THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 61. CHILD SWALLOWS j LAMP OIL AT KING | INFANT WILL PROBABLY ItK. COVER BEES STINCi CALF NEARLY TO HEATH NEWS AND PERSONAWi OF KINO. Kin*. Aug. 2 The three year •Id daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j Thomas Long. who reside near To-' •bacooville got to the kerosene oil "an and drank a quantity of the fluid- The child was noon un conscious, she was rurihed here where Rooters Stone and Helsaheck treat ed her. It is tho*ght the child will recover. s. W. I'ii Ilia in. wlu> has been an the sick list for several days, 1* able to lie out on the street again his friends will be glad to learn- The King Christian Sunday school went on a picnic trip t> .lames Park Wednesday. All of the los making the trip report an enjoyable occasion. Mr. and Mrs. I'rod K. Shore an 1 son. P' d dr.. hue returned from a vara'i-ui trip. While ->n the trip the:, visited Roanoke. Klkton and End less Cavern. \'a-. and Washington. 1 •. c. A very large crowd was liere Sat urday .ii;ht to see the boxing con test which was pat on by .Tame" Overlay of Winston-Sa.eni lir. Ernest M. Griffin made professional trip to W nsloti-Salem Friday. A calf belonging to Spencer Tat tle, planter residing one mile south of town, was tled 1:0 r some stand* of bees Friday morning. The animal turned ovir one of the hive* and was almost stung t ' tie 'th b.v the insect-- before it could be rescue l by Mr. Tattle- Mi*s Clara I'uiPam. of Grecn*- born, -pent the week emt here the Sties' of her mother. Mrs. .1. S. l». : Pulliam. John .Metlee. of the Civilian Con servation Camp, at Walnut Cove. ' spent Sunday with his family on Pulliani street. The recent refreshing rains have made a wonderful improvement in crops in this se'§ ion. ! Homer and Spencer Slate, of Win ston-Salem. spent the week end here the guest of their parent*. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Slate in Pilot View. Thomas C.. New is right sick it his home here at this writing- The following birth* were regis tered here last week: To Mr. and Mrs- Lin Southern, a daughter: to Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Snider, a daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Omio Ho.vles. a daughter and to Mr. an 1 Mir.*. Albert Phillips, twins. both boys. Riley G • Fulk. who been ser iously siclt at hi* home near he;v for several days, is slightly inipr.iv.i. Mrs. I». A. Walker and daughter Mrs. Harris of Winston-Salem, spent Sunday wiih Mr. and Mrs. Grady Fulk. Paul Owen, of Ruvlin-ton. former. !y of King, was among the visitois here Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Herman New*um spent Sunday with relative* nea r Donnaha. Clilbert Alley, of Hartmun, was Si town Saturday. Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday August 2 1933 TUTTLE EMPLOYS FRANK P. STONE i FORMER AI'DITOR TAKES JOB I IN OFFICE OF CI.EItK NEPER. I IOR I'OI'RT A. 4. K.\;J. As. SINTANT TO CI.EItK FOR MORE THAN TWO YEARS. SEVERS CONNECTION WITH DITIES I ! AT THE COI'RT HOCSE. A. J. Fagg. who was Clerk of Superior Court of stokes County for twelve years, and. who tbousn a. Republican, has acted a* assis tant clerk to J. Watt Tuttle. Rem. erratic incumbent, for more than two years, this week severed his . connection with his duties at the clerk'* office- His place win be filled by Frank P. Stone, former auditor, who has been engaged by Clerk Tat tle ns assistant. Sir. Fagg was recently painfull «* hurt in an automobile accident, and has not vet entirely recovered from hi* injuries- though lie In« been on duty for a week or more. It is not known wlia: Mr. Fogg's plans are for the future He bis long been in oille.'ai duty in Stokes, ■iiul is a very capable otlb'iai He h•* a large circle of friends here who hope that he may tind it conven ient to remain at Ran'uiry. Mr. St'*ne :* a son of Count'.' commissioner F. p. stone. Sr. He ha* lias consider.ibip experience t* tax supervisor and accountant and is considered very eilb ien: and U withal a .voting man of highest character and qiialilirutions. The change in the clerk"- office "ame a* unite a surprise h -re a* Mr. I :t-- bad held his position a> a*sis'ant to clerk Tattle for ah . • two-third.