THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872. COME TO DANBURY FRIDAY, OCT. 2 I HEAR MUSIC BV THE SI PIECE BAND PLAYING j POPULAR AIRS AND SHAKEi HANDS WITH THE BLITHE AND BLAND BOOSTERS FROM THE WORLD'S GREATEST TOBACCO MAR KET, WINSTON-SALEM -* THE RED-COATED MUSI CIANS WILL STATION THEM SELVES ON THE SQUARE, AND THERE WILL BE SPEECHES. A large Greyhound bus carry ing a famous 37-piece band fol lowed by a motorcade of automo biles with Winston-Salem busi ness men will feature the Ex change Club's Tooacco Marks' Goodwill T.c.! 29 in the market area, October 2 and 3. The Exchange Club band, un der the direction of James C. Teague, will feature the tour and will present 20-minute con cert* in each of the towns on the tour which will c6V€r daring the two days. Populai marches and other band numbers will be Played. a Dr. Howard Ronthaler, prtni dwit of Sal«i College chief* hwwfclrt f6f Ihj an? will head the motfircade which Will follow cifosely behind the huge buij (carrying the bandsmen. Oti October 2, the band and motorcade will visit Walnut Cove, Danbury, Lawsonville, Stuart, Va.; Ridgeway, Va.; Leaksville, Wentworth, Stokesdale, Oak Ridge and Kernersville. On October 3, the motorcade and band will visit Wallbursj, Thomasville, Archadle, Sophia, Asheboro, Seagrove, Ether, Starr. Biscoe, Hemp, Highfalls, Bear Creek, Siler City, Liberty, Julian, Climax, Pleasant Garden and Colfax. Brief talks by prominent Wins ton-Salem business men will be made at each stop. The Exchange Club Banc?, which has played together as a unit for more than a decade, is recognized as one of the out standing musical organizations in the Ftate and has won recognition in national competition. Dressed in red coats and tan trousers carrying a red stripe, the play ers make a colorful group. The concerts will be played in the heart of the towns in which the motorcade is scheduled to Btop. The hour of the concert will be announced in the county or local paper within a few days. At Danbury the red-coated j musicians will station themselves! on the court house square and dispense popular airs. Come out and hear them, and shake hands with the cordial boosters from the world's greatest tobacco mar-; ket The population, the countrv-j ride, the schools and everbody are invited to come out and wel come the good-will friends from: Winston-Salem. . I Volume 64. PRIDDY WILL NOT , FIGHT MOREFIELD STOKES CHAMPION PREFERS j TO MEET WOODROW LAW-j i SON DOES PRIDDY'S RE • FUSAL TO MEET MORE-! FIELD FORFEIT HIS TITLE TO BELT? MOREFIELD ISSUED" CHALLENGE TO i WINNER OF THE PRIDDY i WILSON FIGHT LAST j NOVEMBER. • I Must Corbett Priddy relinquish his title as heavyweight cham pion of Stokes county to Bo:: Morefield ? This question is being discuss ed by local sports who have been agitating a bout between the North View champion and the Walnut Cove slugger on the night of November 3 at Danbury. But they have been met with the refusal of Priddy to fight Morefield. Corbett says he is willing to fight Woodrow Law son of Lawsonville, however. Under the Marquis of code it is claimed that the holder of a title mu* "ight all contenders or surrender his belt. It is stated that Bot Morefield challtngfd the winnei of th€ Priddy-Wilson fight Oti the night of November 11, Armis tice W81n& Cove. The public who are interested in pugilism are very anxious to see Prtddy meet Morefleld, as thelfc twain are considered the bfet; specimens of physical train ing in the county. On the night of November 11, 1935, Roy Wilson, the Stedman lake cyclone, went down before the Norti View hurricane in a swirl of frenzied acclaim furnished by hundreds of fight fans. But be fore the bell had sounded fo: the first round the Walnut Cove twister walked up and announcer his eagerness to meet the guy who won that bout. Although Priddy was awarded the victory, he has never taken official cog nizance of Morefield's challenge At least this is the testimony of the testimony of ringside