THE DANBURY REPORTER Volume 61. C. D. SLATE, JR. OPENS STORE N K W MKRCWNTIIiK EKTAR LISHMENT AT KIM. I». C. TAYIAIK CAPTCHES RMi It AT. TLB SNAKK STKDMAN CAR. NEK FINDS A CAR OTHFR NKWS OF VADKIN TOWNSHIP. j King. Aug. 9. C. D. slate. Jr..' : Is oisenmg uj> a new feed store i'l the Tuttle building on Main 9'reet. Cleet Riser. Aghby White. R ay. miond Marion and l>an and Hovle Preston have returned from a f:*'i. ing tri|i r n Han River. They caught •Ihrce tu:tle s . tlie largest one weigh, ins tw-nty pounds and the other two wci' iins seven pounds each. •Old fishermen her.- "ay the twent'-' pound on- was tlie largest one they ever saw. Mrs. .Martha Harding'- .lass the Kins 'liri'-'ian Sunday School Held a . 'ass meeting at tiie home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy .M.; t -- Friday evening. Thirty fiv t . .were present for tlie C'rasinn, A e!ii> ken supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scon born. Sumt. i'. s. are open.liny some time with relatives here. ■I. Preston I'ersnson. prominent planter of the Ran I'-ml sc. ti m. was a bu-iness vis'tor here Sato'.'d . Jmniy s.-liati!.', l-tired farmp, i eanfirned t-> his home two mil .. west of 'owit i.y illness Wil on Drown, of I'isgih Fo>m> ■ ('amp No. 1 I'iviiian 'onservat'mi Corp- is spending a few days witii his par-ot-* h;-re. Mr. and Mr-, Ham: ru'i a r ive their little daughter. Rich live, lyn. nued si\. a birthday p.rtv Fri day afternoon. T.«ii J;:t!*• sir'" were preiien: to participate in the mer. ri men t. The Rins' Tigers lost t>> R.rners. ville on the Remen-viile diamon 1 .Saturday by a -- re .-f 7 and 3. J. E. Xew'suni. planter of th • Old Richmond se.-tion. of KYjrsyt.ii ■eountv, was a business visitor here Saturday. Mm, Charles r. Carroll is eon. fined to her home on Wost Mahi street by illness. i I D. C. Taylor, of flap, was here on business Saturday. Mr. Taylor aiatt J to your correspondent while here that he captured alive Sa'ur day morniny a large rattle snake having tm rattles and n button. Mr Taylor, who lives in the beautiful Sauratown Mountains, captured the reptile near his home. The following births were reg'«- tcrod here last week: To Mr. An I Mr*. Roeeoe Thomas, a daughter; t> Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Liwsr.n. a -. . and to Mr. and Mrs. John Adam a daughter- Newel N'ewsum. of Raleigh, .-pen the week end with his parent". Mr.' and M|S. c. s. Xcw.-um In West King. A 11l ni idel chro-role: touring! car wis f.oiPii j n th-• woods one nii'ej east of town Saturday by s t ,dm,, n j lai'H r The car had been stripped j of i;i ling-', rims, rail iter, l.ti bs an j pi'act:-ally everything movable: even the license plate had been removed making it difficult i 0 find the own er. Officei* here took charge of the' car and stored it in a garage. The King Junior League team de- ' Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday August 9 1933 STOKES HIGHWAY I LEAGUE MEETS! ASSOCIATION IN -SESSION AT COCItT HOISF. MONDAY AP. PORTIONS MILEAGE WMICII , STATF. Wild. BK ASKKD TO j CONSIDER FI LL REPRK. | i I MENTATION PRESENT FROM i I VARIOI'S TOWNSHIPS. The