TI IE DANBURY REPORTER. Established 1872. Volume 64. BIG REUNION ROTHROCK CLAN MORE THAN FOUR HUNDRED GATHER AT HOME OF E. A. ROTHROCK HON. V. XV. OLIDEWELL MAKES TALK MUSIC BY THE BAND AND A DELICIOUS DINNER. The Rothrocks and their friends gathered at the home of E. A. Rothrock, near Walnut Cove, Sunday for ar. an- nual reunion. There were more than 400 present. Rev. J. T. Rat ledge, an old friend, Methodist minister, read the family's rec- ord, going back more than a hundred years to trace the his- Tory of this fine old Stokes county family. Other Methodist ministers present were Rev. Mr. Bennett, of Danbury M. E. Church and Rev. Chas Hutcher- son, of Walnut Cove. The invoca tion was by Rev. Mr. Bennett. Beautiful and appropriate songs were sung led by Dr. A. J. Essex, of Winston-Sr m. The first number was "Blest Be the Tie That Binds." At the dinner hour, a most ample and delicious lunch was spread upon long tables in the yard in front of tha home. Everybody gathered #nd enjoyed the feast A band of several pieces from Winston- Salem dispensed mußic. 1 It was a most pleasurable day for the big crowd who attended, and there were countless con gratulations and felicitations for the Rothrocks. After the dinner was over, the crowd stood in front of the porch where Hon. P. W. Glide well, in his usual happy and forceful style, made a short talk reviewing incidents of the Roth rocks, coupled with experiences of his own, Mr. Glidewell having been reared in the same neigh borhood and where he lived be fore coming to Danbury to prac tice law. Included in the throng were the following: Z. L. Rothrock, Mrs. Z. L. Rothrock, Mrs. Lara Swaim, Nora Rothrock, Mrs. Tommy Rothrock and family, J. F. Roth rock, Mrs. Jim Alcorn, Mrs. Sterling James, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Alcorn, Mr. and Mrs. Coon Martin, Myrtle Rothrock, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bohannon, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rothrock, Eloise Bohannon, Bobbie Bohan non, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Tuttle, Bettie Frances Tuttle, L. C. Swaim, W. L. Swaim, Leo Swaim, Elmer Swaim, Mr. and Mr 3. Arthur Tuttle. Harold M. Tuttle, Mrs. L. F. Tuttle, Lucille James, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rothrock, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Tuttle, Mrs. G. A. Bryant, Mrs. W. E. Bryant, Mrs. John Philpott, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Southern, J. S. Rothrock and Martha Roth- rock, G. E. Roberts, E. C. Roth rock, Leona Roth rock, -r Dewey Roth rock, Dorothy White, Elsie White, Mrs. Eldred Robbins, Louise Rothrock, Mary Rothrock, Horace Rothrock, Eldred Robbins, Frank Alcorn, J. A. White, Carl White, Sam Phelps, Madren White, Herman White, Ruth Roberts, Leighton Roberts, David Roberts, Elizabeth M. Rothrock, Muriel Rothrock, Irene Rothrock, Dwight Rothrock, Clara Rothrock, Robert Rothrock, Wilson James, Edison James, Ray James. Evelyn Ward, Hilda Tuttle, Mora Bullin, Hazel Fulp, Clarice Moorefield, Lena Moorefield, Kat Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Davis, Clifton Brown, G. H. Moorefield. Polly Vernon, John A. