WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1931 Danbury Reporter Danbury Reporter; Will Dunlap, of lied Siicalj section, was in town Monday. Attorney J. L. Roberts, of Madison, was here Tuesday. The illness of Mrs. Calvin Mabe, of Lawsonville, is reported here. The infant of Attorney and I Mrs. S. Gilmer Snaiyer has recen i tly had measles. News if received litre of the illness of Esquire \V. P. Hay, of Peter's Creek township. Solicitor h. L. Koontz and At-' toiiiey J./oti, if Greensboro, were I here Sunday. Jacob Pul i • of Wr inn! C'ove. has ivctu.'y Uvea ■'"'ior.sly • !'. but is n.w irjio. : "i e .:i Icrably j impr. oi.J. W. C. ■' . V,. : .id , ... • is at a P a ha; 1 Is. o' :!. ' Cta ! ' tea itly «nstaincd ■« fi'Mif I of paralysis. IPs condition is re yarded as serious. Miss Laura Ellington, of Sandv Ridge, was in Danbury Saturday, j Miss Ellington is a federal busi ness census enumerator for the! eastern half of the county. P. H. Young, of Sandy Ridge, j called in to see us today and paid; up for his Reporter another yea' - ; on the condition that we "do noi j publish too many Democratic this year." Mrs. Susella Fulk, of Indian-! napolis, Ind., is spending some | time with her mother. Mrs. W. P. j Lankforc wlio is seriously ill a*, j her home at Lawsonville. The second snow of the winter occurred Saturday night, when a light fall of flakes melted as soon as it fell. Sunday was intensely! cold. A! Raleigh there were 5: inches of snow, and more or less at other points in the State. I R. W. Mitchell, of Bciver Is land townsh p, was a Danbury visitor Monday. Mr. Mitchell i say all indications point t > a fine fruit crop this year, ag.eeably to the old saying th l if the friii 1 ■ trees are loaded with sleet in! February, they will benJ wit hi l lrui t til - same year. He counts two sleets !'o • th' past February, one of l lier.i th" heaviest tie i.e ever saw. ———— ' I Announcement. To the Democratic voters of, Stoke > county: At the ivfinest of nany of my| friends, i hereby announce myoelf a candi rite ('»»• Sheriif of Stokes county, subject to the action of the Democratic county primary.' If nominated and elected, I prom ise to give the people of Stokes 1 county ray best and most con-1 scientious service, and will maktv a faithful raid honest officer. Appreciating your support, MOIR HAWKINS, Sandy Ridge, N. C., March 12, 1934. News Items Reported From King Section King, March 12. —Aunt Jane' Meadows has been right sick with! measles, but is somewhat improv-i ed, her many friends will be gladi to know. Dutch Wilson cut an ugly gash I in his leg the pas;. week while out | chopping wood. LaVuerne, the small son ofj Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Hall, has been j right sick with measles but is j improving nicely. Miss Mabel Johnson has re-, turned to her home after spend-; ing several days with her si3ter, ■ Mrs. Ray Ingram. Misr- Ruth Watts, who has been, very sick with xonsolitis, is im proving. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Luther, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Staton and little daughter, Maaine, of High Point, C A L L I 0 R Republican County Convention! Danbury, March 31, 1934 To the Republicans oi' Stokes ( oim'y: A cniTvem'on is herehv edited to meet at the court house in Danbury on SATURDAY. MARCH 31, 1831, at 1:30 P. >L, for the purpose of electing df!ep;ates in the State Republican Convention, and for the transac tion of such other matters as may propeiky come before the meeting. Precinct primaries to elect delegates to the county convention, are hereby called to meet at each precinct on SATURDAY, MARCH 24, at 1:30 P. M. This March 10, 1934. JACOB FULTON, Chairman Stokes County Republican Executive Com. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER DEED OF TRUST. Under and by virtue of the j authority contained in a certain deed of trust executed by S. E. ! Smith and wife, 11. K. Smith un dor date of February 21st, 1931, i to the undersigned Trustee which I deed of trust is duly recorded ia ; tile office of the Register ol Deeds 1 of Stokes county in book S3, at page 55. default having been i made in the payment of the notes secured by i aid deed of trust and at the request of holders of said note, the undersigned will sell -.t , public auction to the highest bid i dec for cash at the court house j door in the town of Danbury on J SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1934, at the hour or ten o'clock A. M., the following described real es tate: Beginning at pointers on the ! West of the road, runs North on | Gibson lino 14 chains to white I oak; thence East 21.5 chains to | a black oak (fell down); thence j South to the road; thence along i the road as it meanders a South west course to beginning, contain j ing 12 acres, more or les3. Tract No. 2. Described in deed ' from VV. G. Meadows to S. B. Smith. Recorded in office of Register of Deeds Stokes county, ; Book 54, page 419, reference to which is hereunto made. The highest bidder will be re quired to put up a deposit of 20 per cent, of the bid with the Clerk | of Superior Court of Stokes coun .ty. This Ist day of March. 