THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 61. COUNTY DRY I ORGANIZATION * /• - mi'KCTK.I) AT MEETING HKill'. ' "WEDNESDAY. ATTEN DED BY V CKOWU (>r PROMINENT I'KO. v PLb' TO HAVE OIMiAXIZA. ' TION IN EVERY PRECINCT. Mrs. Nellie M. Ta.vlou - is chairman ( an organization for the retention , the 1 amendment- Mrs. Je*- «le P. Christian is Secretary and Mrs. H. H. Davis, Treasurer. A meeting was held in the courthouse and was called to order, "Sbjr George I*. Burnett, of Greens- ! tK>ro. of the executive committee of the United Dry Forces of North Car olina- Mr. Burnett delivered an nd l dres-t to the meeting in which lie i outlined the plans of the State or- Sanlzation- H. R. Mcl'liereon. of Walnut Cove. Rev. Mr. Hood of Sandy | I Ridge and c, M. McKinney were | A elected vice chairmen of the county. [ The *ix officers of the county orua". ization will also constitu'e the ex-' I ecutive committee. It i* purposed to | have a chairman in every precinct ■ in the county. Among tiie prominent dry forces of the county the following were 3)re»ent: J. T. Welch, W. T. Jones. Mrs. M. H. Davis. Mrs. W. A. Neal. lte".' anil Mrs. J. B. Fitzgerald. Mrs- B. 8. Zimmerman, Mrs. Dr. C. .1. Helnabeek, B. T", .Aohnson, Mil's. J. B. N'eedham. Miss Claudia Bier- j aon. Mrs. C. M. Burton, Mrs. C. M. j Jones. Mrs. Nellie M. Taylor. Mrs. Jessie j P. Christian, Mrs. Mary J. Pepp.r. Mrs. Christine stultz. Mr. and Mrs.! H, M. Joyce. i Unemployed Urged To Register Lucile Mart ! n. who represent* the' federal agency for the "elief of un employment in the county, will have an office open in the N. A. Martin former store building on Thursday.! and Fridays. Hero Miss Martin will receive ap plications from unemployed person*, all of whom are urged to register at once. New Lawyers. Chjsman Haneu and Joe Ri't Neal have each recently been licens ed to practice law by the Supreme Court, having passed the exai inn. tion with honors. These are two young stoke« boys. Hanes the son of Dr. and Mrs. J. Louis Danes of Pine Hall: Neal the son of Dr. I. W. Neal of Walnut Cove. Their friends predict for them much success, which they deserve. Baptising. Tiie ceremony of baptism was ad. mini«te-8d by the Rev. Mr. Bong, the pastor, to two candidates at the Baptist church Sunday night. This was followed by a sermon hy the minister- 1 Three new trench si.'o* have been dug in Caldwell county this num. mer, Haywood Powell has recently completed one of 20 ton capacity in hts barn- Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday September 6 1933 Chance To Win SI,OOO A Year For Life A chance to win. an income of $ 1 ,000 a year for life and other cash prizes amounting to many thousands of dollars will be offer ed next Sunday in The American Weekly, magazine distributed witb the Atlanta Sunday American and other Hearst Sunday newspapers- The amount of the hrst prize is greater than the average annual in comes of entire families in many •states in the United States- It wi'l be paid at the rate of sl,oou a yea-' each year the winner lives after th_»j award is made and may amount " ] all to $50,000 or more If the winner should live that long. The sei v J award is t> be $500.00 a year fo" . life and eight other awards will b* ! large sums of t'unh to be paid unnu. ally. These big gift-' of money are to . I>e made simply for an idea, a few i words will be suitable for a slogan ! or sub-title to be used b,v The Amer. | ican Weekly, the magazine uh'oh g"es inio more than 5,000.000 Am. r. ican homes every Sunday- The contest, as it will lie outlined in next Sunday's American is one of the simplest ever conducted by a newspaper and the easiest to enter. No subscription* will be required in i ; order to Qualify for a prize, no puz. zles to work, word lists to build or anything else tedious or troubesome. If you want to win SI,OOO a year i for life, with all the Possibilities of i | travel, education, pleasure, security j from worry or unemployment that ! such an assured income will give. | t just see next Sunday's Atlanta Anior j ican for full information a'auit thy | contest- I 1 A Sunday Arrest. Brother Smith. Irvin Sheiton and a young man by the name of King (son of Chester Kingt were ar rested Sunday evening near Pied mont Springs by Sheriff J. J. Tay lor. Deputies A. G. Sisk and Be"t i Smith and Constable W. R. Young. Brother Smith was charged wj.a resisting the officers, and on fail ure to provide a $201) bond was committed to jail, being bound over to eourt. King was bound over to court on th# Charge of driving under the influence. He gave S2OO bond and was released- Sheiton was re leased on payment of cost. The hear, ing was before Justice N. K. Wall- The officers had been on a visit to the Yarbro plantation when the.v accidentally met the trio who ap. iH-ared to be drinking heavily, while the car was being driven reckle*»Jy. Brother Smith became quite abu sive of the 'officers, and struck Con. stable Young tVice. so Young al lege *. Timber Wolf KiLed Near Cove A timber wolf wa* shot ami kill ed by a farmer near Walnut Cov,. week. This animal which had , been causing some little excitement in the neighborhood, is thought to have escaped from a show. Wilkes county dairymen are dig. glng trench silos and remodeling old barns as a part of the new program of dairy farming In that county. KING SIGNS N. R. A. 100 P Cj ! YADKIN TOWNSHIP CO-OPEIt. j ATKS IN KKOOVKRY PROGRAM —t'HIIJ) RUN OVKK BY CAR— WALKER M'GEE REUNION TANDY WHITE FA I, liS DOWN STEPS MANY BIRTHS KK. 1 CORDED. 1 King. Sept. 6 The business ■ houses here have signed up the N R. A. one hundred per cent. I Kdwtn Caudle, of Winoton-Sab'm was among the visitors here Sunday. Theadore Newsum has received i | hi* commission as field deputy of i the Modern Woodmen of America i! Mr. Newsum will devote most of his I time lo thjs work. I The King Tigers took one away -| from Walnut Cove's crack nine on I the King diamond Saturday. Final } ; •core 13 and 5. ! Miss Mope Jones ha- returned to II her home here after spending a few | days with Dr. .and Mrs. Floyd J • i : St'iipe near Rural Hall. Our old friend. John Al>e New*u:n v .deran tobacco auctioneer of Win. ] ston.Salem. was here last week f i 1 shaking hands with relatives and ' I i friends. Mr. Newsum has been with j Browns and Piedmont warehouses a ■ ! for the past $7 years. He is a«socl_ I ated with Taylor's Warehouse this r | year. | Mls*e* Irene and Laura Boyles and Mrs. C. R. Newsum entertain. f I ed a large number of friends at i | chicken stew on Tuesday night- A • string band made music for the or. , ■ ■ cusion. The band was composed of j the following: Grady and Co*tor Col | lins, Reynard Griffin and Grady I Newsum. The three year old *on of Mr. and Mrs. Wjlliam Holder, Jr.. was run i| ever hy an automotive In front of g their home Friday evening. Whjle . the child wag bruised and lacerated. . fortunately he was not seriously . hurt. I t The Fideliis class of the Baptist :. Sunday school gave a chicken stew a at the home of Mr. Wjlliam Hart- I. grove Friday night. About forty s were present to enjoy the occasion r Th? Home Cafe, which has been o closed for some time, opened for r business again Friday morning. J Mi-s Treva Ashburn has returned . from an extended tr{p to Washing . ton. D. C., where she was the |. gue*t of her sister, t Wilson Brown, member of the C. v C. C. Camp at Pisgah Forest i* . spending a few days wjth his par. L - eni« here. The Walker-McGee annual reun . ion will be held at the home of W. . K. McGee on the old Geriiianton . i road the fourth Sunday in Septem ber- All relative's and friends are Invited io attend with well filled baskets. J S. J. Kifliy, of the Government Agricultural department, will speak j to wheat and tobacco growers here j next Friday night at 7:30. ( The King Junior League team lost lo Jefferson at Jefferson Sat > urda.v by a seore of 8 and 7. Thomas Hauser. of Siloam. was . here on businesw Saturday. ) Tandy White, aged 82 years, fell , down a flight of cement steps at Ihe home of his son, R. C. White- NO CIVIL COURT FOR OCTOBER ! BUT CRIMINAL TERN BEGINS t OCTOBER 16 tll'KY LIST DRAWN LAND WILL NOT BE SOLD FOR TAXES TILL DE CEMBER I. At the regular meeting of thy Board of County Commissioners in i! stusion here Monday, it was decided I to have no fall term of civil court but the regular criminal term will begin Monday. October 16. The docket is large, and a week will by I required to try the eases. Jurors for the criminal term were drawn as follows: ' Yadkin town-hip \V. E. Kis-r W. L. Shainhour. P. E. Slate- W. ' O. Spainhour. R. S. Cromer. S. 11. i i Kieer. J. H. Cromer. R. C. Lam*. 