THE DANBURY REPORTER. Established 1872 JIM TAYLOR ROBBED OF SSOO UKORUK TAYLOR, X A T KNIGHT AND i lil.D HICKS IN JAIL (ilAi.(...[> WITH SLRiOI S (> r I I. X S E BONDS i f.\Li> AT S 15.(0 EACH. Jim Taylor, a young man who is a son of James Taylor, Sr., living near Meadows, was robbed «f SSOO Sunday evening, while his brother George, Nat Knight and Fred Hicks are in jail at Danbury charged with the rob hary. The three accused young men, who were residents of Winston- Salem, were arrested by Sheriff John Taylor and deputies, with the assistance of Forsyth of ft— At a hearing before Justice 9. C Campbell here Tuesday head in the amount of SISOO was for each of the men, and hiUng to give bail, they were ant to jail. i I It is alleged that Gaorge Tay ler, Knight and Hicks came to Ae neighborhood of the home of tomes Taylor Sunday evening in a taxicab from Win3ton-Salem. "lfcey left the car parked out 01 JSght, while they looked up Jim, «verpowered and robbed him of 9600 which he was known to earry on his person. After the hold-up, it is stated they left immediately for Winston-Salem. &tokes County W. P. A. Sewing Rooms Stokes county has six W. P. A. sewing rooms, five white and woe colored. The colored sewing room is in Walnut Cove. The white ones are located in Walnut ■Cove, Danbury, King, Lawson- Tille and Reynolds. Twenty-nine white women and five colored are now employed. Mrs. Medley Ray Covington is supervisor of the aewing rooms and head of all the Women's Projects in the eoonty. Various useful garments are made in these sewing rooms. They an as follows: Overalls, Dresses, Sheets, Shirts, Pillowcases, quilts, 1 layetts and underclothes. They are turned over to the count' commissioners and the com miadoners give them to the eoonty welfare dept. then the Welfare Dept. distribute them to people that need them. These women are faithful uttoia. They seem to enjoy their work. Some of the women hm learned to sew since they atartsd working. STRANGE HONEYMOON \ , An absorbing article revealing V the hair-raising tales and start ing sights of a newly-wed ooaple who visited Devil's Island, j Oae of many features in the May 31 issue of the American I Weekly, the magazine which eonaa reularly with the Balti ■tore Sunday American. Get Cow f«>m you? local news-j Volume 64 Francisco School Closes > Successful Year * Francisco. Francisco High » School Sivurday, May 15 I and we u ha ! had a most • succe:;.'. ul >.::• under the guid » nice of it.-; s}.lcndiJ teachers. Wi .eel very i ouJ of our spkndiJ school and felad our children ) have a be iter to learn , than we did. I think the I moderate heat and running water is so wonderful. I've hal to stand out tioors a many a .ime while the stove pipe was . being put up, it would fall down maybe during class and we'd choke with smoke until we could 'jet out doors. The Primitive Baptist Asso ciation was held at Big Creek church last Saturday, Sunday and Monday. I don't think I ever saw a bigger crowd anywhere i than attended Sunday. Many people from a great distance- Lots of good preaching, every i body seemed to be enjoying it in spite of the dust. Lucy Collins, daughter of Tom and Hester Collins died in a Leaksville hospital last Sun day night. She was a graduate nurse and had been ill of pneu monia fever for several days. Everytj)U>B was done that could be done but complications set in that defied the doctors. Lucy raduated in Loaksville two /ears ago. She is survived by her father and four sisters ani ;a host of relatives and friend that mourn their loss. Lucy we*> buried at State Line churc.'i Tuesday P. M. Funeral services vtere conducted by J. Walt Tuttle and Dr. J. T. Smitl . Several doctors and nurses from Leaksville were present at the services. They Are AH Big The pictures at the Stuart thi3 week are all big. Hoot Gibson's latest release of action plays Friday and Satur day. The next two days gives "SHOW THEM NO MERCY," the famous drama with Rochellc Hudson and Cesar Romero. You have waited for "DE SIRE." George Brent and Genevievo Tobin at their wittiest head "Snowed Under." In Justice Campbdll's Court This Week The following cases disposed of: Swan son Reid, public drunk enness, SI.OO and cost. ! Swanson Reid. indecent ex | posure on highway, bound over to court, SIOO bond. Woodrow Mitchell, public drunkenness. SI.OO and cost Bud Golding, Robert Strong and Sam Welch, manufacturing 'liquor, bound over to court. (Strong in Jdl, others bonded. Danbury, N. C., Thursday, May 28, 1936 s WORK SHEETS r AUK IMPORTANT h COI'NTA AtiKNT KIUUV SAYS 5 MOi.t.S FAi:.'!i;KS AKK !i SIGNING 11*. «. Stolu will ' \bou: ( :n; kie ii.