Page Four TOBACCO SURVEY HALF COMPLETED ONLY ABOUT SEVEN PER ( CENT. OF THK FARMERS ; HAVE PLANTED ABOVE SEVENTY PEK CENT. OF BASE ACREAGE APPLI CATIONS FOR MARKETING CARDS SHOt'LD BE FILED AT ONCE. To tlic Farmers Tiii tobacco survey in Stokes is f.-r * rapid rate of 'Wd Mid is 00111 pleted oa ih.ia • 'iit |vtli the farms '■ os sutvi y , >lj • * .'hi Ml 7 . -.'i wrt. i •i:i j.... nlmvs a.ive pi.uiUH.l above To pet cent ' i 'lien base acreage ' ind iin HI! as many Irive tailed to plant their full allotment. Only j very lew have planted nun-' *han MI per cent. and so far not ,j D in with an acreage refused 11> entnply with the i . -IIT : u ! I'he universal state- !". >'ii local is "I j wa: t to do what's right." The J -iiii' .'sois report that they have | ■ >e. ; more than gratified bv th- ( >plen 'iii spiiit '.'l > o operation ■o-ivmi by pro.lucol s in all parts j of the county. Applications For Marketing Cards. Growers should file their appli- cations for marketing cards right away. Where only one card is desired under a contract it is not necessary to make an application: but where more than one person is to sell tobacco under a single c contract, the signing producer should send in his application * stating how many cards he de sires and the names of the per- ' sons to whom these should be * issued. Of course, no card can be is- 1 jsued until the farm has been f ■surveyed and certified as meeting all the compliance requirements 1 under the contract; however, if the application for cards is sent 2 in now the cards can be prepared 1 before the growers call at the office for them. ] In making applications for cards the signing producer under . the contract should sign his own . name and give his contract num- , ber, he should give the name of each man for whom the card is ( to be made and either the portion of the crop to be marketed by ( each man or better the number of pounds each is to sell. 1 No Duplicate Marketing Cards. It will be necessary for the grower to come to the office to sign a receipt for his marketing cards as he did when he received his rental check. Growers will bo notified when to come to the office to sign for these cards. ' .*"> duplicate marketing cards c v"' V "Tsaci. If either the land ov-nc- or tenant to whom a card 1 is issued loses or misplaces hi 3 ! card it will be too bad, because ! the rul?s govering this work do not permit the issuing of duplicate card& 1 Application For Tax Exempt Al- 1 (otneata. Tobacco growers who were un- I able to sign reduction contracts t may make applications on or \ after August 21st for tax-free i allotments. These applications I will be made at the county office, although each application must be approved by the community i committeemen before any allot- i ment car. be made under the Kerr-Smith Act. i Either land owners or tenants may file applications for these Mayodan News Items i Rev. Charlie Manuel is holding a revival meeting at Case school house with a large attendance. Those who attended the i"e cream supper at Miss Alma Ash burn's Saturday night was Misses Georgia May Stone, Ruth Nelson. Frank and Lacy (loins. Bill Cas sidy, Mrs. L. St owe and family. Everybody enjoyed themselves. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller ami children have returned home from a visit ?> S.itry r .untj Misses Thelmn KicPardsi-n and Alice Wnuh: visi'e.l Miss Haiti" Richards-a m Wm.itnn-S.ilein the past week. Mrs. .1 L. St owe an i Mix Hut'i Nelson wet-.' the quests oi M-s. Jasper Turner Saturday. Those who called to see Mrs. VV. P Nelson Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Clodteltcr. Mrs. C. I J . Beaver and little twin.".. Dan and DatT. of Winston-Salem. in i Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Nelson and family. Mr and Mrs. J. S. Wail, of Madison. Gilmer Joyce called to see Mis.; Beulah Leo Carter Sunday. Rufus Smith called to see Miss Thelma Richardson Sunday night. Those who called to see M : ss Ruth Nelson Sunday afternoon were Misses Alma Ashburn, Geor gia Mae Stoe, Frank and Lacy Goins, of Mayodan; Coy and Brook Smith, Odell, Dick and Gilmer Nelson, and Willis Shelton. of Lawsonville; Berkley and Bill Cassidv, of Madison. Rev. J. F. Manuel, of German, ton called in at Mrs. W. P. Nel son's on busineess Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Snow and family, of Mayodan. visiied Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Ashburn Sunday. L. J. Highfill has recently got him a new V-S roadster. