Page 4 THE DAN BURY REPORTER. N. E. PEPPER, Editor and Publisher (■sued Wednesdays at Danbury. N. C., and entered at the Danbury postoffice as second class matter, under act of Congress. Danbury, X. C., September 17, 1936 Landon and His Budget. The country was struck with wonder and sur prise akin to admiration for a Governor who could make both ends meet and even lay by a surplus during the world's greatest depression. Here was indeed a fiscal necromancer, here was the statesman of the ages, when other com monwealths were in the ruthless red and groan ing with their tax-loads, to pay expenses and have a profit left! But when the news slowly percolated out that the Kansas constitution DEMANDS a balanced budget and that the fine financial statement able to be issued by Landon was only a natural result of LAW, rather than a product of uncanny fi nancial skill and unprecedented wisdom, fore sight and conservatism, our surprise and won der was succeeded by knowing smiles. And then what became of our enthusiasm— When it was further disclosed that the Gov ernor of Kansas had been one of the loudest in his calls for federal aid to his people—and that Roosevelt had sent him more than 450 millions of dollars for Kansas relief—that the State of Kansas had starved its school teachers on an average pay c f 825 per month—and that the State of Kansas was all the time and is now maintaining a tax on land cf $24.50 per thousand ? The bursted bubble of Landon's boasted bud get is one of the prize high lights of the great campaign to stop Roosevelt. Our er thuiasm went the way cf the budget. Stokes and State Highway Funds. The poverty of the State highway depart ment in building new roads or repairing old ones, is nowhere so impressive as in the projects relating to Stokes county... No. S3 is and has been for two years in a deplorable shape, and other roads are badly in need of attention, yet the winter is advancing apace. Stokes county has never had a square deal in road mileage or road attention, and but for its accidental juxtaposition to Winston-Salem we would doubtless be still in the mud. Before the Moon Comes Over the Mountain. Last tobacco fires winking in the distance the parting crack of a squirrel gun deep in the big woods—the subdued croon of a thrush that sings only in lullabies—crows noisily flying homeward—the chuckle of ripe muscadines falling in the thicket —the silly laugh of the brook in the grass—sweet airs coming in with golden rod kisses—a sunset of purple and amber —stars, and the night. i As Maine Goes. The old saying that "as Maine goes, so goes the nation," may not always be taken except with large pinches of salt. For instance, in 1932, Maine went for Hoover, but nearly all other States voted in Franklin D. Roosevelt as President of the United States by an appalling majority, and most of them will repeat it this year. [t would be about as easy for a camel to nego tiate a literal needle as for Maine to go Demo cratic. You might as well expect to see South Carolina in the Republican column. ' Stuart-Winston Bus Line. There is no question that a bus line to haul passengers, freight, express and mail between Stuart, Ya., and ;Winston-Salem would pay. There is now a fine hardsurface road between the two points. It is only a 50-mile run. A round trip schedule, going in the rnqming ajid return ing- in the evening", would be of grreat conven ience to the public. , v j; J ji ••••' •' ...i > V *•'" ' i THE DANBUBY EEFOBTER BELK=STEVENS COM PA/NY Trade and Fifth Streets WI/NSTO/N-SALEM, N. C.' * ' \ * .«• » . \ ' w THE BEST LOOKING GROUP NEW FALL SUITS & IN TOWN AT jJL $14.75 ||§n Beyond a shadow of a doubt you will agree with us that these are the best values you've seen at $14.75. Superior qualify woolens, carefully tailored. New j^H 1 Men's Large Size White Hdkfs. 3c Men's New Fall Sweaters $1.98 Genuine Suede Leather Jackets $3.95 WBUKUKfrn "Ide" Duke of Kent Shirts $l.OO iS^ New Fall Hats KM ACTUALLY WORTH $1.98 rt* Choose from over 200 of the season's most flattering I hats—high crowns, off-the-face, beret and brim types tP I —manipulated in the most intriguing new ways. KH Black, brown, green, wine, navy and rust. JU Fall Dresses II In the Economy Dept. ~ • 7 «t 1 qa. t2 qfi ?i^rishar fillip excellent quality crepes J||p| m novelty woolens and f\\ If A np| A TAT 11 other fabrics. Tunic > mm 1 hey Are Worth a-** WM\Wm clirectorie waistlines TUT 1 Iff new sty " e ea^ures , Much More. i'sl tt - b and 38 to 52. Death Of Mrs. Ida Johnson Gerry • I Mrs. Ida Johnson Gerry, of Walnut Cove, was found dead in bed early Tuesday morning. She J was aged 48, and was the widow of the late Capt. T. H. Gerry. She is survived by the following children: Mrs. Howard Marshall, O. T. Gerry, A. -J. Gerry and Theodore Vance Gerry. Also one adopted child Essie Lee Shuskey Gerry and by seven grandchil dren. The deceased was a member of Salem Chapel Christian church. Interment was in the church cemetery. Young Republicans Meet Friday Night The Stokes Young Republican clubs of the county will meet at Danbury Friday night Hon Otis J. Reynolds will address the clubs. I » •« . . ■ Tom Pcttree Crippled Tom Petree, #hile hunting squirrels, dipped and sprained an ankle, necessitating hi* wring qrutches for say, or tiro. * Used Cars ALL RECONDITIONED SEE THESE CARS BEFORE YOU BUY— -1930 Ford Tudor .. $195.00 1929 Chev. 4 D Sedan 195.00 1929 Pontiac coupe 195.00 1929 Ford Coupe ... 145.00 SLATE MOTOR CO. Ford Dealer KING, N. C. STAR their keenness 'nventors of the original safety ttsor. Star Single-edge Blades have 58 years V of precision experience stropped their keen, (d(e>. If your dealer not aapply you, mail , lOefor 4 blade* to Dept. 78-1, Star BUdb Dtri-M Jefcneen I ,4{ - ''Wm. ■> Winter is Almost Here j Woods IS HERE! WITH THAT "Can't-Be-Beat" SHELL Gasoline and motor oils and a line of Kelly Springfield Tires and Tubes. Nice line of groceries, confectioneries, cigars and cigarettes, cold drinks, etc. WE ACCEPT 1 DANBURY REPORTER 5c COUPON . ON EACH $l.OO PURCHASE Woods' Service Station J. M. WOODS, Owner DANBURY, N. C. STOP YOUR CAR AT Save Money By Using IAtIAC Green 118 In uUIIW UI Uu« Your Purchase WALNUT GOVE, N. C. SHELL GAS, KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TIRES, ETC. Cold Drinks, Cigars and Cigarettes, Confection*. Jim and Spence Will Wtkome You THURSDAY, SEPT. 17, 19S&