THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872. MICKEY-HAUSER REUNION SUNDAY PROGRAM AT MOUNT PLEA SANT M. E. CHURCH THE • KING CONSOLIDATED ! SCHOOL OPENS SEPT. 18 O. L. RAIN'S TO BUILD NEW STORE OIHLR KING NEWS. I K'-v £!'?!. 9- The third an nual Mickey-Hauser reution and liome coming of Mount -Pleasant M. E. Church near Tubaccovilla will be held Sunday, September 13th with an all day program beginning at 19 :C© A. M. Sunday school, 11:00 A. M., preaching by the pastor, Rev. C. M. McKinney followed by Bingjng until 12:13 when dinner wiD be served. All relatives and friends are Invited to come and enjoy the y day. Don't forget to bring along weirfined baskets. The following groups of quartetts and singers will furnish entertainment dur ing the afternoon: Nance, Mayo dan, Mount Airy, J. H. Norman. Ararat, Rural Hail, Jtorsyth and Mount Olive singers. John W. Mickey, chairman, "Tobaccoville. Route 1, Tl C. The King Consolidated school opens Friday, September 18th. Already teachers »re arriving. Lester *"eSfc,T>l -Salem, was among the visitors here Saturday O. L. Rains ha® let the con tract for a new s£ore building on Depot street. The contract was awarded to "Ernest Slate. The bujlc&ng will ~ta- used by Mr. Rains to take care of his in creasing poultry business. J. W. Beasley and C. T. McG:-e have returned from a businei-.-' trip to Greensboro. Oscar Snider, who underwent an operation in the Baptist .Hospi tal, Winston-Saiem, several days since, for appendicitis !is sulfi cietly improved to be removed to his home just west of town. The stork's work was kinder light last week, the following births being recorded: ,To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Heath, a daugh ter; to Mr. and Mrs. Judso:i Spainhower, a daughter; to Mr. and to Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Boylee, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. of Blacksburg, Va., are vjsfting thert grand son, Dr. Belmont Helsabeck on east Main street. J. Wilson Mitchell has moved into his new home on Broad street. This »is the first new dwelling to be completed on thl new street 4 Henry C. New sum, World War veteran, of was among the visitors here Sunday. ton-Salem Saturday. Score 8 and The *King Tigers lost to South side in a game played at Wins 7. , -» - * Misses Eraie Pitfliam and -t !;' Clara Helsabeck have returned from Knoxvjlle, Tenn., where V| I 1 '•• • ' they spent a few days the guests of*4, *j and Mrs. Kennis Pulliam. W ' H H. A. Lawson spent Sunday in >tl High Point | Volume 64. TOBACCO SOARING HIGHER DOWN EAST i Lumberton, Sept. 7. Today's capacity sale on the Lumberton j tobacco market will weigh out 1 approximately 700,000 pounds and the advance in price will i send the day's- average beyond! §27 per 100. Medium grades smokers, cutters and other fancy grades were from $3 to $5 higher! than they have been this season and were very little short of the prices paid in 1934. With the market's seasonal poundage near ly nine and a quarter million to-j morrow's sale will probably place this market's seasonal sales near 10 million pound figure. WHITEVILLE HAS SCATTERING OF COMMON GRADES OF LEAF Whiteville, Sept. 7. Good tobacco prevailed on the White ville tobacco market today when ■there was a scattering of com mon grades. Estimates placed the poundage at 6001000 pounds and the average at $26.50. The sates are increasing as the season pro gresses. $28.65 AVERAGE REPORTED FOB GOOD SALES AT WILSON Wilson, Sept 7. Selling 599 - 198 pourtur, £v wo fficial a«t r age of $25.65, Ihs W3»on tobaco market today soared $1.30 high er in ar-erage than