THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 61. STOKES SWEPT BY DRY VOTE EVERY PRECINCT IN. THE J COI'NTY GIVES MAJORITY ! AGAINST REPEAL, EXCEPT' I FREEMAN BROWN MOl'N* TAIN IW PER CENT. I>RY THE MAJORITY IN COI'NTY OVER REPEAL WINS IN NATION. Although the repeal of the I8i!» Amendment Is now certain, by res" soil of the vote In Pennsylvania, •Ohio, Kentucky and l/'tah, the Pr„", How The County Voted s o c s C .2 S> "SO c a £ So & So - s _ cs 5 o o O 4J O £ 55 CU Brown Mountain 0 81 0 81 Danbury 14 58 14 58 Hartman 12 15 11 16 Mitchell 22 55 21 56 Pine Hall 16 51 15 sf» East Sandy Ridge 12 69 11 71 West Sandy Ridge * 14 82 15 ~81 .- Tilley 18 18 18 18 Lawsonville 20 21 19 21 Moir 26 77 15 87 Fraiw 6 55 6 55 Flinty Knoll 6 61 6 61 Pinnacle 22 111 22 139 King 36 .103 35 304 Mt. Olive 9 237 12 235 Mizpah 2 93 1 94 Germanton 29 132 21 140 Wilson Store 28 206 22 212 East Walnut Cove 75 119 75 119 West Walnut Cove 50 112 51 111 Freeman 18 12 19 Total 430 1998 407 2024 Miss Mildred Hanes Salem May Queen Miss Mildred Hanes has been elected May Queen at Salem j College. This honor conferred upon one of Stokes county's loviest younj? ladies was pre dicted here some time ago- Miss Hanes has been an outstanding member of the May Queen's court each year she has been of Dr. and Mrs- J- L- Hanes, of at Salem. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs- J- D- limit's, of I -ne Ha-'l. Campbell's Court. State vs. Kva ('rite, drunk and I l!«3rderly at I'an Uiver Park. At'" ri' by Deputy -Mark Wall. -ItidH"' tncnt *3 and twt- Have Imnd for SIOO.OO, to pay cent by Deo. 1. state vs. Robert News tint, drunk and disorderly at Dan River Dark, arrested by Deputy Mack Wal'. Judgment $1 and, paid. Established 1872. lilitionVts cjj-ried North Carolina and Stoke*- County by over-wheln.- i ing majorities at Tuesday's election. In North Carolina the majority against repeal is around 150,000. South Carolina also voted dry by a small majority. In this county avery precinct went against the amendment except Freeman, while Brown Mountain recorded a 100 per cent dry vote. This precinct is a candidate for the championship jn North Carolina dry honors. The official vote in the county was as follows: I Alrg. W. \\ . Smith of Dawson" | ville has recently bean confined to ! her ltonie u-Ith rheumatmu. but is now Improved. xotick or S:\mo or land r.v ltKIl I>KKI» OF Till'ST. By virtue of power of sate vested : 'n tha undersigned in a certain dead 1 of timet executed >n Oct. 20, by A. T. lto tit rock, which deed of trust in duly recorded in the office Of Register of D.eds of Stokes fount: i:i Book 77 page 1)4, refer en 'p to which is hereunto made, to s cure the pa'-mont of a certain stint of money thoro'n recited, de "O'l; having been made in the pay m.nt ct -am.' and tlie bolder ha' in- applied to me to foreclose the r uiie for the s tist'nct'on of the do : »t r will rxpn.v to public sa'e to the highest 1' iMpr for cash tit the court house dour in Danbiiry. N. on I s.\TH;i»\V, IHCCF.MIIF.K 2, lt»:5:l, iat 2 I'. AI.. tit.', fo!'owing real potato' ; described thoro'n: Dots Nos. 5, ti, 7, s, 9, and 10 of Highland Park subdivision cf W.t! : i".tit Cove, X. C. These lots l'aro Stato I highway No, 77. This Nov. 1. 