THE DANBURY REPORTER. Established 1872. EX-CONFEDERATES RECEIVE PENSIONS NOW ONLY TWO SOLDIERS LEFT IN COUNTY, WHILE SEVENTEEN WIDOWS SUR VIVE SOLDIERS GET S $182.50 EACH. The semi-annual distribution of checks to ex-Conferedate so! diers and widows of soldiers is now being completed by Clerk of the Court J. Watt Tuttle. Only two veterans survive in the coUnty. Class A soldiers receive $182.1,0 twice a year, while Class /. widows get $150.00 semian nually. Class B widows are giv en SSO semi-annually. The list of checks now in hand or given out at Tuttle's office is as follows: CLASS A SOLDIERS Sanford Ring, Westfield, N. C., Co. B. Ist Jr. Reserves. S. J. Wall, Pinnacle, N. C., Co. D. 52nd Regt. CLASS A WIDOWS Mrs. S. G. Arrington, Wide S. G. Arrington, Co. H. 51st Regt. NCST. Annie Carter, widow of D. K Carter, C. Freemans Batn. C. N. Ferguson, widow of J. H. Ferguson, Co. C. 21st Regt. NCST. C. J. Hampton, widow of A M. Hampton, Co. G. 21st Rgt. NCST. Mrs. A. G. Jones, widow of A G. Jones, Co. K. 63rd Rgt. NCST. J. Ann Martin, widow R. T. Martin, Co. H. 22nd NCST. Mary A. Smith, widow of E. E. Smith, Co. D. 4th Rgt. NCST. Sallie Ann Tuttle, widow John Tuttle, Co. G. 21st Rgt NCST. CLASS B WIDOWS M. P. Caudle, widow of W. A Caudle, Co. EJ. 59th Va. * Mary A. Flippin, widow ol John A. Flippin, Co. A. 2nd Reg NCST. V Mary E. Gentry, widow of R. G. Gentry, Co. B. 57th Regt. NCST. Sallie Gibson, widow of Lee Gibson, Co. B. or D. 52nd, Regt «• I^CST. Sarah A. Hicks, wodow of Abel Hicks, Co. F. 21st Regt. NCST. Racchel E Moore, widow of F. N L. Moore, Co. G. 22nd, Va. Nancy Rebecca Neal, widow of H Alex Neal, Co. A. 6th Rgt. NCST Melissa Poore, widow S. I Poore, Co. I. 21st Regt. NCST. M. F Rhodes, widow A. C.! Rhodes, Co. H. 22nd Regt. NCST. Hancock Is Given 20,000 Majority The vote in the congressional race shows substantially the fol- j I __ lowing results: y Surry: Hancock 4,397, Jainc"3' 1,016; Granville: Hancock 3,633,] James 295; Person: Hancock 1,- 740, James 930; Caswell: Han cock 1,890, James 292; Rocking ham: Hancock 4,550, James 460; Forsyth: Hancock 9,457, James 6,802; Stokes: Hancock 1,290, tin' i ■ ■ Volume 64. LawsonviUe News Mr. Wood row Lawson, and little daughter, Barbara Anne, Mrs. J. T. Lawson, Misses Josie and Gladys Lawson, Hallie Spen cer and Mr. Clarence Spencer visited Mrs. Woodrow Lawson and Miss Ruth Lawson. who are attending Summer School at Boone, North Carolina, Sunday. Little Miss Barbara Anne Law son will remain at Boone, with her mother, for the remainder of the summer. The Lawsonville Ball team won another game Saturday, when they beat Big A by a score of 19 to 4. Miss Ruverna Lawson returned to New York Sunday after a week's visit to her father, Mr. T. F. Lawson at Lawsonville. Mrs. J. T. Lawson, Misses Josie. Gladys and Irene Lawson attended a birthday party given by Mrs. Tom Hall at the home o: her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Josh Lawson Saturday night. Mr. Herman Lawson and Mr. Woodrcw Lawson and Httle dau ghter, Barbara Anne, visited the latters grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Simpson, of Leaks vilie, where Mr. Lawson traded cars getting a Dodge. Mrs. P. H. Robertson and Mrs. ,Man Sfceppard visited Mis. Sc.m Lawson Saturday afternoon. Misses Hallie Spencer and Mrs. Woodrow