stokes County Highway I.ei gne or Good Roads Association met here Monday and listed about 39 mile* of roads in 'he county which the state will be asked to surface or build out of this county's part of ihe $11,000,000 of federal funds coining to the State under the N. R. A. About s miles of this mileage •* new- constriction in Quaker Cap an I 1 iinhiiry townships. possibly con. ne'-ting the four resorts of Pied mont. Moore's and Vade Meimm springs and the Rock lloiisp. The preuram i>MI l-e put up to the s:at» Highway Commission with a -tcng '«:«! for a more' 'liberal as. staiieo e (Stokes :!■? compared with ;!b i: I'ountjes. . The meeting Monday was eniiv'v r present itive. the following mem bers of lu- flood Roads' Association b. ing present: ' J. A. Joyce. F. P. S o'ne' and 11. II." I!r»w'n. comity. f. i w reive Ma l liar, I'ommitteemais nt large for t'ie ~eoan:y and sec '■- Jury of t'm a~-o«ia'ion. I'r- I-. llaues, fcr Mt-aves Is. • land to'-'nship. R. It. 11 iit-hei-'ii, for snow • '"eek t. iwnslilp. vv • s - Har: for Petri's ('reek t* • "A I! ship. I: H 1.. Francis for R;g Creek tow n-iii:>. A. J. Tal.'ey for Quaker Ha" tow n-diiu. I'-'. O. i., S'one for Yadkin town-' shin. ; i • v - s. Mullican for Meadows township. ( . K. I»av.s for ScN-atown town ship. N. K. Pepper for Danbury town ship. At Carolina Beach A party composed of Mrs. VV. C.. ivtree. W. o. P e :,ree. Jr.. Margaret. Hazel anil Carlyle Petree and; M-irJorie Pepper spent several dasj last week at Carolina Beach re-' turning home Sunday. feated Mount Olive In a game play ed on the King diamond Saturday.' Final score 13 and 10. °. (! - Hales, aged Confederate \derail. wlu> ha* been sick at his 1 ' home near here for some time. lv . ' Min ns Miiite fecide. ; i i- M. Cordon, 0 f po„t Mountain. I was among tin visitors here Sun. day, 1 1 ; Icli' i King, or Portsmouth. \"a . i j s spending a few days here the | '-'" nt of her -si-ter, Mis s i.„ ( .y Leaiv. t Au.srtsn (tamer, of (iuilfoi|i i ative.s here. Thomas ft. New. who has been .»n tne sck list for several days, is ' «'>U' to hp hack at his place or i,u,J | .noss again his friends wIJL t )e g! a d to learn. R. F. C. WORK SNAPS OFF AGAIN OXIjY convicts ark now F.N. GAGKD IN HANGING ROCK GRADING C A I' S K O !' SLI'MP, NKW RIK i (RATIONS CNDKIt N. R. A. RKQCIRK. I MKNT THAT STATIC MATCH *1 FFDF.RAI, FINDS EXPEND. ED WITH $2. IMPOSSIBLE FOR STOKES. j i . Work on the Hanging Rock pr >. ject by R. F. c. laborer" has snap ped off agam. after some - or 3 activities. A large number of hands, includ ing the Walnut Cove crew', who had been laboring at tbe regulation *' per day compensation, are now idle. The cause for the ."lump in this job is said to lie that under late regulations of th.. x. R. A., laborer" inn- t be paid no cents p. r hour, and ♦.hat iii-n:'f i ii' funds in this sec tion of Mi,.. S'Rce R. F. F. activities are available. I.'V.T u |. Macß-je. :h ( . . (.i f pro. ""it r of federal expenditure" f r pab;-c pi (ij- .-ts in this county, b-. been nt work trying to .liver: e'o. amp lit or to what i- - -ons'd. eii'd more lU'Ci -jble nt' tb.'in ■: i i.'s up guil on was'e lands. Although M.. M-ießne hn- I'e'n in .'