Volume 61. BiitXHOAY I'Aivi n FOR KING PEOPLE MRS. \YM. KISKR, I- S. • 'diS— BOY BAD!A 1N JI !U ) 1 OTHER KING HAPPIiMVLS. 1 i King. April 18. Mr. mvi M. ( S. V.*. Ptilliam cm.; 'in i v: - c chatniat.!.v Tuesday at a ' h- J day dinner, honoring V -sda "c ; « Clady News'in, Johr. I.Tcf i'T* ana Mi. -; Lois Hutche is. The : . i was beautifully nr'arnc ! v ; qua RITICT' of spring i'!O ecr:., j-. 'HI- ] 'iui!«. narc's si and pink 1 o- i ing urcd with art'stic c'fc Tl* i dinner table had for ii •« • vper ; decoration a l^ouut'"• ;1 whir with green candles ; r. i idl ' . • ■ . : tap. rs, in crystal holders ?;•.: o--1 each end of the t-'biv. A •". , - roui-e dinner vas served to lie following guc-sts: ?i\-as ia> ; Hutchens, Tivirna Ncwsum, Edl "I Hnu'er, Franc::- and Inns Smith, Lcona Graham. Kli.rd ■' Raby and Mcsdames Jnhn \ Clra v e Newsum, Mr. a:.-! V. Re' ' Jones and r.in. Phi. Ms. William Riser. a-: 1 yera s, died at he-.' levae thr. e miles east of town \ve'.hicm.ry mo; rdag. The dece'iaed i- sur vived by four sons, four dail;-li ters, 47 grandcliildien and great-grandchildren. The funer al service- v.*«i3 conducted at Kt. Olive church Thursday afternoM at two o'clock and burial followed in the church cemetery. Ealer, the fifteen-year-old son of Edwin Jessup was chopp'ng in tl.e woo Is Wednesday when h" cut a limb releasing a 1 ro'le t on his lvg cru erng hi' ankle. D.)'tors H.''abe'k an*- Stor*; set the broken member. The remains of Robed Slu. v. 1 i died in ChnrVa'c e:'. v:a .la" were brought back and 1-ii' te rest at the Put eh lhm-e Tku. ■- day. The decease 1 who v. is tV>.:.t ' lenl'-ni 'v' l r. ha' t numi>ei of relatives au:'. 'r* ; friends near here. The King High defentr 1 the Pinnacle twho-M in a pare of base ball played at Pinnacle Fri day. Final f 'ore 2o and 13. Thomas Payne and Is? Crr-e Riers-on were qnict'v *v u:H '*• Saturday, Rev. P ' Herman Newsurr o then i ing. The b"i'.'-> i the daughter of !'kn-*». P'-r o t an 1 the bridegroom h IV r >.i ■ • Oefus Payne. Norvetl CloT. or High P..int. the week-enl here the gv.-r-st of rclfv.ivea and frien.l". J.!: s *. John Southern J.:.' ve.y sic! at her hone th''"e mile sou:;; of town, her fri:nd.i v;i!i rccret to lenrn. Kinney Brown and. Au", ! .'r. Cramer, who are teaching nt Sailfy Ilidge, snc-n*. 'hu week-end with their parents here. Tie following bir'.h.; w r.j re corded here last wcV, To Ml and Mrs. Walter Moser. a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Deese, a daugh terter; to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie P»on.ie, a eon: to Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Tucker, a daughter: to Mr. and Mrs. Carson Watts, a son: to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shouse. a daughter: to Mr. and Mrs. Sylus Allen, a son, and to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burgess, a daughter. Mr." and Mrs. S. O. Chaub and Established 1872. Thirty-Five Get ' License To Wed Stokes county couples a.v £ flocking to the alter in l.u numbers than IMS.J • aw. a-ua'd ing to tlie raairiage license i>c ords in the Register of DeeJ oflice here. During .l.mrr.y. I'e'it uary, and Ma-ch. :uid 1' it of April, th::« year, t'..irty- • . white ciiUple? un-.i o e (• .' . t loup.i*. «>• t r;y-. tve u-a,- s :dl have upp'kd i'.i rad trvii. lii cr.pe to marry. 1; *■« i ,: •' many a- ayy'ied f. r Ikrcio dur irr a s. at'.. pe.-I 11 ' y 1 ovd than either I.L-- and 1 "! 1 saw l'or an c inal | . I o thae. The "New Deal'' i« douV having effect on marriage aspir \ ar.ts, and D..n C'an ! u ev: kr.tl t \ getting worked ovritlrae in I -a !- ing Stokes crun'es to the alter. Tliis d.