THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 61. Stokes Court Moving Along Large Number of Cases Dis posed of t® Date. Term Prob ably Last all Week. Ernest Snyder Murder Case Nol Prosed. The regular fall term of Stokes criminal court is in ses sion at Danbury this week with Judge Hoyle Sink presiding. A heavy docket is being disposed of rapidly with Solicitor Koontz representing the state. The term will probably continue all week as no criminal term was held in July. Henry Smith, operating ear while intoxicated, GO days. Rev. 11. V. Domsey, reckless driving, nol pros. Chester Love, A. D. W., GO days on road. Alfred Mauser, possession of liquor, prayer for judgment continued to Friday. Corbett Bennett, C. C. W., in two cases. Nol pros in A. D. W. C. C. C. fined $50.00 and cost. In other A. D. W. prayer for judgment continued for 2 years upon payment of cost. Hail Preston, sale of liquor, prayer for judgment continued 2 years upon payment of cost. Will Mecum, operating—««r under influence of liquor, 90 days on road. Sentence to begin January 1934. Larry Hedrick. resisting an officer, 6 months on roads. Royal Soots, A. D. W„ 6 months suspended sentence for 3 years. J. W. Throckmorton, unlaw ful possession of liquor. To pay cost. L. G. Baker, unlawful posses sion of liquor, fine of $50.00 and cost. George Eccles. A. D. W., 2 years on road. Sam Wall, moving crop. To pay cost that county would be liable for. Elmer King, operating car while intoxicated. Gave bond of SIOO.OO and continued to next term. Curtis Covington and Tom Martin, disturbing religious service. Nol pros for both de fenders. Zeb Peoples, Southern Fidel ity & Surety Co., $450.00. Sci- Fa. Cost of Sci Fa. Elmer Brown (col.) alias El mer Flynt. A. D. W., 5 months on roads. Robt. Mitchell (Col.) assault on female. 2 years on road. Jack Gunter and James Vop ler, L. and R. 12 months each on road. Jack Gunter, breaking and entering. Prayer for judgment continued. Jack Gunter and James \'o|- ger, burning truck. 18 months suspended sentence of 4 years. Bernard Wilkins and Troy Wilkins, A. D. W. with intent to kill. 18 months suspended for 5 years for Bernard Wilkins. Established 1872. Safecrackers At Germanton t i Yeggs cracked the safe in the nier. cantile establishment of 11. AlcGec at Germanton Thursday night l9>. About S9O was secured by the thieves. No trace has been found as lo the identity of the robbers. Mrs. Corbett Priddy Sustains Operation Mrs. Corbett l'riddy has recent'." spent 3 weeks in a Stuart. V«., hos pital. where she sustained several serious operations. Mrs. l'riddy i* now in High Point with Mrs. D. F. Prddy, where she ,i« doing fine. She is yet under the care of physicians. Death Of Gilmer Young A telegram v. is received here Fri day -"thi iiiuiouii'iiithe d' t'i i Gilmer Youm;. .son of Mr. and Mr-.. 1,. J. Young ot Hjiubury. The yoiiir. man, who lived at Milwaukee \v s. sustained a stroke of par'lysis tu" weeks ago. No further parii' u'ar. could lie learned lie is survived by liis mother and ' father, and the .following brothers and sisters: Frank Young, of Mi'. ' known; John Young, of West V'a.. waukee. Wis.; t'ary Young, address ■ W. H., C. L., Roy Young. o,f Dan. ' 'bury: Mrs. W. P. Nelson and .Mrs T. L. Booth o£ Danhury; and Powell 1 -ftKHTUrffStt Virginia. I Locates At Raleigh. t'liisman llanes. >f Pine Hull, wl: recently passed th? State oxaminaf , ; > for tlie practice of law. lias formed a , connection with a prominent Raleigh legal firm, and will locate there for the practice of his profession. Mr. 1 lanes is a eon of Dr. and Mrs. J. 1,. Danes of Raleigh. I Mr. and Mi's. Tom Preston of Pine Hall stopped over in Danbur.v a short | while Sunday afternoon. 