Page Four Stokes Farm News (Continued from Page 1) increased this year from TO to 85 per cent, of the base acres ami pound?. This means, if carried out. an increase of about one in live acres and twenty per cen*. increase in production allotments over last year. This figure as an nounced will give a total pro duction for the Flue-Cured Belt of approximately 7(H) million pounds :is compared with a pro duction allotment of 545 millions for the Flue-Cured Belt in 1934. There is much discussion on the si'bj-'Ct and some difference in opinion as to whether this in crease in production will not be accompanied by a price decline. Several l ical growers, questioned on the subject, have stated that they are not in favor of an in crease other than for growers with smail acreages and possibly those who have contracts in which the production allotment are inequitable. Laurie Mabe. well known local grower of the Peter's Creek Section says: "They need not give me anymore. I am satisfied with what I hfv\ Four acres gives me all the VMI': 1 wan; t.i d.. I hud rather gio v • i.n and get pay for it." .Th. Tucker. C- no • .: . 'ie s IMC iii : • tlier see u.; t.y it atv •. i ear at ,o per cent. \ it minor changes in coa'.rr ' which require ii than to incrv production now." John 1... Chrb'ian, County Com mitteeman. says: "I am willing to leave this question to our leaders who are in position to know what the market will stand." n.wff" Z:J:I>!'C'F. TKN \\ I'Mllllli CONTRU'T. Contract -signing land-owner.: Chest Colds let llicrn get a s!ran?!* h;M. FislA s ». ~ \ Uy. Cri-.-tnulM>n combirM7 b«-»j * • r.f. Powerful but harmless. Pleasant M 1a,... ,\« narcotics. own tlruo.-" • a;'' • ••.! 10 iff':nd your moucv on 1 t n„ t ! vour cough or cold is not reii-\"l l-» ' i i ■ / Ij . ! trr'.it* y. ;r TionjM'rUfii, and ' L ;. . or.o*. » would H I!«H J i: .. > »:«•• r;.l »f Nixlit UiH.n/, Ncrvouanraa. I I . ll'hm H.irnmc. Ilchiw* una j i'anotio? ul khln»*y dUorders, ; f. • l>jctor'« special prwcrlp* ». u«l CYS'I fcX (Siap-r »x>. Mu.- tli x yuu ui •» i(iud ur mono back. At 4:1 IjItMMBK MM I E Notice!"! MESS jSjA Pay Your 1934 taxes on or before Feb- I vaary Ist, 1935, and save penalty, which B will be added according' to law. I JOHN TAYLOR I j|| Sheriff & Tax Collector. J anj land-lords are again caution ed that under the Contract the number of tenants or share-crop-, pers cannot be reduced below the number so engaged in 1933. This J is plainly stated in section 12 of the contract, which holds not only fvr 193! crop year but also for the crop year of 1935. Any failure on the part f> f anyone to carry out this section shall be considered a breach of the con tract. I As stated heretorfore this doej not mean that a tenant shall bo required to live on the same farm or that the land-lord may not change tenants if he so desires, but it does mean that the number of tenants or share-croppers en gaged in the production of to-' bacco on a given farm shall not be reduced in 1934. to less than ! the number so engaed in 1933. ! Information reaching this of fice indicates that thin section of I the contract has been abused a great deal more in other sections of the State than it has here. ! KIRBY. County Agent. j A' ■*::.V.TK \TORS NOTICE I i' " . liii:.- i , . .. , . . . . . • n .a" i T • .:i ■...:: i, .sortn Carolina > a L\-:c the 12th ua; c. . y. 1933, or this notice •• •'•'*! be pleaded in bar of their rercerv. All persons in debted to said Estate will please make immediate payment. This the 11th day of January, 1935. JOE \Y. JOHNSON. Administrator c. t. a. of W. W. Fulp. i \I»N.\;.SH;ATOK.S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Millie C. i Mv. -. d.AvaseJ. late of Stokes y. : ; i Carolina, this is o 1.i..., .11 persons having „ .... , the t.?.aie ot said , • - . i • -v .it ihciii t.) the .. . . v.,.. ii IN. t\. in '■ . . .• ihe _■> day of • Xovt. •. ''■ jj, or tins notice j wiil :;e 1- id in ?...r ■ f their rcc-. 