THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 61. STANDING BY THE OLD TIME CREED T. W. TIIJJKV SAYS THK ritlMl. , TIVK BAPTIST (HIIMII BK. I IJKVKS AND HAS ALWAYS BK. T IiIKVKD IN THK IXK'THINK OK I' THK ABSOM'TK PH KDKSTIN A. 1 TION OK AI.IJ THINGS _ Kl -1 UK It .1. A. I' Uili, WHO PKO. J NOI'NCKD KKPOKTKH'S STATK. I AS INCOKHKCT. IS CHALLKNG. I SOMK lIISTOHY OK THK 1. (ill'iu il AS TOl'f HING THK I KI'NDAMKNTAL FAITH. EMitor I 'anbury ltei>ortr: We noticed in tis.-ue >' T! c Heoorter >f July "h? I2th a'-" re. mint (1 -lii2t>th.) a ."t 'trmeut f «'«!n»c.. e iiir tiie «liv:-»'on -if she Primitive Rap'ist" • -nnpi»v i.g t : i.» •M iy.i \s-.n• ;«t li. an i tlie formin : of tw > As.-i" kit ■■ 'iii". The reason uj->en in th • a"ti sliat ' a'-'sed tlie division .'.a?, til t •• «•:' I'red -tioati" : It .• ."tilt I "ail "Hi ier- -I . A I': I. Watt i ttle. P. w f i- ; id' and o hers hud adopted a m ' nmiv "•-■»•■»! ii'tei'i'i'e'ar n •: s'T 'ures concerning tib- fund .. mental ! ""trine." It was furthe'" si cd that: "T. W. 'ldle . ~{ ivtet-' Crock n hip, i leader in the inn . Chms ■ f the Priniitw. l!;i'>t st I'lHir h. i" one who is foremost 11 the adherence t" the ntd.tiine d 1 •- trin.•# a" i faith " In a more wen' i-'.-up of The I'e. ■■ porter, we -co that Khl : I. A l-'.irg £ hf'3 ijcil .1 .e a- e siuieuiellt .) 4 inecrrnt. and say" "Th.. Kepoi-'er was nii.-lnfornied. ami Hat: i" lor' Tattle. ISrown. I'rdd sr I him-.. f are plTil' hins he .- me .1.. thi . N i!.a' til -Mayo As-"i "iti'm his ;t - ways •'intended l r.' - We desire to give the readers tii « pa'ier a few lu.lNp ita'de 'a '- com erri'ia the d".• i U . in question, and let :l»em he the judge as t' tlie correctness of the two oppo-si o t statement's t.iat have formerly ap peared in th : s paper. Hide'" Fagg and t!'o-e identitle:! with him oppose th» doctrine of "The Absolute Predestination of ail 1 hinsrs ' and stated in the minute of The I'pier Mayo Association he'd at Wa!n"t Cove this yea- that tiny eondemn this doe'rine. j Ma.vo As«oc'ation was constitute t in I7»>t. it took up eorretspondetice with the Kehukee and other Asso ciation*. who were standing on ami contending for the London Confes sions of Faith, of 1619. The Baptist Church in America was founded in J7OI. and embraced the London Con fessions of Faith a« it* doctrine, and the old Welch Tract Church near Newark. Del., was the tir*t churc'i in America, and it still hold-s t" this fa'th. The London Confession of Fa'th regarding Predestination, chapter J «ec. I. leads: "find hath I Isaiah XLVI. 1 1); Kpheviaiis III: Hebrews VI. 17: Romans |\. ir,. js, decreed, in Himself fisnn all eternity, by the most wise and holy cotin-«'l of His own will, freei.v and unchangeably. a-1 thfnrs whatsoever come to pass: >et sd as thereby is Hod neither the author of »i n (j a ,„es I. IR. tT: ' John I. R», nor hath fellowship 1 with any there n: nor is violence of- ' fered to the w.'ll of the creature. 1 i Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, August 23 1933 nor yet Is the liberty or contingency | ) of second causes taken away, but rather (Acts IV. 27, 2K; John XIX. j 111 established, in which appeal's His wisdom In disposing all things.' and power and faithfulness (Num bers XXIII. 