cm any jr«- | '.nous day this season. Quality of 'leaf "was only lair with all w*ra houss floors clear at 4:30 o'ck>rk. TABOR t'ITY BAS $24.75 AVERAGE FOR ITS. SALES Tf-.bor City, Sept. 7. Sale? of 110,000 pounds of tokacco a: 1 a mice officially reported i! $24.75 a hundred, were made to day t>n the Tabor City market GOLDSBORO HAS $23.90 J AVERAGE FOR DAY'S SALE:, j Goldsboro, Sept. 7. Golds jboro tobacco market Joday sold 140.19S pounds for $33,431».J)0 average of $23.90. How You Get • Your Reporter Free With every dollar paid -on sub scription to the Reporter we I give 20 green subscription tickets. You can use these tickets same as cash in buying from the following Stokes comity I concerns: T. G. New, King. Hauser & Bailey;: Walnut Cove. Jones Brothers, Walnut Cove. , Tuttle Motor Co., Walnut Cove. 1 J. M. Woods, Danbury. | Ray Brothers, Meadows. E. M. Taylor, Walnut Cove. Lawsonville Motor Co., Law-i sonvilla. •" J. W. Linville Filling Station,! Walnut Cove. if *i - Safe On the Bread Lirie' Lefford Mabe, a fine tobatco farmer of BUck Island, passed through' today with a huge load of wheat Lefford's head is level. He keep* himself safe on the bread liae;-' , *j «•»» >• Danbury, N. C., Thursday, Sept. 10,1936 TOBACCO CROP IS DISEASING i AGENT OF THE U. S. DE- ( PARTMEST OF AGRICUL TURE VISITS STOKES LARGE AMOL'XT OF FINE i TOBACCO ON THE FARMS. i (By S. J. Kirby £ T. H. Seir-0 Tobacco Diseases Spreading to' ; New I'ieids Jar.ies F. Bu'.lcck, Agent o;" the U. S. D. A. here this week ! Ito inspect tobacco fields found , that fro m a few fields discovere Ito be infested with GranvilU Wilt a few years since, this j trouble has spread to new lands. The same thing can be said re j garding Black Shank, Southern jHoot Rot and Root Knot. Bul jlock stated that Leaf Spot anc I Black Fire, known generally a£ ; deficiency diseases, probably ar [worse than usual because of thi ' unfavorable season. Fortunately, though serious, these di&eases are still limited to a small number of local farmers I and the annual loss resulting from these is much smaller than in many sections of the state. Bullock suggests A hat farmer.- who find their tobacco infested i with Black Rot, Sore Shin, Gran | Ville Wilt and Root Knot, should •by aH-raeaas adopt crop rotations 'as a means of controlling these | troubles. He says: "To continue 'to plant tobacco on fields known to be infested with ths&a dis eases simply means that the trouble will worse an the losves sustained year afttr ! year v/ill become greater." "H --1 recommends thtii tobacco be fol lowed by rye. seeded with Rad on !Hrr:k' Gra>s > and suggests .hat the rye may be either hav vesl:d or allowed to fall down on the land for sol improvement he secotd year, after which the "tan j shoal d remaju in Redtop the third and fourth yea 11. Then r. may safely go ba-Jk to tobacco. ;Ht says: "This fnui year rota j '.ion will greatly reduce disease trubbles and if carried out over a period of years v.Y.I check the di&exse anil produce higher I quality at a lower cuss." ! Bullock also suggests planting tobacco early and using fertilizers with a higher perce&tteige of potash hi proportion to the ni trate. He says that practice will prove favorable in seducing I leaf spot troubles. Late jpbintinge , show more leaf spot. Bullock took occasion while! ! I here to compliment local fanners ion the large amount of line tobacco found In every section ,of the county. He snya that on every farm visited, even those |in which disease troubles were I most pronounced, he found fields lof high quality tobacco and I took .occasion to compliment several of