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Highfill, Mayodan, visited Mrs. Walter Highfill Sunday. Miss Beulah Lee Carter, of Mayodan, and Miss Sadie Knott, of Stoneville, motored to Martins ville, Va., one day the past week, and got themselves a permanent wave, also shopped. H. W. Ashburn drives the old est model T in our community. We are glad to note he has been driving it fourteen years and had his first low gear put in the past month. Crops in this community are looking pretty good. Misses Ruth Nelson and Geor gia Mae Stowe, of Mayodan, spent a week near Lawsonville, and at tended the revival at Snow Hill church. We are glad to say the litt'e son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Alley is getting aolng fine after being struck with lightning durin.' a storm some time ago. Riley Turner and Dave Tuttle, Walnut Cove citizens, were in Danbury Thursday. tax-exempt warrants. Any mar. who could sign a reduction con tract and did not do it, is not eligible under the law governing this work to receive an allotment. A grower may be givenr a tax exempt allotment covering only a portion of his crop and after selling this allotment may pay the tax and sell the remainder of his crop. S. J. KIRBY, County Agent. THE DANBURY REPORTER. NEAL BOONE POST NO. 197, A. L. AUGUST MEETING, DELE GATES ELECTED TO STATE CONVENTION OFFICERS ELECTED WATERMELON FEAST FOR AUGUST 21 DRIVE FOR NEW MEMBERS. The minutes of last meet in ; read and approved. Vnnouncemonts were read about the State Convention to be held in Greens'.*>»••• N C\. August 2ri. 27 and "2* I'.'-M M O. Jones was eleevd s i!ele-,-:te ami P.. R. Mills v. ■ 'tvted i-; alternate. Officers ot •re Post were elect ed as follows: Roy Vaughn. Commander. J. D. John ion. Vice-Command er. M. O. Jones, Adjutant and Fi nance Office:. H. K .1 Seisin, Service and Publicity i \:i • J. M. Co'! n..s. at Arm.-). John Tin lie. Chaplain. H. C. IJjwiitt. Athlete Officer. T. 11. Ka'e, Chili Welfare. W. 11. Tuule, Americanism. Mack Wall, Graves Decoration. R. R. Mills, Employment. C. J. Helsabeck, Chmn. Mem bership Committee. For the purpose of entertain ing the members of cast in the play, "Miss Blue Bonnett," which was put on a few weeks ago for the benefit of the American Legion. W. H. Tuttle. R. R. Mills, and C. J. Helsabeck were appoint ed as a committee. They expect to give a watermelon feast near the school building in Walnut Cove, on Wednesday night, Auc. 21, at about 8 o'clock. The Post expects to put on a drive early in October to secure a larger number of members for the next year. There being no further busi ness the meeting adjourned. M. O. JONES. Commander. H. C. BURNETT, Adjutant. Catching Weasels. Justice of the Pc°.ee P. C. Campbell "caught a d n weas el in a steel trap last night," but it got away. (Look you, the cuss words are not ours.—REPORTER.) P. C. had been bothered wi'.h losing chickens, and so he set three steeltraps. Some time in the night His Honor smelt a weasel, and he knowed he had him. He got up and sure enough there in one of his traps, held fast by the hind leg, was the little animal. P. C. stamped that little varmint into the ground with his heel until he was sure dead, no doubt about that, and then he called his dogs. What P. C. hadn't done to the visitor, the hounds completed. They seized that weasel and drarged him loose from the iraj,, leavmg one leg in the trap. BJ', As soon as he was free from the steel, he got away, slipped un der a brush pile and the next thing he was off to the woods on three legs, it is true, but he was gone, in spite of steel trap, shoe heel and hounds. . As. he went out of sight, it is quite possible that the weasel turned > o nK enough to t e lis hind foot in a nose salute of defiance to the magis trate. Woman's Missionary Society Meets With Mrs. Dr. Morefield i Mrs. R. H. Morefield delight fully entertained the Woman's Missionary Society at its month ly meeting, August 8. The meeting opened with the hymn, "What a Friend." A reading. "Worship and Meditation" and a prayer by Mrs. J. B. Needham followed, and then, in order, followed: Vocal solo by Mrs, T. D. Mar tin accompanied by Mrs. N. E. Pepper. Secretary and Treasurer's Re port. A resolution drawn up by