THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 61. SIGNING UP THE 1934 CROP, Campaign in County Under Supervision of Kirby, Moving. At High Gear List of Town-, ship Appointments. The campaign in Stokes county for signatures to the tobacco; I growers contract is moving it full speed in all sections of the the county this week. Early ,re-| ports show much interest and .11 hearty spirit of cooperation on the part of tobacco growers throughout the county. Educa tional meetings held in a major ity of the townships have been well attended. The committees from which reports have been se cured claim to have been kept busy since they started writing contracts. Quite a large number of people owning farms in this county and residing in other coun ties or states have come home to sign their contracts. The local committee has the work in charge in each township. Only a partial list of the places at which they will meet growers to fill out contracts is available, but in so far as these have been reported for the different town ships the schedules are listed be low: BIG CREEK Union Mill, Friday and Satur day, 15th - and 16th. Dick Smith's filling station, Monday and Tues day, 18 and 19. YADKIN Mt. View, Friday, 15th. King, Saturday, 16th. Sisk's Store, Monday, 18th. Pinnacle, Tuesday, 19th. BEAVER ISLAND: Pine Hall, Friday, 15th. DANBURY: Young's School, Saturday, 16. PETER'S CREEK: McHone's Garage, Friday, 15th. Lawsonville School, Saturday A. M., 16th. MEADOWS: Meadows School, Friday, 15th. SAURATOWN: Walnut Cove, Saturday, 16th. S. J. KIRBY County Agent. Home to Spend Xmas. Chatham, Va., Dec. 8. Corporal McCanleaa, cadet of Hargrave Military Academy, will depart December 16, 1933 for his home in Danbury, N. C., where he will spend the Christmas hol idays. Cadet McCanless will re turn to the Academy on January 2, 1934. He is making an excel lent record in all cadet activities. Hargarve Military Academy is located in Chatham, Virginia, a beautiful town in the historic Piedmont section. The Academv is presided over by Colonel A. H. Camden. About COO Ijinoo'n County farn • ors have cotton in bonded warehouses to secure loans of 10 cent* a pound on the staple. Catawba wheat growers who sisr" ed adjustment contracts are noW Teoctving rental payments from the Agricultural Adm migration- Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday December 13 1933 King: News King, Dec. 13 Dr. Grady E. Stone celebrated his forty-second I birthday Sunday. A number of! relatives were present for the oc- j casion. Rev. Franklin Boles, of Ger manton, preached at the Baptist Mission here Sunday morning. I Rozella Laws, of Capella, was among the visitors here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Raymond Edwards of Rural Hall, spent Sunday here the guests of Mr. Edwards' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Edwards, j Hillis, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fulk, is recovering from an attack of bronchial pneu-l monia. J Arnold Venable, aged 23, of King R. F. D. 2, and Miss Callie Keaton, aged 18, of Westfield,' were united in the holy bonds of I matrimony here Saturday, Rev. Paul Herman Newsum officiating.! W. T. Newsum and Keith Kirby made a business trip to Winston-; Salem Saturday. A full force of 26 men is at work on the C. W. A. project here. H. H . Brown is in charge of the work. i A double header basketball; game was played here Tuesday: night. The King high and Rey-' nolds school were the contesting teams. Boys' score 25 and 20 in favor of King. Girls' game, score i 18 and 11 in favor of Reynolds. J John W. Kurfees of Winston-j Salem, formerly of King, was a J business visitor here Friday. It will be remembered that Mr. Kur fees conducted a mercantile bus iness here for a number of years. Mrs. Emmitt Hall is spending some time with relatives and friends