i iih, JLA UN bU KI ilii i' Ui\ JLh K. Established 1572. TOBACCO GROWERS PICNIC OCT. 13 DEAN SC'HAI'B TO MAKE PRINCIPAL ADDRESS A CO I NT V-WIDE, ALL-DAY AFFAIR COME AND BRING THE "WELL FILLED BASKET." Stoke.- - *...b:'cco glowers are to have an all day county wide pic nic in Danbury on Saturday, October 13th. Dean I. O. Sehaub of State College who heads up tlie agricul ture wo:k in the state and a native of Stokes, will make the principal address. He will discuss the future policies of the Acreage Control plan of the AAA. No man in the state is better qualified to discuss this subject than this native son. Ira O. Schaub. The tobacco growers, the mem bers of their families and the public spirited citi2er,s who have aided in the Tobacco Acreage » control plan are invited to at tend this picnic, to bring we l ! • filled baskets and to contribute t 0 the success of this meeting. It is hoped that this- occasion will prove a great opportunity for the people to get together, h - come better acquainted and get a be ••.or understanding o' t! • policies which o V.;c> tl.dr wot'-. Help i!:e it : v •r:n while v! - bration. ' The County and Township » Committeemen, 5-H C'ub mem bers and Club Leaders and all j a tobaco growers are especially !n --" vited to • oi! this pieniv '' rally-d ;• > !.».« ;■ ••! NT ( *;{•?:» '»i- t> '*' ■ 1 ! (*. * * .., 1 .• l ncri? « • * v. • . •- ed CO!.' ,\S . ■: ,1 in Il,r a'to be i " 1 ■ . -. Some :!;■■ v . .• farms :: \,-j; n-> toij.tii-o w: ; | produced dmii.- rise cum:i: ye-ir. v Grower.- wiio l.:=ve cardf wliic i ■ they will not tliis year may lend these to their contract-sigi:- £ ing-neighbors on which to sell " tobacco. If any grower i; willing f, to sell the use of his ti M for a reasonable price per pound to a Stokes contracted grower, he car. do this by notifying the County Agent in writing as to the price he will charge for the use of the card. \ There will be considerable de j mand for cards by growers who hs'-e produced more than their allotted pounds this season. Grow >trs who have cards which thfy are not using at all c.r have cards on which they will only use a part ol their allotted pounds, may, If they wish, make these available to the other contracted-growers throuyli the office of the County lAgenf. JfJOI'NTV AGENT OFFICE TO CLOSE ON SATURDAY tf AFTERNOONS u The office of the County Agent |Mrill \ot be open after 1:00 o'clock nt. M. on Saturday afternoons in -fcjUie future unless an engagement llor office work is made in ad ferance for Saturday afternoons | Should any occasion arise to Volume 62. Hit The Woods Howard Cox, eol., escaped when in the act of being put in jail Saturday night. He had been surrendered by his bondsman, and officers Bud Tilley, Ed Smith and Will George had de livered him at the jail door, when he jumped and ran. making a clean get-away. Cox had previously been in 1 jail charged with breaking in i Dix Smith's filling station, but was out on bond. The Wonderful Capacity Of The j Chevrolet Do!f Hill and six other men, together with 9 fox hounds- all comfortably fixed in a Chevrolet —left here Sunday morning for Francisco, after a fox hunt Saturday night. 7hh. is a true story. Death Of John A Young' Ine death i f John A. Younr. o! Bcssett. V.?.. occurred as a re s'.!: 4 .: an automobile uccider,L. It :.> : arned that the worn:-.!, v.'!.o was ti;ivir; ; when tire • if. in jail ■i. ire ! wi;k res ponsibility for M". Youa- ■ death. The Renor.er has b".i pi- cr.l ed with a map of Stokes county iby Mr. R. jj. Bib!, of ti-.- Forestry -t:rv;y. Ii i . sj;i ! r-1 : •I- - 1,, ;!f , .j f . 1.. . ~. '»"■ : i i. ' h.;: i 1 • I ' • !r ! I'. I-, ; ; «*•' ".i .-* -turd-iy it • .M. v.i.! work a ha.u:.hip o.*i anyone, .ins plao has broii a; proved by the Board of County Commissioners. CREAM PRODUCTION DROI'I'INtt OFF The selling of tobacco will not continue the year around but a continuous source of income suc'i as would be afforded by the re gular delivery of cream on tin. cream route will aid many a family to meet a large pan of the household bills each week in the year with a cream check. To keep the cream route going will require the cooperation and the support of a large number of people. If the volume of cream delivered on the route becomes too small it will be out of the question to ask that the route lv continued. Lett everyone stand by and continue to di liver crear.i and keep this route going. It will probably pay more in the future than now. Its success depend? upon the support of a large num ber of people. The cream monsy will come in good after the to bacco markets close. The man who complains about the high prices on wheat, corn, hay, lard, butter and eggs it* not much of a farmer. .?