THE DANBURY REPORTER. Established 1872. COURT BREAKS FRIDAY EVENING MAN? TO SO ADS FOR DRUN KEN DRIVING, ETC. DOCKET LARGELY MADE OF WHISKEY VIOLATIONS NO CIVIL COURT NEXT WEEK. ,• Judge Warlick left this (Fri vfcay) evening for his home, court ..having adjourned. The docket wae congested with many cases for violation of the liquor laws, and quite a number were senten ced tq the roads. Solicitor Koontz speaks tonight at Capella. There will be no civil court Bext week. Cases disposed of at this week's term were as follows: • Hafward Mitchell, possession ol liquor, $lO and. cost. Priiioe Stewart, possession of liquor, $35 and cost. T. L. Booth, cost. Emest Waller, operating car intox., 90 days qm roads. S. C. Westmoreland, and Howard ' Westmoreland, assault With deadly weapon, S. C., S2O jfnd part of cost. Howard, part ot *«■ Roy Bray, transporting, 18 sßqptha on roads. Ji Jim Brown, possession, j>raye: - -Jp* 1 G. R. Stone, operating car in ~ to»icated, 90 days on roads. Odell Carroll, operating ear in toxicated, 90 days on roads. Pete Kirby, reckless driving, $26 and cost Granville Oliver, assault with deadly weapon, nol pros. Chas. Transou and Matilda Shew, possession, cost. Willie Frans, larceny, 6 months on roads. Zeb Donathan, drunk driving, 90 days on roads. E. L. Biby, operating car in toxicated, 90 days on roads. Fred Bennett, attempted breaking and entering, 12 months on roads. , Tdny Lynch, operating car in toxicated, 90 days on roads. In case of assault, not guilty. Paul Newman, breaking and entering, 5 months on roads. Dan Newman, larceny and receiving, 4 months on roads. Claud Roberts, transporting, SSO and coßt. J. F. Vaughn, carrying wea pons, $25 and cost. Roland Mabe, manufacturing, (25 and eost. Dave Dalton, manufacturing, 3 months on roads. Geo; Dalton, manufacturing, 18 months on roads. Goffrey Gilbert, operating car intoxicated, 90 days on road 9. Fannie Hairston, assault, nol proa. Joe France, operating car in toxicated, 90 days on roads. Robert Cardwell, assault. 4 months on roads. James Phillips, drunk driving, 50 days on roads.. ' Richard 1 riall, possession, oost. j (Continued on \: vj • $ « tv Volume 64. SUDDEN DEATH OF S. J. KIRBY COUNTY AGENT OF STOKES •j PASSES AT HOME IN WAL NUT COVE EARLY MON DAY FUNERAL AT HOME, BURIAL AT SELMA. j Samuel Jones Kirby, 49, Stokes | county agent for the past three [years and one of the best-known men in this section of the statt 1 I died suddenly Monday morning at 17:45 o'clock at his home in Wal- I nut Cove. i i A native of Selma, Mr. Kirby j bad besn connected with the 'North Carolina State College ex tension service since 1918. He was stationed at N. C. State Ccflege until five years ago when he went to Spruce Pines as county agent for MitcheH county, * where ne remained for two years. He came here three years ago as Stokes county agent, Mr. Kirby had made numerous friends both in thiß and adjoin ing coynties *ince he came here. He wa£ a member of the Walnut Cove Ba£&t and the local couMl ft the Jr. O. U. A. Purv i*H#jfre his widow; four Jones Kirby, J r -> and Annie flirty, ft walnut Cove, %nd uOTtfttwh. The funeral was held at the home Tuesday morning at 10 o'clofck. The pastor of the Bap tist Church conducted the ser vices. Burial was at Selma at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Kirby had a wide ac quaintance in Stokes, where ne served the farmers with energ> and ability. No information as to his =uccessor in the county demon stration work has yet been an nounced. It is learned that the offices here will remain open under the charge of T. H. Sears, assistant county agent. Francisco News Mr. Hundley's six grade gave |an interesting program on Oc tober 14. Several familiar songs were dramatised. The program caused much laughter and was enjoyed by everyone. The school campus has been greatly improved by the grading of the drives in front and arounl the building. We thank the state men very much in helping us to make these drives possible. Several of our teachers are planning to attend the district teachers meeting in High Point this week-end. The marriage of Miss Myrtle Co.Uins and Mr. Sara Jessup came as a surprise to their many friends. He r friends art welcoming back Mm Evelyn McNairy, welfare chief, who returnee to her office here Monday aft& *n absence af> a few days ,wkh ,a alight 111 MM. ko ™ '• .. 