THE DANBURY REPORTER. Established 1872. CLYDE R. HOEY COMING MARCH 30 DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR OF NORTH CAROLINA TO ADDRESS STOKES CITIZENS HERE FIRST MONDAY OF COURT WEEK ONE OF THE STATE'S FINEST ORATORS AND A MOST GIFTED I SPEAKER. Hon. Clyde R. Hocy, Demo cratic candidate for Governor of ! North Carolina, will address? the people of SLokes county at Dan bury on Monday, March "0, at one o'clock P. M., at the noon re cess of court. Mr. Hoey is famed as one of' ) the State's most gifted orators, and commands the interest and attention of the people as few men are able to do. He bn s boon l here befo-p. Ms la'.t appearance' being in October, 19fS. He b:v been leading the bntt'.3 for th^ principles of the Democrat; - party in North Carolina fcr more than 30 years, havh? visited po??ibly every county ii ths S'o.te. Ia as'ing for the nomination for Governor, Mr. Hoey state: that he is standing sonar-'y as always on the >it!oci , a , 'c * platform, St strongly »^f , ; , ora') m to educatici!, and believes that the .sales tax, which was adopted by the State in the financial crisis of several years ago, should now be gradu ally eliminated. H? advocates strongly the AAA principles for the tobacco farmers, and is in favor of old age pensions. He is 100 per cent, for Franklin D. Roosevelt. Mr. Hoey invites all citizens of every political faith to come out on next Monday and hear him, with a special invitation to the ladies. • ' I Reaction To Too Much Patrolling | There is sharp reaction in some of Stokes county to the activities of State highway' patrolmen on the Stokes county roads. It i 3 conceded that the I highways are under the control Jmd supervision of the State, but "o be held up and arrested on such slight provocation as having tak?n a drink of whiskey or beer, ftrhich many persons claim they are able to do and be entirely safe, smacks too much, it is claimed, of foreign interference i : with personal rights, etc. Those who complain say that the Stokes county officers are plenty vigilant, that very few accidents' 'wr violations of law occur that i«o not taken care of by home t "icers. Child of dryland WSeriously 111 The F year-old little girl of j Maryland Wood, >r new filling station oj>crator, is serious- j V ill with pneur.'onia and other j BompUcations. Their home is near llAWßonviUe, I The young child. of Lundy ■rood, of Lawvooyillei ia alaa ill. Volume 64. HIDE OUT SLOT MACHINES THE JUDGE AND SOLICITOR AND THE GRANID JURY TO HOLD FORTH HERE NEXT WEEK AND THE MONEY TRAPS ARE EXPECTED TO BE TEMPORARILY RE MOVED BY THEIR OWNER Tins WEEK. It is reported that slot machines, several of which are regularly operated in the store* ■ of Danbury, will be temporarily removed by their non-resident owner this wee k. It is undoi stood that these 1 machines, which are used in violation of State laws, will be returned to their stands no quicker thin the judge, solicitor and grand jury leave town. I Criminal court begins Monday a an ' will possibly continue a j week, the docket being heavy. I The nirlclc r.r 1 pen ay slot n:i- I chines a r e money-making a rcheirtof! for thrir ovners, an 1 ] in the riiii's? of a week gather j rl! t'v loose change 3 of tin 'bborhoo 1. I! is rati- 1 mated t' at from •"0 n HI OO rv I rli'' into He here e "cry § week. I.o's or th'n cash is ' r'o~i S cl.i'dren, bv ma!:*'" from u ' . of vv A ioril can i!l af ford to spare it, but they say that when once the gamblin r mania takes hold of a fello.v it is hard to turn loose. D°afh Of Mrs. Nannie F. Smith Mrs. Nannie F. Smith, 74, died at her home in Ether, Montgo mery county, early Wednesday morning after a long illness. The body was carried to the home of a son, P. G. Smith, of Walnut Cove, where it will remain until j the funeral which will be held at Palmyra Methodist church, Stokes county, at 2 o'clock this after j noon. The officiating ministers ! will be Revs. R. E. Heath, of As bury, and O. E. Ward, of Wins ton-Salem. . ' Mrs. Smith, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Greene ( is survived by her