.in'esponden--.. with nat'on-' al and state officials looking ..-•nidi a cJniiige in :he nrrangi uieuis. he lias not yet 'g" n successful. Th:' modesty of county R, |-'. c. tunctionaiies in their estimates of r-iMiiremeuts for fede'-al ; ,i l ...i | Stoke- projects is widely dcldor o. j in view or :i u . fa-t ihnt this in-i t' •' needs ar- s- sr. a'- ami in con-! sc.c:at•• pi o. toe tact t'ui' there i-*j :i!>• in-l.iii: fedi-r. I aid nvaiiab!... f' v nnd-r.stosi.l t hp.- the 'state I highway deietrtnii nt w ill e»mtinue t-.| 1 allow a certain p-.r cent- of ■•.iiivj. • j labor to ho u SP ,i on t |, e Hanglns Rock project, hut the crying f., r help by the unemployed in th county makes it extremely advi*. al)!*—so the Reporter is told— tha R. F. c. activities should continue. ! New Presiding" Elder. Rev. J- T. Mnnguin has boen ap pointed by Bishop Edwin D. Motiz on, of Charlotte, a* presiding elder of the Mount Airy district. Method ist Episcopal church, .south, for t'v remainder of the present conference year, succeeding the late Rev. w. E. Poovey, who died recently while serving his fourth year in that pos ition. During the remainder of the COM. feronce year approximately 3 months Mr. Mansum will h e of- J 1 finally the prodding older and wi: ' ("•'present the di" rlct in tiie cabinet | at annual confeix'ttee. j : Mi*. Dr. It. I". Hardy and sm: j Ren Frank of n:|ion. s. v., are \ is- ! it ti-; Mrs. s'ailie F. I'epiu-r. Wlikc' passing thron .h U'inst-ui.Si.iciii. I I rib'nd.n'g a few minutes in a store " shopping. Mrs. Hardy had a number : "f valuable articles cf cbuhing s. len from h-r automobile. Workers on the Hanging Rock mad report killing a lanre rat'-le-i snake, with tive young on.* one dav last week. I REV. FRED N. DAY TO BEGIN MEETING _____ l STARTS AT DANUt'KY BAPTIST CHI'KCH WEDXESDAY. All;. IST 10 _ REV. MR. MANI'FL I CI.OSFS MEETING AT MEADOWS j HAITIST CHI'KCH SIXTEEN' ' CANDIDATES IMMERSED HERE S|'N DAY MORNING. j Rev. Fred N. Da.v. of Wins 'on. Salvm, well Known Baptist minuter ami evangelist of the Baptist church. will beam a series of re vival meetings at the Baptist church in Dtnhurv on the niulu of Wednes day. Anyu.-.t Hi. xi r . Day will i>e as sisted by the pastor, the Itev. Mr. Rony of Gerni.'tnton. The meeting will continue indefinitely, and the public is cordially invited to attend the services. sixteen can d Mates were innn-rs. el at the Baptist cbur li here tfun-' day a.- ' fe-nlt of a revival tiu-et in- ntly cloyed a", the Meadows '•apt -t eluirch by its Pastor the Rev. Mr. Mantle!. The ordinance of bapti'-ni at'ininiit. red to the •• imli dates !