- c for 'l' si[rn;;U'tvJ: to the work sheets Tor n .ocpcra;o:-2 i:i the Soil Conserva e 'ion Program by June Ist. Local Z people were a bit slow to take 1 hold of this program, but Stokes x will have a large percentag a signed up by the time the cam i paign is completed. Unfortunately J a good many men do not under i! stand the liberal plan offered by 1 the Government to induce farm . era to reduce cash crops and increase the acreage in soil con- j i serving and improvement crops. r i Without a doubt, some men B ■ next fall are going to say that if they had understood this plan they would have been in position .to receive the payments. On 1 ; their farms they are planting' ' lespedeza. clovers, grasses, cow- , peas and soybeans. These men ii l are doing the things which the I rrovernment wishes to encourage. Practieallv every tobacco grower I . .. , I is making some reduction in his base acreage and all it would take in cases of this kind wouli 1 I be to make a work sheet, which 1 l I in no wis? obligates a man to do • r i anything. But the law does > specifically prescribe that any cooperator who wishes to receive grants or payments under this plan, must first s4iow that fie has made and filled a work sheet. 1 i i What is this work sheet? The , work sheet is simply a list of the acreagee of the crops grown , on the farm in 1935, together , with a statement as to its bjca- I * 1 ] tion and total area. The operator ior owner is not even asked to be accurate as to the estimated acreage in corn, wheat or cfawers. In fact, the payments writ be' 31 made on the measured acres on these crops this year, should the farmer decide to apply for the grants or payments allowed un | der this plan. I It does not cost anything to \ , sign a work sheet. It involves jno obligation to sign a wm K j sheet. j Suppose «t the middle or end of the season a man should sec that his tobacco crop has been > wiped out by hailstorm or a 1 flood or disease. If he has made a work sheet he can get paid f* thirty per cent of his crop. If he has not made a work sheet, it will be too late to complain about it after the first of June. What about the soil conserving I crops? The answer to this ques tion is: This is what the govera - ment is paying for. Improving' | the soil is the thing which It - wishes to encourage- If a man * has five acres of tobacco, five j acres in corn, four acres in, ♦ wheat and one in garden crops. ; he will need one-fifth as many r acres or three acres in soil con r serving crops, such as lespedeta* . cowpesß, rye or same other. The 'payment far the sod conserving Memorial Service At Mt. View Baptist Church i There will be u Memorial i service at Mtn. View Baptist church. King, route 1. on tiu I'lltli Sunday. May :ilst. HO». This service will be in memo. - of all deceased members of Mil j View church since its organ iz a j '.tion. All former pastors, friend I and relatives of deceased men; i i, I bers aiv invited to attend thi; 1 service. Program will begin at 10:3 » o'clock a. m. and sermon will b * j preached at 11 o'clock by th_> pastor. Rev. R. W. Hovis. (Mrs.) HESSIE C. BAR!.. Church Clerl:- [ I I Notice i 1 I There will be a PRE-NATAL | CLINIC held at Walnut Cov •' High School Friday. May 29, 3:30 P. M. . ! i ! i j BUILDING MATERIALS i We have a compfete line «f building materials and supplu ? at most reasonable prices. | We invite your inquiries; per mitting us to quote* you our lir : prices. ( See as before buying efsewhei I POWELLS IIA HI)WARK ] Wort, Va. crops, in addition to that ft? reducing tobacco is SI.OO p:r acre or a SIO.OO minimum f each farm. I j The committeemen are nc v completing the siga-uyj in ea; i, township and of tec this week. T mien are still permitted to si-; I up;, they can do so by calling: tt ' the office of the county xgeot ii Danbury. Peat Moss On Plant Bedt» j The demonstration trials i:t the use of Peat Moss in maJrio..; tobacco plants wuro iran in tbs county this spring.. These wtr» on the farms of H. L. Gibsw - near Belews Cloek ancf the oth---.* on that of R. C. White at Kutf ~ The demonstration tin the Git sun' place Jid' not show up u well due, according to reports; t-» the fact that all beefs were wt»!l situated and well prepared miu I all produced' good (Iknts. The one »n the R: C- Whil * ( farm was far heoanr where tL:i Moss was ssed than u-re the part of the bed where i vu nsC. The plants growing on the Mom brssted part at the bed were larger and better developed ac cording to Mr. White- It was claimed that Ptest Hen pmides such favorable csifi dfttsns for tobaeuo phots that where it is used blue aiaid has ' rarely ewer given any trabfe. This clai m is neither refuted not nupparted By local result* feat those who used the BCsn da , claim that it is of vwfm m the production l of &cod" plants —* it is believed that m Ifess favorahte seasons its- watae win afTer we SI. J. KIKBY, fhmty 4ML MISS TILDY LEWIS ' DIES AT KiMv \l\S\ PATILNTS AT !i! : : ( LI NIC MRS. L 1. TT I ' ( \MI'I;I:LL I»W;S - «»i SN.rc NEWS )L KING. King. May 27 Mi--.