THE PANBURY REPORTER. Established 1872. "DIRT FARMER" TELLS EXPERIENCE fIOH IT FEELS TO HAVE A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKET AFTER YOU HAVE BEEN DOING WITHOUT FOR A LONG TIME COMING HOME TO WIFE AND KIDS Dear Mr. Editor: I been so hait'. up for the past Coolidge and Hoover years that ( aint had the heart to face the people that I owe, so I just been staying close to home trying to pacify my wife and kids to keep them from thinking too much about that knawing feeling in the pit of their stomaches, but I went out to Winston with a little wad of tobacco on the opening day thinking if I was lucky enough to get my money before 1 met up with some body I owed I would take home something to eat and maybe a pair of shoes for the wife and kids. Now as I .said I been staying close to home and never found out much about what was going on. but when I looked at the tag on my tobacco and could see how much it brought, I thought I was wrong, and that maybe I was looking at the pounds instead of the price, the reason I have to look at the tag is because I never could un derstand what them fellows that f sell tobacco was saying and f ! doubt if they know, well as I was saying I was shocked, I began to look around for the first time, and could see that everybody seemed mighty happy, so I kinder eassd back in the back part of th; warehouse where I thought I wouldn't see any body that I owed, and commenced to ask dome folks some questions. Well sir; the more questions I asked, the more amazed I was, every body f talked to was telling me about how times had changed, 1 made several trips back to my piles of tobacco to make sure that I was right about the price it ha.l brought, and from the best I could figure on the back of one oi' them notices I had got from the bank about how they was going to sell my land, I had about SIOO.OO coming to me for 92N pounds of tobacco, and it wasnt very good tobacco either. Well I didn't want to act too brave about the thing, tninking I might 'oe wrong and might run into somebody I owed, so I huns back and waited for a long time before getting in line to get my check, all the time folks was a hollering, and shouting, and carrying on, and most every body had one of them cards that the Government put out for you to Isell your tobacco with. Now I did not have one of the m cards, in fact I did not know much about how to get one, staying home like I been doing, but the fellow just in front of me told the man j at the window that he had one j at home but forgot to bring it, nnd they told him that he could , get hie tax money the next time he brought some tobacco, so when I got t 0 the window I told him the same thing, but blessed If Volume 62. they didn't tell rne that I had to leave about §IOO.OO of my money there till I brought my card, that made that good feeling that was tickling my throat fall right down to the pit of my stomach, and I only got about $300.00, but 1 felt mighty good over that, cause I didn't expect over SIOO.OO for the whole load of tobacco, at the most. Well sir, when I got my hands on that much money I had a hard time keeping my feet on the ground. I tell you its a hard thing to walk straight when your feet wont be have, and there was Cops all around which I thought would think I was drunk so I decided I better go home, and too, 1 was afraid to take my hands out of my pockets on account of losing my money, and a man can't en joy himself in the city with his hands in his pocket all of the time, so I got in my old model T with the borrowed license and started for home feeling so good that I stopped at every filling station I saw and bought a little gas for the Ford and something for the kids until by the time I got home the tank was running over for the first time since Woodrow Wilson was president, and I looked like Santa Claus. As I passed through Walnut Cove I stopped and shoed up my family, 1 felt like it would be safe to take my hands out pf . poclcets in Walnut Cove, but I wasn't so sure after I had a look at that fellow that runs Hie bank there, so I come on home. And f want to tell you a little bit about what happened when I got homo. I have always been a fellow tlia thought a lot of my family, but I been a little bit ashamed of tli" way we have had to live since Mr Wilson was president, and ! could hardly wait to get homo with all that money to show nr folks, not counting all the shoes and junk for the kids. Well sir; I drove up like the King o" Spain would drive home I imagin. and the kids come a running to see what I had for them while- Mary (thats my wife) kinder hung back looking hopeful but doubtful at the same tinv>. you see she has been staying home pretty close too. When 1 started to unloading and the kids started to yelling Mary come a running, and the smile she had on her face was worth any man's years work, she grabbed me around the neck, and I could hardly pull awiy from her, and the kids swinging on to my legs too made it hard to stand up, but I didn't care much whether I stood up or not. I tell you I was happy, with the kids dancing a gig, Mary hugging me around the neck and kissing me, the hound dog whining nnd wagging his tail, and all tha*. 