THE DANBURY REPORTER. Established 1872. Volume 64. AT GREENSBORO JULY 16-17-19 i STOKES DEMOCRATS TO AT TEND YOUNG DEMOCRATIC CLUB MEETINGS PRO MINENT SPEAKERS TO AT-J TEND, ■ t It is learned that quite a num ber of Stokes Democrats will at tend the annual convention of the Young Democratic Clubs of North Carolina, which will be held at Greensboro July 17-19 with the executive meeting Thursday night, July 16. Official headquarters will be at the King Cotton Hotel. The program will be ome of the best ever presented by n Young Democratic convention ui this state. Among the guests-of honor speakers will be Senators BaOey and Reynolds, Governor Ehringhaus, Governor-nominate Clyde R. Hoey, Mrs. John Galla her, of Virginia, vice-president of the Young Democratic Clubs oi America; Joe C. Carr, of Tennes see, secretary of the national organization, and J. Druf w Cr'f fin, of South Catolma, director of organizatio I for the h-uit 1 - set-up. The convention will be featured by a delightful program of en- ( tfc-iiinment, Including receptic l, .** i buffet supper, dances and many other enjoyable features calcu lated to make the assembly one to be long remembered, not only for its accomplishment in the political field, but for its refrssh i ing social functions as well. i Reports are coming in to the office of the headquarters of the Y. D. C. at Greensboro daily from many counties throughout the state, indicating the largest and most enthusiastic attendance ever to be present at a conven tion of Young Democrats in this state. It is the hope of the Presi-j dent and others in charge of the I convention that every county in the state will be represented. Toj accomplish this it will be necess-l ary for the counties to organize; or reorganize, as the case may| be, elect delegates, and send in the names of the same along with affiliation fee to the state headquarters in Raleigh im mediately. Those expecting to attend should make their reservations at either the King Cotton or the O. Henry hotels at once ifi order to be assured of proper accom modations. Power Company Coming: In i The Duke Power Company is about to come into Danbury with! > its power and light system. Poles' and wire are being erected near! town. Workmen are here today unloading poles and affixing meters, etc. Only a few days and the county seat will be on the Ibie for super-service. Nearly 1260,000 women in Bri- DEMOCRATS TO ORGANIZE JULY 11 CALLED BY CHAIRMAN BAKER TO MEET AT DAN BURY JULY 18, TO ELECT COUNTY CHAIRMAN—MEET ING AT 2 P. M. HERE Chairman James H. Baker is mailing notices to Stokes Demo crats this week urging them to complete their precinct organiza tions on July 11 and requesting them to meet at Danbury c-i Saturday, July 18, for the pur pose of electing a county chair man to serve for the next two years. It will be recalled that at tha 1 regular time for the precinct or j ganizations to be effected some of the precincts did not complete thair organizations by. electing a precinct committee of five Democrats one of whom must be a woman. It was also under the party law, the duty of the precinct committee to elect one of tbeir number as chairman. This chair man of the precinct committee automat Vally becomes a member of the county executive com mittee, and this 21 members of the executive committee meets and elects a county chairman. Chairman Baker's notice mail « to ec out tms week reads as fol lows: "All precincts that have not organized are requested to have a meeting and organize on Sat urday July 11, 1936 at 3 P. M. "The one that is appointed as Chairman of the precinct Com mittee will be a member of the County Executive Committee and they are requested to meet in Danbury on July the 18th, at 2P.M. to appoint a County Chairman for the coming two years. v "J. H. BAKER, Chm., "Dem. Ex. Com." Mr. Eure Thanks His Friends For Votes To the Editor of The