THE DANBURY REPORTER. Established 1872. TONSIL CLINIC HERE THIS WEEK MORE THAN FIFTY CHILDREN OPERATED ON HOSPITAL IN CHARGE OF DRS. HEGE, SINK AND COOK COUNTY NURSES ASSISTED BY ! OTHERS. I Between fifty and seventy- j five children have submitted to tonsil operations in the State clinic functioning at the school building here this week. The clinic is in charge of Drs. J. Roy Hege, Rex Sink and Joe Cook, of Winston-Salem. Miss Catherine Nicholson, of Walnut Cove and Miss Dorothy Hamilton, of King, county nurses, are as sisted by Mrs. J&nnie Leake Mes aick, Miss Bertice Holden and Mi&aes Angel, Anderson, Early, Mrs. Wakefield and Mrs. Leo nard. The operations have all been highly successful. Following is a list of the clinic's patients: Rex, son of Elmer Tuttl?. Marion Helen, daughter of Mrs. Etta Clark. Gabriel, son of Lester Nunn. Lois, daughter of Jonah Heath. Ronald, son of Lindsay Burge. Grraldjne, daughter of Parker Hawkins. Levi, son of S. A. Amos'. Kenneth, son of R. L. Shep pard. Wilbur and P. H., Jr., sons of P. H. Robertson. Vance, son of John Jones. Marjie Lee, daughter of A. M. Carroll. Doris, daughter of Morris Stovall. F!oyd, son of J. G. Lawson. Morris, son of P. Ml Stephens. J. Van, eon of H. J. Duncan. Juani'i and Ellerd, children of Reid Jones. Eddie, son of Ed M. Taylor. Dickie, son of S. R. Gibson. Mary Sue, daughter of C. D. Tuttle. Ernest, son of James H. King ton. Margaret, daughter of Rastus Needham. I • Carl Ray and Joe Bill, children of L. P. Pell. i • Odell and Rachel, children of E. L. Alley. Richard, son of Preston Mur t ray. Manaline, child of Manly Dun lap. Colene, child of Jesse .times. Catherine, daughter of Charlie Wilkins. Gorrell, son of Was>h Hicks. Lea and Eloise, children of W. M. Flynt. Wilbur and Bettie,- children oi R. A. Smith. William, son of Fuller Flynt. Berkley, son of Hubert Smith. Ardellia, child of Chester t Wall Maxine, daughter of Fred Sim' mons. Ernestine Brim. * Cecil, child of R«ay Walker. . ,• 14ta, daughter of P. } L#ftia Orene, child of Peter A. Web Volume 64. REPUBLICANS MEET ! AT COURT HOUSE RALLY FRIDAY NIGHT AT TENDED BY CANDIDATES FOR CONJGRESS AND COUNTY OFFICERS YOUNG REPUBLICANS OR ! GANIZE. i * ' j Stokes county Republicans held a rally here Friday night at the court house attended by 150 to 2CO persons. Ed Butler, candidate for con gress and L. L. Wall, of Winston ■ Salem, were present, Mr. Butler i addressing the meeting. The object of the meeting was , principally to organize the young ; Republicans, meetings of this kind being held by the Republi l cans at practically every precinct J , in the county. Robah Browder of • j Germanton is president of the Young Republican clubs, i Among those present at the I meeting were chairman of the ; executive committee, T. G. New,' » 'of King, and vice chairman, Mrs. | Sadie F. Lovins, of Walnut Cove. . OVher prominent Republicans of j the county were at the meeting. 1 Wilcat Veterans State Reunion r' P!an», fv the North, Carolina State Reunion of the 7200 Veterans from this state who - served with the Wildcats are pro gressing fine, f The reunion will open on Sun day, September 6th with registry tions at the O'Henry and Kinji . Cotton Hotels. | An impressive memorial ser -3 vice will be hald at 3 P. M. nrl I smoker at 8 P. M., a reception to the ladies will be held at 6 P.M. '•, Monday, September 7th, (Labor Day), a business session t at 10 A. M.; luncheon at 1 P. M • i parade at 6 P. M. and