Lawson are planning to attend Summer School at High Point college the Second Term, this summer. The people of the community ire very sorry to lose one of ou' teachers, Mrs. Woodrow Lawson. ■vho will go to Sandy Ridge next year. Mrs. Lawson has been with us several years. The Ball team gave an ice eream supper Saturday night lo try to raise funds to help pay ex penses of the team. P. C. Campbell Has Court Today Justice of the Peace P. C. Campbell disposed of the follow ing case s here today: State vs. James Cook and Henry Cook, of Concord, trans •Xirting and possession of 60 gal. of liquor and reckless drivinc. \rresled by State Patrolman Coman and Deputy Sheriffs 3ert Smith, Everett Wagner and C. G. Ray. Eound over to court in bond of SSOO each. State vs*. Prince Stewart and Tom Lenny, (cel.) of Winston- Salem, transporting and pon iesrion of 20 gal. of liquor. Ar ves'fM by Patrolman Coman an' Deputy Sheriffs Bert Smith Everett Wagner and C. G. Ray. Court and S3?O bead each. State vs. Joe Huffman, of Winston-Salem, reckless driving, "onnd over to court in bond of, "00. State Patrolman Coman mr.d? the rr est. State v.?. John CHm, of Wal nut Cove, driving G3 miles per hour in tho town of Walnut Cove. $5 and cost. Patrolman Coman made the arrest ■ -- - ■ i*i i -j- i Danbury, N. C., Thursday, June 18, 1936 $280,000 NEW BONUS MONEY STOKES VETERANS OF THE WORLD WAR BEING PAID THIS WEEK THIS IN FLUX OF CASH IV A DULL TIME WILL BE HIGHLY AC CEPTABLE, NO DOUBT CONFEDERATE PENSIONS SWELL THE SUPPLY OF FEDERAL SPOXDULIKS. 1 It is estimated that $280,000 of new cash is coming into th? county this week as a result of the world war veterans getting paid dff. These boys will receive more than an average of SSOO each. June is a dull month for business, and the soldiers' pay ?hecks coupled with the nice vompensation being handed out the two surviving ex-Confed erates and the 17 widows of Conferedate soldiers, will be a most appreciable influx of fede ral cash in a dull time. Biff Night For Democrats June 27 At Walnut Cove Saturday night, June 27 from 8:30 to 11:00 o'clock leading Democrats from all parts or ; Stokes will gather to celebrate ' the assured nomination of President Roosevelt. Plans are being formulated to accomodate 500 of the party leaders to si' in and listen to the President's acceptance address over a coss. to coast hook up from Franklir, Field in Philadelphia. These raliles are being held in all over the nation and are to be known as "Roose velt Nominator atherings." The committees for the meet ing while not complete include J. H. Baker, C. E. Davis, W. F Marshall, R. R. Mills, R. .!. Scott, S. G. Sparger, Joe W. Neal, N. E. Pepper, J. J. Taylor, S. P. Christian, W. S. Hart, Ralph Sheppard, Moir Hawkins, Will Poore, Ernest Collins, Clyde Forrest, E. F. Stone, Tom Pres ton, Rex Tilley, Ed Mitchell, Roy Redding, J. C. Carson, Ralph Beck, R. C. White, Dr. G. E. Stone, P. O. Fry, J. L. Christian. A ladies' committee is in the making. All Democrats, their wives, laughters and friends are in vited. It i 3 expected the meeting wii! he held in the school house o: the Legion Hnll at Walnut Cove Marriage At Danbury Monday night, Inn R. Worth and Maria Thomn ■on, both of Forsyth county. O*' f'ciat'irig, Justice P. C. Camp ':oil. 9 ______ Sheriff J. J. Taylor and Attor