19; Kphe*i a ns 1, 3.5) in accomplishing His decree" The doctrine of the Predestination of a" things, as set forth ill the above confession of faith, has ever been une of the card nal principle* that ha.s distinguished the Baptist Church from all other denomina tions in all aues. It is not only she doe'rine of the London Brethren, it is also "The Maya Doctrine." art better st,!;:. :t is the do.urine taught in the Bible, which worth more t ian a" *h * cinfessjci's and cou - ' in indments men. clear (*:>:■ inn t'hurcli. which tia r!.\ b(.|rng« d t" The M i , A—.,. ciats'ti 'ef"re Ma'o ilisoumlid hi t fa". or: ni : z. d I'f.nv 'he Rev. ■ lationary War. l:« it w. nm '■anie the |>-stor of thh- • li::i •'» j„ i*l I. He served :t :u>, ]: ve-ii*. , '■e '• - 1 I'red stni.-iriau ir. He • Ii ■! the K. dice A- •••, . i «- •' ''or. esbondcut from .\l.c .. ated in leiiowship and pca lud w to Hih'ect Bee be- and "thrr* w'u» believed ju the .il"-u] it-- rnvde: :in i. ti"ii *i: a|! things, and were regular cm respondents to tb * As.-... iat. , n . Eider Hi;i«ert lieid-e founded "Th • Sianr of the Times" in the yeir I s "-'. I: is puli'isbed by li "randscn. Hißiert Beeb*. at Middl - town. X. V.. tlie oldest Pa'.tii-t p a . Per in ihe t'nited States. It lias a', ways publi.-hed in defence ..f the doctrine of the ahMdute Pc .aptin ition ; f a|| thing- i S ( .e II: . M'l. S «II t"! > . J»;i ;• 1 IMi'.i » I'. I-r cjlb r: I!s*i w a -' an a'de defender •!' th s ver do. irine th t Elder J. A. Fa eg -as .1 I. - Ac... • II I,route that he ■ oudemn . I d.-r Sylvester lla-si' l jo h • I'har 'i History, publishes the ia-t edit'.riil of Eider Beehe which . c.o.-i;ie:'ei l»y many one of the a'best arti-.y. ever written on the subje'". of Tiv» Predestination of All Things (So Haw-ell's Chor'h History, pages 943-5.-o.i For a personal reeominea dat on of Elder Ue.die by Elde • Ha"s?li read page U34 of Ha-sel's H,\stcry. j Klder Jamen Ogbornc. of lislti- ( more. Md.. who was a believer o* i the doctrine tb a t Elder Fagg cot. i demns. a frequent and weh-oma visitor to The Mayo Association fo- 1 a number of jea rg a f tor itt , orff:l .,_ . ization. | Elder Isaac Jones visited The 1 •Mayo Association and among t'm churches composing it. for 30 yie a :\, i or more prior to his death in lii.'tn.' lie believed and P"?u' bed Hie dip-' trine of Absolute Predestination of . All Th'nar*. often im'errliig to this s loi-tiine by nam> o;, pi ta ching. j He was always rei'i.vl and mado i welcome by almost al; tl. ■ :nenibers ; «d Hi ." Assoc!iit : o n . a ii ; | ni v. r h a l * any church doors "!o."e | on him. and I never came to tin- Association i> :t t what them preached Him. t Hidgeway cburh, Ridge way. V n .. ' n church of the .Mayo Association.! was constituted Into a church. X.i.' x vein her 29th.. |R92. W hen the 1 members met to constitute a church. c they agreed to adopt a>* the faith 1 the Artici rs of Faith of the Coven- t I Glade Valley Students On A Hike. Glade Valley Hijrh School holds a unique ])lace in the