a committee of Messrs. J. S. Tay lor. N. E. Wall, and Miss Nellie Joyce was read by Miss Joyce is follows: Resolved: That in the untimely passing of Margaret Mitchell Petree who has been removed from our midst the Union Mis sionary Society has lost an ou'- standing character and a member whose counsels and co-operation will be seriously missed in the days to come, in its business and social life and all its interests and that the Missionary Society has been made poorer by her de parture. In the subdued light v£ the grief stricken home a shad ow has fallen that can never be lifted. To the family whose grief can only in a measure ever be assuaged, we offer our sin cere and deepest sympathy. MRS. J. S. TAYLOR, Mrs. N. E. WALL, MISS NELLIE JOYCE. Committee. Prayer by Mrs. J. S. Taylor and Mrs. H. M. Joyce followed. The topic i'or study which be gan a new series of studies was: "Eastern Women Today and . Tomorrow." Mrs. J. S. Taylor led the discussion which dealt with "The Romance of Social Change.' "The Passing of the Idcfi of Se clusion of Women in India, China and Japan," "Disintegration of the Traditional Family System of the East," "New Concepts of Marriage and Home Relation ships," "The Status of Widows," "Change in the Age of Marriage,' "Marriage by Individual Choice, Not by Family Arrangement," "Changing Attitude Toward Di vorce," "Interest in the Limita tion of the Size of the Family," "New Legislation and Reforms to Raise the Social Status of Wo men" were discussed successively by Miss Nellie Joyce, Mrs. H. M. Joyce, Mrs. N. E. Wall, Mrs. R. R. Kinr;, Mrs. Givens, Mrs. J. B. Needham, Mrs. Allison, Mrs. N E. Nepper, and Mrs. E. M. Tay lor. A short business session fol lowed the program after which M'ss Nellie Joyce gave the clos ing prayer. Delicious refreshments, con sisting of a congealed salad course, were served by Mrs. Morefield, assisted by Mrs. A. G. Sisk and Mrs. Givens. 6 6 6 VS. IVI a I a r i a 666 Liquid p r Tablets Checks Mal aria in S Days. Sore Preventative. CITIES SERVICE STOCKHOLDERS [ may learn . something of Interest i by writing CRUMPTON * COMPANY Woodward Bldg. Washington. D. C. Danbury !{*.»ute !. There was not much wheat made on the route. People made from one bushel to one hundred. I guess the town man's cow wil! get gorged on straw this winter. j It's about all a man can do to give his tomatoes away. The President surely don t know chickens are 10 cents a pound. I bet all he eats costs him 30 cents. Some one should write and tell him what we are getting. Well, the sunny banks of the Buck Island hills has grown the farmers 3-10 acres of fine gold leaf this year and it is curing good and some people are looking for a 7 cent, average, but 1 want a 35 dollar average. People complain this time of the heart burn. No wonder, there j is so much to eat. Tomatoes, roast years, cabbage, pintos, col fee. lasses, syrup, taters, pie flavored with flop-eared mule and turkey in the straw. Oginan Nelson turned his truck over the other day. He was load- I ed with cross ties and some hir ed hands. Three cross tires got NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER DEED OF TRUST. By virtue of power of sale vest-1 ed in the undersigned Trustee in! a certain deed of trust executed j by P. H. Moorefield and wife I Ruth Moorefield, on January 11,1 1932, which deed of trust is du.'y recorded in the office of the Rei-| ister of Deeds of Stokes County, N. C., in Book 86. page 22 refer ence to which is hereunto made, to secure the payment of a sum of money therein recited, default having been made in the pay ment of said debt and the holder thereof having applied to me as Trustee to foreclose the said dee-! of trust for the satisfaction of the debt. I. will expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Danbury, N. C.. on— SATURDAY, SEPT. 15, 1934, at the hour of 1:30 P. M., the lands described in the deed of trust as follows: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a dogwood corner J. T. Pridd.v'.s former line, now Watt Priddy'3 line; thence West 26 chains and 20 links to W. F. Priddy's corner: thence South 71-2 degrees East 11 chains and S3 links to W. F. Priddy's corner in the road; thence East 8 chains and 47 links to a branch; thence East 8 degrees North 71-2 chains; thence East 10 degrees South 4 chains E. 57 deerees North 31-2 cV'ains: thence East 