PAGE FOUR State Planters Bank WALNUT COVE, N. C. Depository For The United States Government The State of North Carolina And Stokes County. SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS 3 Per Cent. Paid on Time and Sav ings Accounts. No Service Charge On Checking Accounts. For Safety, Service, Courtesy Give Us a Trial By Opening a New Account. s > Noils i: or TIM STI i .-* s\f.i: oi \ M.I \m,i: KM \T. i VI \ I i". By . 1 tue of nuthor'tv contained it. g t i M Iced of • :• .. u'o 1 t- *: e undersigned t' i-'tec by B .M -I ill I wife. " :c B S||o a .. en t •? 13th day of lev i.iry. 1 a '' l -1 having been u adc t»» •he p.>n tie indeb'vdn->s therein .( v i, I Mil sell tor -ash 'o tin* h.g •• t i. ddcr at he t\ urt llou-v Is i i 11 •:i:• 111>. Stokes Fount.", N ' tim lands dc- rib ,i m said deed of o i t. I'ouimeiic ng a' lo'clock c.iHin. •iii l'llll> \V. Ol TGHI-l!t Mill.. !»:•». d.'O I of r'l-'t I'C'o: led ill booK x: pi • • j R.gister u lived* fj c ■'unity. N. t'.. in I dc. - r -.I :, s 'Mows: i'ir-*t i i.i- Beginning 't the >' d ..van Ibid ui Town Fork, near the it •i ti I'lnit. r t'reek. at a mark, ill hi : i id also the corner of the fat- ■ ti Matthews I mil. an I runs th' ii w ill Mat'h 'v. s !.no South •'.» I.'* chains t" a p-no thence -'Clin r> I grccs We-t chains t> i picv; thence South the P. . Itoi'l I ceding from stoke-khurg to in ui nping in the edge said roil i marked tree, the cor. ner of i:iir, I ••«— and the I'etree •laml estu'dishi'd liy a mutual agree, m uit win it. I. I'etree. thence aloud the middle •of Said old es'ab. li-»h'»d ra i(| vpitwai d to the midd'e of Bed Brink Creek as it meanders to th" !>••. lining, containing by es t'toiC'riu tOk acres, more or less. ex' i pt-ins however fi*>m tlte con. veyaince IS feet s uu ire encircling tlie gt'av « of the Bynnm family. From the a'mvc* boundary there has been twelve acres of land deed ed Prui t. iiul thirty-hoc acres deeded to T. M. T little. Second Tract: Beginning al ste.d bridge over small branch and runs with 'ld road bed the following course": North x:t 1.2 Must 7.."in chains to the bend in the road, then••".• south X 2" Hast -hains *o thy b.nd in the rood: theme South I s " desrt'•" His: 7 to the herd in the road, thence North x-_-" Ha't one chain and eiKhtv.iiing links to «i st-tic fiovn. r in ••(•nti'i* of Hi.' old road): thetico rtouth -hi" Wc-s x, links, to the center of the n-•'■•. roud. thence South x.l" V>" -t with is>ad 5.5H chu'ns t-i a b.nd in the ror.d; thence North 7ti 1.2" W'-st 2.00 chains to it bend in th > rood: thepco North «■>" West 5.5« chains to a bend in the road: them-e South RS" tv st 7 chains and 7" links to -the beginning. containing 2.93 ; acres be the same more or less. This th? nth. day of September, T9-33. T. C. Graham, Trustee S.J. KIRBY SAYS: Continued from Ist page been held ill o ' h to-vn-hip. In ad. ditiori to tit - a great many farm visits haw vii made. It must ;i'lmi;ted Imnevyr. that Hl ■ li of t'l wlica' grown 11• ■ro is 111 • -It- Ic. villi i -fowiis !|it til l re aw many lamj • •unor.- ami tenants who have pa-s. e«l up tiie pfiK'sition lightly an-! who would have found it to their' interns! to make tin* small rcduc. ti"li reou-re I ni(| aei-ept the • a-'i pay meiit offer. ISM ai tol'tt' •i growers showed i' gr>at "ur t in the reeent campaign. The complete Hgui- show that there j.- approximately I.'UMI signers in this eounty. representing appro*. ■ mutely !ir> per eent. of the acreage proiiueed here. Sel'temlier 20 closed j the fcobaeep sign up c.