THE DANBURY REPORTER. «. Established 1872. Volume 64. BAILEY NEW COUNTY CHAIRMAN MEETING OF DEMOCRATIC t EXECUTIVE COMMITTED HERE LAST SATURDAY SIXTEEN OF TWENTY-ONE PRECINCTS REPRESENTED. " *B. P. Bailey, county tax suv ervjsor and former register OJ deeds, vas elected chairman of the Democratic executive com mittee at a meeting of the com mittee here last Saturday. :ils Laura Ellington was named vice chairman, Clyde M. Forres' secretary and treasurer, and Miss Sarah Williamson assistant secretary. Sixteen of the 21 precincts of the county were represented at the meeting. No proxies were used in the voting, secret bal lots being cast. The new precinct committees In the county, the chairman being members of the executive j committee, are as follows: Mizpah—Cary L. Carroll, chm . Mrs. Frank N. Baker, vice-chm., 1L E. Baker, sec., J. T. Bowles, j. J. Terry. DrV^bury—A. J. Sisk, chm.. Mrs. S. P. Christian, vice-chm., R. L. Smith, sec., N. E. Pepper, R. J. Scott . I , King—R. C. White, chm., Mrr ? JS. W. Pulliam, vice-chm., Thco M dare Newsom, sec., G. F. Liv;- •Iffon, C. F. Lawson. >-. s Hartraan —H. G. Alley, chm., ; Mrs. J. T. Flinchum, vice-chm., Pari R. Flinchum, sec., Lester Alley, E. L. Alley, j Pinnacle—E. F. Stone, chm.. Mrs. S. P. Covington, vice-chm., J. L. Christian, sec., E. R. Sams. W. Barber. Flinty Knoll —G. L. Slater, chm., L. M. McKinney, vice-chm., J. W. Sams, S. D. Joyce, Johnny Jones. Tilisy—Geo. W. Stevens, chm.. Mm R. W. Simmons, vice-chm. J. L. Moore, sec., W. S. Tucker, J. T Tucker. Wilson's Store —J. E. Mitchell, chm., P. O. Southern, vice-chm., W. T. Jones, sec., J. M. Carrol' S. L. Johnson. i Mount Olive—J. W. Johnston, chm., Miss Myrtle Boyles, vice chm., Fount Smith, sec., Call;? Bafctr, W. A. Palmer. I, Moir —Clyde M. Forrest, chm.. \l Elmer Shelton. vice-chm., Mrs. Bell Moir, sec., Joe T. Flippin, Edgar Palmer. East W. Cove —W. F. Marshall, chm., Mrs. H. R. McPherson, vice chm., W. A. Neal, sec., John Lewis, Harvey Rothrock. i West W. Cove —C. E. Davis, ehm., Mrs. R. W. Sands, vice chm., H. C. Eurnett, sec., John C. Smith, John C. Bailey. Pine Hall—Dr. J. L. Hancs, • v chm., Mrs. T. D. Preston, vie«- ' chm., Sam Lawson, sec., C. R. Christian, A. J. West Sandy Ridgfe—W. J. Poore, chm., Mrs. Poore, vice-chm., Lowell Poor*, sec., J. V. Martin, Fletcher HalJ. Gennanton—J, E. Wagoner, & Hill vi^chnx,, h, -2L MLL - McKen- LAWSONS BOUND ; OVER TO COURT I TRIAL OF LAWSOXVILLr. CITIZENS WEDNESDAY AT TRACTS LARGE CROWD FRACAS GREW OUT Ol SHOOTING OF A DOG. Jim Tom Law Son was boun.. i over to court here Wedne»tey |in a bond of Sl r o charged with | cruelty to animals. Wo D l . row : Lawson, his son. was bound | over in a bond of §IOO charged ;with assault on Calvin Mate j with a deadly weapon. In a verbal scrap on the high way between Jim Tom and Cal vin, in which cursing afid aouse was charged, both participants were taxed with the cost. Mabe paid his part. Lawson appealed to court. The affair which occurred rt i|M'tcs garage at Lawsonvillc, , appeared to have grown out or • the shooting of Mabc's dog by | Jim Tom. A large crowd assemb led to hear the trial Wednesday, before Justice N. E. Wall, quite a number of witnesses being ex amined cm either side. The evi dence showed that Jim Tom and Calvin were engaged in a dis pute when young Woodrow, who is a son of Jjm Tom, came up sr.d took up the quarrel, which resulted in Mabe being struck