THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 61. MABE-BENNETT ' REUNION SUNDAY A I>ELIOHTFFI, TIME WAS SPENT AT l)\X ItlVEIt I'AltK MAY. OK II I'TCIIEITSON OE WAI.NET COVE ADDRESSES THE CLANS. THERE IS FINE SINOINO IJY DtFEEKENT (JI AKTITrKS AND A (iOOl) IIINNEK NEWS OF • I.AWSON Vll.l/E. Law's»nville. Aug. H. TLIE >lal«e-l'enn«>tt reunion. which wa ht*M at Kin River Park Sundae, ■was attended I'.v unite a few of this •community. Among th- distant rel atives which were there were Mrs. Willis T : -kef Ma'»e, of Indiana: 'illr. >. Al. Dennett. Ketnersviße: • * Drew I ten net t and family. .if Courtney: Mrs. l-dOy Renu-.ti. . 11 i-rii I'iiint: Mil-. Charlie l!e!t"u and fa'n'E. Stonevlile: Mr. and Mt-, Marvin Mal'C. lit'cens'inr ■*: Mr. au*i Mrs. T I I MA-*h; I. sir": Mr. and Mr-. vHI M ihp aivl fa:- i A\'i: ••'.■iti-.-'illrttt II w - cst'mjlt •■! a' l lilt 1 Ws tv n n't'eivlaiii'e. The m:iJ " • t' being d:•••.■ cda: of Hie \\\ it. It-nuet' nvi n Ma' e l':t 1.e.-. M.i.yor .!.>liit llu'. lie's ut. .•!' Wal nut C 'Vi . ciiv a talk which «n- c _ • > Joyed '• y ;i present. A I visit; irs and fr eruls .1!' re', atives wore li artll'. wo'-onie. Sin :e_ was enjoye.i .1 T| .luriie.' tit . 1 da."'. Sev-' al .-011 :s woi'e rendered a 'inai'te't frvnt Keruer-vilie nil ""the N'e 1' iiuaretie from liethl-h." • Jfethodl-t I'htir. t'. jL j> : nur" W'.t.s S*' Veil at 1 ': ,, 0 ; and enjoyed hy ever: "u. . Mr- li. •'. f'realni in re'iiru n thaeli-. Tt. >' fro nds and nlv v.- -A mt t thank Mr. Creai; nan the 1.0 l>.. tft.'tv lie has ji it foi'ili a-' this r . union has hue it held there 'lis In* tw 1 years. The Mali '.Bonn* tt reunion w " "be hold next year, fifth Sunday in _ July, at Kan River I'ark. li hpln; auph a nil's- nlaeo for such an •• '- « a »'on. Everyone seemed 'o enjoy it. Mrs. 11. l. 1 .aws.i 11 visited her Ri'andmother. Mrs. P. It. Voting. Mrs. Char's'-. Carroll and daugh.. tor. Mur.v Joe Carroll, and Miss Nin an Kawson, of King, spent the lat'"r I ipart of the week wjih the f.amllv of R. A. Robertson, at'ending the re vival at Peter's Creek. Miss flallie Spencer. of Teachers College. Boone, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. n. 1.. Spencer. Miss Annie Mae Lawssn is spend ing th s week with her grandmother Mrs. P. H. Young, of Danbury. Mrs. J. ft. Hover, of flt'ocnsboro. •spent the past week with her sister Mrs. R. M. Robertson. who has been right sick at her home dur n ■ the summer, t- P- 11. Robertson sppn- Friday in CiiT.'u 111'o op htisine-s. S l'T'ed Smith spent Saturday n'ghf in win, his .-ister. Mrs. . 7,. A ShePPtiftl If Mr. and Mrs. Rull'h Sbeppard v , spen v.i'urday in w n•tmi-Saleni j S'ltlll'Pllg. Barn of Tobacco Burns John Holding, a colored farmer . liv nit - miles east of Danbury. lost 1 n good barn of tobacco by fire Mon. ; day night. Established 1872. BOXING CONTEST AMUSES KING WINSTON KNOCKED OCT IIV I'l. I.OT AIOI NTAIN THE KTOKK KCSY. WITH SEYE.N ADDI TIONS TO I'OIMT.ATION—NEAVS AND I'KKSONAIS OF INTEREST _ I King. Aug. I'l The King Tigers lust to Walkerto'-vn at W.alkertown Saturday by a score of " and .1. , Mr- and Mrs. 11. I>. I'ulliam. of lligh Point, were week end vsitorw to relatives here. William 11. Holder, who holds a position in Richmond, Va., spent Sunday with his family here. J. Elmer llutledgp. of I»alt w;t- it businc** visit »r here S.oturd 1 '. Henry L. Kirl-y, of Winst"u-Sn. !cm. i.