WEDNESDAY, AUG. 15, 1934. LOCALS Alex and Ola Campbell visited Winston-Salem Tuesday. I H. C. Burnett, of Walnut Cove, visited Danbury Tuesday. i Bill McCanless visited Wins ton-Salem Wednesday. Mrs. John Priddy, of Lawson ville, visited Danbury Tuesday, j Sidney Flinchum, of Piedmont Springs, visited Danbury Wednes day. I Frank Stone, of Asbury, visit- ed Danbury Wednesday. Emorie Pepper, of Walnut Cove, visited friends in Danbury! Tuesday and Wednesday. Messrs. W. G. and Frank Petree' and little Carlyle Petree visited Winston-Salem Tuesday. Calvin Mabe, of Lawsonville, was here Tuesday. Gilmer Sparger visited Wins ton-Salcm Wednesday. Robert Joyce, of Walnut Cove, was in Danbury Tuesday. Robcr Smith, Ray Sisk and H. M. Joyce. Jr., visited Winston- Salem Monday. H. 11. Leake, of King, was here Monday. Supt. of Schools J. C. Carson, of Germanton, visited Danbury Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Walter King and Bill Mr-J Canlr '- veiled Winston-Salem I Tuesi.av H. 1 She! •in tnd f imily, of j Winston-Salem, visited Piedmont over the weelc-end. P. M. Stephens ard family visited Winston-Salem Monday. Paul Fulton, of Walnut Cove was in Danbury Tuesday. Miriam Hall, Frances Humph l reys, Mary McCanless and Lucile Martin visited Winston-Salem Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Petree and daughter. Frances, of Oklahoma, are visiting relatives here. Mary McCanless and Miriam Hall and Mrs. Edwin Taylor visited Winston-Salem Wednes day. Misses Flsti'lle Humphreys, Luna Taylor and Mesdames J. S, Taylor and A. G. Sisk visited Winston-Salem Wednesday. J. A. Fagg of Winston-Salem, representing his own wholesale grocery house, visited Danbury merchants this week. Capt. J. E. Thore, field agent for the Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, with headquar ters at Elkin, was here Monday. Emorie Pepper, Lyman Hall, Marjorie Pepper, Estelle Hum phreys and Mrs. Walter King visited Winston-Salem Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. V. R. White, Mr. White being principal of Sandy Ridge school, and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Poore and little girl Janet, have recently returned from a 10-days visit to the world's fair, Chicago. I Sam Woods of North View, was here Tuesday. Mr. Woods says ne has a fine crop of tobac co. cures good. He spends the fall months with a Madison warehouse, expects to do this again. Says the Madison market will lead again this season. Dr. Braswell of Sandy Ridge, was in town Monday. N. F. Christian of Westfield was here Tuesday. Thos. Preston, merchant of Pine Hall, spent a short while in town Monday. i I Will Fulp, insurance salesman of the Security Life & Trust Co., was here on business Monday. | Mrs. Helsn Fulton Sparger spent the week-end at Roanoke, visiting the family of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fulton. I Rev. John D. Smith of Pilot , Mountain will preach at the Presbyterian church here next Sunday morning and night. I Martha Powell and Ola More- I field, of Mrs. Doyle's FERA staff, have returned to their duties in the office after a delightful week's vacation at Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McGee, of Germanton, and Miss Sarah Will iamson, of Pine Hall, expect to leave next week for Chicago to visit the fair. Rev. J. B. Need ham, pastor of the M. E. church here, is con ducting revival services at Forest Chapel M. E. church near Walnut Cove. On account of the Reporter's press being temporarily out ot commission, the last issue of tin paper was printed on the Mount Airy News press, which incon- I 1 venience delayed the issue. For J the courtesy of the Times, the I Reporter ir.nnajien rut w.u.i. : ! sincere thinks The en«v I Boyd for !cnoc'.:ii: !