THE DANBURY REPGK TER. Volume 61. FIRST LIST OF CANDIDATES TO BE PUBLISHED IN CAMPAIGN Candidates Will Strive To Get As Many Sub-, scriptions as Possible in Saturday so as To; Make a Good Showing in First Published Re-i port Next Wednesday. Subscriptions Must be Turned in Saturday for the Votes to Count. StiJ Plenty of Time to Join. A Live Wire Could Start Now and Lead in First County Re member You Simply Can't Lose in our Cam - paign. WOULD YOU LIKE TO WIN SSOO BY DEC.23., You are invited to join the Reporter's cam paign and compete for the SSOO and other prizes. Right away now! You can start —no fees are re quired, business training is not necessary—plen ty of time is left for other duties, whether at home, school or downtown. There is ample room in this campaign for you. The campaign is ac tually crying for candidates to enter and carry on to victory. To those who have entered —What are you do ing to insure yourself one of the big prizes in this prize distribution? Are you doing YOUR part, or sitting back and hoping your friends will do it all? Every candidate would be doing his or her utmost toward making THETR prizes as big as possible. If your friends see that you are doing your part they will jump in and help you pile up a winning total. If, however, they see you are unappreciative and expecting your friends to do it all, they will throw their support elsewhere. It's up to you—candidates. Do youi part and your friends will do theirs. To those who have not entered. To you who are still con sidering the prize distribution, right now is the time to send in your nomination and make your start! You never have had —never will have-- Mich an opportunity for making BIG money quickly, without investment or risk as you have in this prize distribution. Clip out that nomina tion blank; see that it reaches the campaign de partment of the Reporter. You are going to re gret it if you don't. Mis. Sam Simmons. Westfield, 5,000 Miss Ethel Boles. Rt. 1. King, 5.00') Mrs. J. J Booth, Danbury, 5,000 Miss Geneva Woods, Rt. 1, Danbury, 5,000 W. E. Collins. Francisco, 5,000 Miss Laura Ellington, Sandy Ridge, 5,000 Mrs. C. W. Floyd, Walnut Cove, 5,000 Miss Maud Meadows, Rt. 1, Germanton, 5,000 Miss Carrie Turner, Walnut Cove 5,000 Mrs. T. H. Sheppard R. 1, Sandy Ridge, 5,000 Tolas' it app«ar» the Ars>t list of nominations. Names of nominees received until Yesterday, together I with their nomination vote of a.oou aro printed today for candidates ontered in The Reporter's everybody wir9"&om'ethini? campaign- Tliw lift published today MUST not bo misunderstood. The nam s i (printed are only nominations. The | list on!v serves to show* who in «>n~ i teroJ. It d >e* not indicate the active. candidates. f The publication of tlio names of j candidate* In The Reporter's circu-j lation campaign appear on thi-. pane. If your nomination blank has' be*.n sent and d"i«* not appear in ! 'the Us'., kindly notify the ennipa'tfn j Nomination* are not! closed, in fa (, t today thero ara more prizes than 'there are active candidates. Opportunity without a handicap Ls here today for new on irics who will "carry on " M KAN'S WO UK TO WIN Candidate. 1 ! who will not produce subscription? cannot hope to win- The mope subscriptions you produce the more votes you earn. Stnip'e nomination of a candidate does not Established 1872. mean anything• The nomination >3 but tlic tirst step the starting Point. Anyone content to rest afte" nomination cannot gvt far in th*-s ! i ■rare* Active work, honest effort! eon-tant attention to business in I hand and that alone can set votes. And votes WIN. And subscriptions and advertising card* mean votes j With so many of those not yet at least manifesting any life or acti\« ! i:y. tiie opportunity is hci'a for Kom«> j j I've one to enter and "carry on" ito victory• In fact the more candi* J Jiites entered the less votes it wii' take to win. If two canddates are ; r innin-' ;'j:- office they must have a'l t'? vo'c beiw«Bn thoni. Tiie wir ! iter must have a majority—over I • I a t' of a!l the votes cast- But M' ! live; (.