1 S. P. Bennett, T. c. Baker. E. F. Stone. M. L. Jones. Roy Ingram, i J. 10. Spainhour, W. E. Hoggin*. ,• Sandell Wall. S. F. Edwards. Snow Creek township Linzi.* Make, Joe Woolwine. G. T. Sheiton, i Willie Mitchell. W. H. Joyce, J'vl - W. Priddy. S. A. Amos. 11. T. i Vernon. I Big Creek township j. H. Hill. » G. W. Durham. L. A. Xe!*on. F. * A. Christian, Sam Lawson. W. 11. _ Overby. s Quaker Gap town-ship W. A. Bennett, Sam Wlson. G. R. Hunter, s Meadows township S. O. . Watts i Bed-vei Island township John \jA. Williams, J. 10. Dalton. .j Suuratown township—D. A. R.»_ r.minger, I'. G. Allen. -I Danbury township T'. ('. y Campbell. Osa Smi'h. * The advertising of land for taxes li was postponed by the Board until a ' November. *ales to be made Decern, f ber 1. el ] I ' Saturday evening breaking lour rjb.s. y Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Furches, ~t' Seward, visited relatives here Sat t urday. ~ Raleigh Southern js seriously sick at the home of his brother, Joel V. v Southern here. Grover Stone, while doing some ~ carpenter work at his home Satur. j. day, «tepped on a nail which pene trated the bottom of his foot- In I trying to catch he fell and stuck another nail in t.Js h ird. Antitox in for lockjaw was administered. The followjng births were record ed here last week: To Mr. and Mrs j, Ray Hauser. a daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Julius Cook, a daughter: to Mr. and Mrs. William Tuttie. a son: to Mr. and Mrs. John Woodlil', a daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Gil. mer Robertson, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Nat Pratt, a daughter: to My. and Mrs. Otis Watt-, a son, and to j Mr. and Mrs. Landis Newsum. daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Newsum . "Pent Sunday with Mrs. Newsum'! B parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hani K'ger near Donnalia. y Keever Newsum, of the C. ('. t\ t'amp at Mount Sterling. N. is spending a few days with relatives s here ' James Well and family, of Bry. 1 a nt Station, Tenn.. are spending i t few days with relative* and friends here. JOYCE WRITES CHMN. JEFFRESS DANBURY CITIZEN CALLS AT. I TENTH>N TO HISTORICAL IN. TEKEST OF PROPOSED ROAD IN WESTERN STOKES. Danbury, N. C. Augu-t 30th. 1933 Mr. E. B. Jeffries: My Dear Sir: ' Just a little of your time ideas.'. ' Since there is a pro*pevt of a 1 highway from here to Pilot Maun. ' tain and from here to Madison U ' connect with the highway from ' there to Wentworth. it makes u- ' the more anxious to see the letting 1 of .thin contract. Danbury. midway between the two extreni>, point ha* been my home for years, ami i knowing the advantages it would 1 • ivc the public, and the develop ment of the country intervening. I 1 have no hesitancy in saying that it ' would be a great boon and in. ' centive to thy people of ibis north. ' western ayetlon of North Carolina. The linking together of Surrv. S'oke-. and Rockingham county site* is what was contemplated a few years back, uinl from past ex perience* and observation it is not the best, business to abandon a bright project. We are on Highway No. 89 going north west to Mt. Airy from Win. ston-Sulem. The hard surface end in front of my home. The road we want, would start east to Madison at east end of our town going nearly a sira'ght course hy way of Shep- Paid's Mill is mile* to Madison to connect with road from Wentworth just «'onip!»»'ed. The we*t end would start at Piedmont Springs on No; 89 itwo miles from here) would g" 18 miles to Pilot Jit. Then running paraded with Sa urn town mountain to connect with No. 26s from Dob son. Saura-town mountain start hero at Danbury. 