ney S. G. Sparger left. Thursday night for New York city to wit less the Louis Sohcleing fight: and later to attend the national Democratic convention at Phil adelphia. AT RALEIGH LAST WEEK BIG DELKGATION OF STOKES CITIZENS ATTENDED CON VENTION THE CROWD AT RALEIGH A RECORD BREAKKR HOEY AND MCDONALD BOTH ON HAND. Stokes Democrats who attended the State convention at Raleigh Thursday and Friday were as follows: John L. Christian, M;>. Robert Beck, Mrs. NJapier, of Pinnacle; A. R. Phillips, of Dal ton; Everett Wagner, of Germaa *on; W:n. Marshall, Peck Lin vilie, C. E. Davis, Ralph Mills, of Walnut Cove; John T. Tucker and son. of Lawsonville; Dr. J. L. of Pine Hall; J. J. Taylor, S. G. Sparger, S. P. Christian, H. P. Loftis, Bert Smith, R. J. Scott, N. E Penp."r. of Danbury. The crowd at the convention was the largest for years. A'! the hotels were overrun with -clegatrs or guests. Hoey and McDonald, the lead ing candidates for Governor, were I resent attending the con vention r>- delegates. Busy Monday At Campbell's Court Following the week-end whis key brawls, and drunken and .ckless driving. Judge Campbell was busy. By Monday night his blotter showed the following cases dis osed of: St3te vs Edgar Mabe, operat ing under the influence, bone' 'ixed and furnished at $250.00 "or court. Arrest by Coman a:ie Mitchell, State patrolmen State vs. B. F. Shelton, of Madison, operating under the in fluence. Bond arranged and giv en for $250.00, for July court. Arrest by Cpman and Mitchell, State patrolmen. State vs. Spencer Hill, operat ing car too fast, at 75. Bond for court, SIOO.OO. Arrest by Coman and Mitchell, State patrolmen. COLORED CASES State vs. Roosevelt Foddri" operating with improper license. Same, operating without driver's: :ense. Judgment in first casi $5 and cost; second, cost. Arrest ■>y Coman and Mitchell. State vs. Isaac Claybrook, Har vey Claybrook, Thomas Clay '>rock, Josey Martin, E.-ra Ta;- um, Noah Martin, Moir Tafum. Charge, drinking and disorderly "ieir Sandy Ridge colored church. Small fines- and cost each. Ar rests by Deputy Sheriffs C. R. Lawson, A. G. Sisk, R. W. Stc ■vart, H. O. Hooker, Rofct. Joyc> Ernest I-lutcherson and J. P. Warner. Snail fine and co-1 each. Lynnii H;;II !>;t Mon lay fo Berkley, W. Va., where be wii! ''old a position in a fruit stojv "or .W. W. Rhodes, of Lawsou 'ille, who hauls fruit from tli Southern states into West Vir ginia. July Court Jurors Jurors to serve at the July ter m of criminal and civil court were drawn by the Stokes board of commissioners at a meeting here Monday. CRIMINAL COURT (First week) Yadkin township—H. M. Nance. R. S. Spainhour, James Cook. Herman Wolf, W. J. Wall. C. H. Holder, J. E. Ashburn. D. L. E .- wards, N. S. Boyles, M. M. Gor don. J. M. Smith, L. E. Callo way. Big Creek township- C. Slawter, J. W. Collins. Quaker Gap township J. i\ Vaclen, L. E. Smith, J. G. Dur ham. Meadows township- E. A. Long, J. P. Lewis, J amis W. Young .Gaston Tuttle, W. M. Mabe, W. C. Jones, O. M. Flytit. Danbury township- J. Wesley Morefield, J. C. Hill, W. Y. .Voods, J. T. Flinehum, RUFS. ! r' Peters Creek township J. H .Yelson, Tom Flinehum, Jon.