•■ Rev. I'i-d X. Hay an 1 Rev. Mr. 1. oil! Pas .r of the Alt -u dows church. Death Of Brother Of Miss Net! Binkley .M ss Nell Rinki-y has the deepest sympathy of her Hanluiry friends in t'tf death of her brother .1. W. lsink ley. a-.d -I. wh'ch occurred. at j Charleston. We t \'n.. hospital j Thursday nh-hp of a throat uffe-_ ; t inn er h.r hrather .1. W. Binkley. aae ! j -1, which occurred >• charlest-'wn. .M■ st \a. ho-acta! Tlmr-day nieh' J of a throat affection. M'ss Binkley was summoned t"> the bedside of ti r hroMier by lei •- -tt'aph, and left Danbury immediate ly. I Funeral services were held at the home of the deceased youns man' * uncle, .r. m. Binkley. in Winston. Salem. Sunday afternoon. Burial was' at the Lewisvidle church crave\ard- Mr. Binkley wan born at I.ewis.' vill •. September 9. moil, a son of '"buries B and Minnie Ransom Bin.; kley. He bad been connected with | the Periodical Publishing Company ! for the pa"f three years. He was' married to Miss Wlna Shoaf, of! Lexington. on December 24 t 192*>. « ' He was a member of New Phiiadel. I pbia Moravian Church. Surviving are the widow : one' daughter. Troy Dean Shoaf: hi.s fa-j : tbcr. Charles R. Binkley: three si-.r 'ers. Miss Nell Binkley. of Banbury; 1 and Mis.sen Rucill t . nnj Beulah B : nk. j ley. of Winston-Salem, and on- i brother. Rrne-'t Binkley, of WJn ston-Salem. M. E, Church. r Rev. ,1. |i, Noedhani, pastor of.' the M. 1., church lure w ill prea li j -'it tin second Siiniiay. Auwur-t lU| as follows: I ' I . At Havi- chap. I. II A. M. j At Danbury. s l *. M. j W. A. Southern. Ollie and Fl_ ! dridfje Hicks, of Meadows, were i:i ' town Saturday. I BEST TOBACCO CROP IN YEARS THIS IS THE GENE BAR REPORT IN THE COI'NTY. WITH FX- I CEPTION OF B I Ci CREEK I I | TOWNSHIP IN FRANCISCO AND j W FSTFIFI.D SFCTIONS CORN I NOT SO GOOD AS TOBACCO. | Will White, of the upper part of l Sauratown township, here Monday, told the Rei«>rter tha- the tobacco crop in that section of the count\ is the be«t it has been in 10 years- J. O. Pyrtle says the crop from Reynolds school west to the Surry line is better tiian it has been for years. Farmers of Snow Creek, especial ly n the Sandy Rid-o neighborhood report a magnificent crop of to'ia ' co. superior t" anv:hiiu they haw «i:n.ssed for years. In practically every - t . „ r th(l i-ountv iml.rat ops point to a la rue! hea-y and tin . Exception pos -ibly from Fi'an ■ ~ f Wes'.:':. 1 I which ha- si-tamed a seer droiiuht and the , T • have .»II« >■ f- iiricrcij. '■" I'll Is not n« I e :!;• .. ' I"' 1 ; 11 ' .Jhbuyh late corn and led. •torn land corn is -•h'll- ■ j E. O. Creakman Loses His Job R t'reikman. who ha- been employed by the s; ,t t . f o r po*.ji.'v two years as *uporiir.,-nd- a: of cor.. Vict la «or .n the h'-!n\ay work ''a the count was last I'rlda- m> it'!,- bv District I'll* - nee: V. iStev irt t'l-it 'lis services n r tin State w, re at an end. Mr- Creakman. who was hero i Monday, staled in rosmmse to in-' • 'l'lir.v from :his Paper :!)..t no 'iiarsfes had i..-on preferred a-aln- 1 ' him whatever, hut tha' be bad lost out for political reisor.s. and th U 1 ; be matter was now under invest?, nation by himself and his frb-nd j The Walnut Cove Audit Completed At last i; has been completed and i« on public exhibition at the post office- Its most striking revelation irt the unexpected expenses contracted bv Past councils, which were buried in the fo- of a unique system of a c. coun'inq. Its most startling revelation is tha shor:a-"e in moneys an d bonds. If error has crept in ley has'e In made to lift the truth t> public ~a*e and relieve th? tension.