18 months for Troy Wilkins. ; > Bernard Wilkins, assault, 18 ! months on road. I Bernard Wilkins, disturbing • religious congregation, prayer for judgment continued. John Richardson, A. D. W. 12 months on road. Clayton Dodson, John Rich ardson, Troy Wilkins. A. D. W. Nol pros to Dodson, Richardson I and Wilkins, 18 months suspen ded sentence 5 years. Wiley Mann, manufacturing liquor, discharged. Ernest Snyder, murder, nol pros. Ray George, A. D. \V., ncl pros. i Ray George, A. D. W., judg ment pending. I). W. Brown, A. D. W., in tent to kill, 9 months on roa.d Harvey Tilley, removing crop, continued. Tom France, disorderly con duct, 6 months on road. , Chester Hughes, operating car intoxicated, 90 days on road. * Buford Bullin, A. D. W., con tinued. I Sam Holt, abuse of wife and children, not a true bill. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday October 18 1933 CHILD DIES AT LA WSON VILLE j INFANT OF Mil. ANI» MRS. CHUCK WOODS PASSKK W ITH HONK IN. J F K C T I O N —I.AW'SONVIIiI-i: | SCHOOL REPORTS I.AIUiK KN.' l HOIiIiMKNT AIRS. 7. U. SIIKI*.! PARI) AND AIRS. I*. 11. HOBKHT.' I SON ENTKHTAIN. Lawsonvllle, Oct. Hi. Several >f the LawsonviUe citizen attended the circus in Win-ston-Salem Friday afternoon and night. They reitorted a large crowd and a grand time. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Check Woods. LawsonviUe, will be sorry I" hoar of the death of their 3 year old daughter. The child had been sick only a few days with tone in fection. The little daughter wa* loir. P'd Monday at Fa.-g cemetery near LawsonviUe. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph she!ton nr. the glad parents of a new girl, lid!, .lac'ititdine: Mr. and lip. Nick Stephens, a sonj Mr. and Mrs. t'ai" Hole, a son. The I.awsonville school is progress, ins nicely under the management of Professor Lassiter with a large en. rollment reported. Air. and Mrs. It. A. Robert'ii visited their sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hammock, W'alkertown, Sunday- Mrs. AVeldon Smith, who has been on the sick list for the past several wee"ks is reported better. Mr». Z. A. Sheppard and Mrs. P. 11. Robertson were joint hostesses at a birthday party Oct. 7. honcrln their daughters. Miss Kathleen Sh.->. pard. HI years. Miss Blanch Rob. ertson 12. With a number of friend being present a number of games and contest- were enjoyed Master Russell Stephens winning t!>" donkey contest for the little folk,- and Miss I-orcin I.awson winning t'tc donkey contest for the larger folk*. Among other contest winner* were: Miss Hallic Spencer and Miss De cloice Robertson trying for the prise. Miss Robertson received a lovely Jap. i anese vase: Miss Spefijoer, a linen . handkerchief. The color scheme of pink and white was carried out In the d-ning i-oom. The table holding two birthday cakes. Where the guests were invited and served deli'Mou-• ic? cream, cake a n(d mints. The hon. or guest received many useful gifts. The LawsonviUe Parent-Teacher's Association held itc meeting in the high school auditorium Wednesday night October 11 1933. A.fter a brief business meeting, tlie following program was rendered: Song America. P. T. A: Devo tional. Prof. La-*sitT: Talk Our School and Attendance. Prof. --ter: l a lk—The Value of Athletics in the Schoc.', Mr. Percy I'arker: Tt'l --Air. Ci'nirv Sullivan: Vo-al . 010 - , Mr-'. Eas-itrr. Kofr r'mic;,: were served hv th entertainment committee assl by Misses Hallic Spencer auJ Kat't- 1 Icon Sheppard. AH'ss J.isie I.awson visited Air. and Mrs. Mil: Tucker last week. Alissp- P.ernice and Georgia' son spent the week end at home, from Mayodatt. N. P. Misses Iris Williams and Rachel Williams of Stuart. Va.. are visiting Mn*. W. G. Tucker this week. DEATH OF MRS. DICK RIERSON _ SHE WAS A(iEI) 7.1 AND IJVKD I NEAR KINO THE YADKIN, I BIRTH RKCORD l'llOlllli l It ALLY DRAWS I.AIUiK I , CROWD AT KING. King. Oct 13 Tot Carroll lias returned to his home in Little Roi-:;, Ark, after spending sonic time with relatives here. Mr. Carroll went ■west 17 years ago and this wa> lii* ! first visit back to his old home. He was accompanied by his wife. Air Carroll is a brother of l>e Carrci and Ed win W. CarHil. Ollie Pulliam, of Winston-thif m. spent Sunday with hi.