1 ovcry. All ; rrror.s indebted to ! said » '.i please make im-, | mediate ; ayiacnt. j This -Gtii day of November, 1934. J. L. EDWARDS and 11. F. EDWARDS, j E.uecat vs of Millie C. Edwards, | deceased. TUTS DAXDI'KY kEPOISTKK Hints for Kosremakers By Jane Rogers rss r norSKWIVES can help to re lir-v»> niirmploynirnt distress by pu'.t'j;;; up. a! -tig with their own preserves, a number of extra jars for distribution to liberty families n«-xt w; n' or. Preserves are a valu nhle form of relief food, tlicir fruits or vegetables furnishing vitamins >:id their sugar eontent providine in unexcelled source of energy. White spots on the table top or other furniture can usually be re moved by rubbing, first with wood alcohol, and then with a piece of flannel moistened with camphor -4 tod oil. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER DEED OF TRUST By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust exe cuted to me on the 12 day of December, 191 S. by Moses B. Mabe and wife, Clemmic Mabe, which is recorded in the Office of register of Deeds of Stokes County. N. c., in Book 63. page 315. to which reference is here unto made to secure the payment of the sum of $550 00 therein •ecited default h:ivi:ig boon made t* ; :iv: lent of •rid debt all :.:>rtty, ,:-J 'lie holder there, i v iV'.pl'.-i' to iiu> to iorecloso nt'st »l-vu i"!' ti.e n • ' i debt by came, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door of Stokes County, X. C., on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1935, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M., the lands conveyed in the trust deed to-wit: Adjoining the lands of O. M. Bennett, John Bullin, W. V. Bennett, W. L. Nelson and others, and bounded as follows;' viz: Beginning at a stone and pointers VV. V. Bennett's and John A. Bullin's corner; thence North 84 1 - degrees West 13.31 chains to a stone, Susan Mabe's and John Bullin's corner; thence South -1' . degrees West 14.0! chains on Susan M'ibc's line to i hickory oak, Susan Mabe's and (). M. Bennett's corner; thence continuing in the fame direction one chain and nine links to a small branch; thence up said branch as it meanders in ;;n East erly direction to a stone in W. L. Nelson's line; thence North (>• i decrees East of W. L. Nel ron's and falling on W. V. Ben ; nett's line t.i the beginning, con taining 27 acres?, more or less, and it being a part of Lot. No. 4, in tlie division of the lands of i Maj. Peter Hairston. See Book No 20. page 050. in Register's Of , fice of Stokes County, N. C. ' This 8 day of January, 1935. " J. W. HALL, Trustee. NOTICE State of North In the Superior Carolina, County Court of Slokes | I Ciurney P. Hood, Commissioner of I Banks of the Slats of North | C 'rolina, cx rel Bank of Stokes , County. —vs Louise Woodruff Cook. The defendant, Louise Wood ruff Cook, will take notice that an action entitled as above has . been commenced in the Superior |; Court of Stokes County, North I Carolina, by the plaintiff to ob tain judgment against the defen ; dant for the non-payment of a - promissory note, in the sum of 1 $209.00, payable on demand and j with interest on same after date, jat the rate of 6% per annum, ! and a promissory note in the sum i of $50.00 payable on demand and ! with interest on same after date, at the rate of 6% per annum, ' nnd the defendant will further ' take notice that she is required ;to appear at the office of the ' Clerk of the Superior Court of said County in the courthouse in Danbury, N. C. on the Ist day ot February, 1935 and answer oi ; demur to the complaint of the j plaintiff or the plaintiff will ap ; ply to the court for the reliel J demanded in said complaint, i Thi3 the 13th day of December ! 