THE PANBURY REPORTER Established 1872. ig *»,y..^ A CARD September 23th, t&.lt. TO THE VOTEPS OP STOKES COL'XTV: Having been nominated by th? P.ep'j'oli'? 1:1 p-irty of Stokes County, as its candidate '•». the office of Sheriff, I will appreciate 'he su;>- • 'i - t >f the voteis of r.iy county at the ai> pro:«.c!ii:v* eieotUn, an J ) •>t. respectfully i- a f«r ' ! :eir 6'vr>i:. V • • r>" " »>t fully, S. A. FLIXCH (Advt.) G. F. PETREE IS STABBED AT KING RUSHED TO HOSPITAL WITH HIS THROAT CL'T UK IS IM PROVING BANNER SIIEL "ImF-"* "^ TONIN THE TOILet—LATEST LIST OF BIRTHS IN YADKIN. King, Oct. 17 - The first ice of the season made its appear ance here Sunday morning. Mr.'. Charlie .Virilize, of New port News, Va„ is spendln , some time with relatives near here. Di*. Gilbert F. Peine got !:'•■ throat cut while in a fight with Lomie Moles here Fri day night. The jnglar v.-in v. partly severed. He was rash. I • the Baptist hospital ;•.* Win;tu . Salem, uheiv he is* ~]or! I l>e ii;., as V II as Ii- e>; > leu. The ti.. ! : is . j! I.a'e • >nvn out iu a di-piHe o'.w a | ti ! gar ( ie, Krne-t! A. II el i'h , of llur J Hall, W.n ai.u n_, the .i '.tors he; Sunday, There is decided improvement in the condition of Mrs. Hauser, who has been ipiite i-'.ck at her home here for several weeks. O. K. Snder, of Pinnacle, was here Saturday looking after some business matters. Banner Shelton was given hearing here Saturday in justice J. Stedmen Garner's court on a charge of partaking a little ton freely of Joy Juice. A line -of fifteen dollars and cost waa im posed. The following births were reg istered here last week, to Mr, .and Mrs. Austin Wall, a daugh ter; to Mr, and Mrs, Marshall jVewsum, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. 'c/ance Watson, a daughter; to tfr. and Mrs. Debs Hoder, a son | nd to Mr. and Mrs. Letter Bo lea, , daughter, ' , Volume 62. LADIES URGED TO REGISTER AT ONCE i [ STATEMENT FROM MRS. R. W. SANDS, VICE CHAIRMAN OI : STORES UKSIOCKAT(C OR '] CONIZATION RWIWTft A TION BOOKS NOW OPEN. As newly rleeted vice-chairmn.", of the Democrat:•.■ party and hav ha.l no chance to accept tm position pttbli Iy, ! wi.-h M sy that I ;i..i pledged my cooperi ' ;, »n 'll a "grev Democratic v : ■ tory on Nov. ♦».'* The registration book? are nvy open and my urgent renuest is every woman in the county »■> roister an I * i co-operate in go' 11!: other v.* "T. of the pa:'* isv •! i: i'att' '. I .! y (-V • •••,, • ♦« f•"I J' • l'.v • I.; oi ! re . i*'i-'i 1 ■ > ; a?: I a i'.i >!' I t•' ligation that *l'e cast her \ '"e c". tion day, Since women have been give: high recognition in the Domocra tic party we in turn slvuld port Democracy. We see evident proof every day that President Roosevelt is dohu: all that in possible for a man to do toward recovery. Let us in turn voice our approval by cast- I ing our votes. ' MRS. R. W. SANDS. Misses Estelle and Francos Humphreys will be home for the week-end from N. C. C. W. to visit, their mother, Mrs. Judgo Hum phreys. Emery Pepper, of Walnut Cove, vi.'ted friends in Danbury Sun day. Mrs. Gilmer Sparger attended a i I bridge party in Walnut Cove Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Dr. Hackler. 1 Danburv, N\ ('., Thursday, October 18, 1934 j LINDSEY HUGHES GETS LONG TERM ' PLEA CHANGED TO MA N'-| SLAIGHTER, RESFLTIXG IX I PRISON MvS i ?,A I t. —U1 tl M( ! | CASKS DISPOSED O F BY JI'DGE ALLEY AM) SOLICI TOR KOOXT/ COI'RT Al>- i JOI RXS XOOX THI RSDAV, j Quick justice came to Lindsey , Hughes who shot Minnie Gray to i death in Walnut Cove ust Sun day and was tried in Superior court here today. ! The aftair occurred at "Lon don." Walnut Cove's colored dis i trict. Minnie Gray was the wife of Walter Gray. It was a drunken brawl in which jealously probably j figured. The arrest was made at I once by Stokes officers, and Lind ! sey was brought to jail on the | charge of murder, but a compro ! mise of manslaughter was agreed r > by the S'a'e so Lindsey goes j COXTIXI'ED OX PAGK SIX) 91 S npp - A CARD ' W.i'.iij'. Cove, .V. t , t Oi . ;> ! T 1 " :i,-. \t j rKIW Or 1 .i i'i )X! ..'1 C m'.'TTV. 7: y P.ept'.bli-an party »•' M;.\i ' .u:rv, : ''nv.v.-; >n 'ss:nibled, nominate J ! >r tin- •ift'ioe of C'lerk ■>.