'I Danbury, N. C., Thursday, Oct. 22, 1936 SCHICK TEST FOR DIPTHERIA COUNTY NURSES, WITH DR. COOK, OF WINSTON-SALEM, ARRANGE SCHEDULE FOR EXAMINATIONS —PARENTS REQUESTED TO CO OPERATE. The county nurses, Miss Kate Nicholson, of Danbury, and Hamilton, of King, have ar ranged a schedule of times and places to make the Schick test for evidences of diptheria among '.he school children t of the I county. Dr. Cotok, of Winston- Salem, who is acting in place of Dr. Hege, the district health of ficial, w'ill assist Misses Nich olson and Hamilton. The tast dates and places are as follows: MISS HAMILTON: Thursday, October 28: Germanton schoql, 9:00 A. M„ King school, 9:45 A. M., Pinnacle school, 11:00 A. M., Reynolds school, 1:00 P. M., Francisco school, 2:15 P. M. All parentß who have pre school children that they wish tested, are requested to have them at the school at the hour set. MISS NICHOLSON: Friday, October 29: | .Iteteut Cove school, 9:00 A. M., Pine Hall school, 10:00 / M., Dillard Bchool. 10:45 A. M. Sanudy Ridge school. 1:00 P. It Lawsonville school, 2:15 P. U. Danbury school/ 2:15 P. M., Mea dows, 3:00 P. M. Democratic Headquarters Open Day and Night I Stokes county Democratic | headquarters in the Martin build- Img east of the court house square, is open day and night now under the supervision of Chairman B. P. Bailey and his secretary, Thurman Martin. Here welcopne and cordiality, and literature are hustled out un stintedly. ' Young Democrats To Dance At Dan River Park, Oct 28 The Young Democrats will dance and entertain at Dan River Park Wednesday night, Oct, 28. There will be good music and a good time. AH members of the Young political organization with their friends are invited, and there will nq admission charge. Tobacco Selling Good Dan Priddy was here today back from the Winston-Salem j market where he sold with Rex Gas at 38 and 40. Dan is one of Stokes county'* best farmers, and one of Stokes county's beat citizena Roy RMding, John Wade Johnson and J. p. FaiyM«a, Meadows .«■«■*&> cltiaens, Merchants and taam attended court " "" THE CAMPAIGN IN FULL SWING I SPRUILL AT SANDY RIDGE SATURDAY NIGHT, 808 REYNOLDS AT DANBI R\ MONDAY, SOLICITOR KOONTZ A T DILLARD, FRANCISCO AND LAWSON VILI.E YOUNG REPUBLI CANS AT DANBURY FRIDAt NIGHT HOLDING MELT INGS AT ALL PRECINCTS OTIII.R RALLIES COMING. The campaign in Stolres county is now at white heat. Form*! Solicitor Frank Spruill spoke ;o a large audience at Sandy Ridge Saturday On Monday at Danbury Senator Bob Reynold* addressed a court house full of voters. Both Spruill and Reynolds were at their best and made ringing speeches. Solicitor H. L. Kapntz and other speakers met the voters of Dillard, Francisco and Law sonville on several nights this week. The crowds were large and enthusiasm at a high pitch. The Young Republicans met it Danbury Friday night. The Re publicans are holding rallies al most nightly at the various pre cincts of the county. Attendance at these meetings is reported large. , Saturday night at Danbury Hon. J. H. Folgar will addfjeps ;he Young Democrats. Congreae man Frank Hancock is billed for Tuesday night at King. Wedneu day night the Young Democrats will hold a rally and dance st Dan River Park. The campaign will wind up with a big Brunswick stew and % rally by the Democrats at Paul club hquse, a mile west of Danbury on Saturday evening, 6 o'clock, October 31. Hon. Walter Murphy, of Salisbury, will speak. Walnut Cove Boosters | Make Tour Of County The Walnut Cove business men, boosting their fall trade-at-home campaign, visited Danbury and tether points of the county in a good-will tour last Friday. In spite of a deluge of rain, about 35 automobiles and trucks accompanied by music and dis tributing souvenirs and presents, the boosters came, a fine of enthusiastic, hospitable and generous bunch, spending their good money and making every body feel better. They received a cordial welcome everywhere. Hancock At King Next Tuesday Night Congressman Frank Hancock 6 o'clock, October 31. night, October 27, at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Hancock is postel on all the affairs of the New Deal, he is an orator of uncommon ability and Ma address on the political iaraw will be heard by a large cwwi invited, with special W* to the ladies. ' JOHN H. FOLGER SATURDAY NIGHT SURRY COUNTY