THE DANBURY REPORTER. s x Volume 61. MRS. E. CHATMAN KILLED SUNDAY I • ——— ' /( HKIt BROTH Kit, I.KK JAMKS IS 6KKIOTSIiY HL'RT IN SAMK ! , WBKCK SKVKNTY I'NKM YIJOYED RKOISTKRKB AT WAI,. j JTL'T «»VK TONSIIi CM NIC TO BK HKM) SKPTKMBKR 7. Walnut Cove. Aug. 30 Satur. day afternoon the Civilian Conser. , vation Camp No. 401, of Marlon. N. C., played In Walnut Cove the C. C. C. Camp No. 434, Walnut Cove, a vgry interesting baseball game, th-.' Walnut Cove Camp winning by the score 3 to 6- At night the Walnut Cove camp, it is reported, won H 3>oxing 4 contest--, losing only one bout and drawing two. y , A great deal of excitement wa-* 1 created in Walnut cove Sundav | ' gvening when the car driven bj j I -Messrs. Kee Jam s. Phil Chatma:i ami w 'fe, Mr--'. Kmma Chatman. coj-' / | lided with the '■ r.y Hound HIMI going north at the intersect .n «>i ; I , v the f-'andy Uidge road and Un: | 77. Mrs. Kinma ("ha:man. it is ri-1 1 portgd. (l #l ed before reaching tiie | hospital; and her brother, Janie-i. I suffered a broken back, a hip and! • i • other serious injuries. A: this writ-1 ■ing Mr. James was living. Alr-s. Ann Carter and daughter Ann Hollingnworth, together with! | v with Mirn Luna Taylor and Jean j \ Fulton of Roanoke. Va.. rettirne.l last week from a visit to White; Lake. Mrs. Sadin Lovin accompanied j the party on a visit to Bed Springs. | The silhool building in Walnut! Cove is being prepared for the ton. I *ll clini'' which will b.> held during the r= e - ond week In September. l>o r winning, it is -reportsd. on the 7tii of September. Mr. S. J. Kirb.v. of Spruce Pin:-, has recently tno\gd hi?» family to Walnut Cove, occupying the home formerly owned by Mr. J. Wesley Morefield. Mr- Kirb.v has charge of acreage reduction of wheat. While stok»s county has never raised a is' »i Biifljdientl.v large crop of wheat t-> meet 'he needs of the county, Mr. Kirby informs the that the Covermnent has an allotment of from si4.ouo to l-' available for Stokes county farmers; ani, therefore, the main uue*t : on is whether the process tax shall go for the benefit, in part, to the Stokes oounty The only way by 1 I which the farmers can take ad van- 1 tage of some of the proceeds of th» 1 tax IK by reducing their wheat a (- re- j age one-fifth. The National Be-employment Ser- • ; . 1 vice tJtHce located in Waln,ht Cove under the supervision of Mrs. Dolly Fair Dodft»n. Begistrar. has reg:.*. J tered a total of 70 unemployed. A | major.'y of thjse reg«.-tered are tailored. Mrs. I>odp»on is calling o-.> i the members of the Be-eniplo.vmer.t 1 commit' "g to make the fact knov.n throughout the county. Kver.v ma:. I and wo:i:an ?s entitled 'l register , j tor the purpose of b. ing placed o>. t th e li cf available jobs whenever! there are any open. Mrs. Virg'in'a Joyce of Danlmrv! and Miss Nannie Pepper of \ visiting In Norfolk. \*a., the wuests of Kasley Joyce, who is con nected with the If, s. naval service- Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday August 30 1933 T. W. TERRY DIES AT MIZAPH HOME HK WAS AGKI> 7» AND WAS -\ 1 GOOD CITIKKN MAI* OF; I STORKS BKING MAI) 10 BY KN. GINKKH GOLDSTON MKKT. IX« OF WOMAN'S C'ljl'B. King. Aug. 30 Thomas W. Ter ry. aged 79. died at h'-s home near M.izaph, Friday night Wowing a lingering illness of abou' two years- The deceased is survived by 5 sonv Walter. T. S.. John, J. M.. and •' (•. Terry all of Germantoii, It. !•'. L). 1!. Two daughters are also left to mourn their lo*s. they are Mr 4. Chester Ker-'u.-on and Sirs. A. 10. Kiser both of Cermanton 11. !•'. I). -. In addition to thj above tweni;. j grandchildren SUIVIVO. Wife of THE j deceased having Preceded him u 'the great beyond by two yeurs. Mr. I I Terry, who uas a substantial farm. I- r had spent his entire I fe in tlr ! -oun:y and had a very wide aiuain. j lance. The funeral service wis | I conducted at Haw I'oiul church [ Sunday morning at eleven and luir. I j ial followed in the church cemetery. Misg Kate stone, trained nur~e of 1 j charlotte. is upending h;-r vacation wth relatives here. K. F. Goldston, civil engineer of I Balq'gh. is here making a map of | Stokes county. About three month- 1 | will be required to complete