Reporter: I am completely overwhelmed i with joy and gratitude at the magnificient vote I received - for » the high office of secretary of State. I want to thank each and every one who participated in securing my nomination and as sure thsm that they will always have a warm spot in my heart. The secretary of state's office will belong to them, and when ever they are in Ralegh, I want them to come in to see me and afford me the opportunity of rendering to them every possible courtesy and service. The warm est possible welcome will await you. It i 3 impossible, of course, to write to each and every one, so please give this letter space »n your good paper which has been so friendly to me in my cam paifin. With heartfelt appreciation and thanks, I am —THAD EURE. R&lefeh, N. C. July 6, im Danbury, N. C., Thursday, July 9, 1936 COURT SNAPS OFF WEDNESDAY EVE JUDGE WARLICK ADJOURNS ? TERM AFTER THREE DAYS T 1 NUMBER OF CASES DIS POSED OF CIYIL COURT NEXT WEEK. Judge VVilson Warlick, of New-j ton, adjourned Stokes criminal j court Wednesday evening after j large nuir.ber of cases had been c disposed of. as follows: jc State vs. Ray George, reckless jc driving. Capias. •- State vs. Dillard Dodson, oper. i car while intoxicated. 4 months ' on road. Judgment suspended 3 ' years on condidtion he pay a fine of SIOO.OO and cost, and ' I soow food behavior. Driving ' lie mse revoked 12 mos. ' State vs. Roscoe Jessup, opet'. ' oar intoxicated. 4 months' l l. on road. Judgment suspanded 3;' I years on condiditon he pay a fine ' ;of $200.00 and cost and show ■ good behavior. Driving license J revoked 32 mos. State vs. Gene Nelson. A. D.' ] W. Caj>:as. State vs. Lester Wilson an-dj Aubry Ceo):, Manslaughter. Con-j tinted. State vs. Willie Richardson -.nd Will Taylor, Transfer of 1 auto Cost. State vs. Chas. C. Willett, pos session of liquor. 75 clays on| road. Car ordered acnfiscatel I * and sold. ■ ■ State vs. Pearl Wall, F. and A.I ! J 4 months in jail and to be as-! signed to work at either the jail J 1 or County Home at discretion of I County Commissioners. ' State vs. M. B. Cook, reckless driving. $25.00 and cost. State vs. James Crouse, driv ing drunk. 75 days on roads. Judgment suspended upon pay ment of fine of $75.00 and cost. Driving licenses suspended 12 , months. State vs. Clyde Jones, Assault. ; 4 months on road. Judgment sus pended upon paying a fine of SIO.OO and cost. i State vs. Henry L. Martin, Speeding. Cost. i State vs. Mumford Williams, Possession of liquor. 6 mos. on road. Judgment suspended on .cCndiiton he pay a fine of $50.00 , and cost. The right and privi lege to operate a car in North Carolina revoked 12 months. State vs. Lona Nelson, Driving drunk. 30 days in jail and not to operate a car for 12 months. State vs. Lucy Thore, driving drunk. 30 day s in jail and to work at jail or County Home at discretion of Commissioners. Not to operate a car for 12 months. State vs. Ernest France, driv ing drunk. 75 days on roads and not to drive a car for 12 months. State vs. Dewey Flynt, Mfg. liquor. 4 months on road. State vs. G. A. Hanes, Speed ing. Cost. State vs. Brown Mills, Reckless driving. $25.00 and cost (Continued (m 'page 2.) CLYDE R. HOEY I SWEEPS STATE NOMINATED FOR GOVERNOR , OVER McDONALD WITH MAJORITY OF MORE THAN FIFTY THOUSAND STOKES GIVES HOEY 64:» MAJORITY CLOSE OF THE SECOND PRIMARY. Clyde R. Hoey is the Dem ocratic candidate for Governor of North Carolina by a majority over Dr. McDonald of around 55,000. Horton is the nominee for Lieutenant-Governor. while Eure wins the nomination for Secretary of State. Elsewhere in this issue of the Reporter is published a tabulated statement of the vote in Stokes, [at the second primary of July J, in which Hoey is shown to have ' received a majority over Mc i 1 Donald of 649 votes. Hoey re ceived 1723 votes, McDonald 1074; Horton, 1263, Grady, 962: Eure 1641, Wade, 