1933. SIIKMEV n CAVINESS, Trustee, i J. W. Neal Attorney. i Danbury, N. C., Wednesday November 8 1933 Commissioners In 1 Session Monday, S. J. Kirfoy Appointed Farmj Demonstrator Land Or dered Advertised f®r 1932 Taxes- The board of County Commis sioners were in regular session at the court house Monday. I Aside from the regular rou tine of business coming before the board at each meeting S. J. ♦ j Kirby was appointed Farm Dem | onstrator for Stokes county- Mr. Kirby has been working in the J county for some time for the I government in wheat produc-J . tion control movement and is already known to the people in the county- He has had erable experience in other counties where he has served in! the same capacity. It is neces-, sary that Stokes have a County. Agent in order to share in the crop production control bene-, fits, both tobacco and wheat. The federal government and the state help pay the expense of an agent for the county and Mr. Kirby was highly recom mended to the board for the position. The commissioners ordered land sold for 1932 taxes and it is being advertised this week- j I -r ; "M. E. Church Services. Services Sunday Nov. liith. a follows: Davis ('hapel. 11 A. M. Vsiiie Mcc-uni, 3 I", si. Danbury, 7:3n I'. SI. A full attendance i.-» lvi'r-d at I these service*, us it i* before th.- last Sunday before tbc meeting of tlia Annual Conference. The cot fcrence meet* in Charlotte Wednea-, day. Nov- l">th. .fay Adkins and Mr. and Sirs- -f. It. Needham will attend from this charge \v.\nti-:i> to SIH.I, of i:\ch \xta: The C. SI. I.a"]ey farm on Dun Kb* er in Stokes t'o. consisting of tin 1 acres of land, live house*, eight tobacco barns. There 'lf erven'S"" five acre* tine bottom land and the upland is considered the b-i-t in Stoke* Co. for production of a high type of smoking tobacco. j Will exchange this farm for high tvne of rental property in a kooJ town, within a radius of ont! bur.* dred nvi'es or would exchange for a small farm. C. c. IIL'TCHK.NS, Wliite 1 Mains, N. C. 1 NOTICE OF SAI.E I'M Hilt I>EFl> TIH'ST. By virtue of power of sale vested in the undersigned trustee in a cor tain heed of trust executed on Dec. 1. 1923, by P. I). Kullt and wife SalPe Ftiik. which de.d of trust i* duly ro.'orded in office of Register Deeds Stokes County, Book 7(i page 17'h rsferenc? to which is h-reont' made, to s. ure the payment of a certain sum of money therein recited, default having hrcn math' in th; payment of pamo and the hold w re.|iu'-:.(l fnr.-chvtire for the • «»t ! «facti''n of tii-> debt. I wii! ex ' Pfi.-o t-i public sale to the hi-he.-'- bidder for cash at tli con-t hoti-e dor ji Dtnhitr.'., N. on SATFKIMV. BIiCI.AIBEIt 2, at 2 n'-'ncl; p. M., tll(1 following' drs-rii'i'd rial (--date: Beginning at J .W. Hut.-'. Hon .i rortbwe-'t o-rner ran- mst with 'tis line Sill feet ncy «>:• ! t" Ciii | rner'a I in... thc:„... northward a'ons itis line 3.70 feet to a stake. then'Oi west 31% I f ot more rr 'cs to Cray T'lly's northwest corner, thence i south along Tilley'e line ar.;J South | ern a 1 no 3">o fc -t to beginning. This Nov. 1. 1933. C. E. DAVIS, Trustee J. W. Nral, Attorney. ' FRANCISCO HAS J FINE SCHOOL ENTHt SI ASM OVEII PROSPECT OF STANDAKO KHiHT. MONTHS TERM - ENROLLMENT NOW ' i I CLOSE TO 400 PRINCIPAL A. | R. PHILLIPS WHITES. j | ——— i , Francisco. Nov. 10 People of tHq community are enthusi«*ti • over the prospect of having a star." dard eight-month's term, and the full course of study, including lib rary and laboratory facilities. Enrollment running close to too. I with 85 high school pupils. The school spirit is splendid both among pupils and teachers. The - I ' new teachers In th t high school are Mr. I). i». Stimso'ii, who has charge of the science department, and Alls ' Luejle Styerg, who has charge •!' the Ensli.-li and history work. i I I j While the tneinhers of t.he Hue | ket hall team are to he conarat'i la'(*l for tlie pride th ey may hut ■ in .their school, upd are ready to I 'eiuilleliee other schools in the ' count) for games, still they reaPze thftj the.v have a good many in- to make hefuro reach the "les rod e""ollen. .' generally designated by the word "CKflmpion". I' . i j The grammar grades are vvel.