>;* h ■ ;her IN unconscious Sunday Aug. at Meadows, was continued last: : Saturday by Justice P. C. Camp bell until next Saturday, Aug. IS,; at 10 o'clock A. M. In the meantime, Justice Camp- ( bell has drawn another warrant embracing both Boyd and Price, in which they are jointly charg ed with an affray, as evidence has developed that Price first struck Boyd with a tobacco stick. Price, who was carried in an unconscious condition to a Wins ton hospital, has returned t 0 his home, and has apparently recov ered. Both men are tenants on the farm of Riley Turner at Meadows. A few tobacco growers in the State whose crops were larger than allotted by contract have de stroyed their excess, but for the most part the plantings have run pretty close to the allotments, according t 0 the reports of coun ty agents. Slate Planters Bank CAPITAL STOCK ASSETS ARE $70,000.00 U. S. Depository Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Your deposit is insured up to $5,000.00. Time and Savings Deposits. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. STATE PLANTERS BANK, Walnut Cove, N. C. THE DANBURY REPORTER HUSTLING FOR BUSINESS takes energy, so smoke • Camel when "low." Soon fatigue and irritability go...because Camels restore your flow of energy. Steady smoking? That's 0.K.! Camel's costlier tobaccos do not upset the nerves. "Gel a LIES with a Camel P Hints for Homemakers By Jane Rogers BRAZIL nut sundaes make fasci nating new party desserts. Because of the variety of ways in which the nuts may be prepared and blended with sauces, a wide raugo of Cavers and gar nishment is opened to your inven tive turn of mind. These Gleaming whl'e aristocrats from the Amazon jungle may bo served as they come from the shell or roasted. They may be sliced, split, shredded and chopped. They combine with chocolate and caramel sauce, and may be used with most ice cream flavors. The iniversal popularity of Uracil nuts assures your success as a hostess when you serve thern. • * ♦ If you would avoid mr.V.iiifi an v r >ai ra:-'sinT faux p«s, n /fir con i' " ' T • . • hit;-; ir \ •••> 1 '1 •• 1. • if v 1 vet >• I. in . ' * : 1 081 >:> >l. . 1 iuH 1. . " . 1 • i • •...[ .' li >• a'» purposes ha ; ; ipplanlt '. 1.. Plush had long pile Ilbres widely spaced while modern mohair velvet lias a low, cloooly woven pile that gives Is. its rich i.u'iro anil 3 it /.•another to the touch. Adminirttr.itor's Notice. Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of R. L. Marti.t, deceased, late of Stokes County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of May, 1935, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. IIARRY L. MARTIN. Administrator of the estate of 11. L. Martin, :c ceased. J. W. Hdly. Atty. NOTICE. State of North Carolina, County of Stokes. P H. Robertson having duly qualified as administrator, c. t. a. for R. M. Robertson, deceased, all persons owing said estate are hreby notified to make immediate settlement, and all persons hold ing claims against said estate ar ing claims against said estate are notified to file the same in due time, or be forever barred. This 7th day of June. 1934. P. H. ROBERTSON, Admr. R. J Scott, Attorney. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE. By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Stokes county, North Carolina, rendered on the j 16th day of July, 1934, ir. the! case entitled "The Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, Plaintiff vs. Edwin W. Carroll, Nina S. Carroll, H. C. Whitmei Co., Inc., and A. J. Fagg, former Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes county, defendants," it being case No. 1359 on the sum mons Docket of said court, ap pointing the undersigned a com missioner of the court to make sale of the lands hereinafter de scribed, 1 will on.— MONDAY, AUGUST 20. 1931, at the hour of 12:00 M„ at th* court house door in the town ' of Danbury, X. C., espose at pub lic sale to the highest bidder for cash the following lands, to wit: "All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Meadows township, Stokes county, North Carolina, bounded on the south by the lands of W. 11. Webster, on the east by the innds of H A. Fulp, and J. ! Southern, on i!>e north by the lands of F inn:.- I ev ; Alii •• an i I'jllen Swm.;.e. 011 i! \\ si by the lands «.f T. V. Sizemore, J I'. Ferguson an i vy. Wobsiei and .noiv ■ • ; • •. 1 Oil" !•' 'v.. ' ' 1 ' !,; ,\ ■ iil cLwiar: i. ■ . '! V ;cnce out! •• , • the said .1 P Fcr.'