-ami-dates tiie .same ofllc-o. I the only mads to have more votes than t'.to highest candidate- Then, too, in this campaign every body \vin. «cm>thing. There are th..> cash Vri!!33 of SSOO, Sioo, SSO ant! t !5. And remember, too the cash : commission of 20 per cent on a" ' [subscriptions and advertising cards 'to all not*>rize "'inning participants. ' in an election for office 'but one can ' didato wins- In the Reporter ele~ Danbury, N. C., Wednesday December 6 1933 VIRGINIA ROAD IS COMPLETED rilK IHVK IM.AXI-VIIMiIXIA m\i: iiiciiway ;kts its rix isiiixti toitiikk m:i:us ;io i,i:\vr. xi:.vr \vi:kk A SI»I,K.MHI> TIIOI«>t'ill l Aiti-: now oi»i:x to Till-: im i:» IJC. The Stat" highway from l!u - l; Island ford un Dan river t" the \'i • ginia line near Mcllone'a gara-e i* about completed- The engineers who have been supervising the const ruction of this road and who have mode Danbury tlu- r bane of operations. ate p paring to tako their departure abo'i 'the in:dd'» another week. Messrs. li- I'. (Sentry, Henry J'aw'py. it. !•'. lianrcs and 11. K I.iii'a-' will he tran-fertfit '•>* th • State to othj.r operations. These yt,unu men, who have spent a great deal of th«'ir time a: Dan hury. have won many friends here, ami their departure will l>e noted with resr^t. The new Stokcv counij'/irgin'.i highway, which i* on a direct line from I'anbury via l-awsonville to Stuart, if a «'lass n gravel hlKhway. It has been surfaced with crushed Bton', but the top dressing of tar will n>t be admini*tei'ed until the spring; of 1934. tion everybody wins—you win. You who art in, get busy, work, carry on: you who are still "thinkin*? about" get in. 'So after 'em, yr.u win. | Oiip or tear out the nominatio.i biniik in today'* !!e!'« I'.rin - - it or fend it to the Ueport -r o illc. 'i'k ii spend the net two weeks and hive day* more pi'ofjtab'.v than ar.v ■ like time of your life wsw eve" si- lit before. 'So in and win. j v'.n.vr v- >ti-:s total \vi:d. j The next issue of the lteporter will contain the tliv»t credits score I , for these who have accepted the !!.• Knee (lift distribution offer. These 'lays should be the hig'.ie a t vote making day* of the campaign The opporturnity is here for can didates. who an a whole, are no: I taking iidvantiis«* of this golden op portunity, j It behooves every eandidate to get busy. N'o candidate can afford to allow hi« or her "ear« to be knocked down." Vou cannot afforl to make snap judgment- If the'"? i« anything you don't understand. . make It your business to find out it j the campaign office. Those of you who are expecting to get busy, who intend to start going after subscri tloiiei in a bis way next week, will , do well to adviinV-e your itenar.v -j few days. It will pay bis. It menu . the difference between winning your choice of the prizes or being content • wi'.h one of lesser value, it is tip t > to you. it ir, you who mu-t work I out your own salvation. It is .vou who can enhance your voting strength and you a^one- Are you going to let others wa'k I away with gift.s all for tiie lack of i but a little effort right now? I Candidates must rcilize that work j now wjll subs'" riptio nl-i which count more votes than when . the campaign closes. This certainly . should spur them to action- WORK STARTS ON 1 STOKES PROJECTS! l'li:i»IO\T Sl'ltlMiS TO «.\l\ \ l\ s JiooitK's si'Ki\;s mi:'. I)()\\S TO »KHM.\\TO\ thksi: ,\in-: \o\v mati-:i:i \i.-! i/i\. (iitKA'r si»i iit or | iti-:;isTit atiox roir iti:i.n:r| .IOIIS —c, w. \. l'lSO(iUA\|s| KTI.MI I.ATI-: \ Tl\ I I V. I v About are .