-i-mpaign hot several men owning land in Stoke? signed in other eounties and their agreements b'ave Ju>t reached the local office, other growers living in Stokes signed their agreements and mailed them to Washington.! These have just heeti returned to j this o'lhe and the two groups ar.i count for the change in the figures iinnouneed last week. The prices on the open tobacco market, according to ilie daily press reports, show that signers who get parity prices this year will average nearly twice as much for their tobacco crops as the men who he'd out and refused to s'gn the tobacco agreement. It i.t report JI from sections that there is a real need for Government aid tide jear to bring the price up ti parity. It Is certainly encour'tei g under these cir'iiniotiancps t 0 lize tliat such n arge per cento go of local growers have n: a ee«l them, selves in position to receive this supplemental payment on their one jmpcrtant cash crop tobacco during the year of 1 f>33. S. J. KIRBY, Emers, Agr. Ass't. THE DANBIRY REPORTER. notice of sai.i" J!y of the power of sa'.e ' outlined ill a 11 rod "f trust I'Xfrii. ted "ii tin* .lay "t" .Man li. lyjs i.y John Richmond Ala lie ati.l wife • I>. Humphreys, trustee. re. '.'r.l*ti jn tlie Stokes County Regis, try. in J look \'>. 7x it page 7.*., de lau't having i»e, a matte jo pa,'., mere: til-- .loi't there I>y serure.l, atul the hoMer of same having ap pii. (1 :"• foreclosure the under. siaoc.l %\ i:!. on {he loth day or o"Fount, at tii" h.-ur of Hcimi. a . m,, a! th« •>.irttense .loor in the town ot Hau hury. X. »'. t expose at public sale to Hie li : ehest hi.hler for cash the f""'- wjn}{ property: Tract No. I -Adjoining the lanls • Mali... i.'aney 'lray. .laek Ala he. John Richmond Alabo an*. { others, containing L'« acres, more or !iss ami it heiiis the present home place »i Troy Al ahe and being a part «f the Col, At. v. ,Mal»e lands. Tract No. 2 Containing: 43 3.4 acre. more or less. See de id from Edmund Al • tie to John Richmond Ala!>? recorded in the Siokis Conn, ty. N. t.\. Registry in Book No. 37 at page ">l3. Tract No. 3—Containing 37 acres, more or less, adjoining tract No. 1 above named, and hying the land conveyed to John Kichmond Alabe by K.liiiond Ma lie by deed recorded in the oltlcy of the Register of Deeds for stokes County, N. c., in Book No. 3>> at page 50. Tract No. 4—Adjoining the lands of \V. It. Al a iie. Jamas Bennett. John Alabe and J. 11. Hall, eontain. ing 5o a'-res. more or less. All of sa-d lands fully described in a deed of trust recorded in the stokes County, N. C. Kegistry. in Book No. 7S at page 25, to which ri fercncc js hereby made. This s th day of September. 1 oat. AIRS. J. D. HUMPHREYS, adn.x. of J. D. Humphreys, trustee. R. J. Scott. Attorney. ACID- TitA ■ NEW FACTS ABOUT HEADACHES. | SLEEPLESSHESS, DEBHJTY, ETC. ■ Acidity is a danger signal. Don't lie® | siitisfied merely to correct tho con-| dition in your stomach. Your en- I tiro system is concerned. Take® ■ GOLD MEDAL I HAARLEM OIL CAPSULES ' 1 They stimulate your kidneys so ® ■ that they free your WHOLE BOOT | of more acids. Bee if they don't I relieve ALI. your acidity troubles. I _ Insist on 001.0 MEDAL. ■ I— .sdim :or or i;i: ti, is. t \ u: i sDi'.i: oi i in -i !• •..;■! if of the p.-iviw • .» ' • . r.' nod -!l i deed i? r >s. i- I I I'll* mi - t tla> i>. A : . > \v« ij.iiu .-'i.-. i'-- si.. i A;hi I - ,ic his wtic. v. ii ii i - ' t ,il in tii.' Otlie. of I.caster I'- ll i.l • Stakes t"nu»it N i'l ]i.i"iU Ti. l'a-'.-i' '.'l. iiv\ '■ iill iefci i'i!' i' is In.r t 'iitit«> mailt', to secure tin' pav ■iii jii ni' tli,' sum of -f lil i''■ i I lhi'r.i. in ri'i'iitnl. d.fault lot iv. lu'i'ii in;t'?«» in tlie payment •''' raid U*' it uiatiirit.v, ami tin- holder thereof li.nitu applied t'> "it' in forirliw tin' trust deed tor tin' sat.