at High Point. I Rengo C. White butchered four 1 porkers last week weighing over 1600 pounds. ' Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Westmore-; land, of Shoals, were among the visitors here Saturday. N. Grady Amick, of Pinnacle, was here Saturday looking after some business matters. An automobile being driven by Ed Tedder collided with a wagon | with Charlie Campbell as occu pant near the old fair ground, Saturday. Fortunately no one was injured beyond a severe shakeup. Both the car and the wagon were ; damaged considerably. Willie E. Gordon, aged 26, and Miss Maud Boyles, aged 21, both of Pinnacle, were married here I j Saturday. Justice J. Stedman | Garner officiated. The following births were reg i istered here last week: To Mr. and Mrs. Lee Allen, a son; to'i Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lane, a daugh-' ter; to Mr. and Mrs. Adolphusl Warden, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Calhoun, a son, and to . Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Tuttle, a son. Rod raspberries will bo planted on 184 acres by farmers of Burk* County this winter an a new source of farm income • Polk county farmers who errew leaped em. this past summer are -"J 1 pleased with result* that a short- f aar® of seed is expected in the cotin* ' ty this winter. 1 CARSON RESIGNS CWA DUTIES; Federal Relief Activities In Stokes Loom Larger As Mrs. | Minnie Doyle Establishes Head-j quarters At Danbury—Person- j nel of Office and Field Forces, j Mrs. Minnie Doyle, of Reids ville, Rockingham county, ha:; been appointed Acting Director of j Federal Relief in Stokes and has: established headquarters in the j N. A. Martin building east of the I court house square. Prof. J. C. Carson, superinten dent of schools, who has hereto fore held this position, including the responsibilities of the Red Cross, has been relieved of this! duty by the State authorities whose policy of imposing the re lief work upon the shoulders of county superintendents of schools has been discontinued. It is pointed out that relief activities have now reached such a scale that the superintendents cannot give to them the required atten tion while doing justice to their educational work. Walnut Cove Beats Lawsonville At Walnut Cove last night (Friday) the Walnut basketball team played Lawsonville with re sults as follows: BOYS Walnut Cove 21 Lawsonville 4 GIRLS Walnut Cove 31 Lawsonville 21 Westfield Bests Francisco At Ball Clyde Forrest here today re ports his crack team Francisco beaten by the cracker team of Westfield. Forrest says he still holds the Stokes championship, however, while bowing to the Surry kids who play like devils. Mr. Forrest though is a good sport, and speaks very complimentarily of the Westfield team. Germanton Higrh School fJennanton A student of the .(Vormanton school must make an average mtnithly grade of 95 on every subject and grade A on deportment to lie considered for the honor roll. The following students are recipient to this honor from ,thp Oermanton school: First C.rade S-ira Ann Petrec. Hetty Caudle, William Miltiinore, Tom Hide Duwins, Jean Carol Beck. Margaret l»ng and May Ki.-er. Ningth fli"ade T'na Allen. Tenth Grade Dorothy Caivon and Arnold Chapman. Eleventh Orade Francis P.vs Mullican ■ The standards upViVd in the He • manton school for honor roll are very hish. Early Irish potatoes growlers of eastern Carolina plan to reduce ■'heir acreafl> anij to stop the pr»'- tice of pro wins the potatoes under contract. DEATH OF MRS. ELLEN PELL I i WAS WIFE OF .1 W I»KM. OF J AT DOBSOX m iM.\I.AItI/i:i> WI-:sTFIEM> COI'ItT 1101 M-. SAMTAKY FKOCItAM FOli srititv. The Mount Airy report » ; follow*: Mrs- Kllell !*«.II died at her }i•nii> at Westfield Houte I Sunday o' Pneumonia d 'i:i year*. She wn •' the wife or J. W. I'enn and is *ui vived by her husband, six children two .