- sji -niliitg a few days here the guest «f b's >'ip. (>. M. Kirhy. Edwin r.mdle. of Winston-Sale: " wits anion- the business vi-it .r'e Sp'ur.lay. Four or five lniiidr al people wc'V i- re >■'t i|'dit.\ n ;.lit tu -ee the l»". in ■ 'Uitcs . The tic -t inter - 0 • i.t-d ( • i tt : :■ lit wa.- het'v'ec ' •I Inc : ll . i'l-. ■ ,':' \\ i "ii-Sal 111 aII i • Fred I'i'toii uf i'l t Muiin aiu. ert.y was kiii' lied out in the fourth isioiid. Anuther me" will he p"l ■ "!• in t Saturday nmht. Tlii King Junior League del'eatt ' • M "int opveV cfaci; n'no 011 tiic Alt tip- olive- diaii 'iid Satnt'da . ■ ' "tv • and ,; . M''. and .Mr-'. P. J Citnile itai\ litta vu'o: . .M isr' I 'lo.-sie C'ltldie, uf Win ton-s'ul. to. stieiit the we k em' w |'i ridnt 'e- here 'i "iu **'*' 11 1 :1 hirth- w' re re-'i tor d lu't'e 'as- week: T" Mr an® Ml'-. Ti'i l'a':-: .lev ■: r. a .sun; t.• ,\l : . and .Mrs. «• ,• llati.-er. a ilaiuhtei'i l*i Mr ami Mr.-. Harvey t'o\. a sc.; t" Air. and Mr*. Bradley Sprinkle, p s"it; t,i All', anil Mrs. Clyde Rennet, a sen: tu Mr and Mrs. Chester Smith, a son. and to Mr. and Mr>'- Owen ".No:--." llondrix, a sun. S. W. Puliiam is ismtlned t" his home on West Main street by ili ttjss this week. J. Allen Cook is right sick at his . home on? mile south of town. Mr. ' Cook has been in failing health for wrote time. Scott Chairman Stokes Re-Employment Committee Capus M. Wayniek. director of re. employment for North Carolina, an nounces the appointment of re-em ployment committees for St"kes and | I Surry counties, as follows: 1 Stokes committee: It. J. Si-ott- | chairman, Danbury: Dr. J. 1.. Mattes. Pine Hall; 11. 11. Drown. King: 11. F. Stone. Pinnacle: 11. It. Mi-' 1 l'luiV'on. Walnut Cove: N. F. i.'hr stituv Wc.-tlleld: Migs I.ain.i Ellington. Sandy Ridgy. Surry committee: It. E. Lawrence., ( chairman. .Mount Airy: 11. It. Swait -1 s'oli. Pilot Aluiinta li: W. A. N'eav J 1 Klkin: P. R. Dowo, 1 .ow (lap: w. 1: Woodruff. Mount Airy; Mrs. A. H. ledger. I'ulison: Mrs. ,1. 11. Fu]ghuui. Mountain Park. Edith Fagg. who is attending summer school at Roony, spent the ' week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fugg. t Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, August 16, 1933 MRS. DOYLE TELLS WHY WORK STOPS It. F. t. I.AHOKEKS MIST BE , PAID THIICTY HINTS 1111 l It. AND ; I V E N TIIIKTA'.EIYE HOI KS wII K li A WEEK— I STOKI'.S ALLOTMENT OF FED. EltAI, CASH WON'T STAND EOK THIS PIHXiKAM. Mrs. Minnie U. Doyle, social ease worker of th e departm.-nt ::f public welfare, advi-'es the Iteporter ti'.at work on the Hanging Hook pr >. 1 Ject by is. F. c. laborers V.fts be.'tt -tupped for very palpable rensun*. I'ltdor the rmiuiremetits of the N It. A. laborers must be paid 3D cents an hutir and given lb" 1 hours of vvurk instead «if tite farmer plan of !lfa.v im them SI.IIP a day and working ,-ix days in the w*ok. Riii ui account oi the nstulii ien uf funds in hand alio ated t" Stake* i'i ' 1 ittv ti 1 l-'edei'al relief funds, it will b t . iiiip-i-'giii'.. meet tbj govei't m tit - rt«R! rements. Ili refure. !'• thi present n* work will he given. 