1934. I J. WATT TIJTTLE, \ Clerk Superior Court. SALE OF LANDS UNDER DEED OF TRUST By virtue of power of sale vest ed in the undersigned in a certain deed of trust executed Airy US. 1929. by O. Joy so u:i j\.t ried* to Fulton i\ Dav>! in the sum • f 5703.00. i deed c,t trust being duly recorded in the oil ice "f Register of Deeds of Stokes County in Book SO Page 245 to ; which reference is hereunto made default having been made in the payment of the debt 1 therein recited and the assignee now the owner of the said no'e secured thereby having applied to me to foreclose* the same for the satisfaction of the debt I will ex pose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Danbury, X. C., on I MONDAY, FEB. 11, 1935. at the HOUR OF 1 O'CI-OCK P. M. j the lands therein described, to wit: j Ist. Lot: Beginning at a stake N. side of Ninth Street, thence ' N. 3 deg E. with line of Lot No. 23 200 feet to stake corner ofj No. 23, thence N. 87 deg W. 50 : feet to stake corner of No. 25,! j thence S. 3 deg. W. with No. 25 i ; 200 feet to staks on Ninth St., thence F. with Ninth Street t > beginning being Lot No. 24 in plat recorded in office Register Deeds Stokes County in page 509. 2nd Lol: Being Lot No. 25 in above described plat reference to which is? hereunto made, being 200 by 50 feet on N«nth Street. 3rd Lot. Being Lot No. 26 ill j nkove dtsciiut-u; 2fH !. • .... lMr. ■ ' . |.i-u t>v r I.TOKLJ ou'ice Uo.,is: ?r ivc>. i •holies Couaty Book t;5 P.'ge -•>.*, reference to which is hereunto j made. I This J;:n. 7. 1935. | C. E. DAVIS. J • Trustee. i r. W. Hall, Atty. RE-SALE REAL ESTATE I By virtue of authority contain-! ;d in a certain deed of trust' ?xecuted by George VV. Lawson ( md wife, Bettie Lawoon, on March 24, 1925, to me as i Trust e, and recorded in the Of- \ "ice of the Register of Deeds of i 3tokes Co., N. C., in Book No. ] i 3 pai'.c 59 etc., and the stipula- ( ! ; onr, in said deed of trust no' laving been complied with; at , -lie request of the holdc oi suid ; lote and the ,deed of trust Jptt'nn.': sro. 1 will offer fo; ■. l.\ at public auction, for cash, it W. S. Ilai't's Store. Stokes C.\, NT. C, on MONDAY, JAN. 21, it one o'clock P. M., the follow- ' ng real estate: ' A tract cr boundry of 'ij acres of land mcue or 1c:;:;. lying n Peter's Creek townsh'p S okes To., N. C., .adjoining the lands of IVilchcr Hughes, Norman Joyci. and others, and being the lands, and ail the land, described in a deed fi'om J. M. Tucker and ivife, Eva Tucker, to Cc or ,r c W. Lawson, and which ? dee 1 bears dute Sept. 20, 11)24, and is recorded in the o c th? Register of Deeds of Stokes Co., N". C., and to which reference is hereunto made for metes and bounds and for full description. See said record in said Office in Book No. 73, page 4CO etc. Bidding to start at $341.55. This January 3, 1935. O. E. SNOW. Trustee. NOTICE An application is being filed with the Governor of North Caro lina for the parole of Hardy Smith who is serving a six to eight year sentence in the Stat? Penintentiary for an assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill Bill Richardson. Those who desire to protest the granting of said parole will make their protest in writing to the Governor of North Carolina im mediately. R. B. FLYI'.T. own drufgilt t* lnlkoiis*4\ . /W to chtarfully ulund your I 1 I « on tk« spot if yo« / ; by CrwwuUion. NOTICE State of North | In the Superior Carolina, Stokesj Court, Before bounty. i the Clerk. Lena Moore and husband, An- Irew Moore, Minnie Moore anil lusband, Robert Moore, Petition ers Against Hussie Scales, Elfred Martin. Bernard Martin, Arlestcr Martin, loscoe Martin, Lucy Martin, Bar lese Martin Trudie Martin icales and husband, Jim Scales, Gladys King and husband, Howard King, Vera Forriest and rnsband, Tine Forriest, Basil D. Martin, Junior Martin, Baz Mar in, Jerry Martin and Pearl May Hairston, Defendants. The defendants Elfred Martin. Bernard Martin, Arleater Martin FJosco Martin, Lucy Martin, Ber nese Martin, Baz Martin, Gussie Scales and Jerry Martin above named will take notice that an iction entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Stokes County, N'ortn Carolina, to sell real estate for livision situate in the aforesaid county and state and the said de fendants have an interest in said real estate and arc proper parties thereto; and the said defendants Elfred Martin, Bernard Martin, Arleater Martin, Rosco Martin, Lucy Martin, Barnese Martin. Bac Martin. Gussi? Scales and Jerry Martin will further take noticj tint they are required to appear nt the Office of the Clerk of the ? v or-.:r C:>ui tof Stokes County, ; : oliii'.i c-n or before ;ho : :o th> conr'v'Vit • ■' iii said contolainr. .. i.s i ,ii il.iy of December, J. WATT TUTTLE, Clerk of the Superior Court. '. W. Hall, Atty., for the 'o'it'oncrs. ('OTICK OF SALE OF LAND UNDER DEED OF TRI ST By virtue of the power of sale ontained in a deed of trust exe uted to me on March 1. 