656. Special Program At Walnut Cove Baptist Church j O. E. Ward, Pastor Eaptist church, announces a special pro gram at Baptist church Sunday evening BP. M. The Friedburg , I male chorus and the Oak Level 1 Female chorus will give a pro gram. Songs that all will enjoy. | The public is invited. There will also be morning service at 11 \. j m. at which time the pastor will preach. j Sunday school 10 a. m. Official Vote Stokes County 2nd Primary, July 4,1936 _ (JOVERNOR LIEUT. GOV SEC. STATE j, i| :! PRECINCTS 4 ! ; ! • * B ! . I ZO2 I ~ ' w Q I H fi •£ r U Q Gfi 1 Gfi 5 o I o afi 1 ( f x Sib e u £ DANBURY 111 15|| 92 J 32 101 V" 23 HARTMAN 12 j 9|| 11 | s|| 13" j 3~j PINE HALL 39 j 83~j] 37~~i MITCHELL ~ 8i _ | 88 |j 70 | 60 || 77 |~SB : E. SANDY RIDGE 78~j 38~T1 56~! 36 11 53 i 38; W. SANDY RIDGE 65~j 3f~jj 22~~j 36~fl 40 "j 20~~\ LAWSONVILLE 6T~j 12 || 19~] 30~|j 38"] 17 T| TILLEY ~~ 961 7|| 64~j 11 || 6IH 16 f MOIR ~ 264 j 21 || 249 | 21 i 248 19~ FBANS 84 | 14~ || 68 | 22 ~fj 73" | 21~j BROWN MOUNTAIN 28 I 18 j| 23~i 15~j] 30" ITT FLINTY KNOLL 83 I ~B~|| 59"j 20]T 22"! 56 j PINNACLE 89 | 87l 47 i 104 '| 1031 5l"lf KING ~"" " 126 | 111 || 50' | 134~f| 97 t" 95 MT. OLIVE 69 I 78 I! 57~ 52~ji 77 37 1 MIZPAH ~ 28" 11 || 10 "j Ml 26 | 4~ WILSON STORE 7r ~173 || 6S I 57 !j 95 | 40 GERMANTON 48 i 28 '| 58 1 14~:|' 62 ! W. WALNUT COVE 110 | 86~|1 84~| 86 i~lO7 1—57I —57 '| E. WALNUT COVE 171 I 117"|~114 | 141 !|~203 'j 56 H FREEMAN _ 9 I 39 l| 5"! 34 _ M 25"! 12 '|| TOTALS 1723T1074 ||~1263~i 962~|1 1641656 ij STOKES PEOPLE WASH'GTON BOUND CUT RATE SIGHT SEEING ; TOUR BEING ARRANGKI) BY "THE REPORTER' About a month hence, when crops are laid by 5 to lit' luxurious Greyhound buses will roll out of Danbury on a Siit'.ir- 1 day at noon with about 2-1> Stokes county citizens. bound for Washington The Nation's Capitol and the most beautiful and interesting city in the world. The first stop will be at Rich mond. Va., for supper and a short tour of this city, fond in the memory of every Southerner. Then on to Washington, to a leading hotel, then at 10 P. M. i to a ritzy night club for enter tainment until a late hour. I Sunday morning will see a'.l out. in the buses for a tout of the city— to Mt. Vernon Arling ton. Lincoln Memorial, Wh>l:ing :on Monument, Navy Yard ;:nJ Public buildings. Noon will find all at the commodious dir.: - :;. - scorn of the hotel for a banquet, with speakers of national reputa tion. and at 2 p. m. will start the trek to the surprise event of the 'out. From 3:30 p. m. the Stokes tourists will have the free.ion: •>! I the city, and will board the busses at 11 P. M. for home, ar riving to bepin work not later than 7 a. m. Mcjnday morning. The purpose of this Excursion is to give Stokes citizens an op- I portunity to visit Washington, in j the most pleasant, convenient Number 3,350 CAR CRASH KILLS CHARLEY BULLEN SINDAY K\EMM(i TK\(iKDY AT SANDY KHHiK VOI'NG MAN WAS SI'KKDIM; WIIKN HIS CAR HIT AMUTIfKK WITH FATAL KKSII.T. Charley Bullen, :v i -2. sori i)f Mr. anil Mi.-. S:«rii Built n. was kill»'tl at Sandy Ridge Sunday evening \vh n the .'52 Chi vrolet coach which he was driving hi' the automobile of Bill Corns and turned over several times. It is reported by eyewitnesses that young Bullcn, who was un married, was driving at a high rate of speed when he lust con trol of hjs car. Lawsonville News \ 1 A larpf crowd at tended the i services and foot washing at Piney Grove Sunday. Mr. Charlie Bullin. s:-n of Mr. mid Mrs. Sam Bullin near Sandy Ridge. was killed ir. a ear wreck Sunday af ternoon. Mr r.r.d Mrs. Meal Dalton and family at High Point spent the week-end with Mrs. F. G. Lawson. Mrs. E. G. Lawsuit and daugh 'e! visited Mrs. Hani Joyce at Danbury Tuesday. Mrs. Calvin Mabe has return ed from Stuart hospital where she spent a few days for nervousness. ■ maraier at about one-third the normal cost. M 2^