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. N. Mitchell, Laura Mounce, Arvie Mabe, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Tuttle and family, j Mr. and Mrs. Davis Tuttle and family, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Glidewell, Mr. and Mrs. ,J. W. Redman and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Flynt and family, J. Giles Smith, Jodie Welch, Dr«- I Flynt, Sara Pike, Fred Gouy, A. L. Watson, R. H. Sty ron, Kenneth Utt, P. A. Landing ham, Charles M. Craft, H E. Peesey, C. Y. Smith, J. H. Hicks, Frank Snow, C. V. Whitt, Beverly Christian, Dr. DeHart, Junior Campbell, F. P. Martbi, Aubrey Snow, Cleo Crim, C. G. Ray, itferauta- Fulp, R- L. Bmjtfl, Mrs. Leo Swaim, Miss Elaine Middleton, Mrs. C. M. Craft, Jr. Mrs. L. C. Swaim, Mrs. J. A. Neal and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Austin and family, Mrs. Will Tuttle, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Redmon and family, J. T. Rat ledge, Gray Bowman, Edna Wrem," Stell Rierson, Claude Rierson, Mr. and Mrs. J. John Taylor, Angela Taylor, Nellie Louise Taylor, Mrs. N. M. Mit chell, Mrs. A. J. Essex, W. M. I Fulp, N. E. Pepper, Sadie Hut chison, Mrs. J. W. Hutchison. Mrs. J. L. Welch, Mrs. W. M. j Fulp, Mrs. O. M. Flynt, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wall, Mrs. N. F. Beeson, J. L. Welch, J. W. Hut chison, Watt Wall, J. W. Ben nett, J. R. Voss. S. P. Christian, J. C- Bailey, Paul Craig, Hartford Crffcn, W. M. Mitchell, Curtis Tuttle, Willie Bullin, J. J. Taylor, Rose Budd Chamberlain, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Tuttle, Riley Tuttle, C. R. Hut chison, Mary B. Armstrong, Mrs. J. C. Redmon, C. R. Simmon3, Davis Tuttle, John Hampton, J. L. Austin, Jim Bullin, Raleigh Bullin, Dewey Southern, Tom Shelton, Mrs. J. E. Tillman, J. E. Tillman, O. M. Flynt, Jewel Voss, Jane Crews, Aleys Wall, Ruth Moorefield, Marie Tuttle, Mabel Flynn, R. W. Sands, Mrs. R. W. Sands, Evelyn Tuttla, Dr. A. J. Essex, Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Waynick. Mr. and Mrs. Hob bin Johnson, Bill Flynt. MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route of 800 families. Write j today. Rawleigh's Dept. NCI-55 —Sfc RichiAond, Va. i - Sept. 10-23-30 • Danbury, N. C., Thursday, Oct. 1, 1936 ODELL BULLEN DIES AT STUART ACCIDENT ON! THE HIGH WAY NEAR NORTH CARO LINA LINE SATURDAY NIGHT IN WHICH STOKES BOY IS FATALLY INJURED VIRGINIA MAN IN PAT RICK JAIL CHARGED WITH MANSLAUGHTER COLO NEL BULLEN PAINFULLY HURT. Odell Bullen, 24 years of age, son of Mody Bullin, of Lawson ville, and brother of Ernest Bullen, of Danbury, is dead. He passed in a Stuart, Va., hospital Sunday evening after being injured in a crash near the North Carolina line, a few miles South of Stuart Saturday night. His head was crushed and he sustained other serious injuries. An engineer or inspector of Virginia roads, name not learn ed, driving a V-8 roadster, and reported drinking, ran into Bulien's car, a Ford roadster. Bullen was accompanied by his brother, Colonel Bullen, who was painfully injured, and is aow in the Stuart hospital and by Tom Smith, son of John Smith, and who was unhurt in the wreck. Both cars were demolished. At reported to this newspaper, the engineer or inspector, was in the fault, being clearly off his right of-way. Trial is set to be held at Stuart Friday. Odell Bullen, the dead young man, is survived by his father, mother, Mr. and Mrs. Mody Bul len, pf Lawsonvflle, by two sis ters, Mrs. Mattie Mabe, of Spray, end Mrs. Ludie Mabe, of Sandy Ridge and by the following brothers: Ernest, Jesse, Dedie land ColoneL Funeral and burial was at Piney Grove Primitive Baptist cemetery Monday, Elder J. Watt Tuttle officiating. Home-Coming And Rally Day At Delta i —— There will be a Home-Coming and Rally Day at Delta M. E. ■ Church near Sandy Ridge, on the second Sunday in October. Din ner will be served on the grounds. Everybody is cordially invited to come and bring well filled baskets, and all enjoy this