THE DANBURY REPORTER. Established 1872. Democrats Sweep Stokes Again REPUBLICANS LOSE EVERY OF FICE IN COUNTY-SHERIFF TAYLOR RE-ELECTED BY 655 MAJORITY-SPARGER ELECTED TO LEGISLATURE BY MORE THAN 400 - REPUBLICANS STAGED HARDEST BATTLE FOR YEARS - DEMOCRATIC LAND SLIDE IN NATION AND STATE. Although the Republicans put up the stiffest tight for years, the Democrats swept Stokes again Tuesday with majorities of 2SO to 655. J. John Taylor for Sheriff re ceived a majority over his oppon ent, S. A. Flinchum, Republican, of 655 J. Watt Tuttle for Clerk Sup erior Court received a majority of 550. over his opponent. Lewel!- yn. Robah A. Smith's majority ove; Nunn, Republican is 546: Sparge! for the House, is elected by n margin of 413. Koonce. for Solicitor, carries Stokes by 569 majority. Elsewhere in this issue of thi Reporter a tabulated statement shows the detailed vote by pre cincts. REPUBLICANS FOI'GHT HARD The Republicans turned out ir large numbers Tuesday find the Democratic workers say they voted mostly straight, showing the effect of intensive organiza tion. In the nation the Democrats gained 9 senators and several con pressmen. It was a land slide ir A'hich all but six States endorser the New Deal. In the State the usual over whelming Democratic majoritie; are everywhere reported. OFFICIAL VOTE OF STOKES COUNTY, NOVEMBER 6, 1934 j I STATE HOl'St CLERK | REGISTER SOLICITOR SENATE REPS. SUP. COURT SHERIFF jOF DEEDS ~ CORONER SURVEYOR COI'XTV COMMISSIONERS § ! £ '5 :i ;r ~ PRECINCTS |: S; 5 :! £ s - §? £ s . £ = £= £2 W a - x" 1 s a M 32 ~ ~ a 1 ss a i 2 5, £, 3 j 8i * j Z S 1 3 ! ? i; z 5 > ~ I £' I 5 s 2 w sf S S!w;= Z |2s c I s ; 9 £ sf H5-; , v O O laJIK iii dC ' i So M OMi; I! * 5 ' 2 2 X X I H 3 H j 2 I X s •! S B DANBURY 131 106, 125 108 133! lli !j 140 | 104 137; 111"| 127 1 111 , 124 111 119 111 123 127 12,3 109 103 112 HARTMAN 63 J 120 |j 50 j" 122 60 "120'!' 57 | — l26 ; ""75 i 119 |j~ 60 | ~ 123 ~57 "124 56" 122 56 56 56 124 124 12T" MITCHELL i 224 !_128"!i_222~"j 29 ~i 193~i 150 253~| li 7 \ 235 ~~134~ | 239 | JL2S | ~ 20S 141 "->Ol "131" ~ 193 "~228 228 133 "140 ~~153 PINE HALL "!| 208 1 41;, 203 j 43 197 j 43, 208 j - "45 I " 205 59~ ~202 46'f 204""" 46 ~ 196 45 ,~204 ~203~"199 ~~TI j~ 45 48" E. SANVTfDOE i 236 67*226 f66 228 68 250 65 "271 ~67 J 260 "65 "223 63" "227 65 230 233~~ 226 67 76 69 W. SANDY RIDGE i ~ 197 "143 : ~ 192 |~142 183 149 j 218 j 144; "226 149"I "222*1 ~144"j *~192"i"147' "176 J142" •"~IS4 ~207 190 116 164 147 TILLEY ~~ _ I " 156 96 |; 153 1 96 |» 153 97 | " 156 | 96"! " 162 "96 |!" 158 97 153 j" 96' 153 ""97 ~"153~~156 ~ 153 ~96 "96 96 LAWSONVILLE ' J "187 , 258 I 181 ! 258"" 171 , 261"!~T76~~263"| 193 ""260 175 262 | 178 259 169 260 "130 " 132 " 182"~~258" "259 258 MOO! 2 _ ""253 ~ 159 " ~ 264" ~154 |i 266 152 |j 261 150 259 150 260 "262 "259 151; 149 149 FRANS 103 60 I "103 | "60 99 61 102 60 103 "" 61 ' 100 "61 100 60 93 60 93 "93 93" "CO 60 60 BROWN MOUNTAIN 87 j 150 |! 88 j 147 85 151 1 93 146 3S 154 80 165 86 144 85 147 87 37 85 143 150 147 FLINTY KNOLL ""! _ll9 PINNACLE i 226 | 261!; 226 | 261 | 225 262 1 226 262" 223 "263" " 228 257! 225 262 211*"'"263 21. 221 209 275 ~"263 "264~ KING "*239~j 193 | j MT. OLIVE" ■ *2OO ""228" '""204 227 1~99~"~~234 198 , 232 , 204 235 203 "234 203 234!' 193 234 205 203 20? 3F|~230T 230 MIZPAH "" j 38 | ~ 112 !"39 j 110 ; 40 109 34 ; 114" 43 " 106 *4O 110 36 112 29 116 36 3S" 35 114 115 i 12 ~ WILSON STORE "j 235 207 218 | 204 216 j ~217 I 250 196 239 214 233 205 213 219 211 204 215 225 "215 203 203 213" GERMANTON" ""j "*133"; 175 136 175 > 145 172 i4l " 175 131 ~ IC9 143 174 135 ISI 133 176 137 136 *133 175 174 176" E. WALNUT COVE 290" 214 290 ! 