STATESMAN AND ORATOR TO ADDRESS YOUNG DEMOCRATS IIKRK VvILL REFER INCIDEN 1 VLL> TO AL SMITH AND TIIK LIBERTY LEAGUE. . Eefore the gathering of Yv.::i Democrats here next S.. ui i«r. night, Hon. John H. Folder, leal ing lawyer of Mount Airy an ! one of the leading states'..ui o - North Carolina, will speak. The campaign is soon to oe over, but no address that will bi delivered in Stokes county will command greater attention than that of John H. Folger, who i? very highly regarded in Stokes, i He will discuss the issuts r.ou so prominently before the people, and will have a word to say about A 1 Smith and the Liberty Lea guers, who are doing their best Ito defeat the President and elect Landon. Speaking will begin about 7:3 C P. M. OCTOBER 30 AT DANBURY SCHOOL HALLOWEEN ENTERTAIN MENT WILL BE GIVEN AT NIGHT MUSIC, AMUSE MENTS, GAMES, TACKY CONTEST, AMONG THE FEATURES. A Halloween entertainment will be Riven at the Danbury school house on the night of October 3", Friday night, begin ning at 7:30. The program includes amuse ments of various kinds, games, a fich pond, fortune telling, r. tacky contest and music. The public is invited and 1' cents admission will be charged, proceeds going to the school. Eigrhty-Nine Under Repair Something has happened to i No. 89 State highway which is being repaired. This road has been in a bad fix for a long time. The other day J. C. Frans, of Westfirld, told Zeb Stewart that all his teeth but one had, been | shaken out by bumpy travel over !NO. 89. Now they are hauling crushed stone, and it is hoped (Mr. Frans" last tooth may be saved. D. C. Taylor 111 At Duke Hospital Vade Mecum, Oct. 20. Mrs. D. C. Taylor has just ar rived home from Durham, where she has .been visiting her hu band who twill be in Duke hospi tal taking a treatment for hi>> ;foot for three or four weeks. Mr. Taylor has been critically ill ever since early Spring. We are very sorry to hear that thr doctor* eant Man to locate tl trouble. * Number 3,305 KING CONTINUES TO BUILD HOMES NORM \N WIIITi: Wl) (.KOVKIt PI 1.1.1 AM TO lil il,l»—>C>ol> WKKK FOK MOKK—OTHKR NLWS Oi IMt.KhST. King, Oct. I*l. rues Sisk, ucoMly ! the G. M. Allen hou:..; '.. i YYM M iin stre*. i« ' .-ai:ie leiovered, U'pii!: ! :r ! i; ..'.ite 1. A fonv ul men .n a: work oxcart:'ing f'.be four. !-*tion of a new ho;.a- to br vie ted by Norrr.nn Wi.ite on Sprun street. Mallard Alley lit!" accepted .1 position as bookkeeper with a Hillsviile. Va. concert). H* enter ed on his new duties last week. Material is being placed on the site on Broad street pre paratory to erecting a new home ; for Grover Pulliam. Attorneys Gilmer Sparger and |R. J. Scott, of Danbury, were here Friday shaking hands with .old friends. Justice J. Stedman Garner spent the week-end with rela* lives in McLeansville. Albert Kirby, one of the best , and who resides in the Donnaha | known fox hunter? ;n this section section, was a business visitor j here Saturday. I Harry A. Lawson, proprietor of I the Standard Service Station, 1 spent the week-end witlj his I family in High Point. The stork had a very busy i week here lant week. The follow ing births were registered: To Mr. and Carl Warner, a son; to Mr rnd Mrs. Boyd Ferguson, j3 daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. ( Omnie Boyles, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Robertson, a son; |to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bennett, i I daughter, and to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chapman, a son. Mr. and M rs - Edwin Caudla ind P. J. Caudle, of Win9ton , Salem, were among the visitors here Sunday. There is some improvement !rl | the condition of L. S. Grabs, who ihas been right sick at his home lin Northside for several days. — i | How You Get Your Reporter Free With every dollar paid on sub scription to the Reporter we give 20 green subscription tickets. You can use these 'i.kets same as cash in buying from the following Stokes county concerns: Stokes Lumber Co., Walnut Cove, N. C. •• * *» T. G. New, King. Hattser & Bailey, Walnut Cove. Jones Brothers, Walnut Cove. Tuttle Motor Co., Walnut Cove. J. M. Woods, Danbury. Ray Brothers, Meadows, E. M. Taylor, Walnut Cove. Lawsonville Motor Co., La W , sonville. ' . •' • « J. W. Linville Filling Stat**, Walnut Cove, i* ' .■• .> i... i

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