occasion together. All former pastors and members are es pecially invited. i It is planned to have the I Home-Coming in the morning , and a Rally Day Program in the , afternoon. The Pageant, "Pledged To Serve" is to be given by the ■ Delta Sunday School. B. LOST—Large male hound, big II black and brown spots, inostly !j white. $25.00 reward will be i paid. Notify H. D. MACKIiO, Winston-Salem, N. CL, Route J. 2w , r . • ..." : U: SANDY RIDGE SCHOOL GROWING NOW HAS 580 PUPILS UNDER PRINCIPAL MACON SEVERAL SANDY RIDGE PEOPLK IN HOSPITAL OTHER ITEMS OF INTER EST. Sandy Ridge, Sept. 29. Our school opened with a large ;nrollment this fall. We haw enrolled about 580 pupils in the whole school system this terni and many of our rooms are very crowded. We are very much pleased with the interest the patrons showed by so many at tending the opening of school. The new school rooms that are being built will be completed next week. We have more than enough pupils to fill these new rooms. We have five new teachers ir. our school this term. Mr. Macon s our new principal. He taught at Churchland, in Davidson county, last year and resigned the position there this term t»- accept the work here at Sand.v Ridge. We like the way he is conduct ing the school and hope that he has another successful school year. WJSS Vaughn from Durham has accepted the position as home economics teacher in this school. Mr. and Mrs. Car Brown visit- -j relatives at Walnut Cove Sun-; day. \ Miss Stella Agnew, of Floyd ' Va., visited her sister, Mrs. | Ruben Zigler Sunday. Mr. Edgar Ellington ma.le a' business trip to Roanoke, Va., Monday. Mr. Ivor Corns, of Critz, Va., had a slight wreck Sunday. Several girls were with him but no one was hurt. Mr. and Mrs. 'Marion Nelson, of Reidsville, visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Dawson from Greensboro, spent a few days here with her daughter, Miss Mabel Dawson. Miss Francis Martin has re turned home after spending a few days here with her daughter. Miss Mabel Dawson. [ Miss Francis Martin has re i turned home after spending a i few weeks in Winston-Salem. Mr. Fonzie Vernon has pur chased a new Chevrolet. Mrs. Ben Roberts, of Winston- Salem, was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Vernon Tues day. Mrs. Daisy Hall is real sick at her home. Misses Aline and i Elizabeth Brown visited Miss Georgia Mayo Sunday. Miss Elsie Grey gave a chicken stew Saturday night. There was a large crowd present and every one seemed to be having lots of fun. Miss Opal Smith spent Sat urday night with Miss Louise Jess up. Mtu. Hat tie Matin, «£ Start, ! Va., is now in the Stuart hospi tal. i I Misses Opal Smith and Louis Jessup and some friends went to J Dover's Leap, Va., Sunday. I Miss Bessie Ellis had an a*- j tack of appendicitis and \v. . ' carried to the Stuart hospital. I Mr. Sam Hill was injured whiU | working at a sawmill by a lo | rolling on his leg. ; t Miss Hester Hawkins vi.sj-v.i \ Miss Anna Lee Hill Sunday. i i Mrs. Mary Shelton is in the 1 .Stuart hospital. She was sevuv." i injured from a fall. Misses Jessie Fralin and Rc : becca Taylor visited Mrs. Ropp. i I c , Hutcherson Sunday. 