-it wni-k un ■ i the .Meu-l"w.-» • •(■riii-int"it liifthwav c dcai-ins out tlie of way. pre paratory to tlx- new survey whi-»i i «i*l begin on Tuesday. by K. li. t Kins of Dun bury. I Mr. Kin-: allv.'-t' s the Uoporter i tliat 'lie will s art liw oi'L-i-a'ion i Tuesday • On Tuesday morning, aW, about, 15 h:nicl- will begin work on the' 1 i l'ied"i"n." 1 1oorc's Springs lijyliun , 1 I which i~ slated fin- iinpr iveniellt I undei' the ik'w c . \v. a. proxi'ani.s. l I yponaored i>v .1. '. 'ar.-'-m, hea'l of the civil work admini.-c.rut'on in the! county- This agency, it will be re called, is taking over the It. !•'. «'. ■ a-tivitiea in th»- county, and tlnwe' who obtain employment under it-j management. must he taken fro.'.'i I tiie relief roll'', or those who liavi . been receiving federal assistance' during t.lie last year or two. Thurnian Martin, who has opened an oillee he'e lor the registration of unemployed, reports that upward.- of ISOfi iwivuns in t-h* inwintytiave aPI'Hel Jor assistance. This of course in'-lude.-- registration* at tln main nilii-o of uiienip'oyment relief at Walnut t'oyi-, as V.«-II a.- the nii'iv than «» pei-f'-ns who uere ah'cad' on ilie roll* whin the unemployment re- utrat'on at Oenbury an i W'a nut 'ow were recently re opened• Rand and Singing Convention At Germanton Dec. 8 Oermanton A l'and and Sink ing Convention will ho held in the auditorium of the Oermanton Uls'i School on Friday evening, Dee. s j at « o'clock. ('ash prizes will be offered a* fol low*: first prize band. $7.00; second prize hand, $3.50. Fir*t Prize ■"til.* ink', $5.00. The admission charge will be 150 for school children and Uoe fo>- adults. Come oui for an evening of wliolo sonio entertainment. The mu-'i'-il program will begin at 8:00 o'clock and continue until about 11:00 i». M. An intermission of fifteen niii • ut«-s will be (riven. John Arch Dodson Involved in Trouble John Arch Doilgun of Wfv'n'it f'ove wtig urt'eb'd Saturday evei - ins by D.-.puty Sheriff" llerk Smith ;:nd A. O. cn the charge of un'awful manufacturing. He was liven a hearing before .lust'ee 1' C. Campbell, and bonded in th sum of S3OO for court. Bond w m arranged- Dodson w-ns caught at a still 'making up the paste " Oaston *.«unty «wwt potato srov* erg now have 02 «torage house*, with a capacity 80 ( 000 bushels. WEED SIGN-UP STARTS MONDAY «. .1. Kiiiisv iir.iti: TI i:si»\v \i it\\.i\; ins COMMIITI.KS I:I:I.II:VII> Till-: s\vi :i :i» or c(»r\TV WII.I. nr. ri.i:.\N l'ltl(i:s ItIvMAIN I IKM. S. .1. Kirl»y, i-u'iU- >.ti hic Tius'ia.v ■•>:>tmiti • - Him will i>..uiii w«U ni'xt Alond in tin- si'-n up "f Siuko-i to'ia*-' o ii-uwers. The siiri •;|i miiiio wi'cks a'-t", v li n about per cent of ili*» M UM tyV aT' , aye uis list'.-1 ior reduction in the 1:«4 s,■ n• . is unders'tood to have been -iii agreement. whereas I lie* n»* >\ p'ed-e will bo a U'Kii! contract■ It is believed that till' lill'v of tin* i!• 3-J u'-rcaKe win I'litei* into curtail ai'rmwi nu'ni, thereby is.-e'i ill'.' faith w:th thf yovernmen... w' liar* forced hiuiior prints «.i the 1 !'33 crop. Present pri''e- for to'-a'■ • on ;li in a I'II e t firm, araduallv Setiinu higher possil'l >•. To Be Tried Wednesday C. s. Newman. arr-sted by L>e - '- aty Sheriff Herk Smith at I'a.l Itivpr I'arli, i* in j.iil oil the CHARGE of DI NIIKC'IIN'^S. Warrants sworn out l>y Krnest l.a«'s>n, have been issued for I'aul ''•ennett, charged with assault. Correction. Kliler o'liryan performed t'e .