- Till;.' aged 05, died ai t'ae home of Dr. and Mis. R. S. il-i-abeck I Saturday night. The deceased . ! survived by one l»ii- ,iei an i i 'several sisters. Funeral serviie was conducted at Pstfrryri Church j Monday at :! o'clock and burial o". »ved h> ilv church cemetery. j S. W. Pulliam has donated to the Ring Womans Club a lot on Main street on which they will erect a club house. Actual work! will be commenced at an early' ! date. W. W. Boyles, of Roanoke, i Virginia and Claude Boyles, ofi Nfcw York City, visited the' home of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. ! Riser Saturday. j The following patients under went tonsil operations in the new clinic here last week, D. C. Tay lor, of Gap, Miss Iva Pet tee, of Tobaccoville, Vernon Bak: r, of Rural Hall, Mrs. Elmer Hooker, of Wcstfield, small son of Prof. J. C. Colley, Rural Hall, Miss ] Erline While, of Germi'nton. Miss Lucile Hauser, of Tobacco- I ville, I. L. Hege, of Winston- Sale ni and Harold Jennings an-.! Mrs. Jim Jennings, or Pinnacle. Eon. Charlie O. McMichael, o, ! Winston-Salem, delivered a ver. ' enthusiastic political add re? , hcrc Satu:-.'.:-' ..: s ht. , Keith Kirfcy has returned to Franklin, where he is a membt-i" of a C. C. C. camp after spending a few days with his moth Mrr. c. J. Kirby jn Walnut Hills. I | Mrs. Grover Pulliam, whose' mi:i l Iia s become affected fol lowing a prolonged illness, was carried to the state hospital at Morganton for treatment last , week. The remains of Mrs. Edwin Campbell, aged 44, who died her home in Winston-Salem wa, brought back here and laid to rest in th e first Baptist cemetery Friday afternoon. The deceased is survived by the husband and 'one son, Hugh Campbell, who resides with the family. Mr. and William Rumley. parents of the deceased also survive. Two frother*. Eugene and J AME9 of King and thres Mrs. Will Conrad, Mrs. Austin Bean and Mrs. Leo Nail Wte-ton-Salem are also left to mourn their loss. Several people from here at tended the last rites of George R- New. st Durham, last Wednes «*V. The deceased is the father cf Thomas G. New. of King. ! T he following births were reg istered ber e last week: To Mr. «Jd Mrs. Hugh Shore, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Loggins, .» daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Banks Turner a son and to Mr. and Mrt K «*y Wiles twins, *fc o: :, boys. ' Some complaint is heard amonr Number '{,.>ll Hoard of Ir^eclions Meets To 1 i istri l>nle Tickets Ttu of !istiiuU> . ~ ti-jri • 1 ' T!ie I { ,[. lo.vs: l . i. ':!:■ i!|, . ;i : i|-j.j;ir. ; S, T. Christian :n.l Hil farmers ot I lea bugs destroying theii tobacco plant*. Woodrow Southern and Miss Berlina Hix mototvd to Stuart, ; Virginia Saturday where they I were united in marriage. Tha I bride is the daughter of Mr. and j Mrs. Lev Hix, of King and the I bridegroom is the son of Mr. j and Mrs. Joel Y. Southern, of King. There is decided improvement I •in the condition of J. E. Turner jwho has been quite sick at his | home in Walnut Hills for .some • time. I Joe Covington, planter of the Quaker Ciap section, was here Saturday on business. Dallas Holder, ol Level Cross, Surry county, formerly of Kins was a visitor here Satrday. The King Junior League base ball nine shut out Mocksville in a game played m tlv King hall park Saturday. Final score 1 and (I. Kennis Pulliam. of Knoxvillo, i Trim., was a wvek-end visitor to • relative; here. I Hie King T:gt is lost to the 11... us Knitters ui :> hard fought ganio played at Winston-Salem Saturday, score 4 and o. Mr. and Mis. Hay Hauser, of Winston-Salem, spent the week end with relatives near here. Miss Kllen Ebert, of Iletliania, was among the visitors hene . I Sunday. Luther Smith, farmer residing two mil;s west or town had the misfortune to lose his home, all , wearing apparel and household t effects except one bureau by fire Saturday morning. , Mr. and Mrs. Smith in , '.lie field at work, their two I daughters, aged 12 and 4 years I had been left at the home, tha > fou r year old daughter was ia I the bed asleep and the older ?' *;ister was in th' 9 kitchen doing ,; the housework, she started into , J the living room whence she waa , | met by fire and smoke. She waa , j Sl ° excited she failed to think of I her smaller sister, she ran into the yard and began to scream | for help, Dink MidJleton, * . neighbor was the first to arrive % 1 on the scene. He made inquiry an . to the whereabouts of her small P sister and it waa then for the J first time she remembered the - small child was in bed asleep, .; Mr. Middleton rushed into the > burning structure and dragged i; the little girl from the hjd which j j WQ s on fire and carried her to II safety. The child warn uninjured, i The orifin of the fire is uih i known. Mr. Smith carried no bh r surancp

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