- mother. At: . B. F. Pulliam on Alain street. Mrs. Dick Ilier.-on. aged 73. died at their home three niibv west town Thursday morning following ;■ brief illness. The funeral serve was coi jiacte I at .Mom:', >; Chui-'U Friday afternoon ;n t o'clock and interment followed the church cemetery. The dec n* ( > i is survived by the husband and sev eral children. Alis.-iti- iMara Pu'liam and "a"t Williams, of Greensboro, and Krsie rulliam, of Rurlington. spent tli 1 I week end here the guests of rela tives and friend.-. Tlie following births were record ed here last 1 week: To Air. and Mrs.' Oakley JJartgrove, a son: to'-Mr. and Mi«. MHUie Cole, a daughter,; * to Air. and Airs. Albert Lynch. s son; to Air. and Airs. George Bar?", a son: and to Air. and ATr s . Robert Nowsum. a son. Farmers in this section an through harvesting and curing t•. baeco and arc very busy preparing wheat land and getting their weed ready for the market. The King Junior League tock one aw-a.v from Poplar Springs on the King diamond Saturday. Final sc«r.> 1(1 and 4. Mr. and Airs. Lester O. Pulliam. of WinstonuSalem, were week end visitors to relatives. Mr. and Airs. P. J. Caudle and daughter .Mis* Floss's Cnudle. »:f Air. W.'iiston-Salcin. spent SIM. day With relatives her.,. I The King Tigers lost t" Pilot Mt in a game played at Pilot Saturday, score 13 and 7. Thomas Fcrgusotj, prominent •planter of the Haw Pond section, was a business visitor here Satur day. Rev. Itomie Adams filled his reg ular appointment at the first Bap tist Church Sunday morning. A very large crowd attended th* Prohibition rally held here sund r afternoon. Austin Garner, who is teaching a Sandy Ridge, spent the week end with his mother. Airs. AJ. E. (li - ter in ea*t King. Mrs. Lilla Estes Prathcr !: Mrs- Lilla Estes l'rather. widow of the lnt? ii. Prit'ter of Mc. A'ry. :r str'eus y j ". ,*Mi ■ was vl -it i ( at Mt. Airy th\s week l,y Mrs. Je P. Christian and Mrs. J. W. I!•> of Danbury. , I j Jesse George of Qu a kr Gap. R-\-\ no>lds section, was in town Mondav. CRIMINAL COURT IN SESSION! ! I ItKMiKST IMM'Kiri' I'Olt YKAItK hoy c \ ii o o x Girrs twol YKAItS ON HOAII OTIIKU I 'ASKS I>ISI'OSKI> or—llll.All Y ' I soi thi:hn i*i:\i»i\;. Superior Criminal Court hsv jn session all the week. will ont'ir'v until Saturday nii»n or longer- The docket is tlie largest for years. Most of the case* are for minor of., though there are on;, •> more capital ea^es. Hoy t'ah'oon nets two years on roads, tor manslaughter. The 'as • ag.O'st Hilary South- >•:> charged with S'-dti'tion am! knowledge. is ponding at the i;,.. . . ter goes to press. Paul Crown. •!> rat ■ a i'a'e'l. Un ity, sixty da r u>! Sam Claris, j»- s. ssion li-t i ,r. T months on roads, werl; he j.- able t' d». S:uli Til'"., t -p: itoytin guilty. I'iv • mi!'.' 1 ■ in jail. Ann ' ' Aloir Aui".:. oper'tin's ear i:t. • h it d. n,.t rni'ty. I .other 'loins, i-arnal know Cd-e. Continued. v. 1!. Kim.', "P'fati'iK ear int • I i'"ated. Guilty. suo fine ami eosi . j IV. I". Coit'ns. a. d. w.. n ■ guilty. ' Harden Smith, rcM/ng off!,-, r. Guilty. Suspended sentence. S month' roads. \ ■ i. Hoy Young. assault on fettftl Guilty.. Suspended sentence 2 year Pay county costs. Reb Peoples, operating ear 'nto • KUilt.v. Prayer for judgment eontitrt ed. Zi'b Peoples, c. c. utility. Knur hated. Guilty. Prayer for jud'-v ment continiied to April term, HOI. Zeh Peoples, C. C. \V.. utility Kou • months on road. Jones chapman. and operating car intoxicated. Con. tinned- Ralph Boyles, manslaughter- Not guilty. •'alius I.ash. op rutin:: ear ?nt »x'. i' a'ed. Ctii tv. Prayer judgment oir tinned t" April term, i t. ' Johtty «'•« rd well. i«eat>e. gu'lty. Road 12 months. I Kenneth Kdnmnds. w ., p'e nolo contendere. Pay eost.s, weapon confiscated . Lent llatrston. making liqttn guilty. 