-tiii'ti"'! of sail d'.'i't si" ailed I'.' -aino. 1 "i'l > i: i' tiublir jiii'li"ii. lo tin* lii■ li'-st l ill. lor fusil, ai tlio I'i uj't House ,i "'|' of Si.iUni I'oil li tv. \ . i'.. "il MOMHV. in iiiiiiii: at. tlio hour oi on,. .• ■ ■ ~ I'. ,M.. the lands inn'.', >t'il in thi' trust ihi'l. to.uil: I'ir-t Tril'-t.: Adjoining 1 .mils of .i. i>. Flynt. ,i . it. st : t Sii>:: ami others, h uin lt'il > - follows: lit'. Kiniihiu at a pine eoriier of \V. J. Kl.vnt in 1. li. 11. Mitchell's liny, thelU'o N'ort.h 2" chain- to a Make, tli.-lire llast *• elia n to pointer-. • t heiii'i' South -ii ill ilns lo a -tiki*, tlifiu'e W'es;. ii rli;i:lis to ihe In-pin- 1 uinu. i'"ntaiu'ii- 12 am'-s lie the same more or less. See •! Ed from W. .1. I'lvut Sl"'l s. It. l-'lynf William and Mir.' S'li's. re Mril'il •u (lie uttji'e of ll.'iii-»ti» of 11 e l-' i'i Sifiliis r«tiit.v. N. i'.. in li,'..ii ( lit. I'n-e 204. S.'imill 'l'ra t iV'ii; • in'n- nav* division «.f flip laii'l • of ItaU- r Mar. ta. lie ease.l. il.lo::. 11l hi' rs 't 11 • ami il ;' sai'l '■ '. No. t. I.,.'it •M •»!.'• •' S. ii,.. 1;> 1 if I' if ,• _ t li s estate Till' ri'iio't "f the em;., i' ss'onet's of :!i.' il v : s:«oi ..f ti i'a is of the saill Miller Martin • • "ifeii. hoi'ir r- "nl I n the n'li -e II ' istl'l' "f I Ifl'lls of .'S •'.unify. N. . In v. i:. h I'i'fe! .lie • j- Iv re'itUo mode Thi- 'tli day o' teinti 1 1.1 .1. \V. II \1.1,. Trust- •• 1 i i sotu kor s\i.i: | H.v virtue of the power of sa'e i'o 'taitli'd in i ileeil of tn s »x | tril on the t'.nh ilav of Jauunr' I 19 23. he Ken ltajiey and wjfe t" •'. IK. Mavis trustee, vewrilfil in th? j Stokes eoiiiity in I took \\> •ii at to'i-e H". di'fi t'V having '".'l'M made in '»avr'eiit of ihe del i thir.'- h.v s'l'tireiJ. ami tlio h.i'dor thereof having applied for f> •" .jtire. Tv, . iinili'i"' : '- nf'ii v if, on the jnih i» \s or orTODKit. lat the hour of Ift:an, a. no. at the i courthouse ih.or in Mantuiry. N. evtins!. at Ptihli" sale to 'he highest hjilder for rash the following prou. ert.v: Being .1 lots in the town ( >r \Va!. nut i'ov,.. x. i *., x u , is. '_' a af, ( | '!. See plat made h.v •'. M. Ward. sur. vp.vor. for li. I', .love , and i'. m . .tones t« n Nov. I'i. I HIS. a i pci r l of which appears in the otliee of tlio Hesistcr of l)'_'d«. lt,i n „- the lots purchased frmi A. .1. Fair and J Minnie fair ami hying mope partie-j ularly iiereriheil as follows: I'm hi; 130 foot of Meadow Street (Low lioail or Mitchell St-1 adjoinjipf Jerome Ueeves. J. Iv. Doiison. et a: 1 and runnins hack aixnit 11 «> feet- This stli day of September. 1;»3! C. E iX'iViS, Trustee. tt. J. Seo't. Attorney. SOTICK OK S \I,K l!y virtue of the power of sa'e contained in a certain deed of trust executed on the 31st day "f Jan uary, 1923 ( by J. M. Smith a n d ] Sarah Smith to 'i. ft. I.eake. trus tee. securing payment of a debt of s!i.".no to Annie Woods, due Nov. 20th.. 1923, the same heiny: recorded lin the stok.i County ne«i"try 'n Isook No. 72 at Pane 151. default havin- lieen made in the payment of said deht at maturity, and the holder of saniij havimr applied for foreclosure thereof for satisfaction of said deht. the undersigned, hav. ins: been duly appojntfl as siilist 1- tute trustee in the place and stead of raid f». It. I,eake. he bpins a non-resident of the state. It. J. Scott, suhst'tute trustee. «i'.l on the Uhh DAY OK OfTOHKIt. Nt the h"iir of 10;00. a. rn., a : the : courthouse dror in the town o. Wan bury. X. r.. exp".