husband, J. T. Smith; four daughters, Mrs. Hanry Williamson, of Steeds; Mrs. Kemper Freeman, of Mont i gomery county; Mrs. S. G. PriJ dy, of Danbury, and Miss Lena Smith, of Greensboro, and two sons, P. G. Smith, Walnut Cove, and T. S. Smith, of Montgomery county. I German ton News Mrs. Charlie Baker and son, Buddy Ross, of King, are spend ing some time with Mr. and Mrs. G. Ross Meadows and family. Miss Josephine Eaton, of Flat Rock, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dock Eaton on Germanton, route one. j Mr. and Mrs. Moser Carroll ( and family, Jr. and Mrs. Aubry 1 j Southern, Mr. and Mrs. Paul j Southern visited Lover's Leap and other places Sunday. Mrs. J. M. Southern visited the Meadows family over the week end. Danbury, N. C., Thursday, March 26, 1936 (AN EDITORIAL.) Give The Devil His Dues, And Be As Fair To The Sales Tax Lolling- ground the gilded lobbies of ex clusive clubs, and reclining in othr pleasant lounging places of many a North Carolina city, in former days men and women cf affluence were often found en joying life without bearing a fair portion of its burdens. These people paid little or no taxes to ward the support of government. How did this leisurely class—you ask escape taxation, which was known to rest heavily on the fanner's land and to exact pinching tribute frcrn the tangible sub stance ol the small home-owner and the little business man ' They escaped because their wealth was invisible, existing ; n fluctuating bank ac counts and tuvhtfy-loeked boxes, where beautiful lithographed stocks j and bonds wr: disturbed only when th I t'me ci-in r> clip c -jiipoiu and e Sleet div- I id end \ _ i*. , ? _ j ... ,■ i,. . . i | Wlifl. \ -> C.l 5 S'} I*. * p policv of the Stat —-this evasion f taxa- I t'on by th* v a! ■ tho I'• • : • affluent, I whose oniv «'on w : i ' ,'h : tick-i-S ii'- 1 I'd : 'ie I '■ '.v.-. JV • };m The off et was that : State's lax gathers 1 ?.fl to resort mainh/ to the vistbl j p*c j i c c • ■:! •'! e-=t •: •• • '• th* >-m vi I businessman aul the/zivmei with his de pleted an s in tv N ncea cv e The ta gatherer; had a.-scis on wli : eh to levy for the exnen- e cf .government. TAJniVR RT'LTEVTCD How d'd tho Ncrth Carolina leg'.'laturo relieve the real r - c 'vner, the sroa'l busi- f ness man and the farmer, and at the same l time meet the demands of more pay for school teachers, longer terms for the pub- , lie schools, pay the interest on tho State's outstanding bonds, and preserve and pro tect the languishing honor and credit o? the commonwealth? By enacting the SALES TAX which took the place of the advalorem taxes on land, which were repealed. OTHER DODGERS There was yet another class who dodged the tax-collectors before the sales tax was enacted—a class who evaded the responsi bilities of citizenship, and who went scot free from the burdens that other honest men and women had to shoulder. We refer to that shiftless, idle, non-la,oring group who frequent the cafes and t fill ing stations, who own no property nor have the ambition to own any, who refuse to work at fair wages, and who today are among the bitterest critics cf the sales tax. It is this class who are loudest in their denunciation of State government, and who repeat and reecho the bull and the poppy cock put out by ambitious demagogues who are trying to capitalize on ignorance and prejudice and irresponsibility. These fellows under the sales tax are j paying tribute to the government on the cigarettes they smoke and the beer they drink. Naturally they are the loudest denouncers of taxes and government. But—you ask—is not the sales tax a burden that rests most heavily on the poor while the rich escape, and when the legisla ture repealed the tax on the farmer's land did it not also repeal the tax on the rich man's real estate, the law thus inuring to the benefit of the rich mai at last? HITS ALL / XE No. The sales tax ; J on all alike, both rich and poor, and ry person must (CONTINUED ON BACK PAGE) Poor Print JERRY BAKER GETS RAW DEAL? FLATSIIOAL CITIZEN ON A | VISIT TO KING, ENCOUNT ERS A VERY SOBERING EXPERIENCE CONSIDER-! I IXG A SUIT AGAINST TOWN AND ITS COMMUNITY OFFICER FOR ALLEGED i DAMAGE TO CHARACTER AND DEPRIVATION; OF' PRC PKRTY. Jerry P. :kev, uT Flatrbo?l, \ • here to.lay considering the c: s ployment of counsel in a en". template!) suit against the t. of Kin ;. p*okes county, an! : u'y Sheriff Stewart, Kins •• conmi'r.i'v officer, in the i $lO 0 0 for uHr "ed damn"" to ! , ' i eha> i..T. p vnonal hv.