t'.i • I , work. Mr. Uoldston ha." moved hi ' ■ family here. Farmers in this sect'on are very j busy printing and curing tobacco. ' Most planters are making good cure:* , tlr* year. The high winds here last Tuesday and Wednesday damaged the crop considerably. The high school opens here I'ri da.v. Septemher -2nd. Prof. Carl M. l-'elt-. of (lalax. Vu.. has l>een em. Ployed as principal auain this yea'. An able body of assistant teachers have also i>een employed. Mrs. B. K. I'ulliam it* spendi'i some time with her daughter. Mrs. Thomas F. Baker at Trinity. The following births were regis tered here la*t week: To Mr. an:! Mrw, John Clayton, a son: to M«\ and Mrs- Moir Baker, a daughte' - : to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Palmer, a son: to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Webate', a daughter; and to Mr. and Mrs. . Dan Butner. a son. ] The K'n.g Tigers defeated Pe.i , nidge In a earns played on the ! King diamond Saturday. Final score " and 6. j | Dewltt Cook, of near High Point, | spent Sunday wj:h his parent- 1 . Mr. j and Mrs. J. Allen Cook near hjre. Mr. ('ook is quite sick having i>e;n in failing health for some t me | Porter M-oGee. of Wvlpsbur.g. Va. 1 -M'ent the w.ek-erd w-t.i -eia' ivco here. i .inhn W. Kurfees. of Winston. >'a!em. formerly of King, delivered I a v.v.v !n''-restin-,' and insti-uctiv-' 1 le - ure on the Bible at the h .me of i | Hcott llierson Sunday afternoon. Quite n crowd wa> out to hear him. Homer and Spencer slate. of win. Pton.Salem. .-pent Sunday with their parent*. Mr. and .Mrs. Coy D. si a » a j in Pilot View. The Woman's Club met at th? usual time at the high school build. Ing for the month of August. The mee'lng was presided over by R. F. C. FORCES WORK BY SPELLS UIVI\(i Till; FABMKRS OPPOR. TIXITY TO SAVH CHOPS ABOIT »5 « AUKICI'I/TI'KISTS RKCKIYING HKI.P IN Till: COI'NTY. Superintendent of Schools J. C. Carbon, who is also county welf ii'v officer, a nil has charge of fed-era' unemployment relief In the county says the agency in giving the farm, ers who are charges on the federsi funds, opportunity to save the:: crops- Consequently. It. !•'. ('. worker:- on the Hanging Bock project. are. being engaged only by S|K-11S tlies • j days. This week t!>e hands will work j three days, after which no mort' j employment will be given until after September fets in. Prof. ('arson nays about Sll farm ers are receiving aid from th? fed. eral agency in the county at this time. Those farmers who are and have l>een recipients of federal aid ar.> urged l»y the government to miv a wheat orop this f a ll. and try to make themselves independent of federal aid. Frank Dugrgins Arrested On Charge Of Purloining Gas Frank Duggins, a local ; - oung man aged about -1. wag arrested Friday night on a warrant sworn out by t onstfabie \\. ft. Young, charged with stealing gas from the car of Bev, Fred N. Day. For several nights whi'e he "as •omliicting a series of meetings i:, the Baptist church here, the evan gelist found his tank had been raid, ed. equally the thieves !y left enough fuel for the pr-achc' to reach his home in after the services. Friday night Mr. Day engaged ac officer to watch his automobile, whh-h he kept parked in the shady rciad behind the church. Soon after' the serviced began, Constable W. B. Voting saw a man approach the car with a can and a syphor.. While i i this attitude, the intruder, who! proved to be Frank Duggins, wa- ' arretted by the offlcer. was released wltltotit j bond, but is expected to appear for a hearing soon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hast and lit tle child of Wineton.Salem visited' Danbury friends Sunday- , til • !'i'e-'i"'lent, Mrs, O. K. St"ne. Th > ro-1! was called anil minutes read by the secretary, Mi.