$- S. J. KIRBY, County Agent. Danbury. N. C., Thursday. October 4. li)C4 DEMOCRATIC RALLY OCT. 15 PAIL TAYLOR'S CLUB 1101 .SK AND GROUNDS TO BE SCENE OF FESTIVITIES, WHEN PROMINENT SPEAK ERS WILL ORATE AND FRIED CHICKEN MlXiii; WITH GOOD FELLOWSHIP WILL CELEBRATE KUOSI. VELT AND HIGH TOBACCO. The first week of co;:.t '."i Monday, October 15 Senator Josiah William Bailey will ..;jea,'. in the court house at Danbury, i o'clock p. m. Then that afternoon or even ing, starting about 5 o'clock, festivities will be instituted by the Stokes County Democratic Ex-; cutive Committee. Everybody is invited. A big chicken fry or barbecue will be pullecl off at Paul Taylor's club house and grounds which place is situated half way be tween Danbury and Piedmont Springs, on No. £9 highway ius> a mile west of Danbury. There will be prominent visit ers and speakers. Ti:e corai.iittec in charge is laying platen for a: least 1,000. which will r.c fii'.- i j high with the best or.- of th sciLSon. not in■ "»r; - . and possum. The* event - •. . dcr the sponsoishin ot t.ho • County Democratic Execuli •. Committee, and the ocrnsit-n is i celebration of high tc>b"ceo. In if.: :sdi"'.; « :rr--! : Ji-:i fit*!. :: members of tlie executive • o: the ' li i!" 1 i on • o!' Hie X;w Deal, wiie'ii i eratic or Rcpub ! From the preparations n. being made, the event prcmis.-.- to be a star stunt in the annua 1 of the Stokes County Democrat!: regime. Attended Fair The Danbury school children attended the fair at Winston- Salem Tuesday. Mr. and Mis. N. E. Wall an.! children atended the Fair .it Winston-Salem Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Martin, Mrs. W. E. Joyce, Miss Lucilk- Martin, of Danbury, and Mrs. S. P. Wood, of Salem, who is here spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Martin, visited the Winston- Salem Fair Tuesday. Convicts Escape Two convicts escaped from the State Camp near Meadows Mon day. • > f».' «**" Mies Frances Humphreys and Ray Sifrk were dinner guests of Mrs. Will Moore at Bethania Sun day. • v. - *' • " Mrs. J. W. Hall visited Chapel Hill Saturday. • , BILL LISK AND I>R. MOREFIELD DISTRICT ;.VME WARDEN OF RICHFIELD BANTERS STOKES PHILOSFIIER—TiI V SQUIRRELS CHATTERiNti "ROOSEVELT," AND THE BABIES COMING DEMO CRATIC BUY LICENSE AND BE HAPi'V Big Kill Lisk, of Richfield, di-- tric-t Game Warden for Su>!:os and other counties in this sectic . of the State, was here Wednes day and conducted a meeting oi wardens of Stokes and Rocking ham at the front of the Boot!. Cafe. Mr. Sisk was urging that every body buy license now, as he had rarely seen so much money in the hands of the farmers. He said the squirrels in Rowan were dancing on the hickory limbs as they chattered "R-o-o-s-e-v-e-l-t." While here, Mr. Lisk encounter ed his friend Dr. Morefield, and the pair had a good-natured r p:u on politics. "Hello, Bill," said Dock. "hov. you come-on?" And Bill s; id h? never lc-'* better, was 60 years voting • never scratched a D'.wr-.-i ticket. Dock, who is the ;:i.,::> tacticians, said: "You 101 l Jake Nevtii i ! bad for us in Stokes i : .h; t'-.i. I have delivoro-l 10 b: h!c-s " last throe we - : ! ••• one of *om is Dtm'-/;a's." Liwsonville Ro??bc- Post Offic L (V. burgliu ized h'.st > Tn • • No clues yet. Webster's Leads A> Webster's Warehouse Madison averaged day. Tom Frank Webster. win bought for Reynolds 20 years, knows tobacco, and demands tin high dollar. When higher prices are paid for tobacco, Webster's, will pay them. Tom Frank leads all tls.. Sales. (Advt.) John L. Christian, of West-, field, was here Monday. Dr. and Mrs. It. H. MorefieM visited Winston-Salem monday. MOST COMPLETE RADIO SECTION in the South. Two fu : l pages hourly reports of your favorite stations, news and gos. of radio's leading personalities. Each week in the BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN. Buy your copy from your favorite news boy or newsdealer. $25 REWARD for lost Dog near Danbury, at N. D. Priddy store, on or about July 12, lemon and white female Fox bound. Due to whelp pups on or about August 13th. Will pay $25 for her return' ',:-t an 4 1 sacrifice - puppies. No ' questuyuiyAsjMlL - Notify T. C. Hawser, Box 596, Winston- Salem, N. C. • 27 3tp RED LETTER DAY AT BETIIESDA QUARTERLY ( ONFERIN( I. AND HOME COMING AT TRACT LAIHiE CROWDS. SERMONS f$Y PRESn.'JNi: ELDER BIGGS AND FORME" PASTOR .J. T. RATLEIXiE DINNER ON THE GROUND Sunday was a notable ocia? io at Betkesda M. E. Church, ue-.r Madison, of which Rev. J. L\ Needham is pactor. At the morning service Rev. J. T. Rat'edge. of Madison, a met- pastor, occ-.ipied the pu'pi in a very forceful sermon. In thr afternoon Presiding Elder Biggs of Mount Airy preached effect ively. After this service, t'.i. business session of the confer ence was held. Large crowds at tended both morning and after noon. At the noon hour lunch \\v. eaten on the grounds. Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Needham; Sheriff and Mrs. J. J. Tayl.- • Mr. Dofflemyer. Mrs. .Jessie r. Christian, Mrs. N. E. Pepper Miss Janir Martin attende I i!.' meeting f:o; • Dar.l.Uiy. \ Fine Arts Club (■Reported for 'lie Mrs. R. R. King entcrained ■ "Fir.e A:ts c!,tb." at ho.- 1. Friday. Mis. M. G. Doyle, r'.LLj. adniini: ; rat or. gave a tn'.k \Vf •:;;•{ . 0 !; C f J i' ...;• >' • .: :o a l-w . ' ' 1 i !. 1 . • . .**'•. a v.- rdo-l t lie prize. A ' • test w-.s onjoye 1 and Mrs. Ii Wall was awarded the prize. Following tlie contest dellgh l ful refreshments were served b; the hostess and Mrs. Walte: King. Why? WHY Does Dnnbicy School have to be broken i: being in the County Se..t? WHY Do pupils huw to be transported 7 miles u Lawsonville instead of 2 mi. com ing to Danbury. ! WHY is Lawsonvillr getting three new teachers when Danbury Teacher:, do not have : teacher's load. If this continues Danbury will not have a thrc_ teacher school next year. WHY do buses goin/ to Lawsonville have to make trips on the same route carryin-; 7. r > pupils on one load, and tho Danbury bus leaving the same point, make one trip carrying M."> pupils. ARE the patrons of the Dan bury District willing to sit back and see their school passed un noticed ? ~ PARENT. ' Mr. and Mrs. Giving are doing light bouMfceepiji*. in the post offtoe building. w 3,037 WAR-TIME PRICES FOR TOBACCO MISS LAIR A KLLIN'GTON MARKS SALE AT 1.00 PKR POIND AT TL'RNKR \ MAR ION'S, >i A RTINS VILLK. VA„ WAKKI! O i; S K ANOTHER STOKf S FARMER RKC E IVKS 5!.05 PER POI'XD Sandy Ridge. Stokes County, October 1, 193 J. Miss Laura Ellington sold at Turner & Marion's, Martinsville, Va., 20 pounds of tobacco pt §I.OO per pound. We learn of one farmer who sold a lot at $1.05 per pound. This looks like old times have come back again. Farmers of this section are rushing the sale of their tobacco, and will finish the earliest for years. Shower For Mr. And Mrs. Claxton Lewis Hone 1 Miss Lillian Rut ledge entertained a number of friends recently at >i deliahtful ] arty at her home. The occasion proved to be a shower i'.i Mr. and S.'rs, Claxton Lewis who aro planning to shirt house keeping at an ••. iy date. Tl:e "ie v.'a> ' " attractively decorated lor the .or. 'io'i. The dainty color motif of pink and • -* r ' white was ccvrricl out ! n detail. A •'ofusjoa ";v. y pink and •' I! • gt;l i:t : o the 1 .if?" j t . . :., ~ i .. , 1 ; >. » v • • t ii!!i I " \ H . >. V- io.l a .• j t :..e. Mir « Hazel Bowman and Mr. Marvin .i jiuihi i: rccjlvc ! a r .ire for their i-'UI i.' *!. ~ >r Jis»!:iance." I.lita Aileen Tu tie and Mr. Sam Lewis showed ii.e greatest poetk: ability in the group. The prizes were graciously presented to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, the honorees. Just as the happy group was preparing to enter the dining room, a messenger called at the door and left a huge box, con taining a shower of lovely an 1 useful gifts lrom t"!e guests, for Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. The guests then entered the beautifully decorated dining room where the table held as central decoration a minature pink and white umbrella resting on a hand-made lace center piece. Four tail pink tapers softly lighted the room. Delicious re freshments were served to the following: Mr. and Mis. Claxton Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Blaylock, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Young, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Tuttle, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Rut ledge, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lewis: Mesdames D. M. Greene, L. J. ; Fowler, Charlie Rut ledge, Jennie j Rutledge; Misses Hazel Bowman, j Aileen Tuttle, Thelma Terry,. Edith Bennett, Elizabeth Fergu son, Dorothy Rutledge; Messrs Bill Stewart, Coleiutu. Roberts, Bill Bowman, Joe Har»?.- »V 2 an>i Saat Lewiu.