the growers on the | excellent cures they are making. ;To Consider Farm Organization For some time there has been considerable local interest in a farm organization for Stokes. The. .subject has been discussed , (Continued on ,Page 5). . -J W. P. RAY DIES IN PETER S CREEK ONE OF STOKES COUNTY'S OLDEST AND MOST RES PECTED CITIZENS PASSES FUNERAL AT HOME TO DAY. William Powell Ray, ase.l 31 will be buiied today, in the :U --j ternoon, a: the home cemetery, at Lswcor,'. ji.o *.c:ute 1* Mr. Kay died Wednesday morning, about 2. after a serious illness which began Sunday al though he had been an invalid for several years. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanford Ray, and is survived by eleven sons anc daughters, as follows: Carl Ray, of Walnut Cove, deputy sheriff. Frank Ray, of Boulder. Col. Arthur Ray, of Denver, Col. Eugene Ray, Jesse Ray, Her bert Ray, Mrs. Fronie Simmons,! Mrs. J. T. F'.inchurn, Mrs. Homie I Yost, Mrs. Dennie Smith, Mrs. Harry F. Martin, all of Stokes. The deceased is also survived by the following half brothers: W S. Ray. of Francisco; R. L Ray, of Danbury; R. T. Ray, of Lawsonville. W. Pewell Ray was one of 'fStoke# county's best citizens.' He 'was a man of pure life and clean 'j in his habits. He never touched a drcp of liquor, used tobacco or • r-.vore an oath. He was a member of Peter's Creek Baptist church. He was a pubM? fepiritvi citizen ' and a leader always in move ments for the r^o! of 4 its com munity. • K- will fc? ~r; ::iy mi-cei in "• his church and in the community. Dr. J. W. Neal y/ Of Walnut Cove In Hospital Dr. J. Walter Xeal, of Walnut Cove, is in a \Vin=-:c:i-Sale.-> ■ hospi al for a sludn oi erat'on. Dr. Neal's many fr'c-nds will be relieved to know that his con dition is not serious and that he •.may expected to return home {this week. Fine Watermelons^: Superintendent of the County Th>me H. P. Loftis is a fine farni-j jer, and among the things he | knows how to raise are water-' jnmJ-jns. The Reporter has had jth* pleasure of proving this statement, and'can bear witness Ito the superb quality and size of the Lwftis melons, some of them Iweighjag more than 50 lbs. each. | Hunting Licenses | \J Now On Sale Hunting licenses are on sale at the following places': Booth'.* Cafe, Danbury; W. F. Boles Hdw. Store, Walnut Cove; John Lewis, Southern Power Dam; S. L»j Holland, Germanton; O. W. Sisk, Sing; DDlard Frans; Francisco;. Joe Mabe, Dillard. Please buy licens? and save embarasament. CHARLIE MARTIN", Stakes Game firotector.- Supervisor Of 1 Seed L'lans W. R. James, who is :ii-l:i ' supervisor of government !-.sna for Stokes, Surry, V . :.r.J Forsyth counties, v.-..- i:. town Monday. Mr. James h;. headquarters at 274 P :"ee building, Winston-Salem, itose who wish to con.-ul: ■ :..:n regarding their iieelh .',.y :..jd him. Lawsonville New s Lum Mabe and Bob Joyce IviC. a head-on collision Sunday fce , tween Lawsonville and Pir.i Grove church near R. M. SniithV store damaging both cars badly. | Mr. Mabe's car, a 36 Chevrolet, was' damaged around a bundrt c j and fifty dollars. Mr. Joyce's Fori car around fifty dollars. Several! | occupants of the cars suffered I minor cuts and bruises. Mr. Mabe j !got a broken nose. Dr. Ake:s ... j Stuart, Va., was called to atter.-.i the injured. j Mr. and Mrs. Roba Moore an:: ! family, Mrs. Chas. Moore an-, family, of Lawsonville and Mr. Ernest Mabe and wife, of Leaks ville, were the guests of Mr. anc ! Mrs. N. A. Stephens Sunday, j Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Robertsor. > made a business trip to Winston i Sa.'em Monday. i j Mr. John Lawron, of Kin.';. ■ I visited his brother, Mr. E. G •: Lawson Sunday. . j Mrs. Minnie Lawson, Mrs. Wat; Stephens and Mrs. Hasstll ' visited Mrs. Gc-trtrle Laws-:- ' 7 It*. a.