-'' ' ! i" • i.:-: T on of ;;onr' ' .-i . , ii h!-\ i T ' ■• ■ ::i3 that Mr Br.k r v- j • . f , . . •• • V - v-. • , ■ .. • • Pi '-.:Vq ho' ■' r■ '' yl. , |..> V !• ' ' v/it'i in ': u. tiov, t.» • port for h vhig Wednesday ' ■'rv Til! - r "'bi'll. >f»*. r-i'-es ' " ien« : I'o tvvl o 1 ■ i l ' unk on" 1 P"'l To;) b . . i-h ('••> ' ~cr-'v.ti; to be rol l and Li'l i' u ta"ted any \vM ':ey o" any o: ! . :• jj sMmu'ant; l!;:u the officer w■ ■ f.stantlinct bv a*'l witnesrel H,-i 1 ■ i ''••ink the bo'i'e of ale, and im nediately pinched him and! i him to the Red Home on the Hill. Whereupon, f b« complainant allepes that he received a raw deal, that he was unnecessarily humilated and damaged in his character. This is the only time in the history of the Baker generations that the Baker i family escutcheon has ever had 11 smudge on it. Complainant further alleges that he carried in his pocket :i 1 rood knife for which he paid ■ ?t.r;o at Brown Codgers stoiw and thrt tkir tool or weapon, if you choose to call it that, was tokcin from him an,) that it has not since been returned to him although his property should have been placed again in hi' possesion when he was free' from his incarccraiion. It appears that t'le town o: King, which is net ircoiporat: 1. yet, is under the application of a .'pedal act of the legislature (which makes sls and cost tho | minimum price for being caught | the influence" within a prescribe 1 ">rca embracing the [town. M kor declares that he | visited the ico fo- v ''■ purpose lof seeing , \'co V • about j some fertilizer, tbit is en j lirely sob : id a i of no harm to any man. Wu jhe bad his teeth 'ocked o\ by th. c.iti."/ .vb . i? c* '» get a mouth tad n ggo.,iea beer s?s a mighty .rood va&h. Follow; r. he "loot i dualist's" advice, he walked across the street to a joint where he tried Red Top (one bottle only) to Number 3,335 H PRISONERS READY FOR COURT OCCI'PAXTS OF THE JAIL WHO ARE EXPECTING TRIAL NEXT WEEK THERE ARK TWENTY-FIVE, A:(D MAY BE MORE BY MONDAY ONE MLRDEIt CASE, OTIiFRS MOSTLY MINOR CHANGES. Twenty-five p;isona "uvait the willing of the court boll next M.'u'.iiy, being at 'present con lined in tiio county j. il l'or • offon.siThere i- one :::m ae used murder. The ;I i-; a ,- o c'u •. ! for ;. : rally i.i-ir.oj' Infract* is of tlr • law, • >O,l of t! 1 j»:. ' il.ition 'l'/ ; I.' ; ;,!! lit! ' Of- I I-.: t Ro j. ' jai t-.da;--. ; : : 1 • 1*• : 11. -t; ! • .'''it'! Willi \vi* !t v.iih with ; \lo .; : . in: • '!. break in' . :v\ m . j I! iihv.i . . •' . ii!-;* «. 1 ill toxic if ed. j Viola Mvors, I*. •*. ! n. Liii Chatham, l. - vA a. COLORED : Frank \V;thcrs»e:>n. I:r .cny. George Barrett, assault with deadly weapon. | Henry Fulton, larceny, break ing and entering. j Aimer Lash, larceny, breaking anj entering. ! Eugene Brown, offaisc. i John Henry Brown, making whiskey. Curtis Carroll, malum; whiskey i John Carroll, making whis j key. . Peet Gi'lnn, making whi.fkey. 1 J. D. Carroll, makin.: whiskey. rl ' j O'cnr Brown, maki: l . whiskey. ; Walter Goolsby, lave •. Garfii'.d Gillian, rrik' whis i ; kr '- v .! William Hill, larceny. : In nil probaMHt" other ; prisoners will be a Ui I» > tho i • above lift by the time court opjns next Monday. ' j Republicans Nominate Grissom l or Governor i' :' North Carolina F puMican3 : Tuesday in t'leir state convention :at Raleigh nominated Gilliam c Grissom, of McLeansvillo, Guil •' ford county, for governor, and > endorsed Judge Meckins for i President of U. S. • his discomfiture as tbove set i, forth. • j Mr. Ba'.cer does not allege in ' his comnlaint that the tooth J dentist was an agent for or silent 1 partner with the makers or dh