*e at pubtto sak to the hishort l.idiler f"r the follow ins lands conveyed by said trust deed: Me-hminu: a' the Crock running West 11 chains to a Poplar: thence South tip the Creek, bounded °n th.? I North by P. O. Tirrnle. on the j West hy Tom Overby, on th : j South by J. jf. Smith, containing i 25 acres, more cr less. For furthe. I dpscrip'ion see St>k-o County Iteg-i istry. Book Xo. 72 at pase 151. This Hth die of September. 1933. I ft.J. SCOTT, Substitute Truatee. iICBAKING POWDER /SAME PRICE \ ! I tod** \ / AS 42 YEARS AGO \ I 25-««f»2sf I teHlsi xoik i: or s \i.i-: or i:i:\i. in. tate cndek deed or tiicst. I!.v virtue >'( tin' power of fa'i! lont'iincil in a dot"I of trust exi-cu. to! t" 1110 'ill tile 1 -111 day of Sci>- ttiiit'or It>y i". E. Vadeii and Framis Vadon It's wife, which is recorded in Hi. otlicj . 11,■ Uon-s --:.T of I 'cods "f s;. dies I't.aat-. N. i'.. in* l'o"li 7*. I'a-o 393. to whii ii re el ,m c i- tic'onilto nui'io. t" s•- oar.' tlio payment of the sum ol too. oili I it d. d. :a ait having liooi: in.'ido m tiio pa: in. Nt "f .-will dt : 't • ii.- arty, and ;a ■ holder tl.oi-i" unim, al'p ii t io 1..0 In .'"M" t'".- Ir is: »! oil for the . 'tisfip t on 1 f said di ■ - • ui'od hy same. I v. :i r, !' at puMp- an ti"ii I" t o iijgi.c • •Mo:' !'• I" « .1 -!:. at the •'our! I tolls'.' ilooy ,1! s O. st "OUl!ty. X. «' . .Ol Monday. n Turkic a. t H the io'iir ..1" olio i'c ick I'. .M„ tile lands - on-, yod ill the tins' deed !«| nit. l-'ii'-t 'l'l'.u't: It.-aititi'ii:; at a Imnoii of maple- running -North 213 troies hi a dogwood form riy white on!:, •100 Ifiyaiu's corner in Tiso's lino, thence Xorth 79 pchs to pointers, theme South »X. A. .Martin's i.nt s. 1,. ifolden'- line 1 2t.'t pohs 10 a whits-oak and dogwood no" a ee. dnr .Mrs. Millard's, corner, thence M'l.-t I.Mrs. M'illard's aid I'. South, ei'ti's lini'i T:• poles to the h-ginning, containing 1 »«• acres more >r less. Pecatui Tract: Adjo'ning tip. aiiovj named tract, h uintijiiu at a roek .to. Hry in"t corner, thence Xortti x liokres-' Ka-t 113 chains to an anido tree, thence Xorth •*••• di greet Mast two ami two teutiis chains ti a rack. til. in-. Xorth t*:» degree* K.ast up hollow as i' meanders 5 73.1110 eli.a'ns to a rock. tli nee Xorth lit decrees West 1 7.1 ft chains to a Spanish oak Joe I'.ri ant's corner Xorth 32 f._in de:-:i*vs Ks*t x iis.iuu ehains to pointers A. I'. Maker's former line, theni'e Smith 4 decrees H'e-t with said ! ! ne 27 chains to a dogwood Isatx'lle (lolden's Xorthrast corner, thence Xort.h 30 decre s West 3 75.10 ft ehains t> tie. ginning. containing 13 acres more or iess. The same being pari of lot assigned to C. O. Maker in the ft:, vision of the lands of !•'. M. M a k. er. This Bth (lay of September. 193:1. .1. AV HAM.. Trustee. NOTICE OF SAI.K OF It FA I. FN. TATE FXDEIt DEED OF TltFsT. By virtue of the Power of sate contained in a deed of trust execu ted to me 011 the 30th day of April. 1325. by O. T. Tucker, unmarried, which is recorded in the Oflice of Register of Deeds >f Stokes County, N. L'., in Moolc 72. pane CIS. to which reference is hereunto made, to secure tha payment of $2533.11, therein recited, default having been made in the payment of said debt at maturity, and tin* holder thereof having applied to me t> forecols* 'h' trust deed for the satisfaction of said del it fee u red by same, f will sell at public auction, to tlie lrahrst Milder for oa-h. at the Court Hiu-c dcor of st"kes fiuinty. X. C. - MONDAY. OCTOItKII ». H»33. • t th,- hour of one o'clock, M. M., •lie hands conveyed in the trust d ial t"-W!t! I.yin- in Quaker (lap Township, contain ivg 50 acres, mare er less, adjoining the S. P. Simmons. A. H. Murtin. Dixie Nunn and allows being fully dpwrihed in a deed of trust to M. AV. f!corse from O. T. Tucker, dated April 10. 