-listen- and one brother. Th • funeral was conducted Sunday a•, ternoon from the Westfield Fiji n's Church with l>r- Tom Smith, ,it Westfield and Itev. Tluima-i At* drew, of Staley, officiating. i Sometime during .-'atii.t lay niu . | the court house at Dodson was hrol» I en into and the olllcef ot' the re-i>-, ter of deeds and clerk of court ra»* I fada d. Several drawers with lock. !on them were broken open In the I search f«r money and the theive*] | I In ally located small chan-e carried in the -two office!'. They got about $H> from the clerk's olHce i and from the register of de.ds office. Only the .day bcfoie Clerk F. T. Lewellyn had deposited in the hank S3OO cash he had on hand, and 'this would have been 'lost alon:,' j with the other money if h had been left in the office. Anions those from Mount Airy attending Mrs. s. p. Jones' funoi i al at I'innachv Sunday afternoo i were Itev. and Mrs. It. Tuttle. Mr. and Mrs. (»t!rf Moore, Mr. and ■ Mrs. .1. W. Parker, Mrs. W. it. 1 Kiger, Mr. and .Mr". I>. W. Loflen and daughter Pet tie Pay. Mrs. C. ' | 'B. Stwens. Mw. T. A. M00d.,! Mi*. Cora Moore, Miss Mae Moger,' - Al r- and .Mrs. Houston Staining, Mr. and Mr.-. Herman Hhockley, Archie Barker and stent/. Badgett- I I'.llx'i't Partridge, who tttacheg in Stokes County, spent Thanksgiving with his iiarents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Partridge in this city. I As a part of .th« program to glvi employment to th« P| op'c the privies in the counties Surry be ing alloted 2000 to be built with in the next ten weeks, j Aa supervisor Of the work to bj done In Surry County the depart ment has sent Mr. K. Clyde Banner here and he 4s now getting every •- I'hing in shape to begin work on December 15th. H e is eonnectcJ with the state board and comes Surry County as Supervisor of Bural i ! Sanitation. I Tli/jse structure* «lUI b e built , wherever found n?ej e d at no cost »o i the property owner. The CWA ;s providing the l.ib"r and the mat r i&l will be furnished by /; county, 't is aaid to require 1* hours on each privy with a material cost oi' ai«»ut slo. The for'. will be divide! into nine gan-s with a foreman tor each gan». to t>e located in diffet" ferent parts of the county. A stan dard set of plans to go by has been established to faicilitate the work of the mien. Most of the labor wi'l be carpenters and the total force will be 125 men, getting from 45 to 60 cents an hour and working 30 hours a weyk. Tobacco Campaign Gets Under Way j ' ~~~ ! Farm agents in North Carolina'.! I 1 57 t'luo cured tobacco growing com • I ties were bu.->" la t wkek pughiiv;! ■the campaign for reduction of t'»-j i i baci'o production during the mx* j t"o years. Approximately "'m .m-ov er~' representing 1»5 per cent of the States tobacco land signed redio tion agreements fail, and thev are now placing their names on the permanent contracts. I The county agents have been .-tii« plied with all the material neces sary for carrying on the work, and Seven men from the auditing bureau of the i'. s. Department of Asr* culture are in the Held as.-i*t ing in certain counties in which ! they were Hiv-t svnt ar;»: A.! f I Kainey, Kobeson; Whit Terrell. I.> -1 1 I Moore: IJ. F. Molet'e, (i i iF. U'asmansdorff, Pitt: J. E. Wits son. Johnson; E. h. Ti«ott-r, Jr., Rockingham; and K. 11. Tin ker, | Person. I j in addition, the agents have nun • erou? comniiitteemen liepling the*u take tlie contractw around to tnc farmers for signing. The number of committeemen vary from thp.-e to more than 50 per county accord" ing to the number of growers. For the signers to obtain equali zation payments, they s'hould secure data from warehouses showing how much tobacco they gold before the holiday and afterw*ard. Those who furnlrh the necessary proof will oc compensated 2u per cent of the value of the weed sold before the holida and la per cent of it he value 0 f that sold afterward up to October 7 in the new belt anil up to Mob,,r in the border belt. ! Bean I. o. Schaub, e.