- t#ken care of by .Mr. Clyde Forrest it* the seventh. Mr. Iltind!e.v, sixth: I Christian, fourth; Mrs. Kal i lanl, Jefferson, third; Miss 'v ■ - -• .. ... Southern, second and Mrs. J. E. Coon, first. t That part of the school retain.ul at Aslmr.v ha- .Mr. Partridge and t I j Mrs. Cook Jn. charge of the work. | Willi the exci'l'ent l : st of faci.* t i's and keen interest on the part of the nations throughout tile eon nninit.v, the prospect is indeed good for a successful year's work. I The Hallowe'en social gathering ! I netted the school $35.n0 which sum, ! govs toward the equipment of the I j laboratory in the science depart" ment. A. r:. PHILLIPS Prin. I Mrs. J. j. Taylor and Mrs. A. O. Sjsk visited Winston-Salem With needay. ! Mrs. S a m Ka>t, and daughter! Ethel. Mr. and Mrs. Paul East of! Winston-Salem, visited D a nbury this 1 week. | NOTICK or s.\l,|.; or I.AMI I Under and by virtue of an order ' of Hale made by J. Wutt Tattle,' Clerk of the Superior Court f Stokes County, N. c., in the aperlal' proceeding entitled "in The Matter ' oi \ . T. CRABS, Utiardian of Sipiire 1 llenry Kreeger, Kxparte," tb c in - ' dersiwn.d commissioner will on | IKIMI.W, XOVKMIIIIt "7th Iftilit. 1 ' at one o'clock, I'. M., 0 n the prcn ■">near Kin«r. X. c., offer for sdo at puliiic auction to the Iralic t bj.lcltr f T c;i.-h the,.^ s rii'ed la lids: I 'eninn in a' at a real;, N th cot- , t:?r of lyes Xti.. 1 and Ml Ino of , 1.-'t X••It 1- \ S-, ,! -rocs ~ i:i.- t 22 ehnlna ,n,d r.n !fnk* i,. a rck on \v,st ,id - of llu'iroad, , t heivc witli Ila ir id ■- tb •' T 1-2 t decrees I'nst 1 ' haul. tni • • 11!» v tlwjei WY-t i'i chains to a rocs ia Ka-t t; m . I a 11- lnnl i, " thence North 22.it2 cha'tv to he-tit - ' »i:n:-r, eontlining ."it acres, more er less, and be 1113 Ixit X O . sof the .!. j A. Krceger estate. Sale subj.ct to the confirmation of the court- This the 24th day of Oct.. ifl3;t. ! H. II LUAKU. Com. Francisco and { Basketball! A ' Correction A Francisco reader, who is a pat" ron of the Fran,ejsro school, and It." ter-sted in th- ; risac sec baskef'j'l team, in/or • j t.iv. )««;* rttr th»t I the statement t.i the l*«t Sss»e «».' of the Reporter regarding t»e team's ambition to win the eh. u - pionshlp of the county, was slight ,v | in error. Our correspondent last week! stated that the 'Frisco team was issuing a challenge to all teams >!' | tjjhe county for the eliamprfonshin. j It appears now, from our inform-j ant's advices, that the Francisco | team is only challenging the county teams for games and d"es not nman t> asuunie tlie chump onshlp of the county. j On the I«th iust. the Fr uicis i team dclcatcd tlie Reynolds t ams --both hoys and girls. The ceo re.; were as follows: Hoys 34 to 17. tiiris -l) to Hi, Hoth in favor of Francisco* Death of Miss J Willie Edmonds Miris Willie Edmonds, dauglit.u- •,t j Mrs. E. t". Edmonds, died nt her' liom-e in \>n-.Vi'm Tuosilav. I i , had been I:n*^c*r• '*?; for several Wf'ekt. with a desperate attack c; pneumonia. Miss Edmonds wan u splend I' i ' ltrist'an young lady, of love'y ' character. She was aged uliout A eat*, bad been a teacher ia I I the Twin City schools fo r 23 yi>ar ! 1 CM I Mte was educated at Sale in Colege. t ' | and a an ruber of the Episcopal , church. ! I | •Miss Edmonds is .■survived In- lor i 1 mother, three sisters and one broth" or. j She \vn j a neieo of Mrs. ||. m. Joyce of Danbttrv. 1 ' i _ I'he interim nt was in Salem Cem ' ctery. Evelyn Oliver, of Itoanoke. V a .,[ daughter of Rev, and Mrs- S. S. i Oliver, in ill in a Hoanoke ihospitai | stiff, ring from an attack of dipl-' , theria. PEAOiIEH ItUOWNIXti goes in j , for the lit.rary. An intercut iiv: , story of a woman who was front" I Page news tor a long time. Itead it! 1 in th c BALTIMORE MI NH.VV , 1 AM LIS It' AX. issue of Xoieuiber 111. j On sale by your favor ti? ncwmlonl"' : er or newgl.oy. NOTICE OF SALE I XI»ER l>EE!