>e.?n'i count however t n i the coir.-les that cr. ; mto \ ir- • /aria, !■ get married. Sumrt, , i Virginia .11 claims its quo* io. F;.»kcs coin le-. an 1 pre bably wlil ah..:-"-, ■ for many yea - s to ccr.:e. : : a Grcli; i (keen for Stokes l>.vo'arn. There 5« a cer tain glamour to co--ing inti Virginia to get married. Change Made Relief ClfK-ep Ofaces on the second fctory floor of the N. A. Martin s'ore building here, l ave he-en vavat- 1 by the relief adminis':atci>- i ■' sonnet, and ad the of-ice ac.ivii' i.a.ve been concentrated on th ■ giour.d 11 of the "uullding. During the h'v,ht of the CWA itvoyran.. addition' I quarters were needed and the office force for several v.echs occupied the ua stair.-' roans. Since the C\V \ p">/;.;ram ha - been s:,a ; e i and r.ll v. rk idare mi !-; r t ' e Federal Emergeury He ll -f. the f round fh or has fr :;nf to Le suflieicr! to take care of tho personnel. The ofiice3 on tho upper floor of the building were o-cupie i b" R. T. Beak, Stokes County Dis bursing officer for the past CWA. and K. R. Hyeiiy, who WM ir charge of tlie Safety progrn.-.:, and other features of the CWA. Miss Clodie Stone, of High Point, aid Mi-i- Ka' ■> Si one. of Char lotte, snrnt Sunday with rela ' tives here. Idiss Valley Fulk. of Hi th Pokit. spent Sunday here the ■ t .aer.t o 4 ' hor parents. Mr. and Mv'i. Willi in Fuik, in west King. C. Ross Newaum and family, C. S. News am and family, P. H. Ncv.'oum and family and Reynard Oriiffi all attended a birthday dinner at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Tut tie in Rural Hall Sunday. G. A. Jone£', prominent planter of the Capella section, was a business visitor here Saturday, j Quite a number of citizens are attending the special term of criminal court at Danbury thi3 week. j Ellis E. Shore, of Rural Hall, was among the visitors here Sunday. Dan bury, N. Wednesday, Apiil 18, 19 i K DiSAS'i ?>XH »S i •UilL'ci ( OCCUR LN COi:Ni i £sl D V.'Hi'i'3'ilf. IS I IJV BAD BkAZil TRi'.':. - 'i'HAN ii Vi- 5L..1t itiidk.-.), C'liKf.is iiiu The home of i ~i ... n:, \,el! known ! .r.i.i. o. ike Hartr. ::i i: .section v.as i ire ' y ,t ii.». ot i:n- f I:..'ot;:d. i \ . • . , J t(. .1 1-.S i.. .he 1,.>t..-e : ...i ).;. • c iaking. to M . V .. • i . - v ocjUi ie 1 on 0.. > of i. e v.'" dayan 1 i. • •• i l.e c hott e were check the 1 blare l;cf.;e it : ': hea l- f w. e. a- d ere ' : -l.e to r Another : ous fire ocoured 1 Saturday r.:..*kt. al \i - i. ! .iut Cove, when the lar .e 1: ;ub r . evened and operate i ire .!. M. T eeathi-n Mere tutr.pie ly oj,d. I with the 10-s of the incubators, it is learned that '.-e-voral hunJrei bai>y thick:.-. : well as ;i luige quantity of unhatched e,e.;s were destroyed. Mr. T.a v .ur a was a-.vi'y fiO'.n l": 1/i h • i.e when the fire occurred. The !aa"e i - t ,o .ri to l ave originated in an oil 1 eater for the i incubator, and from there apreed o"ee tie in- ? i;ato", jtmiping to i anotheer incubator do e ay. The : was iar.ned by winds v/kic-i made it more diStrasious. Play At Sndy T ; 'e fai iihy of ka.r "y P.id;ie High S-'haol very r i'.c- .-fully j'resa'.ted "Apple Ijia-e-iae. t-. lie." a three net com-edy, -a S'-.i ur. ! evenia April 7. to a pa-eked yet apprccia Live ience. The lirocceds from '.i'ls •Iv i amounting to prove vi." la itrc'f the great magnetic p-ov.ee lhat Saady Ridge H'rdi School ha.