in the face and eye with what he contends was a knife o other deadly weapon in the fis* iof Woodrow. A wound was mad? which a Stuart, Va., physiciar. j sewed up. Lawson claims he only used his fist. j A few nights previously. Lawson shot Mabe's bird dog in j his (Lawson's) yard. In passinf the garage he bouteringly in quired of Mabe how "old Bill" 'the dog) was getting along. This started the row. The garage and Lawson's home are right near each other. On account of the promience of the parties, considerable in terest in the affair was taken by the neighbors and the public Revival At Baptist Church A series of revival services will begin at Danbury Baptist church Wednesday night, July 29. The meetings, which will i)c ;in charge of Pastor C. W. Daven- I port, assisted by another preach er. will continue a week or i days. Services will begin at 8 p. m. j The public is cordially invited. i Deputy Sheriff Mack Wall, of Beaver Island township, was : j visitor here Monday. I «. zie. f Mitchell —W. J. Fiynn, chm., , Jer-3ie James, Phil Dt-nlap, sec., Will Ward, Elbert , Rhodes. East Sandy Ridge—Moir Haw . kins, chm. Lawsonville —Z. R. Sheppard, , chm. i Brown lit,— I T, 11. Smith, chm. Freeman—'Jim Craig, chm. Danbury, N. C., Thursday, July 23, 1936 S. S. CONVENTION NEXT TUESDAY IT IS THE PILOT MT. ASSO CIATIONAL CONVENTION, AND WILL BE HELD AT WALNUT COVE BAPTIST CHURCH BRING BASKET I LUNCHES. i The following is the program of the Pilot Mountain Associa tjonal Sunday School convention, to be held at Walnut Cove Bap tist church July 28. Rev. E. F. Baker will preside: MORNING SESSION 10:00 Song and Praise. 10:10 Devotion, W. L. Thornton, 1 Jr. 10:20 Roll Call of Churches, i 10:40 Special Music. 10:45 "My Work, Plans and Workers", A. S. Francis. 11:00 "My Work, Plans and Workers", W. T. Vernon. 11:15 "Associationa! Problems". J. H. Early. 11:30 Appointment of com- I mittees, and announcements. 11:40 Song. 11:45 "The Model Teacher," Dr. Ralph A. Herring. 12:30 Dinner. AFTERNOON SESSION 2:00 Song and Praise. 2:10 Devotion, Ralph Gillespii?. 2:20 "The Need of the 'in Sunday School," Rev. C. E. Parker. 2:35 Conferences. 3:30 Song. 3:15 Reports, and Round Table 3:35 Reports of Committees. 3:40 Special Music. 3:45 "The Investment of Per inality," Dr. I. G. Greer. The following letter is self ex- Sanatory: Kernereville, N. C. July 15, 1936. 3rother Superintendent: Meet your brother superinten dents at the annual Sunday School meeting at Walnut Cove 3aptist Church Tuesday, July 28, at 10:00 o'clock. We will have a great time in an old fashioned Sunday School meet. There will be very little busi ness, but much information and inspiration, and fine Christian 'ellowshp. We do not want to impose tht hardship of feeding a large "rowd upon any one church; so we are asking all the delegates .o bring basket lunches, and we vill spread them together. We want to begin promptly at 0:00 and close at 4:30; there •/ill be no night session. The en lose i program shows what a 'ast is in store for us on that 'ay—don't miss -it —come and a large group of your vorkers and members. Fill in your report, and either send or bring it to the meeting. Sincerely yours, E. F. BAKER, Associational Supt. Special invitation to all teach ers anf superintendents to at tend this meeting. W. E. Collins, of Francisco, was here Tuesday. Poor Print DEATH SUNDAY WALTER W. GEORGE i { t PASSED SUDDENLY AT HIS