1 ' '!i*- ineti .Line. 1a• u v |i'ts :'; .u 1 Ute ft it:- h' h'-'iiA •• • are at wo;'i ••ii the I laiv- - in Ibu'k i-oad. the Slate f"iv.'g using .1 traitor. Airs. Doyle did r. .t advl>'e ju-jt I when I'h.ipg s will he mad.* in the ' puiiiy is ~ ,fined above. Aunt Betty Tillotson Gives Her Friends (rood Time Kil e. AUG 11. Auat R "tie T'_ l"'*Ain. ..1 King Route I. cnJ >(•; I ta.' da- miiiil ij w tb 1 number o her iiiciids and relatives tit b. 1 dine • and -upper. Tin-.,. present vvgie I >r. M ir .Martin and wife and 1 number of bi > nurses fro*:. Mb Airy: Mr. and Mrs. ('hag. R llelsahecU. of Rural lltll: 0-*e*»r Southern and family. Mr. and Mrs Oillie King and Misg Maggio Snipes of Winston-Salem: All's. Rluforl Tuitlj and «on. Mr. L. R. Oravit,'., Mrs. Raleigh Hall. Misses Agnes roiner and Addie Spainhower. of King Route t. j ————— | Misses Hudspeth And Boyles Honored Danbury's younger set gave a ' weiner roast at Moor.-'s Swings Monday night, honoring visiting, gnes's. Anna Hudspeth and Mary Enid Bovles of Winslcn-Salem. 1 Present were: Hazel Pe'ree and her guest. Mary Enid Bovles: Es telle Humphreys and h,. r guest, An na Hudspeth: Ellen Prather Ha'l. Nell K'ng. Emerie Pepper. r*ol s Mar. tin. AlaJorle P?i»Per. Walter Petree. Jr.. Clifford K'ng. Paul Mart'n. H l '! Alet'anless. ||. Al. Jryee. Jr.. Fr;> I Pepper, of Danbury: Tommie and A! L'twr.'nce of Vade .Mieum: also Mr, iitui Mrs. w. H. I'etree and eue-'ts All-, li. L. Tutt'e and Emma Lew s Whitakir World's Fair At Chicago 1 Ales. N-'iiie Al, Taylor and dau ter Alary Taylor kf: Alonda.v f. r ch:eago where they will visit the cntury of Pi-'cre-s Expos'tlon. j They exn.'.'t to be gone a week or longer. PRICES PAID FOR TOBACCO ARE LOW TIIE \ V EltAliE Is A I.ITTI.M IIK.II I R TH AN I.AsT Yl l lit. BIT I'AHMEICS ARE DISAP. POINTED OENEKAI.I.Y—sI'oKIIs CHOP BEST EOK YE IKS. I Prices i>*. ng paid fur tobacco on the S pitliern market- though sent? h : gher tluan last year, are general: disappointing, as stiff averages ha i been expected- We give below some records sales at a numi«r cf markets ■;' South Carolina. and of eastern North Carolina. known as the "Bright Belt." Fl'uvn' e. Aug. 14. lligl: -1 price- were reported fr -m markets ;n the n.'W luigiit tobacco belt tu.i'i'. •as thy sell ng season enter d second we. k •'!! the ai : cut ii s of S«.nth tlaisdiiia and th*- l»u"l -r •uunties of North Carolina* Averages' ran from fll "> t 1 I 'arliir-'tua market t» $i::.7.1 of b ci.'rkt"u. N. c. and reports -eiier st'ly w> re 11':*.t fariuers were vv, pleased. A: Hemingway. S. ('.. .t \\a> said, hc.vev'if. there vvas • ni„• di-'siitisfa'tion with bid.- for some >f the better grades of the leaf aL though the mark, t for the lugs ■ o I i ! priming.**. • oii.-tituthig the bulk i ! the offering-, was regarded as >"t'.- i lsfactory. Darlington report'd that qualLy tolcieeu wag bringing a hytti r pti-e ihan it did last week, and that th • bid* ior the poorer grad' -' he'd up well. About pounds wv. • sold at an average of sll.-.1. Kiug.