wit i nesses. However these matters may be it is certain that the local box ing world is becoming het up over the situation aild very anxious to see something happen. Many people believe that Cor bett will fare but middling when Bob puts on the gloves, while on the other hand there are plenty of fans who claim that Priddy has a punch like Joe Louis am 1 can beat any man in the county and that Bob would be easy money for him. Rothrock Family Reunion A reunion of the Rothrock family will be held at the resi dence of E. A. Rothrock, Walnut Cove, on next Sunday, September 27. All relatives and friends are cordially invited to come and bring a well filled basket. Danbury, N. C., Thursday, Sept. 24, 19' STOKES CHAMPION , r^^gMTWr"" --- • -* i i t '* ■j&jMr/ r v-. 'j^^K Mv. CorbeU Priddy defeated Rqj' Wilson at VvainuT Cove on the night of November 11. 1035. Me is now ehaiieneed by Bob Morefield to defend hiß * title. Rfcported that Priddy refuses to fight Morefield, but will meet Wood row Lawson. GRISSOM THINKS HE WILL COME IN REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR COUNTING ON A VICTORY THIS FALL. Cheerfully predicting that be ■'ill be elected November 3, Gilliam Grissom, of McLeansville. and Raleigh, Republican candi date for governor of Tlcrth Caro lina, spent a short time in Greensboro Tuesday night, says the Greensboro News. When reminded' of the large Democratic majorities normally prevailing in this State, Mr. Gris som asserted that many people who have not heretofore voted will cast their ballots for him this year and that there will be a sufficient number of others of 'ike minds to bring about a overturn. Mr. Grissom believes 'hat thousands of the followers ->f Dr. Ralph W. McDonald wi'l 'ast their votes for him and a great Republican victory in the State. With Mr. Grissom was Samuel T. Morris, of Raleigh, who wa r elected by his party at its con vention in Charlotte last spring ns o-e of the Republican presi dental electors. They were re turning to the state capital from Asheboro where Mr. GrissoT delivered a poetical address. LOST—Large male hound, bi? black .anj brown spots, mostly J white. $25.C0 reward will be pnid. Notify H. D. MACKIi:,| Winston-Salem, N. C., Route 1. 2w GEORGE WHITAKER TAKES OWN LIFE WAS EMPLOYED IN WALTER MITCHELL'S HARDWARE STORE AT PILOT LETT HOME AND CAME OVER IN STOKES T O SUICIDE SHERIFF JOHN TAYLOR INVESTIGATES. Sheriff John Taylor wes sum moned to Quaker Gap township Monday to investigate the death 'of George E. Whitaker of Pilot Mountain, who was found dead. The evidence indicated beyond j doubt that Whitaker had taken his own life, his mind possibly be iing unbalanced. He used a shot gun, and the charge blew off a large part of the front and back |of his head. He had been employed for' some time as a clerk. In the hardware store of Walter Mit chell. The Stokes county line is right near Pilot Mountain. Funeral services were conduct-j ed by Rev. John D. Smith and Elder George Denny. Interment followed at Mt. View cemetery. Stokes county. Surviving are Mr. Whitaker's wife, Mrs. Lee Ila Venable Whitaker; two sma'.l daughters. Clara Lee and Melda Jean; his mother, Mrs. B. M. Whitaker; "our brothers, A. C. and W. S., cf Fi!ot Mountain; E. 8., of Wins ton-Salem, and J- W. Whitaker, of Columbia, S. C.; and two sis ters, Mre. Escar Patterson, of Si'oHJn, and Mrs. Lfllie Cae, of Pilot Mountain. . ! YOUNG .DEMOCRATS TO MEET HERK iRALLY SKT FOR MONDA\ NIGHT OCTOBER 5 ||()N j I). E. Hl'DtilN'S 1(1 DELIVEI. KEYNOTE ADDRESS. | At a caucus- of officials ..: 11:. I I Young Democratic Clui. v > Stokes county at Walnut C-jv 'Tuesday night a call v.;:.- {Tor a county wide mevtir.