14 deerees N. 4 1-2 chains; thence North 7 chains to the beerinnins:, contain ing 28 acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT: Be?innincr at a branch on the south side of Little Snow creek. Mary F. Prid- j dy's corner, South up said branch 12 chains to the head of the hrin-'i. South with F. Prid- Hv'o line to H H. raid's line 12 chains; thence West with H. H. Roi''s line 13 chains to * branch in H. H. Re'd's line, Jane Pri Idy's coiner (formerly) North down the branch with her former l'n? chains to the banl: of Snow creek, the said Jane Priddy's former corner; thence East down said creek 26 chains to the beginning, containing 37 1 acres, more or less, and being the same tract of land conveyed by deed from C. P. Mason and wife t Q H. H. Reid, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes County, N. C.. in Book 42. at Page 313, to which reference is hereunto made. THIRD TRACT: A tract of six acres conveyed by G. Wilson Priddy to H. H. Reid. for de scription and boundaries of same, see deed f{om G. Wilson Priddy and wife to H. H. Reid, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes County, in Book, 47, at Page 1. to which reference is made for description and boundaries, and this land now again belongs to G. Wilson Prid dy by mesne conveyances. This the 11th day of Au-rust, 1934. S. J. HINSDALE. Trustee. S. G. Sparger, Attorney. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 15, 1954. broke but the men never got hurt. Mr. Editor, it seems like some one is not getting milk enough to drink and has took their spite out on beer, slot machines and punch boards. I think a man does well to invest a nickel in a machine and get $2.45 interest. All these things were put here for a purpose and let's use them. Some men gets drunk and kicks the stove over because it's got sut in the pipe and some people plays with a punch board be cause they have no children 10 play with. Some drink beer be cause their cow is dry. It looks better t 0 see a man tite on beer than to see a gir] drunk on lick er. TANGLE FOOT. NOTICE Having quaaiified as Executors of the estate of W. T. Collins, de ceased, late of Stokes County, North Carolina, this is to notify ;'.l! persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Mt. Airy, North Carolina, on or before the 18th day of August, 1935, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will make payment. This the 7th day of Aug., 1934. A. M. FLTPPIN, VESTA PALMER, Executors. E. C. Bivens, Atty. NOTICE. North Caiolina, Stokes County. Application For Parole of Jess Cook Application will be made to the Commissioner of Paroles and the Governor of North Carolina for the Parole of Jess Cook, convict ed at the April 1934 term of the Superior Court 0 f Stokes County, for tha crime of an affray, and sentenced for a term of twelve months, to be assigned work un der the supervision of State High way and Public Works Commis sion. All persons who oppose t'.s-; errant in? of said parole are invit ed to forward their protest to the Commissioner of Paroles without delay. This the 2!th day of July, 1934. JESS COOK, Nat S. Crews, Atty. NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Stokes County, made in the spe cial proceeding entitled "C. G. Moore, Admr., of J. H. Moore, deceased, A. C. Knight, Admr. of Henry Knight, deceased, vs. Ada Moore, widow of J. H. Moore, Jennie Knight, widow of Henry Knight, et als.," the undersigned Commissioners will on the 25th day of Aug., 1934, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the premises, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described land: Beginning at a point in the center of the Madison and Pine Hall road, the corner being an iron stake, on North bank x>f said road, and runs North 31 degrees W. on a new line 123 1-2 poles to an iron stake in J. M. Calloway's line; thence North 80 degrees 20 minutes West on said Galloway' l ) line 56 poles to a large white oak stump his corner; thence South 46 degrees West 90 poles to a ■tone; thence South 8 degrees E. 105 pole* and 16 links to center of the Madison and Pine Hall road; thence with the meander hgs ef the present Madison and Bfee Hall road to the beginning wri eontaining 140 acres, more or leas. This the 24th day of July, 1034. C. G. MOORE, A. C. KNIGHT, Commissioner*.

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