1323, and 1 ecorded in the OfTlee of Register of 1 Deeds cf Stokes Bounty. Book 72, I Pase 124, see same for boundrie*. This Sth day of Sep'emlier. 1333. ' J. \V. HAM", Trustee. WEDNESDAY ixEi*!. 27 19:1 NOTICE OF x M E By virtue of the per of -ale I •'ontailpd in a dee i •>'' ;r-i*t execu. lud 011 the 2 Ith d.ii > ' October, :_ 1. i.; .!. 11. it.ik,: an I wife to J. D llmirdir.'s. trustee. recorded iu tiio s'lokcv 1 u::' t y ii. uistl'.v in jton!; Xo. 72 a' pea.' 1 ■*»lt. de.'fauit haling been imwle in payment of tlie ih'tit thor; h: s""iitc ! t and the holder 01" same having applied for 'oreclcsnre. the and rsigned will, jii the llllli DAY OF OCTOMF.It. I»3«. .at the hour of loniti, a. 111.. at the courthouse door in the town, of Jt.iniiury X. I'.. expose a' public fill., to the liiiliesi Miller for cash the fn.'loiving Property: Containing about 15•' acres, more er iess. being composed of six dif ferent 'tracts, ail of w-hMh are fully dowrihed in a deed of trust given by .1. 11. Maker and wife to Mank of Stokes County, recorded in the office of the 1 leg is' er of Deeds of Stokes County .X. c.. in Book No. Hi at page 31 to ivhi h reference is h.-rearito made for boundaries and deserii>tion. This x:h day of Sepieintier. 1333. Mils. J. D. II I'M I'll lIKYS, ad 111 x. of .1. D. Humphreys, trustee. 11. .1. Scott. Attorney. ADMIMSTK VI'OIJ'S NOTICE Having "lUaiitied as t e a'lminis tra'or of the estate of iV. 11. M«.s. er. i ite of ISfkes Cutiuiy. North Carolina, tin.- s to notify al! per sons hav'nv . 'aims against the sa i dceased to them to tlie un dersigned at Hall X. «'. MFD t. op or before the 2 4th, .lay of Au gust. 13."t, «>r tills notice will be pleaded in bap of their recovery. All person' indebted : said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This Dith. day of August, 1333. J. A\". Musi ill. Admr. of AV. 11. Moser, df'd. Clias. 11. Helsabeck. Atty. NOTICE OF SAI.E My virtue "f thn power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed ..11 the 3rd day of Febru ary. 1322, by dim Matt Joyce and tHira Joyce to J. I'. Itimiphrils. tru-toe. recorded in tlie Stokes County Megistry in I took Xo. .iii at page 55ii. deb.ult having been made in payment of tlie de'>t thereby se cured- and the hoid.r thereof hav ing applied for foreclosure >f same, tlie undersign: d will. 011 the Itttli DAY OF OCTOISEIt. lOIIH at the hour of lmiui. a. in., at the courthouse door in the town, of Dan bury. X. ('.. expose at public .sale to the highest 'udder for cash tlie fol lowing described property: Meginninu at a sniaii poplar bush in the Virginia and North Carolina State Dine. formerly a redouk; th .nee South 4 degrees West *•» poles to a flint rock corner: thence North 85 degrees West 143.6 pole* to a new corner of Murray D. Joyce: thence North 4 1-2 degrees East on Murray Joyce'* line S3 1-2 polos t-> a stake in the said A'irginia and North Carolina line: the ace East on said state line 142.6 poles to the beginning containing 70 5.8 acre*, more or less, see deed of even da'o from J. M. Dalton to me for furth er description. This Bth day of September. 1933. MRS. ,J. D. HI'MMHREYS, admx. of J. D. Humphrey's, trustee. R. J. Seoit. Attorney. 666 I.IQCID. TABLETS. KAI.VE. NOSE DROPS Checks Malaria in 3 dajs. Colls first da.v. Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 minutes Fine Laxative and Tonic Must Speedy Itemedles Known Having a good corn crop Mown to the ground, two Car ei'et f irmer* recently purchased a truck load of feeder pigs from neighbors in Pam lico county. A mul> stepped on the foot ot Robert, the nine year old son of Rengo AV bite- Sunday inflicting an ugly wound.

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