- ot the present ineum. h.nt's term, and it was generai' Mipposed that he would romaitt tin. til Reromhe,-. 1 a 31, which would nnrk the end of Tattle's first term. j Address By Dr. Hege. | Rr. J. lioy Hego. of Winston- Sa em. head of the Forsyth-Stokcs- Stirry County Health Department spoke to '-he Meadows-Danbury ffomcmaking class July 24 on the ( subjects of (loitre. Pellagra and Pre natal care. He stre»sed the fact that goitre was less frequent in sections where iodine was prevalent in the drinking water and he nl*o stressed the care of the teeth and tonsil* in connection with prevention 0 f g«,j_ tre in connection with pellagra, h • ?aid that it was a rare occurrence in a case where plenty of milk w.i* used. He said the motto of the county should bp a "Cow t>n Every Hill." Rr. Ilege also encouraged the women to- use of egg* and vegetable* in connection with pe'- la'-'i'a prevention, lie discussed th symptoms of the disease in detail. Rr. 11. »o spoke briefly on Prenatal care, lie t"ld 'he group about R". l'oilge- a famous woman pliysjopi.i who Is planning to hold prenitil clinics in the three counties' in Hi mar future. Rr. He«e stre--.d the I fact that Rr. Dodge, being a woman among women could do more in this type of work than a man physician. Th re were twenty-five mem hers of the class present and the entire group felt very much benefited by this splendid talk by Dr. Ilese. MANY WOMEN TO ARRIVE AT CAMP | i VADE MECIM NOW HAN SIXTY. ' NINE HIHI.S IN CAMP WO. 1 MAN'S AI'XILIAKY OF El'IS. COPAL DIOCESE COM INO BEGINNING A.NGCST 1.1 BITBI. NESS AND PROFESSIONAL WO MEN INVITED. | Vade Mecuni ha* at this time 6'* girls in camp, these being the jun ior girl*. Following this encamp ment. the Women's auxiliary of the Episcopal diocese will have a 2. weeks' conference under the leader ship of Mrs. John Gilmer of Win ston.Salm. Rev. Roderick Jackson, of Sum ter, S. C.. will act as chaplain. Rev. Theo Partriek. rector of flood Shepherd church. Raleieh. and Mr*. Pai'trick: Rev. J. A. \'ahe. rctor of st. Andrew's church, lreeusboy.i, and Mrs. William (tordon. of Siu-iv, will make np the conference f.n-ult''. Women from all over the di"'e*P are expected t" be in attendance. Beginning August 1 ■"■, the d:o result (•enter will web-uno business an I professional women des ring i jduee to re. t that can 'mast of mountain climate and scenery. Vade Mpi■ ii 11:. it i* pointed out. is is l.situ feet above s-a level and Moore s Wall towers some 2."'." feet near by. The mountain affords spl ndid hiking facilities. An out door swindling poo! toxlnil feet, filled ' ' tt mountain stream, is one of the attractions. tenn'.* is an other. Miss Edna IKmly, of [iiirham aril BaU'lgh. win direct athletic* during the period, which will run two wcks. and .Miss Jps.-io Tlii-m bridge of Hr: onshore, will have charge of swimming. Mr. Va he will dire t the camp. I Walter Francis In Marine Corps Walter (!. Francis, son of Mr. . and Mr*. It. K. L. Francis of Frane'seo, lias been accepted for enlistment in tbe L'nited S'ate* , Marine Corps at tbe Marine Corps , Recruiting Station, l'ost Office ; Building. Savannah, Ga.. and trans it ferred to the Marine Barracks. Pa 1 ". ■ I ris Island, s. c.. for training a«'- I j cording to an announcement recei"'. i 1 ed from Lieutenant Colonel A. B . j Drum. Officer in Charge. Francis j a graduate of the Wcstlleld high ■ I school. > J Colon u l Drum ha* also announced i that a limited number of high school , i graduates will be accepted during I the month of August- Applications • J will lie mailed upon request, i! Rev. C. W. Ervin Rev. c. w. Ervin and his g* -l ' wife cf n: hlc Vol lev visited frien ! ■ | :u Rattbtiry last week. Mr. Ervin >■ : j pleasantly remeinhered here where . j for several year.