•••renmny of baptism t" two 1 md" dase* at l!tir| Island lord Snn'la' . Xov. I'll, instead "f KMer Via. K der o' i- pjis'or of snow ('reek I'rimiHve l>apt>i Church. The report that Klder \i i «• lli• i> i| wa,s an error, niven t" the i:ep"rt;'i by one of our I'eter's Creek friend . Death of Mrs. Martha Holland Mrs. Martha Holland, 1 died of tub;>rctitot:* .Monday near friend ship, after a protracted i ! ln«'»s. Mrs. Ho!'and was a daughter .'f ' Mr. and Mr", Silai* Katun. | Nelson Hurial Association officiat ed. ! Campbell and Collins Boiind Over To Superior Court Tried here Saturday on rhar-c --«f assaults with deadly weapons up on each other. Hack Campbell an I .1. M. CoVins were bound over t" , Superior Court, spring term, under ; bomta ea«'h of $300.00, which they arranged to give. The hearin- was before Justice • Krank Tllley of KawgonviUe and N | K. W'a'l of Danhury. I ltotb of tlir> in.-n had l".en ''lit in I a -eiv nil lb:ht, c.riins receiving i I "!a-h >\.'• "h" e\o and on the hen ! j Cnhi|ib-;;i>t a bail sta'i 'n 'h' , no''k. | The arret cf the men had been I made by Hepiitv Sheriff cieve I.av* mi and Constable Itufus M I be. T. .1. Moore of Caldwell county say* h? averaged 35 buehel* tvrn an acre after turninsr under a I crop of lespedpv.a or. land that foi* merly produced 1" bushela of corn an acre. Number 3,905 SWANSON ASKS FOR BIG NAVY M:itr.T\i:v s\v> 01 it t TIO\ I- NOW IMt iiKI.OW tki:\lV MUI:M;HI \ POI* i \ or -i»wt.iitoi - i:.\'ru.\v» \(. \s« :: •, X. c of ihi' i States - oMi'iiiHciit 'U wrapping i s naval armamt nts * ► ->t 'lie example in the «" ld armament movement w.n "dariirer* mis t-x'tri va-raiii-o" '-Y'teiary of Navy >'uanson said in !ii.-i a"nn'»l r I»>»rt tola.v to I'rividont UooaPvvit advm-atiir-i •'ysomnti'- Imi «lint? of a full Ivon'lon treaty strength navy. Tlic s> '■rc-ai'.', who wis a delegate t" tii (!l-ai'! • • i;'ere nee* »*i i"!vva. !"■ tod tha' the t*nit«i State* alone of all signatories to th-j Ix>n'l>n treaty had m ule i>ni ti'al i-dtii'tions. "\V 0 ran iri lon«er afford to 'eat in di.■armament by example- Oar condition jeopardize-* Pcare bp'aii.-»i* '*. ila 11 d armaments foi-jfy dil''oma'-y," the eormtury said. llis .15 pawc report covering the department's a 1 -tlvitbw «'s one of th« proented 'in necferii times liy a seen tary of navy. In it, Secretary Swn.ion advo cated *i progressive. orderly re placement and new ship construc tion program to hrinK (lie American navy np to full treaty power by De cember 31, l»3ti. in addition- lie wu oil Congress authorize construction of more air craft. witliill t!ie pre.-: nt I,n«»o ljm t i' on. t" put fiuhtinu plain- aboard ship.-- i»uj:t sinc IH2O for which n : ur.ds v. ere avail • •e. S\vau J on rt'M'U'Ste'l also tiiat th>; l.'i ... r . . in i-a ary cms and ' frozen"' promotion emoluments now effective anions nav >1 employees be restore ! a.~ soon .m feasible. He l*>inted out tliat tbp present pay s' ale is lower than Ibat of llios. In hjs report, Sw an>"n a**;rtc.l •lap. 'li will have her full treaty Mi«.n'.'th by the end of l!>3t>, Great Britian will In- f:ir ahead of the I'nited States, and this country would have oniy 113 vessels with a total tonnaw of SSK,ri2t under age He said the I'nited St-it(s .shoufd build the 00 ships permitted it. Mow the "lip l Detector" worked in the Wynekoop murder cava is told by its inventor. William M. Mar.-t»n, famous psychologist. in" tere;tinu story in tin- DALTIMORK SI'NDA Y AM 10 It It'AN*. j*.a e of De cember 10. liny your copy from your f,iv"rit? newghoy o- t:ew.«de:i *•' er- The \t! intic t'oas- l!m itailn>jl ''oniPHßv iias offered t-> defray tho expen-'es «>:' one boy n tc! o i-« |»i r i j.» the Na',on:ii t u club .amp in W. .n~'.tn next sunini ,« provide i rhe t-uores>-ful person i-" selected froni i r.i of tho counties served by th.i railroad- Mitw Alice W.vkoff of Ridgewav won tlrst priie and the silver tro phy cup for bein? the biest poultry Judge among the 00 contestants a • tending annual poujtry short cour«® at state College recently.

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