face electric iha'r if convicted. The other L * was in New York state, where the Penalty may he 50 years jn prison . In one of the Illinois ulalmt'on-, the UWniipcrs eiimivjtiuded their un see ret (leiiame of the l a w* by re leasing their victim—■ John (Jake the Barber) l*a'*lor —mi th.> main .-tie t . of a Chicago surluirh and giving . him diic iimis f the police station, two icocks aw ay. Tin- other Illinois seizure was that of aged Augu-it I. •tier. Alton hank millionaire, kid naped while State authorities. an gered by the Fa' t-or a.-*e, announced j that a spec'al putVoi 0 f 25 state p.i. i trolmen was ready to pursue the gangsters. ! ihe New York kidnapers seized John J- irt onnell ,|p. defying un ; stair New \ ork's most powerful ; 1 km ratio machine a- they abduct. led the nephew of the political group's two leaders. An c ho of the kidnapers' braz. | enne-s reverberated in the nation's capital, Secret service guards were sent to protect the grandchildren of President Roosevelt. •V survey by I nitcd Press reveal ed that stringent measures have been t a ken by several states to pen alize kidnapers. Third Quarterly Conference At Vade Mecum ! i The third Quarterly Conference for fcho Danbury charge. M. E. Chur:h, will be held at Vade Mecum next Sunday, July 23. at Id o'clock A. M. In the absence of the pre siding elder. Dr. Poove.v. the pastor, the Rev. J. B. Needhnm, will lead , , the services. A number are plan -1 ning to attend and take a basket lunch. I , There will be preaching service in ( Danbury M. K. Church at 8 P. M.. , Sunday. The public i a invited t» these services. • There will h e meetings at For- , rest Chapel all this week, the r. c v. j \V. B. Thompson, of Pilot Mt.. do.', ing the preaching. I , ! — : i Sympathy. - The sympathy of friends here is expressed warmly for Dr. Poovev. j M. E. Church presiding elder, of! Mt- Airy, now ill in a hospital. Dr j ' Poovey has recently submitted to a ' serious operation. '' I lIEATON CROMER DIES SUDDENLY MYSTERIOUS ClltCl MSTANCES OF DEATH CAUSES IN Vl is IT. GATION BY SHERIFF AND CORONER \ERDIFT O \ CORONER'S .11 RY \\ \s THAT DECEASED DIED I KOM NAT. I'R \l. CAUSES. News came to Sheriff J. John Taylor Sunday of the death of Ib a ton Cromer, aged 3». at .Miz a ph. unler mysterious circumstances. sheriff Taylor quickly answered the telephone «* a ll by going to Miz. pah accompanied by Deputy llert Sniitli ami s. p. Christian, an I summoning a coroner's Jury. In the absence c f regular coroner. Dr. K. X. Phillips acted. It appear c! that young Cromer, who is a son of A. G. Cromer, of Mizaph, had died suddenly B«»nie time s a :Uf.lay night, in a tobacco barn, where he had bc;n in the hab it oi sleeping, lie was unmarried. It ml the \ id n'*e showud that li" had been subject in epilepiic fits. II" had lived with his father. A juj'.v was summon,d. compasc 1 '■'* slate, S. P. Christ all. Bert Smith. I:. \v. Birr. \V. u. linker and c. 1.. Carroll. The jury afier '•on*idering all th,- evi'lcnc. remind a decision that the deceased came to his death from natural causes* Lawsonville News Items There ha- been showers the p.ast week which has been a big help to this commuu'iy. The cr..|is wcr • almost dried up. I he people in this community arc having t" go in hiding mi account o" the dust. The new graded mad l's being sanded and the dust i s i torment. Miss I>ecloviee Robertson spent tbe past week with friends and ixd | a lives at AValkertown. Misses Ruby and Rachel Lawstm, of King, has been spending tlie past two weeks with relative* at I .aw. snnville. Miss Halle Spencer, from Teach er s College at Boone, spent ith? week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Gelnn Smith. of - s tuart, spent Sunday with their par ent*. Mr. and Mrs. X. A. Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Robertson had as their visitor* Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. B. n. oakle.v and family, Mrs. C. M. M a be. Mr. and Mr*. Olenn Smith. The tobacco crop in this com. m unity is late, due to the drought that has recently been broken up by refreshing showers the past week. i A car. driven bv Tom Smith of Stuart. V a turned over on the highway between Lawsonville and Danbury Sunday evening. The other' occupants. Glenn Smith a „ i wi»_ feed Owens. They all escaped with a' few scratches. i Picnic. j Danbury Union Sunday School j will picnic at Crystal l. a ke. Win-' -ton-Salem, next Friday. Lunc.h will he taken at 6 p. M. EXPLANATION BY CHAS. M. JONES DEIM'TY CGI.I.EC'I'OR T E I. I. - ABOUT TAX ON MAI.T I.KjEolt-. XVlNffi A N D I'l ilt.M I iNTI iD FItUIT .11 It ES. The It' porter has recoiv-d I'r.uii c. M. Jones. Deputy i 'oliecior of th • Bureau of Internal Revenue the following informatipn for dealers 11 malt liquors, wines and fruit juices, as to their liability for special tax in connection with the -a!e of this product: Purchasers of special tax stamps, at the rate of $20.00 per year, bear ing the title "Retail Dealer in !