\ten.-Vo n se», 'vi«e director at X. r. state "ollcgej Pointed out, however, that these compensations will co only 'to tli««e ! farmers who «ign reduction «-on , tracts. Hitler Gives the Cue. | Everybody at the s*nt time t abi»ut the j give a .ve-tr'n t 4 > •|«nv Person wh-o can think UP a line to rhyme with this one: j "X naver saw the l>ig bad wolf." This is absolutely a bona fble of fer. One year's suUscription to THE STATU to anyone who can ■ write a line, tlvj last word of which j i must rhyme with "wolf." Carl Georcli in Tlu- S:ate. magazine. 1 | Then, how ig this: lj "t'ntil I'd seen crazy Adolf?" | Ask us a hard one. ;! 1 Contest Called Off j The subscription campaign whic 1 Mr- «nd Mrs. it. M. Haivey hav» been ,installing for tln« Importer wns |!ii*t wcjpk temporarily «>ff, and postponed indefinitely. I On account of till a inability »t Mrs- Harvey t> bo present, Mr Harvey thought it best to postp >ne until he secured additional help. In addition to the work to be j dono by Mr. Hannitx he will also have the cooperation and aid of the county sanitary officer. Edwin P. Hale, and work will be pushed to completion by th«fle men. Number 3,906 GRIND OF THE LOCAL COURTS Justices of the Peace Dispose oi a Number of Minor Actions — Others Referred to Superior Court. Walter Foley and Kyle Foley, Virginia parties, were bolnd over to court by Justice P. C. Camp bell Tuesday in bonds of §125.00 each, which they arranged. These men had been arrested on Monday by Deputy Sheriff Ewell Hutcherson of Sandy Ridge. Walter Foley was charged with transporting whiskey and carrying concealed weapons. Kyle Foley, who is Walter's son was indicted for transporting booze and operating a car under the influence. Kinley Hall, also arrested by Deputy Hutcherson, was arraign ed for drunkenness and fined $0 and cost by Magistrate Campbell He settled the charges. Ed Smith and Bernie Ward were arrested by Deputies Carl Ray and Berk Smith, charged with drunkenness at a school house. Justice N. E. Wall fined then SI.OO and cost each, which they paid. George Nunn and Frank South ern were also cited for same of fense. CAMP VADE MECUM TO OPEN JUNE 8 DI.VI.SIO.V ltlv\(|||:i> ,\'r MK'KT» L.\U OF COMMI'ITI'.'K A T >iti:i:.\Mtoito HI:V. J:I-I:TI:I» IHIUKTOIC OF THE Sl.mok now cami>. lhe IHB4 seat-on at t'amp Vadj •Mecum, stoke* county, i-.vptational cent. r of the .North "ai - o]ina Kpia* ••opal diocese. will lietin ■'une 8 ami continue until September Kev. J. A. \alie. rector of St. Andrew's hpiseopal church anl general camp director, announced last week. This decision was reached at a meeting of the diocesan camp eonimttee held at ft. Andrew'* church, (!ree"sboro, Wednesday night. In attendance wt're w*h o p Edwin |A. I'enick, of Charlotte: Kev. Then* dore I'art rick, J r ., of Raleigh: K e v. Dan Allen, of Lexington; J. A. Mackey, Porter Stcadman and MM. John («i!mer. of and Mr. Vache. Kev. Uan Allen, form&rb' of Wal nut t.'ove, now of Lexington, wa« • lectpd director of the Mtmior boys' campg, and Rev. Frank Dean. jt \\ il.son. was chosen to direct the junior hoys' camps. Tile K«!S' cantpx will be under the fupervis» ion of Mr*. Joseph Fletcher, of Kaleisrh, an*l Mr., John (Junior wl:t direct the camps of t!u auxiliary. Birthday Celebration Mr, and Mrs. A. G. Sisk, Sheriff and Mrs. J. J. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Petree, Mrs. Jessie P. Christian, of Danbury; and Mr and Mrs. Wm. Lowman of Win ston-Salem, were recent guests at dinner with Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Morefield. The occasion, which, was a very pleasant one, was tha birthday of Dr. Morefield.

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