-tree's s it s for the day, I nno pounds, consisting mostly •! primings, brought an average of $1 The same average was reported from the I'ltadbourn tN. C.) mar ket. where Sl.nnu pounds wore sold. Prices ranging from $5 t" $:!:• were reported from the Fair Bluff. (N. C\) market, where two ware houses said their respective averages were $11.31 and sii.4:i fur the day. ' About 40,000 pounds were sold Afan.v growers were said to have r reived an average of sl3 for their first curings. At Fairmont. N. C„ sales were heavier than last week, and prices were reported stronger, although inferior grades continued to pre dominate, C. B. Rowlt'ss. supervisor of sales, said the day's sales amount ed to 35(1.282 pounds, and the ave"- a-te price $13.25. Buyers for some of tlte -big companies were reported taking good ripe lugs at better prices than in the market days of la-'t week. •Inv'ances of from A3 t*> $" per hundred on some grades were re corded on the Lake r'tv tuarkfp i nc of Houtli Carolina's largest. The day'- suit s w, re k'Mi.tsjo tuumd- n' j.ii average of $13.:i4. Attendance «•' farmers was cut down by rain, b t n heavier break was expected t"« •Morrow. The Lumber' n iN. c.t market bundled 3u7. ißtii pounds. whicb brought $4D.."!»!».24. or an average of sl3.ix. All grades were reporte' sharply stronger than Uv-t week, ex cept the small uuantities of aual ty leaf sold. "AUXILIARY DAY" AT VADE MECUM ITMOI'M.I A\s I'LTOM MANY MOTIONS or STATU M'TI-MI Sl>Sllt\S AT IMHM I.AU STOKMS itixutT AMI r r:\—it\s. KI:T M \ ii SI:ISVI:I». i "A ix.harv day" wlit h was «•'>.! S.TV*"I at Vade .Me'um, diucean .■enipr of tlii l l>Uici»e of X rtli C'or. olina. Thursday attracted a airae num'ier of i:pis-'»;>ali-t n women from many par'* of North Carolina- The w omen descended on t'ho I'IIIIP wh U> the auxiiiao conference under the leadership «o Mrs. John fiilmer. »f \Vjnstr.n_Saieui. «a n fill swim;. l:e!>resen'a'ive.- wciv there from at least it parish; s anil loam he.-, ex'en lin as far as lien. 1 : '1 r-' oi and iiilprh oil the east nd ! I "ha 'h'tie on 'lie west. SAINT t'a ' s ehur W imt"ii.s'alein, ami •-■i' Andrew - ■il I •h. lireens' I- t: ■! ' ; . l" attend imc ea'di h ■. u I:: rpop - j •*.n{a' ives. . i ihe ai e oi- wo v-i I. e"sh!p o: Al.s- I! • , |; .. i ■ ... 1 I ■ «!«•• estni ■ e ; ie,.t - the w- . , i 1 .hiir T: e with n crn.m; iirai'er and -proic ' He'., Then I'ar i !.. I . ret* "i ! the i hureh ni the '«• • ■ »il Sliepher I. Ilalei.:!:. and ISev. .1 A \ a he. re . to- if Saint Andrew's 1 ire n-'"" I' enielaeted inorhain prayer. The' eh.i pa lint lie eoiiienoe | I toiler el; .l;p uson. of s . 111 Caro. na formerly a mis ionary in Ja pan spol;p mi the wnatan'- w ipk i J ' 'nil. -110 \|| • 1,,. infin n ' 'hr!- - ijinit ■ o n the He of w nr - hood hi Japan. At 11 •... II those jo I't'-nd'.im e a' 1 - fi'ed an.l r ;he '• uti■ d oi l 0.. trees n iron' of the loiiMlna whe'e the member*- of the auxiliary were •arented I'V the |iiv ani'M I anil w el'-omed :,i v«d • Me-nm. The faculty of the eniiferenro was in. trail need .Mi's. Theodore I'artrjek Jr.. Il a lee-'h: Alp.. \V:|!jam Cordon, "f spray: Iter. Theodore Partri'k, Jr.. of K'aleh.'h. and ISev. J. A. Vaehe. of C.reenshoro. Miss Hall also asked the director of the o m. feretp'e. Mrs. O'lnier to speak. A ha.sket Inneh was served in the refectory and a social hoar was en. joyed by all. At 2 p. m. the members eathere 1 amain beneath the old oiks to hear the president. Miss Had. of Char, lotte. brinar creetine-s from the »>'«. hop of the diocese, the fit. lie v. Ltd. win A. Peniek, n. p. ( and also, her self to brim; a message of in-spir i. tion t.) tbose nssembied. All in at tendance who cared to. enjoyed a din in the pool. j The hranrhe* of the auxiliary re?