* he wa* pastor of j R inbtii-y and other Presbyterian .! eliurelie* in the county. I II N'rw Mr. Ervin i* principal 'f s ' Glade V.i'hy High School. Allo- I . I ghany county, an institution of I r great influence and usefulness in , northwestern North Carolina, and • which under Mr. Irvin's manage ment is steadily growing. ELDER FAGG ON PREDESTINATION SAYS 111-: AND KI.IM.ItS TI'TTI.K. HItOWN, AND IMtIDDY AUK ! PUKXCIIING THE MAYO IMM'. I THINK. Klrter .1. A. Paw. prominent I minister of tlte Primitive Kaptist ' church. udvjoeg the Reporter that the rei-ent artiele published by us touching certain change* alleged to have ore it r red itt the preaching of,' , himself, Klders Tuttle. Brown and j I'riddy. is incorrect, and that the Reporter was misinformed. Klder Fagg that Klders Tuttle. Brown, I'riddy and himself an . preaching tlte same doctrine thoti I tlte Mayo Association has always! contended for. and that Mayo >' one anion-; the oldest associations in • the I'niti-d states. Klder Kagg ad's tlitit "we believe in predestination its taught in the Kiltie, and w»- do . not fee' that it needs any props." 1 Kids r Fagg wa-' op his way with his fami|v to itt.s home in Wjn.-t"n. Sa'ctii having been visiting it - nt--thpr nc - Datii'tiry. Campbell's Court •100 I. in II ilrston and Wiley Mans, lo'th I'oloi'ed, were t'' : ed l-'r,. day by .1 list r e of rtie l'ea e |\ t". , I'antphe! l . Thc.-o negroes •• caught in Rii-ktown Thnttday I>epiiti*'s I left (Smith. Mack Wa! and Curl IJay, charged with Illicit 1 manufacturing. They were bound over to court each miller st'ou ! I wh'oh th; v failed to arrange. an l| are held in jail for n{xt term j , "ourt- Roy d nana', charged with assau't . **n his wife, was lipid for court mi- ' I i der a ♦3"it iiond. which he gave. j Monday. I!. .1. UnluMvoti, F!».vd | ' ampbeil. Rose bury 11'itewiHol and j Woodrow Allen, who hid been ar rested for heating transportation ' ' on X. a w. Railway. Kach wi* fined s."> and cost, and failing to provide the fine, all were Riven 3ni . days on roads. Ronie Halloway and Thelnta _ Lowalloy. two young women. tried , for the same offense, were taxed with *5 and eost each, which they were unable to pay and were sen. tenced to work in jail atj scouring, etc.. for 30 days | Hawkins Reunion. i The fourth annual reunion of the Hawkins family will be held it Oak Hidßp Baptist church neat" Ridge Sunday. August f>th. ah rel atives and friends are requested to attend and help make this a b.g reunion. Carry a lons- a well-tilled basket of Rood eats to help make the day more enjoyable. FRIKXit. I Back From Chicago. sheriff .1. .loiiu Taylor and r ; ,m_ r jily returned Saturday after several! ' j tlays spent at the Century of l'r.._j | gross Inhibition. World s l-'ajr. ! Chicago. _ i r 4-> acre hilly farm for rent on halve*, i j Good house - r > rooms. Spring. good lj church, flne people. r a ir treat- j ment. Rells Farm. Danville Road Reidsvjl.'e, x. o. HANGING ROCK WORK STARTS OVER It. r. C. FOKCKS, SFPPI.KMKNT. I-'J» BY STATU CONYHT syIADS, ItK.SKMK CONSTRICTION OF HIGHWAY TO MOI NTAIN TOP —CONCKNTHATION OF LABOR ON PROJECT TO HE ADOPTED BY STATU. I Prof- J. fl. Carson, who is head i of the federal relief work in the county, advises the Reporter that work will he resumed Aiugust - ott j the construction of a road t-> Hang ing Rock, Prof. Carson says the crew of R. F. C. workers who have recent ly been grading the Seven Island road, as well as tlte squad of fed eral laborers on Walnut Cove pro. jpcts. will bp put on the Hanging Rock project. Recently a crew of State high, way cmivi-t- fi-mu the camp mar Meadows, under the supervision of K. •». iTpaknvtn. have been at work on the llanuiny Ro-k t".ul. • It i> I'-arnPil that the -erti-es ■'! 'his for- e w i): pn-iia'l'. lie eontotc- | oil. -|y. state s cN-ic- toil t" adopt tlte Hinging Ro-k kUhwav i . , r :•11'I »• proposition. Tim grading o- th I I;i-:r n- Rock- It glnvay has Progressed well on to. j wtc .1 i ■lx-'nut Cove, v.hih is 1.-, yond th.