HOME IN QUAKER GAP TOWNSHIP BURIAL MON DAY AT HOME PLOT. / | Early Sunday, about 8:30 A. M., Walter W. George, aped 60. died at his home in Quaker town&hip. near Clemmons ford bridge. He had been in declining health for a year or more, fol lowing a stroke of paralysis. He was in Danbury a few days ago and appeared to be in better health than usual. [ Sunday morning Mr. George I ate a hearty breakfast after he 'had slept well, but complained |of severe pains in his back and limbs. He suggested that a cot Ibe put on the porch, and on this Ihe lay down to rest, and im- j mediately expired. The im- 1 mediate cause of his death was. probably either heart failure Jr' cerebral hemorrhage. Mr. George was a son of th-, i late Rev. R. W. George, of Fran cisco. and he is survived by hit wife and ten children as fol lows: Reid. Robert, Samuel. Dan and Joseph, Mrs. Earlie I | Smith, Mrs. Powell Flinchum, Mrs. Jessie Simmons. Mrs. Thom '' as Simmons ana by one sing'ife .laughter. He is also survived •he following brothers and sis ters: T. J George, of Stuart, Va.• Mrs. Alice Lawrence, of Winston -alem: Mrs. Cus Simmons, of Mt. Airy; Mrs. Fred Christian, of Francisco; Mrs. Dr. J. T. Smith, of Westfield. The funeral services were con ducted Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock by Rev. John D. Smith, of Pilot Mt. and Rev. O. E. Hauser, of Westfield. Interment was at a plot near the home. The deceased was a good citi zen, honorable in his dealings, true to his friends, and a loving husband and father to his family. He will be missed in the community. Junior G. A. Meets The Girls Auxiliary of Moun tain View Baptist church met ffl its monthly meeting with Miss Rachel Fulk. A very interest&ig program was rendered. The topic was "Good News at St. Louis" All of the members present taking part in the discussion. Those nresent were: The Leader, Mrs. Hubert Earr, Virginia Burge. Vicilla Boles, Lanell Ferguson. Andyth Reynolds, Martha Jane Barr, Burtie Carroll, Adelaide |Barr, Francis Barr, Rachel Fulk. After the meeting adjourned the hostess assisted by her mother served delicious cake and lemonade. The meeting in Au gust will be held with Lanell Ferguson. Rev. John D. Smith, of Pilot Jit., filled his regular appoint ment at the Presbyterian church here Sunday morning. BIG CREEK TOWNSHIP NEWS FRANCISCO BOYS HUNT FOX ES AROUND ROARING GAI' PRIMITIVE BAPTIST TAKING IN NEW MEMBERS WILLIE RAY IS IMPROV ING. Francisco, N. \ W. E. Collins, Jim Martin, Otis N'eal and E. H. Pif:..a.i went fox hunting in R- Gap section Saturday night. a'.! reported a good time and had a grand race. Nice and cool u:- there. The road boys from nea: Danbury are re-working the roads around Asbury this week. , Miss Claudie Jefferson and, | Miss Alma Southern have return- ! .ed to their respective home af-1 Iter a nice visit to Miss Jeffer ' , i uncle in Colorado. While (Out west they visited pevc:r.! 'places of interest. I imagine they, jean tell lots of interesting things !:o their pupils next winter; the; are both teachers in Frar.:i.- -' high school. It seems the Primitive B-.n , tin around State Line churciJ don't need a weeks meeting o stir up a revival. A month ago ! about 5 new numbers were bai - 1 - , i Ciseu ant! taKeii into tire church, i : j j and today 7 more were Eaptii -a., i Later at the church several more i I. . 