->s Aitnes I'ullhm. report* were printed the ••lull from the chairmen of the different committees. Fallowing th;- ! brief business ses'lon- 1 . th> music dei'nrt:«icm had charge of the >;ram. Mrs. r. T. .Mc(ice liciim chnivmnn. An in'ert-tin,' realinni i was uiven hy Mrs. o. J,. Uains. Mes'lum. aC. K. and J. K. Stone ' aansr a very inspirational duet. A' piano w.ilo was rendered hy Mrs. 0. r>. Slate. Later in the events deli etous watermelon was served on the lawn by the hostesses, H. H. l/eake T. a. New and Cladie R N'owgum. TOBACCO GROWERS MEET SATURDAY j AT DAXBI'RY IN THE COl'ltT HOI'SK. SKFTIOM BKlt 2 TO fOXSIDKK SDHIOI'S SITI'A. TIOX I'ACIXU TOBACCO FARM. KKS— TO ELECT I>KIjK(iATIOS TO K.lliKl(iH MKKIIXG BKFT. ft— WHEAT WORK GOI'» I'OR. WARD. (By S. J. Kirby.) A call is here issutd to tobacco growers in Stokes county to meet in the courthouse In Dan bury 011 Sat urday at 11 A. M., Sept. - The puri>ose of this meeting is to con sider a serious situation now far. ,ing tobali'io grower*. here and through the flu cured tobacco be'... 1 to form a temporary I and to elect otllcial dull-gates to t'i" j state wide meeting 10 be held in ; I £ulelyrh on Wednesday. '.Sept. •>. Slniihur meetings of tobacco grow- I org are called t«« meet in ouch •>:' | the counties in tin- flu cured toba*'- Ico belt. Farmers in every 'Section 1 recognize the .gravity of the situa tion confronting touacco grov.t r-, , and in this meeting it is hoped ' i ■ arrive a: plans and to work on. suggestions to be offered to the Federal Government looking to ward a sol u. ion of the> - e problems. Stokes is one of the loading to bacco counties in thi* state with a largo acreage in the crops this yea: f.i'.idiitfc growers here have state that the crop is of high qualit'- certainly above the average. Wheih er anything can be done to help out' with t!"e present crop i« yet to be! determined but certainly the siri. at ion is serious and demands some real thinking. Director I. o. Sehaub. of the state College of Agriculture in Ital. eigh. fays. "W e shall be glad to have the growers in each counts draw up such resolutions as they may se tit and bring these resolu tions to the State wide meeting. It Is anticipated that the delegates a) til's state conference will agree on 1 ( appropriate resolutions and these to gether with those from the eour.t ! e will be forwarded to th? tobaee administration at Washington." j "The meeting in Raleigh,*' ho sayss, "ia to be a conference and no' ! a speech making affair and to 1 • ert'l only official deiega'es elected! by the growers in each county are expected to attend'' Wheat Work floes Forward. | Many of the leading farmers vij.' ' ' | ited in Stokes county during tjio j ; Past two weeks have expressed a i i t I deep interest in the wheat acreage, reduction work. The first meeting ! I | of the wheat growers ha." been call, i ed for Wednesr'.ty and i' is expe 't- 1 ed tlmt a gond attendance of repre-j sentative wheat gmw«-rs will be on 1 hand t'i consider tiie plan. As everv one Vnows the rurh of the t'd'ac •.> harvesting work will pr vent m'anv | , from h. Ing at this meeting but it 1 of importance that the work bo ■-ai'ted lure if the plan is to lie pre sented to the growers before seed, j ins time. Most growers have a notion thn.t | growing wheat a" a ca-'h crop w'.'l J not be a paying business during the coming year. Growers who have in the past S to 6 years averasod more SCHOOLS OPEN SEPTEMBSR 22 j PBIitIiDKD BY COINTY.WIDF TKACHKItS MUFTING AT DAN. BI'KY ON Till RSDAY. SKI*. TKM It!-'.It SI AM. TF \ H l ilts HAVH BKK.V KNGAGKM. AI.L BCS ROI'TKS I.AID Ol'T AND THK THICKS ARK ItKADY TO MOVE. The schooto of the county will be. gin on Krtday, September ani their opening will be preceded by j county-wide meeting of teachers, with the Superintendent, a: Danbun on Thursday. Septeniber 21. at 1" A . M . This news was given the Beporte' Tuesday by Superintended J. c Caivon. who advices that a" teach ers have be-n engaged, the bus rc-utes have been laid out. and the schooi trucks are nady t>> begin their founds. Professor ijarson says the S:ata form of contract will be used i'i Stokes and in all of the coun'ic.