- il rst mountain peak, f"om lia-thiiry. chestnut Cove J , probably cnitsiderably more than half way to the destination of th's • I road, wh'ch is iite summit know as Hanging Rock. ! I Lawsonvkle News. ! " la.- comiuunity was t sited ;"-'il rains all la>t week, which w is | I | a i-ie help to tJie crops. The citizens are t«kinar the ty- I plioid-diphtheria vaccine this sunt, nier. Mr. an-i Mrs. R. A. Robertson visited their parent. Mrs. R. A. Oakley, of Walnut Cove, Route [Sunday. Squire Tilley's court hoi a busy week last week, disposing of sev eral cases. Miss Declorice Robertson lias as her guests this week: Miss Bessie Oakley, of Walnut Cove. Little Miss Ruth Alice Priddy of Danbury R 1. The baseball team of Lawsonvi'le. under the management of Cleve Laws,in. has been playing several games each week this summer. play, ing Buffalo last Wednesday at Buf falo. Smi'.htown Saturday at I-iw. sonville. Miss Hallie Spencer, of Boone Tea cher's College, spent the week end with her parents at Lawsonvil'e. Misses Oporuip and Rernice I .aw. s"n of t.paksv ; :ie spent the week end with fheir parents Mr. and Mrs. .1. T. I.uwson, Returned From Beach. I'ran-'c.- and Kstelie Humphrey-. j Nell R'ukVy and Mrs. M . I-:. I Joyce h v.- returned from a do- I liuhlful outing at Carolina Itpuch. Ralph Clip pa I'd of Caldwell Conn ' ty has dug a trench silo with a ca_ ! pacity of (10 tons. He says it will furnl»li silage for 30 cows during 132 lavs. I Number 3787 FINE TOBACCO CROP AHEAD KKITIXT KAINs Hltl\(. WONDER. Kl'li IM PRO VKMH\T SAND* RIIM.K C LAIMS HKsT CROP 111 YKARS MANY lAKMKRH NOW CT'RINU WITH SATIS. | FACTORY KKSII.TS. ! _ New* begin* to come in now of in excellent crop ot tobacco in ell sections of the county. j Dixie Wood, of the North View section, here Monday told the Re- I j Porter the crop in his section had wonderfully improved since the late rains, and that throughout Snow Creek townships. espe"ial!y in the Sandy Kid~c zone, fanners report the best crop of tobacco for years. J* r i 111: n is in order, and excellent cures are beinst taade. ' he early corn crop was seriously damaged in many sections by tho dry weather of June July. I James S. Knight •' ucs >• K"j. • 0 f .lohq an i lane K'n gh: was bnn April f'itli 1 \u:t . ta Slokpsdalc. N. C., j and died at his h one near I'ine 1 Hall X. •.. July 3"th 1»33. beins j at that time To years. •"> months and ] I days old. for mor.' than years , has lived 1 n th's community. ,ln r.ooi hp was married to ciennia l.pc Creak man and from tl'Ls union I wa horn two children. Talmadse atvl hnory: w t'e and b.if.ii children j survive him. In 1 !*t 1 lie publicly (' ' I'i si i his faith in !od ;l nd joined i : the «'"ii-: rcuath'ii at l'.'iu- Hall I'res. i byte i-i'i church living a life ever at. •p. cnv'isiei t with the rules of that colli, relation. Nine weeks before hjs passing he had a heart attack which with co -, i. plica'ions eauwd his death, j He pat ently bore his suffering® i «nd told several of his closest friends that the end was near and that, he had no fear of death —that he was only waiting the Master'* summons. He has left us an er. . ample of straight and simple faith, not ofjly in Clod but his fellow man* believing that such was the only way to spend a life here and eter. nity hereafter. J. H. Tilley Sustains Stroke J H. Tilley. a farmer who live* • on the Dav-s place a mile south. , east of Danhury, sustained a s'roka jof paralysis Monday, and is in x . serious conditio*. Mr. Tilley had | pone down to the Held to work j when he felt a numbness and ting . which caused him to realize . something: was the mat er, and h a ! returned to the house where he sat ■ down, on at'emptim? to i -e he fell and broke his collar lone. It was then t«und that he wi paralyzed in his entire left side. ■ Noted Ar ist's "oh «to Model" . ft tvrs. As f :st as He M'irrlef H's MVidels. Their I'aops and Figures j C.o Out of Fashion. Head Thin . Amusing" Story in The America.i . Weekly, the Magazine Distributed t, A ith Next Sunday's Rnltimore ; American, liny your copy from your favorite newsboy or newsdealer.