- v.ltli e.hlc 1 ; it dr..w.s not only pei-i'le fro-n in neigliboring co.n rannitits but r.ho pet.; ;e feom its u.tri our. dlrg t in ties. The people's :a,e"e:. t «a - ) kept high hsfore, bet'vesa and after the act:? by t :, e vrry i"f-ula L •wsi rville string band. May 11 w'.il bring to u clore an on.standing year in the h s.ory o : ' Sandy Ridge High Seliool vhieh has been under the super vision of its most eiiieient princi pal, Mr. V. R. White. Watch for ortnir.ieneement att v actuiis. Yours truly, A. E. GARNER. _ _ y w ■ » ; (Robali L. Smith, who today announced h:3 candidacy for the Democratic nomination for Regis ter of Deeds of Stoke 3 countty.) CANi)]])ATKS Bi i'iLh i-'Ol? PiiiM.'.i:/ LIST ; ks'}-—riAY i-ii's.: b LAM' DAY I'(:U i'sLi.-v.:— t NUM«iK;i vIVNOi I i. MA DP. \ With !•{'•>• 5 a. IV. ; a pp. ing. the ii;-.. of e • « i ■ , for tho fu -;ia., .' I' .... .. y June -, i. v'a a. ill;- •. 1 „ ; . cr, ar.,l expected , . he « a j within the i:e:a tea i.•. Although she 1: i>- . • - t complete, so far ti:e I'-; have filed far tl-e K ,a.r." > ficeiß, su 'jeet to tee Jure 1 : raary. House of Re; re: er.t 'i , ■; A. f: Pliillips ar.d .1. Ik Tlv.re. P>eg:ster c f Dee is D. P. Iladley. Clerk of Coi'" F-a : t. ■ Coard of Educa'.lo.:, .!. R. per- t res!.. v County CT..i:'.::.>e re:s. J. A. , Joyce and H. H. P • ".i. All of the above •nei.ht'.e ; , filing list t'reir aT'". 'do.i as v..'. , the! Democratic party. No r • didutes have \ ■ . fileJ for t'.he: Iff, . the rain 'itm .a.'.ea.! of ,T. ,T. Taylor, and oihers k;.j he , made. Elsewhere ia the F.e ••• u;r the • anr.ouncemeni of Robah S ai: a appears as candidate for the Reg ister of Deeds other There wld be other contestants for tlie Reg ister of Deeds office aL-;o. j" John Davis Neison. It has become one of the sn '- dest duties o; my life to write : few lines on the life raid den" of our dear brother Jcha D'a ; Nelson. lie vv.ii> horn on .'niun-v 2olh, ISSt). He \.as ( ho tlll i Foil of Mr. and Mrs. Jo' n C. Nc-'- son. He was r-iek ah io■•■t l"'•> months after h ivin; m.- isi; \ • that loving han-. • c...dJ do ,• ; done but a gate « . opered vri 'a. a gentle voice said cu. '.e a-, i farewells unspoken. lie c .ha'" entered home in the raorrine: ' March 29, 1534, making hi- ■ on earth 51 year-, t.o mon" and one day. He la survived by his v.'he an.l seven childien as follows: Lcrr. Left', Posey, Ode'l, Pernio. Ursd. Gladys, a brother of C. P. Nel son, of West Radfoid, Va., J. P.. Nelson, of Lawsonvilie, five sin ters, to-wit: Mrs. Conine Nelson. Mrs. Mary Sisk, of Pinnacle. Mr-?. M. W. Smith, Mrs. Coia Si. k. Mrs. Llndie Wiiiiams, all of Law sonville. He was, a devoted husband, a loving father and brother, nl.vay. • lending a helping hand to all. We mourn not without hope foi while it is hard to give him up. He said in his last days the Lord was with him. He always had a hind word and a loving smile for us all. Gets Appointment, j One Stokes county man. VV. W., Stevens, of Walnut Cove, has, ! been appointed to the staff of the Deep River Soil Erosion project. | which will start shortly. Mr. Stevens was named along with others from other sections of the State and elsewhere. Just what his duties will be is not known. Campbell's Coa: L i: Justice of Pea. e P. C. (fur a bell has be n esccv.iit.g'sy bu.v ? trying case? t'r - v. -oh. h I ing disposed of e!e%*e.i case« in volving thirteen doieauunii oa huii.eroi: > cuU:.' . The fol!"„'i:r; lUx of cases w,u c 11 ie . in.. r • •-. io : c ! *;l.i * V«'» lit *vii4' •'. i t.'..1. . in ;• liquor. All dc •i • ant v > c l were tao iv:.! t0,,: . P.. 1 und. bond ei 1 Clit'u.n I i'lr gie, •; 1 eiu 1 c Frank ran.aoi s. . . •....-.i . . * £l! i mi l n" ! - Fred Simmons, drunlcr.ovs, 1 fined SJ.f) C0.,.a. lear.io: G- lien ■. ■ ; . 1 corded v. ■ ; ■ t 1 Superior Coau under i a. •. ' ~.i ■ • i wr.:ir. v.-.s ]• t-: m cash. Cecil Gc Ins. sue. elk. . on put " 1 roads, fined SIO.OO and t i... i 'a.: costs. Paul Make, dinnk.n, v. fi. i ( S1.0 ; ) an I iac i i :.k cu •' a Wooirow Smitth, drunkenesa. 