1 tell you I felt good. We managed to get in the house with the bundles, then come a scramble to see what I had brought home, course all I had was some shoes. I would have brought hut I don't know anything about buying dresses, and that. Mary always does tnat, but .-(Continued on page 5) Danbury, N. C., Thursday, November 1, 1934 NEXT TUESDAY TO. TELL THE TAIJjE BOTH PARTIES WORKING HARD AS THE DAYS ARE MELTING INTO HOURS THE NATION, THE STATE, THE COUNTY TO SEE THJJ BIENNIAL BATTLE OF BALLOTS FOUGHT OYER AGAIN—THE RESULT. WF DON'T KNOW, DO YOU? At sunrise next Tuesday morn ing the time-honored biennia) battle of ballots will b? foughtl over again, and when the next Reporter after this one, reaches you, the record of history will be written again. Somebody will be happy and somebody sad. Do you know what the result will be? No, nor we. It is an off year in the nation, and the contest will he mainly for Senators and Congressmen. The Democrats arc claiming vic tory and largely incrensed ma jorities in both branches of con gress. The Republicans deny hes-_» claims, and predict repudiation the New Deal in Vermont, Penn sylvania, Connecticut and several other States. In North Carolina there is very little doubt about the result. The size of the majorities is the only discussion. All of the 10 Con gressmen are out for re-election, all of them Democrats. In Stokes County where tho Democrats have been in complete control of the county since 1925-1930, 1930, the party in power is as sured of continued victory, but the Republicans, who have been working unusually hard, expect to renew their 45-year lease on the County. A sheriff, clerk of the court, register of deeds county commissioners, coroner, surveyor, and a member of the legislature are to be chosen. In Behalf Of The Democratic Ticket Editor Reporter: Just a few words in behalf of the Democratic ticket, the ticket of Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Have these men been the friends of the people, or have they tried to hold down the poor man, like Hoover? What did you get for your to bacco under He. over and the' Republican party? Are you liv-, ing now? Cast your vote for John Taylor, 1 who has been the poor man'.? friend in Stokes County. Cast your vote for Watt Tut tie, whose books today are clear as a pin. Can you vote against your friends? Do you want to go back to Hoover and hard times? Listen —vote for your Friends in the election next Tuesday, nOj matter what your political boss tells you. What can ho do for 1 you when you need help? Vote the ticket that has put bread and meat in your home. 1 when others wanted to let you starve, and couldn't help you. AN INDEPENDENT VOTER. (Advt.) 1 SATURDAY NIGHT AT LAWSONVILLE THE SCHOOL WILL CELE BRATE HALLOWE'EN WITH GHOSTS. WITCHES, AND BLACK CATS—THE SCHOOL IS HANDICAPPED FOR LACK OF WATER Lawsonville, N. C., Nov. 1. Hallowe'en will be celebrated at Lawsonville School Saturday night by a carnival galore with ghosts, witches, black cats, and all the other weird characters of the seas-on who will be stalking the stage and corridors of the school building to give the spec tators the thrills and chills that go to make up an entertainment crowded with fun and frolic. Saturday night's "Chamber Of Horrors" will contain the world'.-; most horrible horrors. There will .be music and two one-act plays i:i lighter vein f>> desiring less gruesome delights. Little Mis.? Laura Lee Durham, juvenile acro bat, daughter *!•-. n. S. Dur ham, of West fH 1. will be a notable featur-"' of the program. Refreshments w'll be served. This is the second entertainment plan ned to raise funds for standardiz ing Lawsonville High School this year. The proceeds of the minstrel show given in October were used in buying science equip -*v. 1 A large eight day wall clock has just been placed in the front hall of Lawsonville High School the gift of this year's graduating class—and is proving a great cop venience to the whole school. The graduating class was re cently organized, electing Ruby Watkins, president; Annie Mc- Hone, secretary-treasurer. The other class members are: Enn.i, Priddy, Mary Sheppard, Wayne j Bohannon, Stella Priddy, William I Brown, Ola Priddy, Wallace Ray. I P. D. Watkins. Mr. H. L. Lassi-' tpr, high school principal, is class sponsor. Mr. J. C. Green, seventh grade teacher, is directing a glee clui> for seventh grade and high school pupils. Practice is under way for a musical to which the public will be invited. The new officers of the high school literary society are: presi dent, Annie McHone; vice-presi dent, Eulas Priddy; secretary, Inez Ray; critic, Kathleen Shep pard, Miss Lettie E. Crouch, cluo advisor; censor, Lorcnc Lawson. At the last meeting the subject of the program was "Choosing My Vocation." Each member answer ed to the roll with the name of! the vocation he had in mind. An inie McHone, president, spoke on "The Myth of Overnight Success." Wallace Ray gave information o.i "Kinds of Vocations." Wayne Bo hannon's lecture was entitled "How To Hold a Job." Later pro grams of the society will be de voted to the subject of "Choosing a Vocation.' The Girls' and Boys' Basket ball teams are now engaged in stiff daily practice in anticipation of .1 successful season. The coaches are Misses Ethel Jessu> and Norma Boyles for gills; M . Percy Parker for boy.