THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 61. SAFE CRACKERS VISIT STOKES ! ii .VISION linos. SAFE MM:L\. FIZLD AT WAI.NI'T I'OVi:.! I $200.00 TAKKN VAILT IN \ )IEUISTI:II or DEEDS 01-IK I:! i AT DAMH'UY IS lIOItED, HIT THIEVES EVIDENTLY ;OT! *CAIIED orr noimrmr.s' IX MOr>T AlltY SUIH NHilir' I —NO ('M ils TO STOKKS JOB. The safe in Mauser It KM. grocery store at Walnut Cove was burgbi riMKl Thursday night, and $200.00 in cash taken. I The riime night 'hi' vault dcor n the Be-i-ter of IVoda oUlcp a' Ban bury «ii bored with a drill nlci.: the diameter >f a lend pencil. r r a' i little l*it'".er. while ti'e -oin'•in;i kno'i on (ho do"r wa; knocked off.' I Entrance was n>t effected t> th • vault, v hii-h cjv.ta'ned on'y conn y records. The thu'Vtn evidently w frightened off before • .nutt ; " the job. Finger print experts were sum. inonel from WiiM- n.Sa! t in l-'rid to in*t''e investigation. No duos t> either the Walnut Cove or Banbury job* have haen diseov- red. Kesi-ter of l>eeds B. P. 1 tail«-y flrst discovered the attempted ro'>- hery h '"e when tie went into tiis of. flee early Friday morning to bui'.l a tire in the grate, the morning be ing ecol. Seeing the knob of the v»ul» -j:« r fyin« rn t tie floor, "he looked around an«l «n»' the deface! door of the vault. The intruders had evidently gained entrance to the room with a skeleton key. The front door of tH« building ifading info the hall was unlocked, while one the windows flunking the door had been raised. N'o other damage was done, and nothin,- else disturbed. It is reported that throe robberies wore "ommittsd in Mt. Airy Thurs day ni-ht. Ladies U. M. S. Meets The Ladies t'nion Missionary So. eioty was entertained by Mesdames E. I*. Popper and S. J. Sparser on Wednesday afternoon Oct 4th. In the absence of the president and vi e president Mrs. J. S. Tay lor presided over the meeting. She read for her scripture lesson St John IK. 1-3. where .lesiis entered a frarden with his disciples: also St. John 13. 3i».42. in the place where he was crucified there was a garden- Mrs. Oordon of Leaksville gave a most interesting talk on the gar dens of the Bible which was great ly enjoyed by all present- The Society was delighted to h i v.? on this occasion Mcsdames 'lord"i and Brown from laeaksville and Mo.siianic- Henry Shelton and Be-r Bennett from Wiinston-^alem. At the c inclusion of the program the Itj.ttesd R->'sted by .Mrs. .1. - Tityl r, Miss Mattic Sue Taylor and 11 r.. N. I 1!. Pepper served a suii.i Course. At Vade Mecum l!ev. J. B. Needham. of Danbir - . assisted by ltev. Sir. Fitzgerald o Walnut Cove is conducting a se ries of meetings in the M. E. Church at Vade Mecum. Established 1872. SHERIFF PROBES ! YADKIN AFFAIR KI'SPICIOI S t'lltCl MSTWTKS I N. ; WHICH WILLIAM lIKSItV | MOOKE DIED XEAII DAI.TON , ' LAST MAY AUK INVESTIGATED ; . ' —XO CONCH'SIVK KVIUKXTIi or FOIL I'LAY i>is4-ovi:itKi». I I I I sheriff Taylor last week made a j I ! speoial investigation of cir-uni. j stance* connected with the late death of William Henry Moore, near Daitun. but found no conclu. *ive facts pointing to foul play. | The investigation was made by I the Sheriff at the instance of ,!. W. Moore, father of the deceased I I young man. I ! It will be recalled that young. i ' -Mm re. aged 31, died May !"t*. 1 lie was a section foreman on th.' I A. «• V. ra !r>'.id and lived at I*«'- ton. Two «r tiir,e days prior to his d.ath, t" be o\ on May -V l! ,; ! ; . he attended a dance at the home oi Abe Muss. It i- stated that here. ! v. bile under the influence oi li«im>v. he was taken deathly ill. Being put t" bed. a physician «a.