'THURSDAY, NOV. 22, 1954 pV,\V,VV^\V.\V.VW/.V.V.V.V/.\%V.V.'.'.' i;WMY DOES j j: LEAKE LEAD j: } IN VOLUME OF SALES AMONG } STOKES COUNTY MERCHANTS? : : j ■ i ■I Because AND |l I Leake Se 11 sf _ Buys For j? ■_ •")>k Wft mf / ;^ v ' 7 2 % ror I i j. k / • > k ifv c nrt 4 > := Spot Sp :! J CASH • Cash ? ■ i ■ ■ ig i . 9 "■ v\ s.« P *■ T* No Losses For the Customer to Pay— > =■ ThaPs Why. > ■ B " ® B ji See J. R. LEAKER ;j DANBURY, N. C. i For Everything Needed In the Home or On the Farm. "■ !■ ■■ (Highest Prices Paid For Produce.) ■£ V.V.VWAV/^W/AVWJ'.V-V^V.V.V.VM NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust executed on the 21st day oi! August, 1922, by Alex Mabe and wife, Cora Mabe, to J. D. Hum phreys, trustee, recorded in the Stokes County, N. C.. Registry in Bonk No. 66 at page 711, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured at n irity, and the holder of same having applied for foreclosure, the undersigned will on the 23rd DAY of NOVEMBER, 1931, at the hour of 11:00 a. m„ at the court house door in the town of Danbury, N. C., expose at pub lic sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands: Adjoining at present the lands •of Dr. J. W. Neal, Posey Bow man, John Neal and others, and bounded as follows, to wit: Be ginning at a post oak, old corner runs South on the old line cross ing a branch 12 chains to pointers, thence West on the old Redman line crossing a branch and passing the old corner L 8 •chains to pointers; thence North passing the old post oak corner 12 chains to a hickory stump; thence East on William Neal lina 18 chains to the beginning, con taining 22 acres, more or less, on the waters of Zilpha Island Creek, and it being the same land that was conveyed by John Neal and wife to Hugh Manuel, by deed bearing date of Feb. 16th., 1884, recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Stokes County. North Carolina Book Number 26 page 337, Abo the same lands this day deeded to Alex Mabe by J. D. Humphreys, Commissioner for the sale of said land duly ap-| pointed by the court in the cas-j. of Geo. Manuel vs. James Manuel and others. This October 22, 1934. MRS. J. D. HUMPHREYS, Admx of J. D. Humphreys, Trustee R. J. Scott, Atty. j NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL | ESTATE I'XDER DEED OF TRI'ST By virtue of the power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust executed to me on the 25th day of March, 1926 by Murray Joycj and wife, Nancy Joyce, which is recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Stokes County, N. C, in Book 76, Page 115, to which reference is hereunto made, to secure the payment of a certain sum therein recited, default hav ing been made in the payment of said debt at maturity, and the holder thereof having applied to me to foreclose the trust dec.l for the satisfaction of said debt secured by same. I will sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, at the Court House door of Stokes County, N. C., on | MONDAY, DEC. 10, 1931 at the hour of " o'clock P. M., the lands conveyed in the trust deed, to-wit: Ist Tract: Beginning at a stake Abram Martin's corner and runs East on his former line 7' L . chains to a stake, thence North 16" > chains to pointers in the Virginia line thence West on that line 7*4 chaine to a stake in J. J. Shepherd's line thence South on his line to the beginning, contain ing 12 2-10 acres, more or less, and it being the tract of land upon which Gabriel Hawkins re sided at the date of March 20th. 1916, Second tract: Lies im mediately East of above described tract of land, and immediately West of the lands of Murray Joyce, it being bounded on tin- North by the Virginia line on East by lands of Murray Joyce, on South by lands of Nora Law son wife of Epp Lawson, and on West by lands of Gabriel Haw kins, containing 16 acres, more or less. IRA R HUMPHREYS, Trustee. THE DANBURY REPORTER NOTICE OF SALI By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust exe cuted on the 151 st day of May, l!