-J ?.!:•«•. Ton Harding, o" i, this T'.F •>:. : .iont Sunday evenin „ .[ .'i'.li - h:ir : arc:its, Mr. and Mrs r&ij Forrest, of Franscisco. Mr. Ucitrt Sheppard and vvi: were here for the week-end. [ Miss Una .Mae Tilley and slst; :• t _ vfeiu-1 Misn Katheryn She; pa: I Sunday. .) Annie May Lawson is spendin. : this wtek with her grandparents • Mi. and Mrs. Wiil Dalton, of : Stuart, Va. jl Mrs. C. R. Lawson and Mrs. J. |W. Lawson visited Mrs. F. T. Tilley Sunday. I Chicken Stew To Be i Given at Delta Sat. ' Thero will be a chicken slew held at Delta M. E. Church neiir Sandy Ridge next Saturday, SEJU. 12 at 5 p. m. This stew is bein given under the auspices of the Willing Workers class of thi Delta Sunday school. Everybody I s cordially invited to come. There will be Brunswick stew and probably other good things. The proceeds of the stew will go toward the fund the class j' raising to secure a cabinet for the church. Putting Out Long Green The Danbury Reporter is begin ning to put out green subscription tickets. These look good to the merchant who Bees SI.OO jj! trade every tine a. green ticket I ! peep » around the corner. Number ELECTION NIGHT FISTIC BOUT HERE cokbktt prarun storks CHAMPION. WIIJ. KK ( ALL IJ» I PON I(» [IDI CMI HIS TITLH BOB MOKl.t ll A\l) WOOHKOV. I.AHSON I'OSMliJ.i; ( >NVl>'l VM S. Corbet' P:i! ; . who .. :i tlu: boxing 11:::::.; : : -L ' :i;> from Hoy ".Vi! cm 1:..-t will t. | on t•> Jilt:..! his titl in a bout to be i..::jrcil at 2»;:nbury en the night of the el»(tun .it Danbury, Nov. 3. 1036. At least this is the talk of Stokes county sportsmen this week. who. with the opening of the fall, are anticipating some thrills in the boxing world. Quite a number of sports met here this week, and tentative ar rangements were made for a bout on the night of November 1 3, 1D36, at which time it is cer -1 tain a large crowd will be here ' awaiting the election returns. I Bob Morefield, a cafe pro prietor of Walnut Cove, is in the j J limelight at a heavyweight if interesting possibilities. There are those who contend he can knock out any man in the county. | Then there is Woodrow Lawson, a fast and hard hitter of Law . sonvilie, who has a record. I Either of these may be pitted against the Northview Cyclone, known as Corbet t Priddy, who wear. l the Stokes belt in fistic . ac.llshmcnts. It is almost certain that Motv -1.1 ( t La'.vyor. will contend with ' T . , .01 th? ... ~.ip .-( " ■ -i -vi intc.i s! in the ap , 'V ' ' l.t.nsiHil with the advance of November 2. > andy Ri News . '■! M'.'.v J:: ■ ' N n die! 1 S: :• ait rno :i it •'» o'clock. *.va* L u:• i t i >!i, :1. y ;i■- - Uv! k. Th(> funeral v.-:, • i at Delta M. K. Church. . .j*-* .**. .1 ,»':!! \ is-!, .j Misses Pi •! 1 Abbi: Hawkins Sunday • \f C";:it ill: ] Mr. v!:.. Mt:iphy went to sec J ..::nj Max Brown play i>i , " v(, y Man Law- at Madison ?:.-U!('.ay Missvs Vera Carter. Leila an! Bertha Venable. Mrssem Kugena Gray, Theodore Vernon visited the mountains Sunday. Misses Gracie. Lillie Mac Dod. son, Or one Carter and Mr. Ivan Hawkins sf-ert Sunday afternoon in Stuart. Va. Lill:e Mae Podson gave a Wt:n i :cast at her home Friday right. M.. *~J.\ 1 Oakley vkited Miss E.ntese Verncn Saturday night. « To Merchants— -4" Increase Your Fall Trade ! . Vl I G?1 in the Dan bury Reporter's i Trarip-at-Home campaign. The gre-n tickets will ma k e your sales; grow-ari d don't for, get.

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