> sumuiomd a'jout o'clock, who diagno-ed the trouble as toxemia, and the Patient was carried to a Mount Airy hos pital, where hi* ailment was pro. nounced septicaemia, or blood poi.s. oning. lie died May :in. There was neighborhood talk I around Dalton of foul play, it helms stated that a vial was found in an other room of the death house con taining a fluid which the State Chemist pronounced sulphuric a'id and bii hloride of mercury. The continued talk le«l the father of the deceased young man to re.. |ite-t an investigation by county j authorities. I In his investigation of the affair! I I Sheriff Taylor was assisted by J. w | I Moere. father of the deceased: J I W. Marshall. l>r. B. S. Ilelsabeok. Dr. Ash by if the Mt. Airy lios total j staff, Abe Lucy Moss .1 use j phine Moss. Mrs- Kmnia Bast and Dary Lawaon. I in view of the testimony and oth. ■ or evidence it was not deemed that 1 the circumstances pointing to foul I i play were conclusive- I i The deceased young man was I married to a daughter of W. C j I'atteivon Of Pilot Mt.. who had. 1 been married before and who has a son by her first husband, aged 16. Success Of Winter G. Francis J Walter G. Francis, son of Mr. and I Mr-*. B. 10. L. Francis of Francis- > has successfully completed his! ■ training at the Marine Base. Pirns Island, S. c., and transferred to the, Marine Sea School Portsmouth, Vi. I'; in com pie ion, of thjs trainin; | ycttng Franc;* will t.e as-'i'-ntil + >J | duty a' -o •rd one "f the larger Cruis ers or Batt'eships, it is announc. i i.y L:. '*•!. A. B. Brum, titlicer ii i charge. Maine Corps Be - rt:it': Stati''n. P. .4 office Building, S• - vannah. (Ja„ where Francis a-cepted for enlistment «>n Jut*. 10th. It is further announced by Coi. Brum that a limited number of graduates of high school are ae. eepted each month. Applications , will be mailed upon request- Danbury, N. C., Wednesday October 4 1933 DANBURY F. A. C. h MEMORIALIZES'' KKSOM'TIOXS l'\ssr.|» AT MASS ) mi;i:ti\; i»i:oti>tix; a«aixst IMAIIt TItKAT. mkxt or i»anbi'hv school AS i»ll'AI(|-.l> WITH MTHKiI SCHOOLS OF TJII-: CUI XTV. J A muss meeting si»oiirored by li the Oanbury 1-adit's Kim- Arts Clu-jjn was held in t'»e court house her.-jd ninht of la- s t week in J \vhi h resolution* were passed ro- j 1 iiuextin-; the stokes county Hoard >• I c Kducation t" explain why the U«n. | | ( bury school wa.- apparently beiiiß dis j j criminated in the new school !n | prom-am for the county. The rcs«- J f Inti"ii also entered a strung in-'ti lj 'at Mil- palpab'c nc-lct of tl>l» l>an- | bury hod! in 'l'lipm- nt, a:'!' int.. 9 nient-' and e ( ,nvcnien es as cosnp u'- ? ed with >thc-r S''hi;»V of tiie nmnl •• .1 , | Tli,* male citizens win 1 invjted lo ? lie ptvse'it at the mwtinit. '1 | > The involution as pas-cd l.y the l ••!■«*» women t-;t forth that tile at- 1 tendance at the school here had f'l'- lrn «'i'i more thin 1"" per cent j>in*\j - last yea' - "wiu-4 to the new arraiw- i nient of bn« service which was di- i vcit-u« children win properly b>. 1 longed to the Ranbury tschool, to otlier institutions: that whereas i last year the attendance at tho Danliury school averased around ] 18. r >, that now not more than SO children were attending the bury school, and that thi--* re-nit I coulil not he attribute*! altogether i to depression conditions, since Law- 1 ; sonville and other surroundin - ; 1 ,-choeU showed increased atten i I dunce. A strong protest wa- voiced a'- J I i ; . the apparent nevslect of th? IJanbur/| | school in e'luipmentj ai>l>ointmen s i and conveniences, in that no heat i # ; inn' or sewage facilities had been 1 provided at the IJanbury school, a'- i though it had been built several ( years, and that l-awsonville. Sandy I Kidiie and other schools since built have been equipped with these mod ern convenience". It was further al leged that the front of the Danbun' school had never been complete' j according to the architectural plans. I and that it was a menace to the j safety or the children, while bein-,' ( an eyesore. Some very heated and impatient sentiment was expressed by sever"! of th? ladies present, who signed j themselves to the resolution as "cit izens ef stokes county, patrons of ( the Dan bury school and voters.'' , ' It was decided to send a copy of the resolutions to the county board ' | of education and to the state school authorities. I Bill McCanless At Hargrave i ( I Chatham, Va. >•>;»'.. 