5 months on road. Tom Gerry, operating ear intoxi cated. guilty. Judgment t>o days. Poland Hullen. a- d. w., tin d;n on road. Lent Mal'e. assault, not guilty. A. L. Smith, a. d. w., SSO and costs. Knox \\ oniaek, reekl ?s drivitt not guilty. I'.i'l Mom-., p. an I I', am! 'a' en guilty. Judgment pending. John Southern, making ijqu guilty. Judgment pending. Claude Cromer, a- d- »•.. Co days on r>ad. i Kmmett Hill, making liquor, guilty. C months on roads, beginning Dee. 1, 1933. Roy Cahoon. murder and a. d. vv., defendant entered conditional plea of'augbtir. 2 years on roads. Number 3898 PRISON CAMP IS EXONERATED I (HAltliKS ItIMM UIIT HE PORK ] at\M).llitV .IIIX.I:i> WITH OFT FOFXHATIOX IiKAXD •M'KV'S »M.M!TI|:i: REPORTS I FOF.XTV HOME, PRISON FAMP AM) ••All. IV «R»OI> roVlilTlOX. AI,I, ORHCKS COFNTY SFPERIXTEX DENT'S VISITKU, AXI> I;KT (.OOI) REPORTS. The following report was rendered Judge sink Friday before tlie grand jury adjourned: STATE OF XORTII CAROLINA. STOKES COUNTY. IX THE SUPERIOR COURT, OCT. TERM. To Honorable 11. Doyle Kirk, Judge Presiding: The (.rami .Inc. :',,r October 1 enn, 1:1:1:1. •I: { i , t i r Cou't 01 Siokcs Coiialy nr. t r- -pectfulls reports to the •'••art t . :he.v havj acted on u'l tii'.' !..:N ■ : indictment which have 1 ipt 11 s.-m ■ , ihem, with th* i'X|.t»jdj,(n - ;■ 11 it> lack Of witnesses, and have I,' pre sent oeiit- jill inatl. r criminal nature that ar within their know ledge. Commitec appointed to inspect county home. i»ri• ■)i ainp, an*l jail, the committee report- to this body that they lind the home w«. 11 kept, inmates well cared l'or and inmates report that they were treated v.ell. Committee reports to this body that the prison camp was found In good condition, everything clean and sanitary. Committee found the jail in good and clean condition as could be e«- •peeted, some small repair work . : b t terias wfeer** some hrealts are started, a little re pairing done would save larger re pair bill later. Committee on inspecting offices in court house report that they found offices all kept in good con dition. All 1 looks, rei-ord* et» , seemed to he in good shape. court house in good condition, same recent repairing helped the appearance of the building. Office of Mupt. of Public In-truc. tion was nut visited owing t" the fact that the olllce is located at Oerniauton about 12 miles fron« county seat- The ('.rand Jury investigated cer tain matters brought before it by witnesses in icgard to i>rison camp officials and employees and founA no foundation for charges of any kind. E. F. STOXE, Foreman of th®. Grand Jury. Soil Survey Of Stokes County E. F. floidelston and I!. C. Plea sants. of the X. c. Agricultural Ex periment Station, are working ir*. P anbury and vicinity getting up a soil survey of Stokes county. Thi» work is sponsored by the Experiment station, the F. s. Department of Agriculture, and the Rur e au of Chemistry and Soils. The task is no* ahont half completed and w"l be fini-hed next fall. Special Term Of Court Jan. 8 To Try Bankers Solicitor 11. 1,. Ko.>ntx this week made roqnk.itlon on the Governor fcr a special I "ii of Stokes eonrt *o convene Jan x. i p :B4. to try the of. fiver* and directors of th" defunct Pink of Stokes County. | The l-ank failed in I!>3'>. iln d a grand jury in l!>3t found bil's Invol. ving the officials. | Mrs. H. M. Joyce and Mrs. N. E. Pepper went to Winston.S»!em (Friday 20th) to visit Miss Willie Ed monds, who is seriously ill.