dance it | 8 P. M. will fill in the day. | Every veteran is cordially in '•! vited. I Squirrell Season 3 The squirrell season will open jin Stokes on the 15th of Saptem -1 j ber. • i Mrs. W. E. Joyce returned , Tuesday from Duke university where she attended the summer school session. • I- i I Orem, child of Peter A. Web i ster. i 1 Nina Lee, daughter of George Dodson. Virgil, son of Frank Lawson. Joseph and Charlie 8., children of Ed Mitchell. , Josephine, daughter of J. A. Wall. | Irene, daughter of Powell t Mabe. ' Fannie, daughter of Mrs. Nelia i I Raymond, son of Banner Young. Clyde, son of Noah Lackey. >' Earl, son of Frank Poore. Dullard, Lawrence, Byqum anf) Ecfset children Wpdiiii?''' ** *> Danbury, N. C., Thursday, Sept 3, 1936 SERIOUS AFFAIR IN ZIFFY ISLAND- I i EPHRIAM DODSON HIT WITH A ROCK BY FRANK VERNON i i NOW IN HOSPITAL WITH j FRACTURED SKULL VER NON IN JAIL. j/ I Ephriam Dodson is in a Ml ' Airy hospital suffering with a : fractured skull, while Frank Ver non is in jail here charged with hitting him with a rock. Dodson is in a very serious condition, though he may recover. The fight occurred in that river section of Sauratown town ship known as Ziffy Island. It is reported the trouble arose out of l a drunken spree. Vernon alleges Dodson was advancing upon him j with a razor when he threw the 1 rock. Dodson is married, has a; I i wife and several children. He is ja son of Frank Dodson. The af fair happened Sunday. The ar- I rest of Vernon was made by Sheriff J. J. Taylor. Moser Reunion The Moser Reunion will be held at Poplar Spring Christian 1 church about 3 miles north of Rural Hall on the Moore'rJ Springs road, Sunday, Sept. 6th. 1 All the Mosers, relatives and 1 friends are urged to be presen. 1 with well filled baskets to en ' joy the day meeting old and making new ones, listening " to quartetts, choir, and duet sing ing with piar.o and string ac j companimcnt. Come one, come j all and don't forget that baskei " | Tilled with good things to eat. 'I T. F. CALLOWAY. »; ■ New Postmaster j! At Mount Airy i • i j Attorney Henry Folger, young est son of Attorney and Mrs. John H. Folger, has been ap pointed acting postmaster at Mt. Airy to succeed Postmaster J. i B. Sparger. 1 GREEN TICKETS The following Stokes county business concerns will accept 1 Danbury Reporter green sub r scription coupons: r T. G. New, King. Hauser & Bailey, Walnut Cove- Jones Brothers, Walnut Cove. Tuttle Motor Co., Walnut Cove. a J. M. Woods, Danbury. Ray Brothers, Meadows. E. M. Taylor, Walnut Cove. Twenty 5-cent green tickets are given out at the Reporter office for every dollar paid on subscrip * I • jtion. The subscriber is able to j' use these tickets the same as j'cash, with .every dollar's wort a of merchandisa purchased from the above concerns. r Thus the subscriber gets his , paper Virtually free, while ~ the ■ merchant's trad* is increased. '' Other merchants are invited tc 0 get in on this proposition, whifch " ecrtahtly means mere business, . I PLEASANT SOCIAL AFFAIR AT KING MRS. GRIFFIN ENTERTAINS THE YOUNG PEOPLE CAN SMASH NEAR PINNACLE WORK ON THE NEW HIGH WAY PROGRESSING RAPID | LY. Kin£, Sept. 2. Mrs. E. M. M. Griffin delightfully entertain ed a number of young people at her home Saturday. Honoring her son, Ralton Griffin on his twenty first anniversary. The large porch was decorated with a variety ol summer, flowers and Japanese lanterns carrying out a ' color scheme of pink and white in