-.;. TJuilin, J. T. Mani ing, Chff-lr. - 7aylo", E. G. Pringle, O. C. T;:> - 'or, W. G. Tucker. Sauratown township J. ii Bray, J. W. Allen. Snow Creek township—Free Mitchell, L. E. Hawkins. Beaver Island township—J. B Dodson. CIVIL TERM (second week) Snow Creek township—G. R. Crown, J. H. Duncan, J. M. New man, S. A. Wall. Yadkin L. R. Pulliam, Robert Srowder. Joseph Tilley, Pan! -lis-r, H. C. Patterson. Meadows township Luthei Terry, P. L. Smith. Sauratown township—Strawdy Martin, J. E. Bowman, H. G. Tuttle. Big Creek township—S. 1.. Lawson, J. M. Durham. Quaker Gap township—J. P.. Tilley, James W. Talley, C. A. Mickey. Peters Creek township—Noe! F. Hall, J. W. Lawson, Rufur Mabe. Beaver Island township—Guy Eggleslon, M. R. Wall. Marriages Marriage license has been is sued recently by Register of ~)eeds R. L. Smith to the fol lowing couples: ' May 15: Silas M. Parker, o; ' Winston-Salem and May Bow i nan, of Winston-Salem. May .'sl: D.ivid E. Bowers, o ' Winston-Salem and MiMji . Oroker. of Thomasville. * , May 31: (Colored) W. Gray, of Walnut Cove and V ritiia Welch, of Walnut Cove. .lun- 3: Levie Ashby, 7 2 y: •if ago. of Stokes county a.. Mrs. (eo;*ge Self, 6-1 yis. o;' .: if Stvs county. June 11.: J. Fred Gernor, Jr. Winston-Salem an 1 Mary MoCan'oss. of Danbury. j June 15: (Colored) J» | Worthy, Jr.. of i and Marie Thompson, of Winston- Salem. Number 3,347 R. O. PALMER GIVES FIGURES TREND FROM INDIVIDUAL OWNERSHIP TO FARM TEN ANCY DESCRIBED AS MA JOB PROBLEM STOKES GAIN a FIVE PER CENT. The i rend Imm individual ownership to farm tenaney was ; •-• one n tin- major l , . .... ems o. ti:e ' nr.t . Stats by i'» f>- I'i.'.M-v, of Da-. .:y, N. C., | iUhabiii-...;i n supirvi.i () f thg :v'! Ad>n:nis'iation fop ! Stokes count v. Mr. rainier • i . :'inures complied by the Resettle- I me.nt Administration showing I "hat nearly half of all farmers in j the i nitod States are now ten | ants. ( "Every agricultural section o 'he cour.tiy," he said, "has sunt'} tenancy." It ranges from arouuil eight ;ci ceir. jn the New Eng land states bcttci than forty • -ve ;i; c..;*.. in parts of the j ; ;i " ' a !)';•' of more :„a five per ten*, of all • • •'? i" pans of the The -r " of tin 15(35 census I |;t a.:;i"cul:ure indicates that ! arm tenrncy is still increasing I,n r.ll major sections of the I country. Tenancy in the states of this region is as follows. North Carolina, 142,15S teu- I ?:its. gain of 3 per cent, since ! 193'1; Virginia, 5h,356 tenants, j _,u»n of 13 per cent, since 1930; [Mcntucky, 103.215 tenants, gain jnf 11 per cer.t. since 1930; Ten i, 122.6"7 tenants, gai)n of 11 per cent, since 1930; West j Virginia, 27.021 tenants, gain of 17ti per cent, since 1930. According to information ob- I .tained from the office of the ■ State Agricultural Statistician, Mr. Palmer reports that Stoke* | county had in the year 1935 2,037 j tenant farmers against 1,931 fop '.he year 1930, or an increase of tenant farmers by approximately 5 per cent. I ' Soldiers Pay Comes ; The cx-service boys are riding l high. Their bonus checks have .J ,-rrived. Friday morning at 10 o'clock, . Mrs. Edwin Tavlm entertained I ! ' b; t honoi ing Miss Mary .. v.l is,. nv:- took ' •*' "' ? ." no. a at 5:30 !:. Frances ■ - • i •* ' F.ucillo ' . I'u!- * S. (r. ' \ f!en •' ' I the r,s. ■I ' ', of flnd .w -v. "" .•■ tin's C • j_ j limit Cove, vi.iite.i friends and rela | lives here ,a few days ttiis week.

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