1 t- 1 released on paymeu; ol costs. Tom Gerrry, drunkencs:., re leased on pryrnciit o: i sts. Oscav Cook, poscssion rf liquor. 1 bound over to the Superior Com" under S200.0;) bond. Odell Bttllen. oierathig car without licens®, released on pay- ' ment of c v.ts. One ('tlie; case is pen-aing an if> set for trial on Saturday oi this week. This case involved charges of alleged seduction un ler pwmise marriAge against Joseph Penn. Btlews v r'fotk Aiiiii P&-t.;sr.:s Sxivil:-: War. e N .1. r/a!l 1 .• v n S' 1. '■ r r.. . ' ! : . i s lae.ie at . , . • Mo.i lay rr.oi nin r a ' . . ' Mr. N 11 keen hi f.d ly go d 1vm!:'I ar:'. ' •. , f. i ar.u fu-qu liu tea.eas in ti-.is county. For the j .si fit t. ::i yens .. • Neal had been th.-oi -rr,..ar; •. ;• t . Brown's warehouse at V, ns!' i- Salem, and was wed known aa. . liked by the personnel of tr.e warehouf'e and the large numbers of Stokes county farmers who sell their tobacco in the Tern- City. Funeral services were he! i Wednesday at 11:00 o'clock un der the direction of Rev. Spence Scott, and interment was made in the family burial ground. The loss of Mr. Neal as one of Stokes county's best citizens M mourned by many, while his im mediate community will mii'S him PS one of iis best neighbors. ' M, E, Chi rch Appointments j Rev. J. B. Needham will preach next Sunday as follows: l -Danbury M. E. Church, 11 A. . M., and 8 P. M. Vade Mecum. 3 P. M. All cordially invited to attend these services. dumber 7.1/14 SMIi 11 TO Lit jl Oiv lv . i.> i-'b iKR MII'I TV n.'A ;■' :>:;KDS .'.i. •«( Tli ounce .•• . Robxii L. •• v.- . itegister c.r le. • Dema ' i ! J • • -\ will do bt! ' .. . est to his many friends t tho county. !' !'• Sb rv.. -r.-d for SODIO t i.. t ».£ & cat: 'Mr ; I- t an noun'.e .. V.us until this wee';. It will be rememberc 1 tliat Mr. Smith. • IV.hrh", n., to bo CiH •!. - i.c been 1»' : 1 i.tiy l ■ i in con nci-.inn v. ti. . » . t. which he i". v •. i ■ -inter of ;• .»:• count, a !-;• hai in i t- the torn i .* i Since tha* time ■ - c un c:'i •" •' ;.,ei a f • ait I C'ili • -.v. .:± his work. Mr. Smith was 1- ar 1 rear ed in «-'.>u:it;y. it". .. need less to say, has been r. lv'e-long Democrat, and i.: : \ ye;i r s has been one of most active and enthusiastic :• tr port ers. In connection with lis candid acy Mr. Sm;ttli i?.-' . ..? follow in;,' f-tntemcnt: "Subject to the ac. the Democratic primary ol June 2. I hereby announce iiy n.iiiaey for the o'tioe of '1 ister of Dee Jrf Slukes cov:,;/. Feeling that my I .•>., e::j or • in con nect' n v.*:ih 11: • . ' qualifies me for tie vesition, irc . ectfully n»l si*, t'.e J.-uporr of (very Dem ocrat . i I I.R. . oiectad ray pi; JGE i» to serve tthe people honest iy. efficient tly AND cour teously. Tho f. •lloivin;,' H . I of ro. i '".ition: D C. A; i. 17. IK 4. ... V. ?. Eaifcy. I • (! Dee.'l, i ■; u.-y, f. My dear s.r: It t.5 v ': ; t'TNT;; ! i\ r r that I fir- i it ncc".y t submit, lie:» v . *i! lt vy re De puty Register ol Deca3 of Stokei E.rn'y. ?.!;• re:.r;;t 'i •:•» i.« submitted hc-en my plan? for the future are ■ ur'.i as to make it impossible for me to render a full measure of service ns Deputtv Register of Deo.i*. In submit tin; 1 : my resig r.r.ii- r. bo.vcver, T would like to er-nvc.'S my grateful appreciation for the many considerations which have been shown me. '• It is my wish that my resig n' i.vi shrll become effective May the st. 1934. Most respectfully yours, RODAH L. SMITH. Currituck farmers who are signing corn-hog adjustment con tracts will receive about S2OO 1 each according to those contracts which have been approved.