211 I 306 ! 21-* 282 245 "; 309 ' 219 I 290 224 266 253 279 224" ~ 299 295 2*o~ 210 211 * ~~9*T W. WALNUT COVE 250 i36~ 244 i 135 251 134" | 244 \ 155 ; _255 ~HT ! 240 145 218 178 230 13a 253 *253 . 243 136 "" 133 ""139" FREEMAN 90 ! 48 " TOTALS 3634 I 3115 || 3619 ! 3103 | 3595 j 3189 ] 3731 ! 3130 3849 |_3194 > 3724 3173 3534 3233 | 3450 3170 3595 " 3663" 3573 — 3191 Volume 62. t School Bus e Gets Side-Swipe :i i Thursday afternoon the school o bus which brings up the children from the Walnut Ceve high school to Danbury, was side i- swiped by a truck driven bv a l. young man Mcßride. Several glasses in the windows of the >- school car were shattered, an i three or four children occupant were cut, bruised or otherwise injured—but none seriously hurt. It is understood that this is ! the 9econd time young Mcßride'^ a truck has collided with a school bus. £ The affair will possibly* be in vestigated by the school au thorities. A number of parents of the school children are ex orcised over the affair. "T Among tTie Inmates of tfie bus who were injured are Claude Priddy, Gordon Wood and Thero Wood. A v Pink Smith Loses To Gypsies i- Pink Smith, who lives near s Wilson's store. Meadows town »- ship., was robbed of $125.00 by p Gypsies who visited him at his d tobacco barn this week. r ' Walter King, who has been in l; 3 Baltimore for some days, return ed to his home here Friday. Danbury. N. C., Thursday, November 8. 1934 REAL ESTATE IS MOVING AT KING SEVERAL TRANFERS ABE MADE WEDIU X G s , BALES BOUND OVER TO COURT FOR CUTTING (i. F. PETREE King, Nov. 7. —Attorney H. H. Leake who holds a position as title abstractor for the govern ment and who has been located at Danbury for some time has been transferred to Franklin in i in the western part of the state. The Shore Merchantile Com pany store building is being re -1 modeled. Quite a number of ' changes are being made in the building. I R. H. Kirby seems to haw | ' capped the climax in growing sweet potatoes. He dug from one ' hill three potatoes weighing 13 pounds the largest one tipping the scales at 10 pounds. ( T. S. Potree. of Danbury, form ' erly of King, was a business visitor here Friday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Keevcr Newsuin. of Newport. Tenn., are spending a few days with relatives here. Sheriff J. John Taylor, of Dan ' bury, was here Saturday looking after sonic legal matters. Roy Martin aged 19 soh of Wet ' E. Martin and Miss Mary Lc,> ; Lawson aged 18, daughter of Sam ' Lawson both of Pinnacle wore quietly married here Saturday. Paul Herman Newsuin officiating. The wedding of Clyde Mickey, ' of Winston-Salem and Miss Edit It Brown, of King, which too!. . place in September just beet • I announced here. ' ' i =>■ A list ot recent real estate I deals in this locality follows. Federal Land Bank to Norman I I and Alvin White the 90 acre N. I-. • ! i - Preston farm. Consideration Jin,- 000.00, Seat on Hauser heira t ■ Death Of Hon. John D. Waddill Hon. John D. Waddill. of Den nis, Forsyth county, died Mon day night, and was buried ;u Bethlehem M. E. Church Wednes day. Mr. Waddill was one of For syth county's largest landowners and leading citizens. Will Cox 68 acre farm considera tion 53.255.00. Aubrey Payne an I W. G. Tuttle 27 acres to Gray Moore. Consideration SIOO.OO an 1 other valuable considerations, an 