> ' OF THI'ST. 1 Hy virtue of power of sale vested ! ia the undet'signed tror.tce in a certain of trust executed on ' O.'tob. r —l>. IIRIfi, hy Dr. 11. E. ' Hlaekinirn, which is duly recorded ! in tlie office Register of Deeds ' of S.ok.K County in Hook 77 page j loi reference to which i.- hereon'•' made, t-i secure the payunnt 01 a j debt in thu sum of s;t'•>.'o and ia , ' crest, default having be,II made i i tlie payment of the same aid the In 1 I "P the mite having applied > '"ft- f" 1m e the deed of Dm.: for the satisfaction of the debt, v. Ml expose to pub!:,- s.t'e to he x h ghe-t bidde, fur cash at tic court hntmo d'.or in Dun'mry, \. c.. on SATIRUAV. OECFMIIEIt a. I at the hour of 3 o'clock I'. M . the fo'lowlng real estate des rile d 111 q the deed of trn-t: Let* Nos. 1 44. 145 at'd IHi of- Highland Park subdivision of Wit. ? nut t\»v?. X. C. This Nov. 1, 1!>33. SHELLEY H. CAVINE9S. Trustee j J. W. N'eal. Atty. Number 3901 Stokes Officers Get Man and Liquor Lively Chase Sunday NigMt Near Sandy Ridge at Daiga town Ray, Wall and Safth also Get Two Cars. Deputy Sheriffs Carl Ray r Mack Wall and Berk Smith cap tured two cars and one man ha a chase Sunday night including about 100 gallons of liquor. Rob McKenzie, of High Point was the man taken into custody and he is now in a Winston-Salem, hospital quite ill said to be from the lack of dope- Two other men in the car made their escape I when the car was overtaken by I officers. The deputies chased the two I cars over the sand clay roads, j which were in a slippery con i dition due to recent rains, until j one car slipped into the ditch. | The other surrendered after a I brisk chase- Both cars were of I the Ford V-8 type- Officers had long suspected | these cars which had been seen . in this section for the past sev ' oral months and had chased | them heretofore but the topsoil I roads had been dry and the I fleeing cars raised so much dust that they were able to elude the officers. However, the rains for the past few days proved the undoing of the rum j runners when they were unable i to match the skillful driving of Burk Smith over the slippery J roads. To Stedman Lake. | Constable W. I!. VnuriM has been eimasi'd to oversee Htedman lake property, ami it i» Lamed that he wi.» the family of Afa. and Mrs. L. -I. Vountf will remove to the lake, where they will reside in the cfah house- A well is heins dug near the Huh house this week. Zeh Smith has re-opened the rtft. A litis station here whiHt he recently oeeupted. NOTICE or S.ALK or I.:\M)S. Ynder and by virtue of an order of sale made by j. Watt Tuttle. Clerk of the Superior Court of .Stokea County, •»'. in phe special pro. ceedins entitled Claudia N. Price. Administratrix, c.t a, of Taylor Price Va- Nancy Price 'widow of Taylor Price!, I.aura Price (widow, and other", the snme t>Hns upon the special proc, docket of Haid court, the untlers'sned commission er will on SATI'HR.W NOVKAIHI.It lltli, IPS.*. Nt 11:00 o'clock A. A!,, at the late home place of the said Taylor Price in stokes County. X. ('., near Mad ison, offer for sale at public auction to the hieheet bidder IV cash the 'f.i K-1 .vin-f tin'riii'l lauds, to-wlt: rteHnninu at an iron .-take, Mr s . Price's corner: thence running NorthKi* poles to a *tnk,> H'Ul Point ers: thence North r>7 .I.t dt'trree* West S(i 4.5 poles to a stake and pointet.-, thence South ■ i iloar.'es West 2 poles 17 links to a at nice: thence South I denree 1"> min- West to a stone and iron stake on North s:de of road: thence with the road the following course-: South 21) 1.2 decrees Eu*t It poles: thence Scuth degrees I'.ast li poles: thence South 42 decrees Mast 21) poles: thence South 52 decrees Ea»t 7 poles to the heninninK and conta'n ina 33 1.4 acres more or less, Sa'e subject to the conf'rmatlon of the court. This October 10th, 1033. CLAUDIA M. PRICK, Com. j,4U