23. —I'ai-'i ' 1 William t'. McCanlc3 ins been a;». pointed member of the Sen- I a'.e of llarwrave Mllitiry Academy' and was eltc.ed Werjit,'int-at-arn-i of this or-anization. The members of the student &natu are appoint. , cd each year from the ranU.j ins and outstanding members of the three upper elates. Cadet Me. canhvs has been at Ilarsrave Mili tary A ademy for three years a"' is making a brilliant record in ail activities. CELEBRATED GOLDEN WEDDING MIL AND MLTS. H. M. .lOYCK ON . I TII nit rimr/rii AXNIVI:IS.! sinv, WI:LL AND lIKAHTY. AND KNJOYINIi LIIT-:. I-ast Sunday was a happy day f. r: Mr. and Ml*. 11. M Joyce of I'an.j bury, the occasion being the »"t'i mile in the trail of their wed- ' ded life. Mr. and Mrs. Joyce are anion: Banbury's oldest and mot honore I i citizen*, and at this remarkable per iod of li!'». they lind themselves en joying the best of health, and a members of their family likewise favored. The invited guest* as well as tho-ej I present on this occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace .'"ye, Mr. •,■a Mrs. K. A. Joyce a".I Mi-s N. i Joyce cf Win-t. n-Saleni; Mr. and Mrs. X. K. Wall. Mr. and Mrs. ; K. Joyce. Mr. and Mrs. X. i:.. IV. per, and James B. Joyce of Han bury. ! The felicities of the joyous even' "vere of course hightly accentuated a royal dinner, and as the f-jm". gathered around the festive board hearty congratulations were extend ed without stint to the happy ccup'e J i who occupied the seats of hon »r. ! i Roy Cahoon Held For Court On $5OO Bond Ttov Cahoon ( charged with in flicting a death injury on Hradv Young last week, was given a pre-' limjnary trial here Saturday an 1 ; bound over to court on a charge of manslaughter. Bis homl was tlxed at v.hich he failed to arrange. ' and was t>ut in Jail. Cahoon is a C. j C. C. ramp boy. whose home is in ! Durham. Youmr lived at Walker-! town, and was visiting at Walnut Cove when ho became encaged with Cahoon in an affray wherein he was fatally hurt. Cahoon will he tr'ed at October T6 court. Death of Tandy White Tandy White, an peed man "f King, died Saturday night and was buried Monday at the Hartma.i graveyard. Mr. White was one of the oldest citizens of the -•> i-'te being about 85. lie was the father of Messrs. 8.1 C. and E. D. White of Kin*, and! was a good citizen. Hilary Southern i Given Hearing— Bound Over j Hilary Southern «as given a hear-| ing last week before Justice P. c. | Campbell on the charge of earra i knowledge of a girl under Hi. He was bound over to court in 1 bond of $500.00. which was furnish. . ed T. V. Sizemore of Mir.apli was here Wednesday. LOST Between Banbury and Madison, on the hard surface highway one square yellow suit, case- One StiMP mi-j'ng. A re ward of s•"> will be paid for the delivery of the same to me. H. 8. SHELTOX, Moore* Springs. N. O. PETREE TO LEAD DRY FORCES JOSEPH WILLIAM NEAL WILL HE THE CANDIDATE OF THE Ki:PEALISTS VIIKiINI \ THE THIItTY.KKCOND STATE TO VOTE FOR KEPEAL. Although nominations may i>e made up U- Saturday night. when the deadline will be reached, th ■ line-up for the repeal linht in stokes is now definitely determined, it is thought- X. O. I'etree of Banbury has beer I nominated by the .dry forces and has accepted the resjHjnsibility, while Joseph William Neal of Wal-j nut Cove "ill head the wet ticket-! It is very hard to gui-e sent'-! ii'cnt in this ••uint.v as to t:e res iit j which will haiipen on November " I I it lill tt that many wci- wil vo'e dry. j t The ''e tai- i.- «!i .ut the odds - to i in t'avjr of repeal. P-'it : - 'i there is a. heavy vote of the dr.. s, j repeal may be defeated in stoU, .■ ) . Virginia having voted as th ( ::: c.| i state to ratify the repeal am t •!_ pa lit. now opiy frui* states are nee I. Ed to do away with the amend, nient. i - .Weasel Too Much For Snakes I A weasel enclosed in a cage with . a rattier and a blacksnake. fouaht tiie two reptiles for an hour and M half and was getting the best jf tlie tight, when County Came War-! ilen P'with shot tiie animal. ; Becentl.v Mr. 800 1 h has kc>t a .rattlesnake eased with a bla.