1 Jeff Culler t 0 Will Cox 70 acres consideration 53.000.00. Lonnie Boles was given a pre liminary hearing here Saturday before Justices J. S Garner an' 1 Hubert Westmoreland on i charge of assault with deadly weapon on the person of Dr. t". F. Petrce. Probable cause v. i-= found and the differen' was bound over to the next tern of Stokes Superior court. N. E. Pepper pioneer newspaper man, of Danbury, was a busincsss visitor here Saturday. Robert Love, of Mount Airy, was a visitor here Saturday. Mr Love who was reared near here has many relatives in this : section. The following births were rec orded here last week, to Mr. and Mrs. Corbett Bennett, a daugh ter, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Booth a daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Malvin Mabe a son. to Mr. and Mrs. Dutch Wilson a daugh ter and to Mr. and Mrs. Gray Mc- Daniel a son. Dewey White, of Roanoke. W. spent the week-end here the of relatives. Mrs. Robert A. Joyce, of Wins ton-Salem, visited Mrs. H. M Joyce Saturday. |Robert Smith Is | Seriously Stabbed LEARY SMITH AND TWO ASSOCIATES IN TUESDAY NIGHTS 1-KACA3, ARE IN JAIL —SMITH WILL RECOVER Pinnacle Pinnacle. N. C„ Oct. 31. 1931 ' The people of this section ar. quite busy sewing their grain ' and selling tobacco. The peopl. 1 are receiving good prices for ; their tobaccn. and seem highly pleased with their sales. A large crowd attended th? funeral of Mr. Chester Kind's 5«... Monday at Old Orchard. Mr. Ki.:: 1 was killed in a car wreck Sa day night near Brown Mount*'!. Those who visited Mr. a: ; Mrs. Roy Lawson Sunday vver. * Mr. and Mrs. John Pruitt an little daughter, Juanitu Mis Nannie Ring, of Westfield. N. C i Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson and s daughter, of King. N. C.: Mr. an Mrs. Thornton Priddv and little '. son, Jessie Lewis, of Coleridge N. C.; Mr. Robert Lawson and e family, of Pinnacle. Route 2. s Several of the people in this section have had their corn • huskings. and made a nsce lot of d corn. i- Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Priddv r and ion. Jessie: Miss France:' d Gibson, Loyd Gibson and Jimrai: Bouldin returned t 0 their home i- Tuesday, after spending severa' •- days with relatives in this county. f The condition of Mrs. Jud»e J. D. Humphreys, who was last week carried to a hospital i~ reporte much improved She has been re [ moved from the hospital to th home of a relative. Number 3,041 In a fracas Tuesday night be tween Learv Nelson, of Lawaon ville and Robert Smith, of the Danbury community. Smith was seriously cut by Nelson. Nelson was immediately ar rested by officers, and placed in jail without bond, it was fears*! at the time the wounds of Sm::li might be fatal Two other associates of Nelson, both of them named Nei-on w*rj also arrested and jailed. Smith, who is the s>n of Csa smith, was carried 10 a hospital for the treatment of his wounds, but has since been removed to his home. All of the parties to the affray are young men. around 20. NOW 40 GREAT COMICS The Ccmic Weekly of the 1 Baltimore Sunday American has been enlarged to 20 PAGES with 40 great Comics in bright colors. Don t miss this great feature every Sunday with the BALTI MORE AMERICAN. Your news dealer or favorite newsboy hua your copy. Everett Shelton Robbed of SSOO Everette Shelton. who former ly lived in Stokes, now of Madi son community, lost SSOO by thieves last wek. The monev was kept in his residence.

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