educational system of the state. Establish - ed as the first hifi'h school in Alleghany county in 1910, it has held out to the boys and grills of this and adjoining- counties an opportunity for a hi.trher education that would have been 'other wise denied them. am led Dipt st f-ii-ci i 'iiiiad:.: pb' li In', did a'b'pt >nd -ti'l liu' l uiit.l :h:da', as t'-ci ath Tht tirst .rti. c. set: n i a- t c'.a'uls on thy church ~r |: ; ,j..... i'b if h t'"l \ i-' his: "Pi.'di -t'na: mi and lie taui: "tt'i l bi'li ( .. c . th.t ■ i! his Pec!, "•rdaiti" d a !i thing, tha: . t - I ii-s which div ti i'ie is •■«;! d Ab--n_ lute I'lv.'cstinat en. l-aiah VIA':. Hi: Art.- IV. 27. 2s. 11. 22. 23. Mdcr A, 1.. Moure in the .gan'za'h'ii .if this church. His tt ""t* w.,« the lirst 'in- entered on Hie church limit. Hi- mcmber-hi • remained with this di ir' li uuf! b s flea'h. lie ai ■! s rv-| i a pa"- '•>' f:"lu .*. .. g a ulstn'lull until !•.; death, lie V.I the f'irnier .M"der t . t"l* ' -Mayo A-sm ii "i .in ) .(• i { . | in ti-is • ap;c ::> a> ioiig a-* ic ij.'itj. ■ Elder I . A ]-' a g MP- ee U I him i. lie «.'s tiie M Jerat' about 3*» yp.ii'g, Kind readir, w. ,|., ~-t e ib it Elder A. 1.. Moore U":ej a hypocrite for the : a .-t 30 year* his life, and kept Articles of IVh at 'he church of his membership that he d-d not subscribe to and believe in. In fact we were per-ona'- !|" acquainted with Elder Alvig l. Moore and hue talked with him many times on this subject, an I know that he believed the very doctrine th it Elder F a gg and other ministers ni ned with hlin. a r e now condemning- I Kind reader*, we are going to leave the subject with you to Judge as to which statement that ha* a >- Poar?d in this paper is correct, and a* t«> The Reporter being misinform ed in :he first Article. T. \V. TILERY. I I Caswell business men have offered '•n-h prizes of #39 t u those farmers showing excellence in handling on? acre of their farm woodlands dur ing the coming ye if. Every Durham County dairyman s: . itig his mills at u ho!e.- a io prices h;v- Joined the Tri.i'nunty A-.«ucj u t'"it to secure fair marketing ora •- tires. M. L. Ad'tni-'. county a-ent of' Wilson county i-a.ys Ino p,.r cent the new squares being formed on cotton in his county | s being pun-- tured by Im.ii weevils, du e largely •? tha c.oudv, rainy weather recent! '. Greensboro Wants Connection With Danbury Klit«'i" "i" the Ci'ccns'Mi. ■ I'a ' .V I have «tc i till- l' • cm: .1 ta i i for p-mI- u ami out , ' licim-Vr ■ to ii* l'uilt v. :t«i :h- • iViK'i.i i in "Hi •'» t" lie alloiti"! t" tlii- iij. ♦ ri.- -i»;,| n ini> that ew.-ry time I take no a li ulnva.v nap ami ""tc tli- isri'at void in lii-Hiways out of Ci'ei'D.iiiorii ti lII' North I wonder v\liy a i'" "1 directly noi't'i ha* ii"i already iict'ii i.tiitt- I am .•;!•«. ,| lo t!ii' sum. 'iiierj when I - ( . t . the w i'-h in )• ji l m' !ii-li i\a;. -■ c\. t 'ndi'iv in I'Vi'i'y dire. on out of nur Mi- i hiM.rjuir i•:iy. W n t"n..~aloin. lillii compare network With th» • •"lis. !i'i*.il '!y l\i« or lij— li\\ :iyjt oil! '•icon "Hi". .\ lr:i!i»ai directly i.'T'li ii"'iii iiicon-i'ii" would t'oo'li H'ent-orih ami I. aU-vilii- ami Spru a'i'i would xh'H'ton consld rsi'•!