-i;. i snake at the game reserve near i : Banbury. The snakes seemeil to act i along well together, ami were not • I lighting each other. Put one even, ing last week the game warder.' i sa.v a hon running with a weasel I holding its leg. The w easel was caught, and put into the wit-i' the snakes. BUSMU'SS picked up at I once. Both the snakes attacked the little rat_like animal, which ably de fended itself, though Mi 3:1 ys during the tight which eon. ti •id for an hour and a half, the rattler bit the weasel no less than seven times. Every time its fangs hit the w'easel the blood flew, but the weasel did not seem to be ad. versely affected with tiie poison- Finally, when it looked like the animal would kill both of the I -snakes. Mr. Ilooth took his r ifle and j shot the weasel. 1 The weasel is said to be the i toughest tighter to his inches of i any animal known. It is very de. i j struetive and will kill half a hum!. I ... red chickens In a night. Squirrels. j As the s'luirrol! hunting seas . is now- on in full blast, many of the ( bushy-tailed animals are b.-in , brru.aht in. j Quite a number >f kids have lne-, j Provided with cutis end shells •..• t'-eir daddies, \.i:> pront'.cd t*> ?.•. company the boys to the \vo;ds Tins arrangement should work well as long as th? Juvenil-s don't sho't anybody c\ 'cpt their daddies. Chas. Martin has returned fr >m Burlington whore he ha-s recently . held a position. Number 3896 TIME EXTENDED WHEAT GROWERS ' MAV I U.K. Al»l> ATIONS I P Tl> OtTOItDIC 15. At;l'M' KlltßV KXI»I.\I\S Till: WIIKAT SITI'A. TltW. Tin- period in which w -le'S i:ro ers may "le a I»l * I-■ t ion ~ for con tract* in the reduction naJ receive the eah payments has beeiv extcnded ti> October I.V (Jrowei'H now have untl! 'he middle of Oeto» her to llle their applications. The Stoke* wheat crop is produc- I ed mostly fur home use. Vel'> fe>v men practice wheat Co? j sale in 'his cjuntv, j i-t 'here a '> ■ .-pverr.! men who- .- a. .'I'M -c j'leldd I of v.heat d'lr'n- 'he y. ui's >t 1930 | |:81. an-l ua- .';ir;er than |ni" '.s.-a- t • I'uri'i tiieir farm I in* ! Th\- nun • p"sition ' i.. nisi'- e tli- i'• r ,it i liu'ti'>,| I 'in !•«•: h a 'iv a' I : e'-l nd a''''e"t h • .-'i! ttili hi. Nt • ■ va\:-u«nt o'i• ! I I I'V t'u- ! jv.-rmneiit. Several local grower* interviewed i recently s'a'ed tli -1 it was their in ! tt:it"• >n " rt'lii''«- tl' ulie't pro. l'i• tain by in ire than )•"> per cent • and that they encountered no «l:f— -' fi l allies whateM-r in meeting t!• t» mivernnientV plan to accept the cash payment allowed, j Twenty wheat in th*« j county have already filed applied. I lion.--. Anions the-.- are s one of tha I ' l-adins; wheal farmers in the emni ! . ty. A niiniiier of 'tlu>rs have ex pressed an intere-t in this work. | Tit lind out whit Ihis plan wi'l mean to any farmer and hie tenant* all he needs to do is to lind thi; average yield produced on his farm I during the '-a-e period «>f nun. li'-'H and on fifty-four Per nt if this average yield the k«v.» ei'nment will pay approximately -1 | -. n's per luishel provided the lirow er i. in position t" make a 15 P'"r i ent reduction ami still produce his farm needs. Flgm-in# this out wi'» (tow for any farmer that in the I I plan Krowerg will actually ryelve .! about one dollar per l>ti.«hel for ea |- j» I'll—hfl that they are a.-ked to re duce their produetion. For instance, on a farm where the average yiel't is 100 bushels per year the reduction is is bushels for which the ca*h payment offered is slightly more than $15.9#. Persons interested in this plan ■ are asked to either write or rait* 1 upon me for full information on. this plan. There a»» two more weeks in which to tile application-* for wheat contracts. l.liUl'MK SKKI> To ItK 11 Kill :rowers of all hinds of . j sii' h as enwpeas. wyheaus. vetches j clovers, a'lii espsd % i arj Kivcn I advance noti'-e t!>.« present in ! d.'cation, point 'o I ..-tr.T-; d; inanj i and hiith i'rl-es fur se."l of these . crops during t'aj • :it"n*: -Vison liean I. O s,-h i .. state t'ol- !■-e. llaV ~ i. N t.iaK l a con ; fircn o in V'.-lti;- "m !a.-t week iu which replacement crcps for to tacco. wheat, cotton, and others in . I which reductions have been made, ! J were discussed, lie states upen h : s L | return that N'or.h ar«'ina fanners j sho.uld make every effort to harvest i ; all the seed of the legume cropg (Continued on Paste Three)

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