-.i son s and W. i'. V. eb.sM • line 17 chains t1 a r.uiplu s ; i-! V.Vj tier's corner; then.e south S : 5 do- Vroes east with sa'd Webster's line 41 1 chains t 0 a stake with pointers; thence north 4 degrees east along H. A. Fulp's west lino 44.90 chains to a stone with pointers; thence north 86 degrees west 6 chains to a stake in a bunch of maples; thence north 1.10 chains t> a stake; thence north 70 degrees west 2 chains to a stake: thence north 57 12 de crees west (1 1-2 chains to .1 : take; theme sou'h 79 degrees vest 4 1-2 chins to a stake; ihenee north U v _TPCS cast 2f) :i t chains to a slake with pointers, the J. F. Sou'hern co v ner: thence north 86 degrees west 12.40 chains to a hicko'-y: t henee south 3 degrees west 7 1-4 chains to a blackgum; thence north S4 de grees west 7.67 chains to a rock p : le; thence south 4 degrees west 20 1-2 chains to a beech, T. V. Sizemore's corner, thence south 13 degrees west 4.30 chains to the beginning, containing 236 acres according to a survey by J. P. Covington, made on the 16th and 17th days of December, 1913, which survey is recorded in Book No. 58 at page 441, Registry of Stokes county, North Carolina, a copy of which map is now on file with the Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, the land above described consisting of the Bennett tract of 5S acres and the Baker tract of 178 acres." A deposit of 5500.00 will be re quired of the successful bidder at the time of sale, which will, in case of full compliance with the bid. be credited as a part of the! purchase price, but forfeited in ( cas e of non-compliance; and on failure of the successful bidder to make such deposit at the time of sale a re-sale will be had on the same date, at the same place un der the conditions aforesaid. This lfcth a«y of July, 1934. R. J. SCOTT, Commissioner. 6 6 6 L'quld Tablests, Salve, Nose . Drops Checks Malaria in 3 ilajs,' I Colds first day, Headaches or! Neuralgia in SO minntes. fine laxative and tonic Moot Speedy Remedies Known. I Xour \Aoneys Worth/ I When you buy Dixie Crystals Sugu in If rn'piS A orig'"* l cotton b«B, you know that you an It Iclhmi # flatting FRESH sugar, PURE sugar, and sugar ■ ' t«tr« Fir* S rsfinad under the NRA by American labor. Mr l-SrSKt" rULL WEIGHT GUARANTEED NOTICE. North Carolina, Stokes County. In the Superior Court. J. P. Martin, Administrator of the estate of Samuel Peter Martin, deceased; J. P. Mar tin, Indidually, and wife Em ma Martin; C- T. Martin and wife Mamie Martin; H. H. Martin and wife Hester Mar tin ; J. S. Martin and wife Cordia Martin; W. T. Martin and wife Frances Martin; Nealie Wilson and husband Muncie Wilson; Bonnie Wil son and husband John L. Wil son; Eva Carter and husband A. B. Carter; John F. Mar tin and wife Delia Martin, and Mrs. —— Martin. Plaintiffs, vs. Samuel Peter Martin. Jr., and all unknown heirs of Samuel Peter Martin. Sr., deceased, Defendants. NOTICE. The defendants above named will take notice thai an action ha been commenced in the Superior C ourt of Stokes County, North Carolina, that said action is for the purpose of selling the lands of Samuel Martin, deceased, late of Rockingham County, which land is located in Stokes County, N. C., in order to create assets to pay debts and also for a division, and the said defendants will fur ther take notice that they aro required to nppenr at the o'!ic of the Clerk of Superior Court of Stokes County on the 28th j -.v ......... ... I•• ■ . . .V • (V; . ' " :r ' l 1 : j-, ; . ■ lint . 1 p-jiie I v.;i ;•.!>: !,• I. J ; u . '• lelicn U-i j ; , :rd p' tl'i >[i. Tnis L'-i'i d::v of r>j?v. 1031. J. W. TI'TTLE. Clerk of Superior Court of Stokes County. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS. State of North Carolina, Stokes County. In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. Joseph L.MMeritt t and others, against Mrs. S. R. Peck and others. Take notice that an action had been instituted in the Superior Court of Stokes County, North Carolina, entitled as above for the sale of a tract of land con taining about twenty-five acres, being the home place of James S. Merritt, decensed, situated in Peter's Creek Township, Stokes County, North Carolina, for di vision among the heirs of Jame3 S. Merritt, deceased. That the defendants Joseph Jones and Clarence Jones herein named are proper and necessary parties to this action, and it appearing by affidavit of one of the petition ers that the defendants Joseph Jones and Clarence Jones, are non-residents of the State of North Carolina, and can y.ot after due diligence be found in the State of North Carolina. And let the said Joseph Jones and Clar ence Jones, take notice that they be required to appear at the of .fice of the Clerk of the Superior fCourt of Stokes County, Norta Carolina, on or before the 11th day of September, 1934, and answer or demur to the complaint of the petitioners. This the Ist day of Aug., 1934. J. WATT TUTTLE, Clerk Superior Court. J. W. Hall, Atty. for petititioners. E. P. NEWSUM, King, N. C. Watch, clock and jewelry re pairing. Confectionery. News dealer and subscription agent for . • \ all magazines and periodicals. Agent mtm for DanbHry* 3e porter and Stokes Page Three NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as adminis trator of the estate of J. W. Moorefield, late of Stokes Coun ty, this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersign ed within 12 months from this date or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indeL-ted to said estate will make immediate set tlement. This the 26th day of April, 1934. W. R. MOOREFIELD, Admr. of J. W. Moorefield, Westfield, N. (!., R_ L W. R. Badgett, Atty., Pilot Mountain, N. C. NOTICK OF BALK OF RIvAL KSTATK I'NDKR l)KKI) Of TRUST. By virtue of the power of stile contained in deed of trust, exeut ed to me on the 16th day oj January. 1925, by Frank K Haii st on and Sylvester Hairs ton his wile, which is recorded in the oliice of Register of Deeds o« Forsyth county. North Carolina, in Book 108, page 317, t ( , which referencce is hereunto made to secure the sum of $300.00, there in recited, default having been made in the payment of said debt at maturity, and tlr; holder t.htr-> ol ba\ ng appli «i to me !•> fore* dose t'.-e •>k • i tl:i t.ut . . l ': i ' ■ i , - ' ' ' ■" ■■■: :' ■ •ol '.a, mi *TV'liiiA V, it vil'M' IS, l> at tin.' hour ol L' o'clock (•. m., the lands convoyed in the trust deed to-vvit: Our entire interest in Canu Hairston real estate, lying and be ing in Belews Creek township, Forsyth county, and Sauratown township, Stokes county, adjoin ing the lands of VV. H. Pegram, L. A. Kiser, and others, containing 80 acres, more or less. This the 17th day of July, 1934 T. W. TILLEY, Trustee. J. W. Hail, Attv. NOTICK OF SALM OF I.A NO. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust exe cuted cm the 13th day of January, 1921. by J. F. Fry and wife, Mur phy try, to J. D. Humphreys, trustee, recorded in the Stokes county registry book No. iKi at page 225, default having been made in the payment of the debi thereby secured and the owner and holder of the same havnj applied for foreclosure, the under signed will, on the 17th day of AUGUST, 1934 at the hour of 11 o'clock, a. m., at the court house, door in the town of Danbury, N. C., expose at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing lands conveyed by said ded of trust: Beginning at Flemming Prid dy's line at a black gum corner, thence east on Morefield's line, I3 1/ i chs. to a sourwood, thence S. on More-field's line, passing his corner. chs. to a hickory in T. H. Priddy's former line; thence west on old line 13 1-2 chains to a black oak, thence S on a new line, 8 1-2 chains to pointers; thence west on a new line 6'A chains t 0 pointers; thence north 16 chains to pointers; thence east 3 chains to a stake in a field; thence north 2'/ 2 chains to a stake at the branch; thence up the same as it meanders 3 chains to pointers; thence north 5Vi chains to the beginning, con .taining 38' A acres, more or less. For further description see deed from Flemming Priddy to George ,W. Priddy of date April 10, 1885, which deed is recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Stokes county, N. C., in Book No. 28, at page 127. This July 16th, 1934. MRS. J. D. HUMPHREYS, Adm'x. of J. D. Humphrey*, Trustee R. J. Scott, Atty.