- th's year, ami that this is the r.ii •ion the usual form of con racts li-ts not b"en sent out. Prof. Carson is very enthusiastic over the prospects for the new richoul year, which he believes will be the most successful in th? his. Tory of the county's edm-ationil system. , , • *■ k * Capt and Jilt. J. I). Thore of Ml. kin visited friends here Sunday. ■ I than enough for their home suppli- s j are as a rule willing to reduce the'-r! ■ acreage and accept the adjusted i ■ payment on their crops- Circulars and booklets explain. I the plan iu detail will be dis'.ribti;. Ed to the wheat growers f the . county Just as soon as these rcu- .'i > the local otlice from Washing: n it was thought tha: this literature would be here last week but so fa: J - it has not arrived. F.very when I grower may expect his as soon a* i' is avVilakle : Township and community nieot. . ings of wheat growers wII be in nouncod jut't as soon as a schedule for these can be workeJ out. Many Growers Kligible For Adjusted Payments It is true that there are many ; »small w heat growers in ( Stokev i During the last year or two thesj I i growers have attempted to grow on. |ly enough wheat to supply their | own needs. However it is to be re .' membered that the allotment "n j I which adjusted payments are to be 11 made are ilgured from the average ? yields for the last 3 to S years. ; ! many growers who have produced a .i small acreage ot" wheat during the I , last yaar >r two can continue t' -, grow their present acreage i'l t' w heat and still me, t the « ivprn. ■ , un-ni's re'iuirements for acreage re »( illu tiosi when based upon th. aver, i-, age yield for the past or 5 y.. . avti'iges- These adji'sU-d pa.'in n ; .* j will mean u gcd deal in determlc. .! ill'-: whether th. total return- fr Mil . wheat produced dnr'ng the IICM two years gives a proilt or a los-; t over the cost of production. Cer -1 tainly everyone who is in position to e do so should cooperate with thj , Government In improving the wheit £> farmer's lot. Number 3791 HARDY DUNCAN PLACED IN JAIL AHKI:STI:D ON ( H\ita: or AS. s.« I,Tl\(i HIS win; orric. Kits KIND HIM NI\K STITU WHICH IS HK()((;HT IX AI4SO. 14xrii v Duniran. whose home HI near Hart man, un tiie Ked shoa'» road. wag placed in jail Monday night on the charge of assaultinS his wife. The warrant wa«* sworn out l»y Mrs. Duncan. The arrgst was made by Sheriff Taylor. Deputy Sh«rlf? Uert Smith and Constable W. 11. Young. When tlie officers went after Dun. can they found him within 50 yard* of a still, which wa* in course o* operation, full of beer, l>ut the *ai» had n>t bee" i>nt on- Two large jus® were at the still. The s'.lil was dis. tant :i nil!*.- from Dunlin's home- Teachers May Get More Pay liuleigh. Aug. Possibility that N'"rtii ' 'urolina teachers will receive l» per ent more than the xalai-lef contained in tlie «cheJu!>j announced this month by the StaUt Commission was expressed today following a meeting of the Stat« Board of Kducat : on. Dr. A. T. Allen, s»tate Kuperinte"- ' dent of public instruction, declined Ito df«. uss proceedings of the hoard meeting other than t> say it had been adjourned until tomorrow, it learned from authoritative •ources. however, thui motion waa Pending at adjournment to Itoost *li salaries in the school commit, sion's wheilule by in |, e r cent. Only two members of ihe board of education Governor J. r. B. l.hriimhati™ and lieutenant Gov. j ernor A. H. (iraham. were not pres. I ent today. Governor Khringhaua is j vacationing in casern North raro- I lina but it is understood lieutenant Governor (Iraham will l>e present for Tuesday's meeting. Meeting Begins At Vade Mecum Sunday Rev. .r. B. N'eedhant. pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, will preach at Bethe*da next Sunday at II A. M., and at l-'orrest Chapel at 3 l». m. Service* in thv M. B Church at Pine Hall ai nitrht Uy Rev. Ch.-us. Hll tcher»on of Walnut Cove. Rev. Mr. N'eedham will lie at Vade Mecum Sunday nisht, where a series of meetlnu will i>e i>e~un to continue all tho week, each nisht at 7:30. Died Thursday. Mr*. Ada Ki'nnccs Hennett. wife of Allen liiiini-it, «if Quaker ~!ai* township, ciitui Thursday. August 24. of cancer. Mr-. I! nnctt wn.s aacii til. arid is .sin-'. '.id iiy her h nnd several . children. I 'l'h? deceased was hurled in Vir , Kinia iiy the N'eifnii Itiuial Benefit Association- Five hundred Pitt County tobaca Browerw attended a recent mass* meeting in Greenville t oassure tha : government of cooperation In re.. | ducjng the crop next year-

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