every detail. Thj feature of the party was • the large birthday cake of pink j and white with its glowing ' candles. Many interesting games and contests were enjoyed, with Roy Meadows and Noal Dunning winning prizes for their skill. .1. M. Alley. Jr., and Miss Fulk winning the bubby prize. A small decorated wagon fille I with presents, drawn by little Roda Sisk and Betty Lou Fulk at the close of the festivities emerged from the door of the jhous:, paused in the midst of a circle of quests while the honoree '[exhibited them for the inspection of all present. Mrs. Griffin, host { ess, was assisted in entertaining ; her quests by Mrs. R. W. Boles ' | A ear with Ralton Griffin, ' Glen Moser and Roy Meadows: as occupants turned turtle 0:1 th: ' Lakes to Florida highway r.ev. 1 Pinnacle Saturday night. Griffin sustained two broken ribs, Mos-'i received a superficial woun. 'above the right eye while Mea ' dows escaped with a sevev r shakeup. The automobile v«m; damaged considerably. Dr. and Mrs. Belmont Hels.i I . beck are spending a few day; - with relatives near Lynchburg . Va. The new home oi' Paul Me.i i dows on west Main Street i: nearing completion. 1 Work on the new highw.r being graded through here i being pushed along at a rapi f rate. It is thought that they wil be ready for pouring •• ceme:i within about another mopth. ' An error appeared in the Kin, I news letter last week. It state that Reid Jones had purchased lot on which he would erect new home. This should have rea Reid Boles instead of Rei Jones. s The King Tigers defeatc Southside of Winston-Sahm, in e game played in the King ba park Saturday. Score 5 and 3. , The first Baptist Sunda , school - went on a picnic trip f. n Crystal Lake Thursday. Abou i eighty made the trip which wa g an enjoyable one. e Charles & Carroll and tamil use spendfag a fifteen day vara o tion in 'Washington, Philadelphii h Harrisbos* and Buffalo. They wi *lsß Tisft Canada- on their bap MCDONALD OFFERS HIS SERVICES WINSTON-SALEM MAN WIRI> FARLEY HE LS READY TO SPEAK ANYWHERE FOR ROOSEVELT. , i j Dr. Ralph W. McDonald, w'vi was defeated by Clyde R. Ho . in the recent Democratic natorial primary, has volunti rt 1 to serve as a speaker in ;h • • Democratic national campaign • but (J>es not propose to help e!ec » the State ticket. i In a telegram to Chairm ... 1 James A. Farley, McDonald said: I \ "Believing the re-election el ( i President Roosevelt to be tlu i most imperative concern of the 5 nation today, and desiring to be i v of the fullest possible aid in , bringing abodt an oVerwhelmii'g i g ' victory, I am tendering my ser .. vices to you as party chairm,'in' , and specifically to the speaker f bureau to go anywhere, at { time, in futherance of this great cause of the Democratic party, j! "Please command me and put me to work. L' "Having made approximately „ 200 speeches in a recent Demo 8, cratic primary, I am fully warir. a ed up and ready for the firtn e linc "" n 1 Pegram Reunion Program Ready ; ' Six speakers will feature t!'c program of the eighth annual re union of the family to 'je field at Cc-r-.m M Eire.- ps.l CI.'J:-t St'jl.•■sJale, S'' t . - n 6. ,' A pro*rari that i.iciudcs many singer - and mus cians wa; in ,e noenced by th« reunion con> r.iittce, v/luch urged that all com mittee heads be on the ground: L _ all those attending b.fn;4 lune.i „ ir.t 10 o'clock in the morning o: ' r .. ,the day of the reunion, and th.