- .if a, jiho young democrais .f •! ( "ovnty to b(> hold at the c.,ur: house in Danburv, Monday niulv i )c"ober 5. at 7 o'clock. Th. j meeting will be open to ali uenu iCrets, both men nnd women, b;- | tWoen the ages of 21 and 40 j other members of the party a: j welcomed as honorary members. At the meeting precinct organi rations will be effected to per form during the pre-election day; I mi for the next two years. Terr porary officers of the club in u county are President, J. G. H Mitchell; First Vice President, iMrs. Grace Taylor Stuart; Se cond Vice President, Clyde M. Forrest; Secretary, Miss Martha ?c\vell. .. j Th3 arrangement committee ''or the county-wide meeting at ! Danbury, composed of Forrest Welch, Joe Sands, Junior Mit- I' Mcfcell, James Easley, James JBurge, L. M. McKenzie, Jr., Joe W. Neal, Robert Williamson. j Lowell Poore, Robah Smith, II i John Nicholson, Dwight Roth | rock and Chas. Craig have sc ! cured one of Greensboro's most , j talented young lawyers. Hon. D. ■ E. Kud_:ns to deliver the keyno'e address. Stokes Boy Makes Good It's a long way from the Buck Island Hills to Hollywood, Cali- Jfcrnia, but young Cecil Campbell Ja native of this locality, first at ' tracted attention by his display of old fashioned musical talent, when he played at local hoe j downs, then he was heard over l WBT for months and thousand? I heard him and extended a helping: hand on his way up. Cecil can be heard daily on WBT at 1 o'clock P. M. in his- program with the Tennessee Ramblers and he has 1 just returned from California Where he and this aggregMior [appeared in a ffeatlire picture I "Riders of the Ranges," and their 'music and histrionic talent added a definite contribution to this successful photoplay. Young Campbell is a son of Mr and Mrs. Fate aCmpbell. Peafh of Capt. Donnel T Funeral service for Capt. W. i C. Donnell, 71, veteran conductor on the Atlantic and Yadkin rai!- , road, who died Tuerday A. M after a sudden heart attack a' 1 ihs home at Sanford, was htla 1 Wednesday at Sanford. j Capt. Donnell was well known Fthe run between Greensboro, alnut Cove and Mt Airy. Number 3,361 'VIRGINIA VISITS DANBIIRV TODAY MOKI; ril \\ (INK 111 NDRKD BOOVJ KKS FFtOM MARTINS VILLK M VKKLT SHAKING HANDS V.ITII (in; FOLK AM) LATINO NOKTII CAR. OLIW MKKD ( HK KIA. TJic proverbial li: . islii,, nnd esteem i •-.v , n Nonh Catolina ;;:kI i 1 s \j: u::j i:i uiisins was rent wed today inj boosters fiom tin* Martinsville, Va., tobacco market with gay streamer on their cats, stormed Danbury and other points of Stokes county. Headed Lv Mayor J. \V. Book- I, President of the Tobacco Board of Trade A. L. Byrd, Vice "resident of the First National Bank, H. M. Dyer, Warehouse men Henry Turner, Chas. Marion, Aubry Fowler and other leading i'.izens of Martinsville, it was i ■'ubilant and cordial throng. More than 30 ladies were in the party, •vh'ch lurched at the local cafe. The visitors were accorded a warn welcome and fed sump tuously on fried chicken. The Martinsville market, only an houi's drive from Stokes, dur ing late years has been steadily growing in volume of tobacco sold, and is expecting this year to largely increase its sales. From Danbury the Virginia .party left to visit various other points. .» ' ' I"Tg"v Yen Get Your Reporter Free With every dollar paid on sub scription to the Reporter we ' trive 20 green subscription j tickets. You can use these "i.!:t?s same as crish in buying |: :om the following Stokes county jconcerns: | T. G. "ew, King. Hauser & Bailey, Walnut Cove. Jones Brothers, Walnut Cove. Tut tip Motor Co., Walnut Cove, J. M. Woods, Danbury. Vj| Ray Brothers-, Meadows. , ' E. M. Taylor, Walnut Cove. Lawsonville Motor Co., Law sonvilh. •l. • f J. W. Linville Filling Station, Walnut Cove. Democrats Put On The Spot T. S. Petree, local Republican, equests the Reporter to an . ounce that he will meet any democrat of Stokes county on ny s'urnp of the county to dis uss the political i«mes in our.ty, State and nation. T. G. Martin Appointed Magistrate Thurman G. Martin advises he has been appointed T.agistrate for Danbury town* sh:p. This gives Danbury town ship three justices, the other two being P. C. Campbell and N. E. Well.

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