\ the (l>tam-e t" 'lii'xo tawns as wo!! a t ' Mir: in-villo aml Itoannke. Vir. v nia. I h«* ordinal hiuhuay law !n this state re'tuir. d that all county seats he connected. u\> a re connect ed d-rctl ivi'h tin* county seat " Alamance «>n the cast, the countv seat or Popsvth (in the west, tile county -eat of Randolph on the south and more or less directly with the county seat of Chatham >n the southeast and the county seat of I'avidgon o n the s"iuthwt*t. Our c o n. , ner tion with the county seat of Har well on the northwest Is fairly di rect through IteidKville hut a hinh. way from M-mthello llteh School to Locust Htll in Caswell would cut oft several miles. Our connection with 'he county seat of Stokes is most indirect. We should have a highway from Walnut Cove -to Stokesdal • and more directly from Stokesdule to connect with h e itattieirround 'toad int" Oreenshor". Let's hov ■ direct connections with W"nthw» r th. Vancyville a nd I>an''iiry. .\ t least those hiirhivn.V's would |,..|„ t he |„> V . .vers occasionally and I nm sure Hi farmer-nlonif ih ( . wn i all( | om . nieri'hnnts wouldn't ohjcct. •'AMIW .MACCJ.AM Uocll. " r - s '«. 11. 11. Moreileld' were h e r e this week. D r . Moreileld- \ who his i.em a patient at Martin j Memorial hospital gome weeks, ha n"t yet heen discharged from the | hc«n.tal. hut Is greatly Improved. NO SQUIRRELS TILL OCTOBER I i i\MK WAKDKX KIKKIVKS IS. STItl (TIOSS FROM RAIiKKiII I.I'ITI/K ANIMALS MI ST SOI' lIK KII.L.KD KXCKI'T l)I RIS(i MONTHS OK OITOBKK ASD NOV KMRK.It. J Squirrels may not lawfully 1.3 killed in Stokes county kef jre O•- to'-ei - . I'urin- the month* 1 Xnv«.nilier on!.' may their tine meat lie eaten. e*> ept by those who won:! viol ite the X rth ' afolina law. TU s Information ho- jus* i»ee'i received i»y Ccm.ti name M'arde 1 'P. 1.. IJ.joth. who u ote «h.- Stat- I >c".ii • uient Conservation an! I'eveli i'ment i v. ( . t h • r . «i ie-' o: people Aim u anted to ,-i. ■« J «l flier. S'lu'nc: mi .t - ",Ist; ;,. s t'.o •'>)!( mi 111 • : n. in: St- ... i"a. 11 . ill's n tne 1 ! "i"i t T . 1 tt' '• i-iiy t oil aiiima - ar. al n ! ii red .'in- 1... The' a foll.l OOI',) « j„. t" ' ,i- 1. «•" .nt o ea ill 'I il -t ,! a c to fai'io- r> lint tlie a-'. - fixed. say.- chp 11. lin-'an 1 in a ie't. r >0 .Mr. lio.'tli •mil 1. allot !>e eh 11-ed. l or tie I'Men i--usuii on --111 rreis is o-'tid-cr I to N'-.ieiii'.c an. Free Clinic At Baptist Hospital l> . Mva I'odae. 1 woman |>hys:. an In-M.. .1 .':'ee pivnatu ' "10. :;t tu Maptist in Win-ton. salem on the sc-ond aid 1 null; Wednesday nuiiuns en- h m nt't a' a o'- :." ii tor women •: Stoke* •'• • 1 111 • \ uho do n"t liave tie money tu N- under tiie lue of a ii" or din-ins tiii- eriijrai period. It i- vein inimi't 11 t tha- a moMi •• have tiii- . ue foe 1,. I- future "e ! l-i-ink a. Wi'i) as the •'!>.!