-. The entire teaching staff Lawsonville school attended ti Piedmont District Teachers ing in Winston-Salem Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Lassiter. Mis.- Lettie E. Crouch, Mr. John Tuck er, attended a school committer meeting called at Germunton by Supt. J. C. Carson, Tuesday. Mr. J. C. Green attended Methodist Conference in Greens boro Saturday. Miss Mary Money visited he sister last week-end. Miss Eliza beth Money, student at Meredith Lawsonville School No. ..... College. Raleigh. First and sveonj grade children "•ere entertained at Hallowe'en parties conducted by their tea chers. Misses Mary Money ar.' Norma Boyles. Wednesday niter noon. The primary and grade class rooms of Lawsonville school arc now colorful with art wall borders made by pupils and teachers >o depict autumn and harvest scenes. L " I""; •■v -v I men afrjgtHg the well at Lawsonville school ar? having considerable difficulty in boring and blasting due to the thick layer of rock encountered, and the school is handicapped by insufficient water supply. The Schick test to determine surceptibility to diphtheria of pre-school children was given at Lawsonville School, Oct. ."0 by Dr. J. Roy Hoge of the Forsyth ; Health Department assisted by j Miss Kathleen Nicholson, county ; nurse. « Lawsonville school auditorium was the scene of an amusing per formance by Prof. Morris, magician, Tuesday evening. Martinsville Novelty Companv Basket ball team will come to Lawsonville to play Lawsonville boys Thursday night. I * during the first month o' - school the committee composed of Messrs. John Tucker, Terry Oa\-- ley. A. J. Wall, have visited the school from time to time in the interest of a good beginning air' the successful operation of toe school. Robert Glidcwell Hurt Robert, the young son of M»\ | end Mrs. Fred Glidewell, of, Flatshoal. sustained a broken collar bone while playing at the school house grounds here. The bay's injuries were adjusted by a physician, and lie is now back at his studies after a few days con-; finement. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Joyce, of Winston-Salem, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Joyce here Sunday, j Number 3,040 CAUDLE-BOLES WEDDING JULY 4 ) THK HAPPY KVKXT HAS JUST BEKX AN.XOI \(i;n— KLNIi Bl ILI)l\(i SEW SIDE WALKS AM) NKH I)\\tLIV INGS—BIRTHS ki;gistkrkd King. Oct. —Of interest to a wide circle of friends is the mar riage of Miss Pauline Boles to Mack Caudle, which place the fourth of July at Hillsville, Va. The wedding has just been announced. The bride is the at tractive young daughter of Mr. Nat Boles, of King, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. James R. Caudle also of King. Mr. and Mrs Roscoe Vaughn and Miss Lillian Vaughn, of Winston ' Salem, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Vaughn. The work of putt in i; down a t new sidewalk extending from Main street to the high school building has) just been completed. Shelby A'woo l is preparing to erect new home on South Depot street. A force of state men have re graded and soiled north Depot street from Main to the Atlantic and Yadkin Railway station. Thia piece of work was much needed. A. M. Caudle has purchased from tht .Federal Land Bank tha , 86 acre D. G» -Artrter farm jwt north oT town consideration $3,- 500. The largest steer in the world passed through here last week enroute from Pittsburgh. Pa. to the Wilson fair. The animal which was being transported by truck weighed 4,100 pounds. Sheriff J. John Taylor, of Daa bury, was here Friday looking af ter legal matters. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Love, of Winston-Salem, spent Sunday here the guests of Mr. Love's mother, Mrs. John T. Love era Pulliam street. Mr. and Mrs. Murrv Thompson, of Stuart. Va., visited relatives here Sunday. The following births were m isterod here last week, to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Reed, a daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson, a daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bennett, a ?on. to Mr. and Mrs Vance Watson, a daughter and to Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Fulk, a daughter. John Logan, of Perch, was arrested here Saturday night on charge of intoxication. Mrs. Janie Grabs and Miss Ethel Kirby spent Saturday in , Winston-Salom. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Culler, of Pinnacle, wore among the visitors here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mitchell, of Winston-Salem, spent Sunday here the guests of Mr and Mrs. J. Wilson Mitchell in West View. Tom Flinchum, of Peters Creek was here Wednesday. CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE | I have plenty of cabbafo plants for sale at $1.25 per I.OOO—JOHN D. HALL, Wal j nut Cove, N. C., Route 1.

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