>2f3. by George Xeal and wife, Ethel Xeal, Tom Xeal and wife, Ella Xeal, to J. D Humphreys, trustee, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokc3 County in Book Xo. 76 at page 1?»5, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured, and the holder of same having applied for foreclosure, the undersigned wll, on the 14th day of December, 1934, at the hour of 11:00 a. m„ at the courthouse door in the town of Danbury, X. C., expose at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands, to wit: * Lot Xo. 2: Begnning at corner second street and Summit Ave., runs East along Second Street 100 feet to stake; thence South 100 feet; thence West 100 feet to' Summit Ave-; thence Xorth along said Avenue 100 feet to the begin ning. See deed from J. B. Wood-' ruff to Geo. Neal and Tom Xeal.! This Xov. 13, 1934. MRS. J D. HUMPHREYS, Admx. of J. D. Humphreys, ' Trustee. R. J. Scott, Atty. HUSKY TMTS Overtaxed by ( -.peaking,sine- \ N* 1 * • ng^mokin^X NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF REAL ESTATE I'nder and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Stokes County, made in the special proceedings entitled Harry L. Martin. Will M. Martin. Mrs. Alice Ray and husband, J. B. Ray, Mrs. Lula Ray and hus b.ind E. G. Ray, Mrs. Bessie Lackey and husband E. R. Lack ey, Mrs. Maggie Lavvson and husband Aubrey Lavvson. ex. parte, the same being No. 11 *SO upon the special proceeding dock et of said court, the under-igned commissioner will, on the IST DAY OF DEC'E.M 11KK, 1931. at 11 o'clock A. M„ at t;ic- Court House door of Stokes County, Xorth Carolina offer !•-! sale to the highest bidder for' t i cash, certain tracts of land lying r.:id being in Peters Creek Town ship. Stokes County. X. C., ad-, joining the lands of J. M. Hall. J. A. Lawr;on, J. H. Martin. Jack Martin. C. M. Simmons and P. o. Simmons. FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a' red oak stump in Green Hall's line and with said line S. S7 dc-g.' E. 9S poles to Priddy's cor ner Post Oak with Priddy's line E. 51 poles to a hickory on the' Wes* side of branch S. 3' W. across sai 1 branch and d. v.-n it crossing i; again a* HO pole* a* 1 "I'lar and again u i through a s.v SO t v'e s ... a s'.ike. t: ~tuv •' degrees W. crossing t vo b: auches Robert L. Martin, deceased.' this i to !:•' in iuare and : ' brace the .'.'raves now '.her.?. Book 41. page -12. Of fee t' j P.egi-rter of Deeds of Stokvs i County, North Carolina. SECOND TRACT - One aero I more or less of the Easterly portion of the following described tract of land: Beginning at two Spanish oaks Merritt line, thence I with his line South S5 degrees East 106 poles to rock in line of lot sold to \V. P. Laadreth North 13 poles N. 55 degrees West 5 poles to poplar North 102 poles to pointers in line of lot No. 3, ihen with said line west 28 polos I to pointers on ridge thence North ' •'> l - degrees East 17 poles cross ing the creek to a stake a corner of Lot. 1 thence with lot No. 1 North 87 degrees West crossing a branch 73 poles to two post oaks on East side of branch to Lot No. 4, then with that line South 132 poles to the beginning, containing in all 82';» acres, more or less. See Deed Book 4(5, page 145, in the Office of Register of Deeds of Stokes County. N. C., There is a well marked line from North to South across the above described second tract, with one slight offset in the line, and the heirs at law ot Robert L. Martin, are the owners of all of the above described land to the East of sakl line and all of the land to tho East of said line described above together with the land described in the first tract above will be sold on the day mentioned abeve. This 29 day of October, 1934 HARRY L. MARTIN, Commissioner. J. W. Hall, Atty. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ; ESTATE " By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Stokes County, N. C., in a special proceeding en titled "Julia Vaughn Solomon and husband, D. O. Solomon, et als, v» C. R. Vaughn and wife, Lizzh Vaughn, et als," I will expose to sale and sell t 0 the highest bid der on the premises in Stokes | County, N. C., on SATURDAY, DEC. 22, 1984, at 2:00 o'clock P. M., the follow ing described real estate, to wit: BEGINNING in the center of i road north 84 degrees west |:> poles to a hickory and pointers; thence south 87 degrees west 80 poles to near a white oak; thence north 4 degrees cast 90 poles to a pine; thence north 88 degrees east 96 polos to pointers; thence couth 4 degrees west 80 poles to the beginning, containing 50 acres, be the same more or less. This the 20th day of November, 1934. H. O. SAPP, Commissioner. | >ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo> ! The Morrisett Co. I 0 \ % "Live Wire Store" > !j \ % WINSTON-SALEM C. \ ' I | Thanksgiving j | Christmas | All Pepped Up To The Last Race i X Everything 1 Is Ready— 0 0 Woolens, 54 inch 9Se a | Silks, 89 inch ]9e o $ Leather Coats, special $4.95 ? { Curtains, Special 19c *>9c X o Men's Heavy Union Suits 59c $ Children's Heavy Union Suits 59c 9 J 3 lb. Quilt Cotton Batts 15c | c 36 inch Standard Outing* 15e $ 27 inch Standard Oitting 10.> t t Christmas Prints ino styles 10- 0 \ ) (iiris-.ma> Hat> C,e $ c Table Dumas'.'. -pceia; 49c % }i* * 0 Aid GJovcs 1 1o .. , . ' 0 rabne G:.ve- 59c—95c 9. Wool Gloves 49c 95 c x } Feather Pillows 69c 0 r Blanket Special 9Sc $1.95 j? ! The Morrisett Co. Colds That Hang On Seventy-eight 4-H club boys "M *«• ««««i =■>- «hibi.s at one. Powerful but harmless. Pleasant to , take. No narcotics. Your druggist is author- forest 1-H club fair held in feed to refund your money on the spot il rour cough «i sold i» no« wlievH by Creo- Stanly County last week pulsion. r X*dv.> Simple Toys and Games May Easily be Made at Home These are but a few of the many simple and interesting toys and games that can easily be made of pressed wood by the man or boy who can uw ordinary tools. WITH Christmas fast approach- Inp wo must think of toys and values for the children Of course, tin more elaborate and tricky toys will have to he purchased at the de partment stores and shops, lint there are many simple and Interest ing kinds that can easily he made i»y the home :raftsman by utillziiiK tempered pressed wood. This is a material that has an tin uualiy diversitled raiue of uses, it is extensively employed in .sucli sturdy construction as forms for t'.'.onolithic concrete buildings. \gatn, it is used for the luterlor and exterior panelling of modern .'tomes. Although toiiK'u and dur able, the eaae with which it is worked and the generous widths in which it comes makes it highly con venient to use in n>a!;i:iK shelves, simple furniture ani'. a wide variety .•f miscellaneous articles. In addition to its simple work ability,"* this material Is durable, molsturo-resisUtil and pleasin; in i jlor and texture. If desired, it tuny bo painted or waxed like natural wood. It Is, in tact, entirely made of waste wood by an exploding, Page Seven compressing, tempering process which gives it in its finished form certain definite advantages over comparable grades of thin wood. Most lumber and building supply dealers have pressed wood in vari ous grades, thicknesses and prices. The tempered kind Is most suitable tor tlie toys and games illustrated above and for most of the house hold uses here suggested. In making the elephant and the ostrich use tempered pressed wood inch thick for the body and 3/1# inch thick tor legs, wings and ears. Where necessary drill holes U inch in diameter. Insert Chicago screws (which may be obtained in moat stationery or hardware stores) tn hole* with a small washer between the body and the movable part 3 and the head of the screw. The edge of the figure can be smoothed by using a wood file or sandpaper. For the checkerboard u-.e pressed wood % inch thick. Sq\«vro the game hoard oft in squares eight to a side each square being 1 1 uxl Sa Inches. This will make the board 16 inches square if a 2-lacli border is allowed. Black every other square with India ink So showy.