• ce mented Liquors." may It gaily «i. gaue only in the sale, in less quan. : tities than live gallon* a t one tini". I of fermented inialti liquors of 3.2 Per cent alcohol,> content l» weight. Every person who sells or ofici - for sal* Prmeuted mill: liquoi>. i, quantities of i than live 'a - lop- at one time- but who d"e* imt d'-il in wines and i rmenicl i ; Juices, is tains d'-re'l a w li.»!es ile 'lt'll r n limit lip and. a- such, i- r quired t" purclia*.. a *p,. ~.i t i.x* .'t imp ut the rale of ssn,nn p. year. Purchasers of sp. . ia! : ax .stamps, ■tth - i-ite oi B. mi |,(.|. yen - , hear ing the title "Retail Liquor Dealer'' may anaage not only in ihe sUc m fcfiiuni.d (malt) lisuor.s but also ii the sale of 3.2 per cent wines au l fi rineiiti d fruit Juices, in lc.s- ( u.in_ tities than live gallons ill one time without 'incurring additional liabi lity. A wholesale liquor dealer shall Pa> .8100.01) Per year. Such dealers amy not oii|.\ sell wine- and fer mented fruit Juices euntaiiijag n"t more than 3.2 per cent of alcohol by weight, hut may likewise sell fer mented malt liquors of like strength ill quantities of not less than five gallons at one time, without incur ring additional special tax liability, A qualified wholesale dealer i n malt liquors and a qualified whole, sale liquor dealer can not sell in quantities of less than live gallons with out incurring liability as a ra tal! dealer, nor can a qualified re tail dealer ill malt liquor, or a qual ified retail dealer, s e ll in qu a n*itijs of five gallons or more at one tini". without incurring liability for *p e •- ial tax as a wholesale dealer, Kpecia taxes are Payable on a fiscal year basis beginning July l of each year, and every dealer in m a lt liquors or wines and fermented fruit juices is required to purchase a new special tax stamp effective July 1, 8133. The purchase of a special tax stamp as retail or wholesale dealer in malt liquors or wines and fer mented fruit juices doe* not auth urize the purchaser thereof to trans act such business in conflict with •B.ate laws, or authorize the sale c spirit nous liquors" for~T>everag.,} p U •. PO-t's. A young man named Dodson Jumped from a high t'-vstle ncr Malnut (Vive, attempting suicide "e ... iu a critical condition with broken shoulder, and other injuria. U 'l lm,bal, ly rocover. It is reported he had be.n drinking, and was dl s . | nPimlnted in a love affair. Number 3785 AUTO ACCIDENTS ENLIVEN SUNDAY 1:1 :.isti:k nr i>i i:i»s i;\ii.fy»s • \it i'i ii\s o\ i:ii Twici-: nf.yii MI:\IM)WS. liltl ISINI. ITS IK'. • I I'Wl' ASSISTANT I'l.CItK I or I Ollt I A. ,1. I Alill C '>!/. I.IIHIK WITH I\ It l.l) FlJ*. I'll I'M, Till; AO'IOFXT I'll*. I I 1.1.V IN.II Itl.M, lIOTII IHIIV. lilts \N|) HKMOI.IsIIINTi ItoTH ('Alts. Sunday wan a had day for auto accident*, specially with th»» Ban bury Court house bunch. Karly. about 2:30 A. M., Sunday Register of I'eeds B. Pinnjx Bailey was returning from Walnut Cove, when his Ford coupe burst a front tire and turned over twice on the curve at fleece near Mea dows. Mr. ilaile.v received several cuts about the head and body, and l »ad]> wrenched had*, hut other, wise wns not injured. ll.' was able to drive lbs car hack to Walnut f'ove. where he was attended by a ph> J i' !un. and tlii 11 returned to I 'anbury. I in» cupe was damaged proi.ably sif,u worth. Sunday afternoon, 230 o clock, the I'h vrob t >etl' drive.! by Assistant t'let"; of tli" ' urt A. '"agg, retiint'iu 1n..;, W.iiuut f'ove. c..)ii,i. ,| head-on with a Chev rolet roadster going south dflvi n ly Carlo right near tlie Pyr. tic filling station in Banbury. Both curs were demolished, almost be yond t> pair, while the occupants were both painfully though not se riously injured. Mr. Fagg received several cuts on his legs, several teeth wore d' while he was bun in tlie breast He was attended by a physician. Mr. I-'linchtim was thrown to the Pavement and badly shaken up an 1 bruised- Xo hones were broken. His hjures w»'tv likewise dressed by a physi'ian- Rid:ug with Mr. Kagg were two young men front the Walnut Cove "erosion" catnip, N\»ither wag hurt beyond smut, lies and bruises. thougru i> .|h were thrown out. Hanging Rock Project To Be Resumed Soon .1. C. Carson- county welfare of. ficer and head of the federal relief agencies in the county, advises the Reporter that work will be resume* on the Hanging Book highway by the R. F. C. laborers on or about August 1. At that time as most of all other relief projects in the county will ho completed, the county.wide forces will be concentrated on the Hanrr. ing Rock road. This concentration should result in early completion of thi* project, at letct to tiie extent that the State Highway department will rcrognjie and adopt it as a State project.. Speaking Of Fish. M.Klnlty N'elo'n 'aught a 20.1b. carp near Buck Island bridge In Ban river last Thursday. Reld Forrest and TJeid (leorgg, employes of the road \ Camp, near Meadows, spent a short while here Sunday.