1016, by Susan Mabe, Moses B. Mabe and rife Clcmmie Mabe, which is ecorded in the Office ot legister of Deeds of Stoke 1 bounty, X. C.. Book CO. page 307. o which reference is hereunto nado to secure the payment .it !41»M3-n. tisercin recited default u-.ving been male in the pay lent of said debt at maturity md the holder thereof having ;;plicd to me to foreclose th :mst deed for the satisfaction oi said debt secured by name. I wil sell at public auction to the high ?st bidder for cash at the Couri iiousc door of Stokes County, X C.. on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1935 at 1:15 o'clock P. M., the land: conveyed in the trust deed to ivit: In the County of Stokes, oi (ho waters of Buck Island Creek nnd hounded as follows, to-wit Beginning at a chestnut tre thence East 15'j chains to ; turkey oak. thence North 1: chains to a white oak; thenc West 2 chains to a white oak thence North 25 chains to point crs; thence West 14 chains to th beginning, containing Six-; acres, more or less, it being lan formerly belonging to Austi Bullin. This January 8. 1035. J. W. HALL, Trustee. FIGHT CRIME!! You can no longer afford to be finicky about the hideous reality of the new war on the home front . . . SEE IT!! 3 Full Pages of Actual Photographs of CRIME Now Appear Every Sunday in The Atlanta Sunday American THURSDAY, JAN. 24, 1935 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of R. W. Jessup, deceased, late of Stokes County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned at Pilot Mf„ N. C., route 1, on or before the 27 day of December 1935, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 27 day of December, 1934. F. P. JOYCE. Executor of R. W. Jessup, Estate. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, j In The Superior Stokes County. ; Court. ROBERT A. COVINGTON vs. MATILDA COVINGTON The Defendant above named will take notice that an action as entitled above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Stokes County, North Cartolina, by the 'Plaintiff for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce from the defendant, and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office f the Clerk of the Superior Court of Stoke* County, within fifty days from the 2nd day of January, 1935, and answer or v. .ao v ora l-hint filed in r-v i ;«can or Mie Plaintiff wili apjiy t > -ia-.l Co at for the rdici ' i This Januai-y i! 7 J. WATT TI'TT! 0. Clerk Sai'Ci .. toiitt. 1.. \V. Ferguson, AHy., Winston-Salem. N. C. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER DEED OF TRUST I By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust exe cuted by Jcf'Se Wood and Lula Wood his wife to me on the 21 day of December, 1920, which is recorded in the Office of Register of Deeds of Stokes County, N. C. Book 66, Page 231, to which reference is hereunto made to secure the payment of the sum of $1."OO.CO therein recited default bavin - horn made in the payment of said debt at maturity and the ]»r>" Ui thereof having applied to i.i*» ;•> foreclose the trust dec! for t'satis fae'i 'ii »!' said dt.'ot a aired by ; same. I will sJI a' .aill'O auction to trie highest bidder for cash, at the Court House cluor of Stokes County. N. C.. on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1935. at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M.. the lands conveyed in the trust , deed to-wii: In Peters Creek township, Stokes Co., adjoining ! the land of Joe Rierson on the ' West, G. A. Martin on the N., on | he E. and S. by James Corn, con taining 60 acres, mkhO or less, the same being the truct of land ; on which J. W. Wh'ttcn l ; ved at t the time the u t- trust was j executed. This Jam;nry J. \V. HALL, Trustee. Checks i 1 / / / COLDS I) 0 I) FEVER First Day Liquid - Tablets HEADACHES j Salve-Nose Drops In 30 minutes

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