>- i iv* n e l were ;reen?i»oiN». Winston. >aUun. IJ ileiuli. i.' l SIHMV I.eaU>vi!!e. Ma"c>«lan. Mount Airv, 'hipel Hiil. i:..d-ville. Henderson, i Oxford, Cooieeinee st. Marv' j Itch i - and .1 |p or c- - dc'-iP. 1 illlei™h. M.'. an I M lio'nnr Simmons, i and Mr. ami M .-. •' lin liedmaa ] '"id her yinst*. Mr. a'd Mr*. c. i: jl'aiN and Mr. an! Mrs. 1 1 :1 Jcncs. j of V.*ainut covp. spent the past week ! end at the Simmon's ttydn.— Mt | Airy Times. ■ I Mary Kniil Boyle*. of Wjngton jPp.iem. is th.. tjuest cf Hanoi Potro? Number 3789 WORK STOPS ON BUCK ISLAND ROAD hi t tiii: sritr\ i\«. i- only tumi-ok Mtn.v iim.hi> ow. i x ; to i:\ii\i viiox oi» .it\\i:i, »i:i» statu may ki:.i,i:t nivrinix «>u may AKl:\\(.i: (OHI'IiOMIsK WITH ritl>i:\T (CNTII \«TOI{. The wi r'> of surfacing the ne.v Buck Isiand.state l.ine h> has !>een temper; halted owinr; t" ''sh ni.cmi of the ui'avol beds at Buck Island. The la.-t lou' of travel "as taken out of the 'a*.l la*t T'ri— d kv. State Knvineet Hawking, of ftal emh. wa> here Mmuliv conforr'rus |» th the e»nti'a'"tors, it is tmder i st""I that the l i ' aa -let'n'tnient 1 "til r. -et t i- ""t-t' ii t h-tfted «>i> tea so'ir.'es -raw! .rushed I .. . i. ■ > ■ :s t" ••• v ' hat i I'om. I prom;se tttaj reache! between , I >!; it ■ iiti-i h e-. 11' ••ontrae. i ' r hi "i the a" rv. i' infinite i . ; 1 •• •"t •'!» he "as i • i|tii|inient '' ' Sl«l "It t ' .'!• '■,!• tll-l (•«•! a e "file" 11-- ■ uvr the I j •' ;; t 1.1. | ,uh' ■ a -("I h.s I ' a - -t >j:s. the J lur. es "f t-.'tivel fur" she I h.v the I -"t t w il"U'itle-s hp reitoluirs- i ;■ t the enforced idleness of h »r us. • Mm it a mile of this road has , ''ceti Mir i, ..| the northern end. . and ii»'iit :> miles, -m th.. Itttek Is. _ Inn! end .\ > f ut I mile- remain «h> I c comply:- •!. Lin Alley And The Chicken Stew I In' tm in Auir 11. A .-.i .j) >te« was at the saw. mil! n, a, Sjsk'.-. \'l t .n in. ' | vi'ed several me. Imt when the/ K't there u til th. i;- |..mltry lan and '.his friends had eat lip the r chicken, ■j There Ms nnthina I.ft hut > few j fin feathers stm floating in 'he air. Bin's croud was I'lyde I'ridd.v. U-s --• tor Alle> u»\ Alley and 11. O. At. ■ ley. When Tinsey Mah e and Mussel ■ Wood. and otis. m l T o m MaVj aouahc .1 rhlckeng there was no season nw. so rhpv hroukht their birds back to Panner Woods barn "nd had a very nice time. •Vunii Tuttle. who e3t too muc»» chicken and has "een under the doeto r . in belter now. we are slai to say. I-O.ST JCIHV Reunion of Covinjerton Family Pilo- Mountain. Aim. 14. Th* annua! reunion of the ('ovimrfenn f unity will !>e held at Rrbwn Mounta n Baptist church August A . 111 (■ 1111 Is of til. fltlljly and fi tends tirp rdinliy Inv ired to i'.ime ami I.rim u,.| niipd baskets. Mo re u '1 '.(> a number of uuar. fete from various places, also a --■ ass hand. will tie served in picnic style. l-biri." lull suit-, A fa:: I'aep ~r Au Uorita' \e and Newest ''ashiooa tn The American Weekly, the Mttn. c.zir.e distributed w'th Next Sun. days Baltimore American, Buy .t . .. im your favorite newsdealer or newsboy.

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