1 Miss Lillie Spencer, a nurse ; from Shakeford hospital, Mar tinsville, Va., visited friends ani relatives here Sunday. Praaching was held at the ( home of Mrs. M. L. Joyce la Thursday evening. The State dentist was in this ] chool last week doing work for ] ~any of the small children. We j ire very sorry he could not be i with us much longer. l( Dr. Ralph McDonald l Will Speak at Walnut Cove Tonight I Under the auspices of the j Stokes Democratic organization, Dr. Ralph W. McDonald will ad ! dress the people on the issues of j:he day at Walnut Cove school , 'icuse tonight at 8 P. 1.1. I Dr. McPf-- v 'v-*~ i and has many friends and ad- | I i mirers in Sto!:es, and he will j . doubtless be heard by a large audience. t Ivy Royal In Hospital f . e Ivy Royal, a young man liv jing in the Sheppard's mill com-| ■ munitv. is in a Winston-Salem r ! hospital for an operation on his 1 hand. About two weeks ago he ! had his fingers caught between a Ja truck and a rock pile, severely laceratin the fingers so that it j was expected amputation woul J be necessary this week. How You Get Your Reporter Free With every dollar paid on sub scription to the Reporter we give 20 green subscription tickets. You can use these | tickets same as cash in buying jfrom the following Stokes county concerns: T. G. New, King. Hauser & Bailey, Walnut Cove. Jones Brothers, Walnut Cove, t Tuttie Motor Co., Walnut Cove. J. M. Woods, Danbury. Ray Brothers, Meadows. E. M. Taylor, Walnut Cove. Ltnmonville Motor Co., Law sonville. ! J. W. Linville Filling Station, Walnot Cove. .... Number 3362 AUTO CRASH AT DAN RIVER PARK OSCAR SMI)Kit OF KINO IN HOSPITAL WITH SKKIOHS INJt'KIIiS MICH KIILD ING AT KfNCi II K>H SCHOOL HAS RECORD AT TENDANCE CTIIKK KINO HAPPENINGS. Kin?, Sept. .10. Oscar Snider, who was in an automobile wreck near Dan River Park Sat urday night, is in the Twin City hospital suffering with a crush ed leg and a laceration on the head. Mrs. Martha Cook is spending some time with relatives near High Point. The ring of the saw and ham mer are heard in King again, work is well underway on the new brick store for O. L. Rains on Depot Street. Shelby At wood's new home is nearing completion. The new home of J. E. Stone on Main Street has been completed. Paul Meadows has moved into i his new three story home recent jly completed on west Main ' street. Dr. G. E. Stone has let the | contract to O. T. Fowler, of i Winston-Salem, for the erection of a modern new home on the site of his old dwelling, j Grover Pulljam has purchased a lot on Broad street on which he will erect a new home. i The King High School is pro gressing nicely with an enroll ment of 712 pupils. £i..;, con Cai.-.zr, planter resid ' :g jus* of town has a good I . v.p of tobacco but it is rather j late. He pujled his first barn of primings Saturday. Clyde Morefield and Miss Myrtle Newsum motored to Stuart, Va., Saturday, where they ! were united in marriage. L Mack Kirby, of Winston-Salem, ; spent the week-end with relatives here. | ,J£»urtecn patients underwent ' tonsil o|ierations in the Stone- Helsabeck Clinic here last week. They were, Paul Blackburn and Miss Viola Blackburn, of Tobacco ville, Tommy Garland, Miss Elizabeth Warden and Mrs. Il.i.ncy Banner, of Rural Hall, Clyde Kiser, William Webster rnd Miss Mary Lee Webster, of Germanton, Moir Avers and Mrs. Gene Carroll Scott, of Pin nacle. Mrs. W. G. Grubs and Miss Lillian King, of Winston-Salem, Mrs. Ola Denny, of Pi]ot Moun | tain and Theodore Hall, of Moores Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Westmoreland, of Pinnacle, were among the shcp | pers here Saturday. Theadore Newsum, World War veteran, left Monday for Nash ville, Tenn., where he will attend the reunion of the 30th division. The King Tigers lost to Pin nacle, in a game played Satur day. Score 9 and 8. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Brown, of Donnaha, were the guests of Ifr. and Mrs. P. H. Newsum on Broad ftreet Saturday.

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