1934. S. G. SPARGER, Trustee. Oh, That Head. Misses (explaining routine to i new cook) —Now, my husband al | ways goes to his club Wednesday j evenings. I Cook—l understand, ma-am. ISo he won't want no breakfast j Thursday. I I | spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Hall, j Mr. and Mrs. George Baker ' and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bud Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Fount Lawson ! and children and Mrs. J. L. Slate .'•pent last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Hall, j Elsie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Baker, has been very ' sick but is improving, we are glad to note. THE DANBURY REPORTER I State Planters j Bank I Walnut Cove, N. C. U. S. Depository !| Member of Federal Deposit Insurance jji Corporation. Your deposit is insured up to £2500.00. pj Time and Savings Deposits. || WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. STATE PLANTERS BANK, | Walnut Cove, N. C. | | >ooooooooo>ooooocoooooooooooooc >ooooo I Announcing || Ol'K REMOVAL TO NEW AM) I.ARUEK }!'AKTlilts. 0 We will be ready to our o!d friends and eusUrn 0 ers on— '? , g FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16TH AT g, ; 0 421 N. TRADE ST., f 0 Winston-Salem, N. C. 0 0 , $! 1 0 Be sure to came in and see our largo stock of Coats -.iiul '• ; v Swagger Suits priced X g at 85.95 to $12.95. ; 0 100 Dresses from regular stock special 0 g at 81.05. 0 0 SILK PRINTS AND SOLIDS. | Eleanor Dress Shops | 0 Winston-Smiern, N. C. | ■ ,0000000000000000000000000 0000000000 A man who falls in love with i Dolomitic limestone is an e.x --1 himself never has any rivals. cellent filler in commercial or ' home-mixed fertilizer and has a value high above that of inert The man who has no faith in ; sand. 1 ( human nature is not to be trust r ed - 1 Some people seem to get a lot 1 Macon county farmers have or- out of life by not expecting too 2 dered co-operatively 16700 lbs. much. *.of lespcdeza seed so far this sea-' son and local merchants have The trouble with (he average >' sold enough to bring the total to person is that he thinks liimse! ' 25,009 pounds. to far a!:ove the average. MILD - r». -* n -.« 0 /> j-s j' n ri* r Ir = *VIM '3mrffjOU M I hui &-V iJ* *v> «i •■J *•> '• ■• —~ 3^ ANDSPAI" ALOAT.rDRoLN ALL ?:'■" A uVMAATi; AT Arcade Fashion Shop fIEmnHMMBMVcac3.Tm9KvjKZBi r:juxaajw>>'r , i n i i■■ i mrm* i •* GRAND OPENING OUR NEW SHOE DEPARTMENT. «2.95 AAA to C $3.45, ■*» calher. Colors (jJ'J |Jj This department is being operated by one of the South'* largest shoe eoneerns with unlimited buying power. K*- ery pair worth almost twice its selling price. Don't miss. HATS, GLOVES, BLOUSES, PURSES •to match your spring outfit. Biggest selection. Specially priced. HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR full Fashioned Silk Hone, special, only 54c Ami. READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT For Friday and Saturday Specials. SWAGGER SUITS AND COATS $1295 to $29-50 $§.95 All sizes and coke s. OTHER SUITSTVNI) COATS EXTRA SPECIALS. 22 winter Dresses *7.15 to *!*.•":> value-, some imperfect e.'o'ng at SI.OO. 900 DRESSES ON SAI AT O:v gtv.-.p Sfi.pj •.) SS «t r > va'tas. Sii: i" i i .ints. * ! :" ' ej ca t/ C •-» 2 r > ~~ One Special Assortment $9.95 to $12.50 Values at ftc.ftf. 'J for £l3. .10. IVnu'tl'ul sk ik -- an i -.yi.-s. ARCADE FASHION SHOP VA'i X. Liberty Street. Winston-Salem, X. Business First. I /.lie's liny. I key. was in the 1 ( olio.: niliee when a tekgran nr- . riv :ml the slenogrsit'her call- ' 'o' "it . ' A wire from the P.ilcs-': 111:, Rernstrin." ' .'.id it out ' l>U mC >" l ' le I), s i called back. "Wis in Pallas Monday night,' l the girl began. "Stop. Be in Houston Wednesday. Stop. In ' In New Orleans Thursday. Slop. 11---"I 1 ---" ! I I "Ikey," called out Abe at this i paint. "Leave that girl alone and 1 !e v her read the telegram." I ! I Mas, ttoublcs between man and ' wife ari-e because each wants. the other to be the audience. i ' At the rate they're going with liquor regulations they'll probab- I iy have them so complicated fin-, - ally that the only way a man can ,'get a drink will be to consult a i I j lawyer. A. now York beggar was dis covered keeping two big automo biles. No wonder he had to beg. PAGE THREE NOTKT; OF SAI.K Under and i>\ virtue of nr. or der of the Sui oitor ( our; of Stok.s C'-an.y. ii the spe proceed in:. ...titled. "P. M. Hull, administrator of Matit \ Holt. tuid P. M. lloi. and wife llolt vs. !. T. Holt and wife. Myc in:'. Ilolt." the iv.-signed c.r.t mission will on - MARC II 11, 1.131. at 2 o'clock, p.m., :it the court house door in Daiibury, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that cer tain tract of land lying and being in Heaver Irl an d Township. Stokes County, North Carolina, and more part'cularly described as follows, to wit: I Adjoining the lands of Reikis | Simpson, Joe Martin, tl. T. Holt j and others and containing 26'j ■ acres more or less, being the only land owned by Matilda Ilolt at the time of her death in said I county and township, and being i the land deeded to J. T. Holt and ! Matilda Holt by Kingston as will more fu'ly appear by deed of rec ord in the office of the register ' of deeds of Stokes County to ,T. T. Holt and Matilda Holt, which is by reference made a pare thereof. .-u Feb. 10. 1011. ..^7 P. M. HOUT, Commissiofl|^Pr Another thing the average man can't explain is why a better half always aces liis Vf