10 mile* to Qua ker (lap is our game Preserve, stock ed with deer, turkey, pheasant and quail. One mile from here on No. 80 j* the beautiful Isaac Walton lake abounding in game flsh for the ant ler. a place frequented by pleasure seekers at a club house. One mile from there (on No. 89 > Is Piedmont Springs, the popular re *ort for health and pleasure where Parties tram Greensboro. Winston- Saleni and Mt. Airy have cottages- The above resort dates back to civil war t'ines. when servant* came wit'i their masters in livery. We*t on our survey 3 miles i* Loswinlts Cascade !r. d:> gorge of 1 the mountain. Toe scenor..' is hard ly surpassed anywhere. Two mile* on our survey, west is Monies Springs, another popular re sort f*r health and pleasure. The water ;* shipped extensively on a-. count «.f it- curative properties. Iwo miles west on our route is Vade Mccum. Mecca of the Episco pal Church assembly from Nor h Carolina and adjoining *tate*. I was there a few days ago with a party and it was delightful mix ing with the elite of our state. Near by i s the Tory Den. a beau, tiful cave in the side of the moun tain. That afforded much history w-hen the Tories kidnaped a girl Number 3892 TOBACCO GROWERS MEET AT DANBURY l*KOTi:sr SUNT TO WASHINGTON AGAINST I.OW PRICKS FOR TO BACCO HF.I.KGATKS KIJCCT- Kl) TO HAI.KIGH TO ATTENU STATE. WIDE MKKTING—COUN TY ORGANIZATION lI'KKITBH, Tobacco urnwert were in mas» meeting at Dgnhury Saturday, prw. toting against the low prices beine paid for tobacco on the eastern mar. kets, A resolution was pissed «r»- dorsinir the Governor's of the warehouses, and urging him to keep them closed until relief for the tu baceo growers is effected- The res olution set forth tiie desperate con dition of to hit i "co growers, declar ing thai even when the necessaries of life were much cheaper farmers were unal'le to pa.v their taxes, or ta provide a decent living for their families. But now when flour, meat, el..thing, shoes, el''., are dally be coming higher n the face of faltm# priii* for tobacco, help l'or our Peo ple I.protnes imperative »n t.he part of the government. The Governor ■ >f North Carolina. I*. ft. Senators and Congressman- Hancock were urged to take the matter to President Roosevelt. Th» federal government is requested to grade the farmer's leaf, and fix tha prices on the same- John 1.. Christian, H. McGee ans - it. Phillips were named as dele gates to a State-wide meeting at Raleigh Wednesday, which will dis cuss measures of relief. Alternates were elected as fellows." AV. R. Pe treo- K. Alloy and K. C- Whit?. 'v A county organisation to co-oper ate with the State ami federal gov ernment was elected as follows: J. Io Christian, chairman: J. E .Tre vathan. secretary. from the Rock house near by. The Rock House, a two story structure built out of native flat rock gathered on the surface of the adjoining hills by John Martin twxitlx er of the tirst Gov. of North Caro l;na- This place has afforded mu*d» history and is a resort for tourists and picnics. Near by is a deposit of Flexible Sandstone, only two places found, here and in Souih America. From all the points above mentioned looking south, we have a beautiful picture of Sauratown Mountain. Hanging Rock is a drop of 150 feet in comb or ridge which is solid rock then a valley to the west half a mila to the east to Moo res Knob, the highest point east of the Blue Ridge. Three miles nopth of Quaker Gap on the highway from !em to Stuart. Va.. is the fine Rey nolds M jmorlal School building Don t forget Dnnbtiry was the home of two of our Governors, Glenn and Picket. For -t) miles west of here the i contemplated road opt.ns up a pan orama unequalled anywhere in our beloved North Carolina. We wan: to keep in the front ranks or progress and nothing will Set us there faster than go'>d roads. l-lxctise length of this letter, hut had to do It to present places of in_ terest along the route. Kindly yours, etc. , ' H. M. JOYCB

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