—l-aw. rence Maettae. in stokes Re-ord. Dr. Eva Dod.-e. at tin- month'' n-eetlna ot Mrs. Frady's llymemnk. iriu Class. Mom! iy. . „ (l | t fj l( , h'Fa! car • -•: v aim. si>e enumera ted he fc ds wh : ' h should an 1 j should n-'t be cati n P.n.r ■ nii \ !i 1 the p.lvit:c- uh ' should ... , .! :• md I i which nre harmful. Dr. Ihidee ha«' a'c ilt-'ment.- u c . - . ml a d f-iiirth Wcdn sdny moiu icu at th l'ap!i*t Hospi'al in M'.'ii-ton.Y deiu 1 wlv-ri- she examines pr.vtian; wo. men. she tirsed that all such wi. men avail themselves of this oppor tunity in order to pass successfully 1 throuuh the period. Number 3788 ACCUSED FAILED TO SHOW UP OI.I> MAN JOHN SOITHKKV LI. AitiiK ron novo IN CASK AOAINST HIS SON WAKK.FIKLD, I * CHAItCKD WITH M AIJOIOCS MISt 'HIKF. I.OT OF TOBACCO | MOVKD OCT A.N'I) OKSTKOYED AI.NO COWS T All, WAS Ct.'T OFF —STII.I, COI N1) (TjOSK BY. Wakefield Southern wa» under bond to appear here (Saturday be. fore I'. C. Campbell and be tried i>n the '"harite of removirus a vuan tity of tobacco belonsimr to Hurtlio [ Jbilmer. stomping the tobacco with h:s feet in the road and ruining it. Hut H altpi:(»!(|, who is a \ouiitf man .-•oiiie .)•■ years of me. failed to xhun up. and lbs fath.r. the old man John S»uth r i'n is liable for his bond of ?Bno. Scat hern is reputed to i>a bad for drinklm . and do inn nils, •nie. wb. e or n,; an.l there is -tiinn MtspteVm that lie ir off tho tail "j the nv of P.imer one nisht ' ) a • it die .-'line 'inio the tobacco was destr Mai. .t'Jioiiah there is no j d-i'i" tei i,ieni (i apeut the ow-'s rail. The Si.iithe- 11- are ritixelis of Qua. leer I tail t"W U>lih.. lie j. a!-o Hur dll I'aimer.' th'e proseeuvinft wit ness. It ;s report- d that a still, Includ* in- the ea'p and wmrm and some beer, was also found in the barn of •I" Southern'/lie nhiht of the of of ' lie !til *ll ei. District No. 1 Teachers Named 1 ' w.w.m T covi: men SCHOOL. Mrs. Anne carter. Principal. ieorue Veiverton. of Fremont. , It. s. Marshal:, of (lennanton.• - Mary N'eal, of Meadows, I'.ltia Srtpp. of Guilford county. 111! AM MA It Ult A BIOS C. o. Hinshiiv. of Pleasant Gar-, den. Mary Mitchell, of Walnut Cove. Julit Hairtson. of Walnut Cove. Clauil.a N'eal. of Walnut Cove. Miss Allison, of Black Mountain. N'el! Hutcherson of Walnut Cove. Mrs- Annie Kate Jones bambe, off Walnut Cove. Kmrenlia Itierson. of Walnut Anna Macon Ward, of stoncvillj. PAN'IU'KY SCHOOL. L. V. Hov's. Princit*al. Mrs. W. It. Joyce. Banbury. Mrs. .1. w Hall. Banbury. Matt e Sue Taylor. Banbury. Jan e Martin, Banbury. M liA tHiWS SCHOOL It W. ilovi. I'r n ipal. K(!na N'eal. Meadow's. Iris Southern Meadow*. Mrs. A. M, ]' -Mi's. .1 it. Fa-ter. Walnut Cove. • Ml ' s - l: - 1 Sett, Banbury. It'»:I:l 11 school Alr v . Janie Tattle I'I.XF.V .Mnr.XTAIX Si'llnot, '•iz'.e Adki'is. Walnut Cove. «»ne va' Amy wis lift in the fa cut. ty. ouinu t> the f.u" that Mr*. C a r_ ter contemplates add in,' an agricul tural course to the curriculum. Tho teacher for this course will im rec ommended by Air. Hiphsnilth, of the State educational dopnrunent.