\t "" 1 baskets for the picnic style d .M --,Jner to Le served at noon, is Speakers of the day will in i'clulc Clifford Frazier a>: jy Robert King, of Greensboro; S E. Hall, of Winslon-Salem; P jj J. E. B. Houser, pastor of th* ill church; C. B. Way and J. C :i t Preston, of Stokesdale. J Singers will include the Wins ig ton-Salem, Forsyth, Twin Ci»y ed' Stokesdale, Piney Grove, an. a i Chambers Brothers quartetts, thi a Walkartown Chanters and tin ad Greensboro Chorus. Music will be given by th Oak Ridge Band, the Merr ed Makers, Bob Thornton's Bin a Birds, of Greensboro, Pegra i ail Sisters and Little Billy, an Fred Marshall Girls of Winston \y \ Salem. t4»' , ; ul ! Mrs. Jessie P. Christian, Mrs 48 H. M. Joyce, Miss Nell Joyc* [Miss Janey Martin and Beverl il>' l-Chris«ian, visited Endless Cavern at- M New Market, Va., the las ta, week-end. traversed a goo rfll portion pf the Skyland Drive > [awl several ot^er j I Number 3,358 A. D. FOLGER AND HANCOCK CROSS ACTION OF (OM.KKSSM AX IN MT. AIKY POKTOFFICK Mt'DDLK, NOT I'NDKKSTOOII MT. AIRY TIM ICS KKI'OKT OF TIIK IM ll>i:.NT. That then is so:.n lajsunde"- s* anding at Mt. Airy ovet Han cock's post of: ce appointment, appears: fioni the i«»!Ii »\v:: re port of 'he j:: i! n' in 11 u las' sisue of the Mi. Airy Times: The appointment of Attorney Henry Folger as acting postmast er canto as a complete surprise; ( to the citizens of Mount Airy Saturday when it became kno'vti I on the streets. There had pre vailed in the public mind the thought that Congressman Frank Hancock would recommend to t'ta post office department at Wasii- J ington one of the two remaining eligible candidates for the post. interview with Congressman Han cock, who was at his home : n Oxford, Sunday, the fifth dis trict representative stated tliit in appointing Mr. Folger "I wish ed to get some loyal Democrat in the office until something de finite could be done jn the near future. The appointment was made with the concurrence of the Surry county chairman A. Folger for the cause of the execut •(> committee and with i . the approval of a number of lead ing ti.ns. It was made in , r?co«:..'i;:i of, n:i! %vl:!i grati tude *'"• '• —.John H. li. i . i for •,!:.• . • of tn-i D: :i - patty • •: i-e thin "0 • V. further ' f • .. t!'is II -i i offen-d s "I i 1 II; . ■. ■ u;..'y to ft-:.. ' i , for 1" ! •:.«■ wh'» l::'" > ' for 1 i pn: . He sta: i'i t t!iis ap- I oi: : :ont li-i | bun .:i_cd to him by liner Senator Jo!in Folger, i aiH ■ (Hancock) !:■ atilv coil | curt'. 1 i.i it. :s. full p"r )- f.o:;:.: irs; >:isi- i!ity ..m the act. 1 T! statcr.HiH •;! II :neo:-!r "'tha' - h apjtolntat was made with the "concurrence of the v Surry county chairman" came in to '.iiect conflict with a state meat maJe by Chairman A. I). s Folger of the executive corn y •' mittee Saturday afernoon. Mr. . Folger declared that lie was 10 ' ["completely astounded by the ap- and knew nothing 'whatsoever about the matter un -13 til he heard it on the streets here ny in Mount Airy." Mr. Folger marte ,e a statement for publication >ll "ilast Friday's issue of the TIMES 1 ' that he would recommend a can ""'didate for the appointment only i alter consultation with the ; Airy executive committee and •s.j then latar with the full county w, I Democratic executive committee, ly, The Dobson attorney emphatically nsi declared that he or his com st mitteeman had not been consult ed |ed about the appointment and ;e. that he knew nothing t ;bout it was mado, ' y» A i