1 j joined, I suppose they will be Zaptised at the same place, Union Mill r.txt third Sunday. Mrs. Judy Willard is right tick at the home of her son. . John. .. • ; j Willie Ray, who was injured jfcy a mule falling on him last Sunday, is reported to be get | ting along as well as could b ; expected. He will have to wear a plaster cast and stay in the hospital some time yet. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Collins and family visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Denny la.-1 week. The crops were suffering worse around Pilot. No season in the land since crops were planted to amount to any thing. The few showers we are get ting are doing lots of good, al though not nearly enough. Garland Baker Dies After Week's Illness With Appendicitis Garland, the 10-year-old sor. of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Baker, died of appendicitis at a Wins ton-Salem hospital Sunday nigh". No operation was performed r. it was decided by the surgeons ,that the disease had reachr such stages that an operation I was impracticable. i j The interment was at the Dan bury cemetery Tuesday, after services in the Eaptist church conducted by Elders J. W. Tuttie. J. A. Fasrg and W. J. Brown. Subscribe to the Danbury P.*. porter sl.OO per year; 50c for 6 months. Number 3,352 DAMAGING HAIL HITS COUNTY; TOBACCO ANjU CORN DE STROYED IX SOMK SECTIONS WATERMELON RIDDLED MANY FARMERS LOSE. Hailstorms in several sections of tho county during the last few days did considerable dam age to growing crops. R. O. Pal mer shows the Repoiter a leaf of tobacco from tl.e crop of Grover Xeal an the McGill land that con tained 31 holes, also a water melon that was literally riddled with the pellets. Tobacco in some cases was stripped from the stalk which was beaton into the gound. The storm passed over a large streak almost clear across the | county fiom north to south. I Among the sufferers are Grover Neal, Jess Alley, Roy Eullen. Tandy Hicks. Will Yates, John Bn'm, X. E. Tuttle. Wallace , Mabe. Xi.* Mai '.in, N. Tuttle, N. D. Priddy an J many others. \Y. M. S. Meets j The Wc.vian's Missionary Society o: Mountain View Bap ti.-t church met with Mis. R. W. Hc-v:? for its montliiy meeting ! Satui day evening at S o'clock. The president Mis. Mary Mea | dows anj -he pastor Mr. R. W. Hovis both made interesting talks. The topic for the month j was Good News of Kingdom Progress. Hymns were sung, Bible S'.udy and prayer followed by an interesting discussion on the topic of the lesson. All pre sent taking part. 11 members and One visitor were present. Those enjoying the evening were: Mrs. W. R. Boles. Mrs. R. W. Barr. Mrs. Charlie Rutledge, Mrs. Hubert Barr, i ••4 i Mrs. Mary Meadows, Mi's. Jennie Hartgrove. Mrs. J. S. Barr, Mrs. Frank Baker, ** Mrs. Ralph Baker, .J& Mrs. Amos Fulk, 4 J Mrs. R. W. Hovis, Mr. R. W. Hovis. ■*•».», After the meeting adjourned Mrs. Hovis served delicious re freshments. The August meeting 'will be with Mrs. Amos Fulk. Baseball News Good old Stokes county base* ball was broupht to the front Saturday afternoon - n Fling shot met Cedar Branch and Dan bury met Moore's Springs on ILe j Moore's Snnncs diamond. ; Although a few ouvb walked • across the '■!■. r.o :'id into jwhat they thought was third ' base and the afternoon pasacl off peacefully, wi'h all team* displaying real biseball at time* j The outcome of tne Kameg 'were as fol'ovo; Slingeho 10; C». Irtr Bianch 'j. Danbury, Moore's Springs, ** '