(!. .Many a ease of life l*>nu invalidism s.f moth.' er or eh!ld. or l>oth. has I'een -le j result of the mother n-'t having sir.', fp'ient eare h.fore th- h r'li of her h i by. We care for our live stock thro a-Mi thru rritieai periotl to have well horn animals. Are our children not I worth more than the*e'.' Then see I>r. Dodae ami ifet this eare. It eost* you nothing exoept transportation there and buck and may save a iif e . Duggins Reunion The DuintinM is-union will he held -n the fourih Sunday in the month Amrtist 27 a t t''e home of Cllhert "•mains. near tlie Imnie of I. n l.iehirilron two miles norMiw-'st of Walnut Cove. All friends and rela tive* 01 tlie family are invited to a l .! tend, hrinainu With (hem a well 1 li.led ' I- i>- planned 10 have I a str'nl-and mid >pe in', sfmicrs for' the nva-'ion. 1 Meeting At Baptist Church f'onsideral.le crowdn my attend, init the meetiin; at the Mantis; eluir-'h hein-i en ml uited hy llev. ht'cd x. Day of Winston-Salem. These revival services are expect ed 'n close Friday niuht. 1 Number 3790 FARMERS TO MEET AUG. THIRTIETH s. J. KlltUY. l KDKKAI, ItKPKK. KKXTATIVK. TO TAI.K WHEAT '•Kim ix« sao.ouo avaiu. ABI I.' TO STOKE* FARMERS— -Wit. KIKHY I.OCATES AT WAk M T COVE. Stoke* I'oun'v farmer-. under the ru of J. Kirov Federal qp>v.. ernmer.t repr it e. w;!l hear the fa'tn a'«"it i heat cirttilment in i inee'iuu t ' he held a Banbury, Wednesday. August 2' l i' 10 A. M. -Mr Ki: v s h-r.* t.> nstrui-6 farine:.-. Stoke* in t ie wheat re. dl' tPni l'ro-ran lie . : ,e- from Spr . e I'inn-, a 1 has moved his fiini'. v.'ainr ■ • Icr ■ adv..* .- th Reporter that "T >• the a"pr"pria •'! ■ X "th 1 a ... a -t es may •' y "'a • $. . •■ in tiia ' •'■ral ;■ • - a r wiie it a'T-a-.u rid i>n. Rev. J. H. Needham Appointments •' i'. Need hunt. pa-or nf the J 'anbury .Meifdist Kpir opal Church prea h as follows: NEXT SC.VIiAV: I 'anhin > .M !•;. '"huyvh. II A. jj. i Vade -Mtiiini ,\| K. I'lnirch, J I'M. i I'anbury I'reshytc: inn Church. at | niuht. T:o'clock. | id m-etinas at V a «lc Mecum t the lir-t Sunday in s'ep * fii 'vr in.-tea'l of the fourth Sunday • : A.must, as pipvioiisiy announced. A ''"idia nv.taton i.- extended t' l " i'ii"• 1:■ to 't end the ihove ser- Return From World's Fair I Mrs. Nellie .M 0,,,, Tay'or and da it ulrer, .Mary Taylor. h a v e re turned fn.m u deiiah ru! trip to tho World'* I'air at Ch • nwo. Thiey ♦•hen' a week at the I' Frank Stone At The Hospital I'.-ank I'. Stone, who holds a pos ition in the office of clerk of s U pw prior Court .1. Watt Tut'le is in the is t lvospit.ll at Wns-on-Saleni "nder treatment. First Loan Made Charlotte. Aua. l_ A ] an 3> O'Neal, state manager. c a m e h e r» from Salisbury today t « compMe the necessary details for wh a t he jsahl was tile first loan made «ino 2 j the establishment of the national Monte Owners' ls.a n corporation. | The loan was on Charlotte resu | dencp. ,\ short time laW. a loan ; was made upon a home n Alh e . ! marie. | M " V - V P''l S.'i.l that within a -hort time ih rp,ii a ti»n expect. jel t" lie completina lo.nis in rapid. | order. Insurance companies-. i, P »aid ( have shown n disposition of J a te t., «' 'ept the bond* haeed upon the residential property i n lieu of m«rt_ H'a««v. P- Hanes I,invlli e , superintendent of the convict camp, wag here ta il ay.

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