* the n! sai l C unty, 1 desire the support o l ' ;u 1 v>»;er. 1 i ild County, a: the • v...'.her ebetUvi, :md w:5! :h i..'-: %• iu v | • ' ' ' v -1 v. :n the amice ' >■: ■ WotU V," .■ A % \ *> V. '.' J I 1 | .!OH\* v. 1 A !vt. 1 I Fine Sales At Brown's Warehouse At Reidsvillc N\ A, Stevens of Lawaonville, Stokes county, a few days ago made the following sales of tobac co at Brown's Warehouse, Reids ville, N. C.: 310 lbs (n 42c 334 lbs. 0i 3Sc 580 lbs. (.( 45c 560 lbs. d 43c 14 lbs. (« 22c 32 lbs. Of 33c 460 lbs. (« 44 400 lbs. 0i 47c I am very highly pleased. N. A. STEVENS. Advt. BIG PARTY RALLY AT CLUB HOUSE ! DEMOCRATS GATHER I FILL IORCE TO EXMOi BARBECL'E AXD REIXION —SEVERAL HIXDRED MEN AXD WOMEX PRESENT. I So ins v. Ed by the cou.ry De:r.- j ocratic executive commit tea. M day evening a barbecue and pic nic was given at P. T. Taylor'.* club house a mile wes. o. I j-.- bury. Several hundred raen and wo , men were present an J hugely en ' joyed the occasion. ! Christian assisted by L. Mitchell, was in charge of the ceremonies. 1 Quite a number of Democrats I of promience in the county well as outsider, participated in the festivtios, among these Judg £ elix Alley. Solicit );■ H. L. rtnt 7 ., Congressman Frank Hancock. Hon. Fred Fulger ur.j many other.-!. Marriages Laur.t Elizabeth Booth & James Smith were united in marriage In justice of the Pence N. E. Wall. The bride is a daughter of E J Booth of Moore's Springs. For some time she has lived with the family of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Leake, and has many friends here. The groom is a son of J. E. Smith, of Lawsonville, and is» j very energetic and prosperous young farmer. Saturday evening at 8 P. M., 1 William Melvin Parrish. of Be-; lew's Creek, and Elsie Myers, of Leaksville, took the vows of ma-' ; tri.mony, Rev. J. B. Needham. of the M. E. Church here, official.-j ing. I A CARD o.r:, ■ ■ ... r-;? 70 THE VOT KP3 OF .7* for th# l!P.i?3rt*nt of County Co.nmisalonera, w« ' -• un-?r-: j d.s . - > o.h:-.*. vvill very much appreciate -he support of •. r.Ta j: the '.-ouaty, u* th? >;r.-jrr.ber c. : €-.* ; >n. an ' i.-:.- jj -nji: respectfully a-k :i? *h em fir their In the event tv* irs? electei. we Us .•-•*••• > to liscl-urge cur 0.5:*! Jut;?* to the a*r. our ability. JOHN H. NEAL HUBERT GOP.-' J CHARLES : Adv. SENATOR BAILEY Sewing- Circle OPENS CAMPAIGN Organized >IAKKS STRONG SPKKCH VI Mrs. .V. KrA V. h ; a , her FORK \ PACKKI) COVU hf) ~ 6 Fri1 ,.... f . , 2; , Hrtl HIKK - f . , . TIIK SKNATOK DI.IKND ".-eM ... J l> THK NKW in; \I„ \v> ; CORIATKS THK Ol.l). " ' m s. p s> p. Senator Joslah William Bit!-- Christian. ML« Janie Martin and a packed court house. H? • The i::u was a very enjoy under the auspice >f t.v Deri- ■■ o: '- e - The li.iie- sewed aivl cratic executive committee, an 1 >.e ' h > fire of a crisp fired tlie first big gun o' the cam >c *- The hostess served ic i paign in the county. te;"reshnients to adJ ta i . The Senator very ably defended ■' • - -a;'yment oi' tlie occasion. It the policies of the New Deal, and V/;U Jee'.dcJ on to meet every Fri particularly emphasized the con- ni'ht at the homes of the Uif dition of the farmers now as com- *' c " :r -' • t iijs, The next meeting pared with the OIJ Deal wh-n c >'- Thurman Mar fon. corn and tobacco were t r b - '•••• :• the COSt ((' Ji.ll" «, - . ... whore the t'.rr. . :.a ! • ' ' Il .-u-velt al lu. .ie->wner were n 0:... >. •.! • • .a i. oor.o :'or tin s'- > JMr proper." « votj on tf/vesibw v.:o through !• .■ am; .••• as •. -> : .rjn •> v.vr the party i.:.v ottered by tne .v;o-.ernnnv. t. r i s . much for the ■tr. i a ided that every citizen wh » . .-.v. '. Pc ;•>. ** * H! ■MMBB " W fy/ÜBi A CARD Wostfiel i, N. l\. Rt. I, y-.V.v S. I.SV* TO THE VOTERS OF STOKES V M'.VTV: As i havs boon nominated by 'he Hcpiihli can party of Stokes County, for the office o. Register of Dee:ls, 1 most respectfully solioi. the sup]w»". it;' the voters ■>.' :!.e County in th. November election. I. elected, I pledge my:»Mf to give my tiau unci attention to the duties of the office, an.J will try to ■ erve nil the peop'.a • > ths verj besL of mv ability. Moat respectfully yours. OP.VILLE NI.NN. (A.lvt.) jmber '3.038

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