:U® ®ANBURY REPORTER. Established 1872. ROOSEVELT LANDSLIDE ♦ STOKES ELECTS ALL DEMOCRATS ROOSEVELT'S MAJORITY 1126 LEGISLATIVE AND COUNTY CANDIDATES ALL ELECTED B¥ INCREASED MAJORITIES JOHN TAY-i LOR'S VOTE SECOND OM.'-Yj TO PRESIDENT'S ROBAKI SMITH GETS BIGGEST MAJORITY. Stokes goes Democratic with, largely increased majorities, i President Roosevelt's majority is; 1126. His vote wac 4355 to La.i- j don's 3259. John Taylor is re-elected Sheriff over "Boss" Erown, the! vote being 4221 to 3451. Tay-; lor's vote is second only to Roosevelt's, his majoi ity being 770. i Robah Smith, Democrat, for > Register of Deeds, has a majority over Hall, Republican, of 825. | Hoey for Governor trails the . returns, receiving 3884 lo Gris som's 3598. Hoey's majority is 286. It is estimated that one or two hundred McDonaldites vot.d -OVI n i' nif in JMfrr Governor. , Sparger is elected to the . Senate from Stokes and Surry by 9 majority of possibly 2500 the official returns from Surry not yet in.„ Scott wins over Petree for the legislature by a majority of 655. Peter's Creek township goes Democratic by eleven votes. Pine Hall precinct sent up a Democratic majority of 238. King P. T. A. i The P- T. A. of Kin£ held Us regular monthly meeting in the King High School auditorium • Monday evening, Nov. 2. Much interest and enthusiasm was shown on the part of both parents and teachers. The indications are that King Parent Teachers Asso ciation is going to be very activ: in Berving the school as it hac proved to be in preceding years. The following officers were elected to serve the P. T. A. President —Mr. C. R. Carroll. Vice-president, Mr. Paul Mea dows. Secretary, Miss Leona Graham. Mrs. G. E. Stone, who has served as treasurer for some time, asked to be relieved of her dutiea. A treasurer will be named at the next meeting. Publicity Committee: Midd Vera Jones, chairman, Miss Nell Thomas, Mrs. Paul Meadows. The other standing committees are to be named at a later date. * V * You'll regret it : if, you miss outstanding picture "Private Number" starring Rpbt Taylor and Loretta Young, at ,Stuart Theatre, Nov. B*o. .. Volume 64. STOKES ELECTION ! DECLARED LEGAL BOARD OF ELECTIONS HEARS I PROTEST OF REPUBLICANS CCC BOYS WHO CASI BALLOTS AT DANBURY ARi ! WITHIN THEIR RIGHTS REPUBLICANS MAY APPEAL I :• : - !' * j - A written pretest signed fcyji j \V. G. Petree, J. S. Joyce, A. 8., ; Carter and Baxter Hall wa c i presented to the Board ef l l I 11 i Elections here this week, charg-11 j ing irregularities at Danfcury'j j 'precinct wherein about 20 CCC 1 i*' j ramp toys wei e allowed to c?.?t ' • their ballots at Tuesday's etec-jj tion. After hearing the complaint ! and investigating the matter, the' j Board which is composed of C. I j IL. Carroll, chairman, Bill Fulton i i and S. P. Christian sustained the boys in their rights and allowe-J | their votes to be counted. Mr. Ffcilton, the Republican j member of the board, declined to' concur in the decision. The contention of the Repub- was that the CCC boys ''S * and had no right to vote here under 1 the law. The board took the view that the voters had taken the oath prescribed by the election law qualifying legalized voters, ani 1 -hat there was no evidence but 1 that they met the legal require- J 1 ments. f The Board of Election? c together with the county return- 5 ing board, was in session Thurs day and Friday. After canvassing ' the votes of the county the re turning board gave place to thi j session of the Board of Elec- * tions. , The protesting Republicans i evidenced their intention to ap- ] peal to the State board of elec- j tions at Raleigh. ( 1 1 How You Get » Your Reporter Free ■ V With every dollar paid on sub scription to the Reporter we c give 20 green subscription tickets. You can use these j tickets same as cash in buying 1( from the following Stokes county concerns: Z , Stokes Lumber Co., Walnut c Cove, N. C. T. G. New, King. v Hauser A Bailey, Walnut Cove. n Jones Brothers, Walnut Cove. Tuttle Motor Co., Walnut Cove. A J. M. Woods, Danbury. Ray Brothers, Meadows. ' E. M. Taylor, Walnut Cove. Lawsonville Motor Co,, Law- n Bonvilte. ( . . J. W. Mnville Filling Statloa, Walnut Cove. df Danbury, N. C, Thursday, Nov. 5, 1936 President Carries Every State But Two, Even Winning In Landon's Own State Of Kansas • «■# Sandy Ridge News The fair on last Friday after noon in Sandy Ridge was a great success, proving the successful farming that is being done in this section. Also the beautiful pieces showed skilled work from the and work that was? on exhibit by the ladies. Miss Audry Collins gave a birthday party Saturday night. The following ones were present : Misses Georgia Mays, Madaline Vernon, Lillic Mae and Zillia Priddy, Lenora Spencer, Rutli and Aliene Joyce; Mr. Jamie and Clifton Vernon, William and H. L. Wilson, Jr., R. C. Eado.n, Richard Vernon, Willard Wat kins and Kelly Hutcherson. Mr. Edgar Ellington spent last week in Winston-Salem. The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Silas Gibson last Tuesday night. Miss Bernice Styers is visiting Jessie Fralin and Rebecca Tay lor. Miss Lois Tally visited Misses Zeller Mae and " Mozelle White Saturday evening. Misses Eva and Earline Ziglar fisited Miss Mae Case Saturday night. Misses Ruth Joyce and Francis imoa were in Madison Saturday. Miss Georgia Mays was in Uartinsville Wednesday. - Mr. Ray Duncan , and Canity rieited his home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harison -*Mfeed tfr. ami Mrs. Sttm Vernon iflu- ! Walnut Cove Route 1 j The Loyal Wesley class of. t Palmyra Methodist church held j ,1 its monthly meeting at the horn-- dF of Mrs. W. C. White. Friday ! 3 night, Oct. 30. The subject fori e the meeting was, "Gratitude for 1 1 the Beauties of Nature." An in j teresting talk was made by Mrs.) N. S. Mullican on, "Seeing the' a Beautiful in Nature." A solo, j " "Into the Woods My Master ' Went," was rendered by Mrs. W. \ e C. White. Scripture was read by B Mrs. W. M. Fowler and prayer j 1 offered by Mrs. J. L. Spencer. A 1 * I bible contest was held by Mrs. '*; Travis Tuttle, the winner '• the closing song, "For the Mrs. Mullican. The class sang for Beauty of the Earth." Mrs. t White assisted by Miss- Dolly White assisted by Miss Dolly i White, served delicious refresh-i inents. The meeting for Novem ber will be held at the home of Mrs. N. S. Mullican. Miss Meta Ragland, of Keroers ville, spent the week-end as ' guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. I. , Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Eaton and i family, of Pinnacle, visited Mr. j and Mrs. J. B. Greene Sunday. Miss Sue Marie Butner, of i Kernersville, spent the week-eid I with Mr. a>d Mr& Travis Tattle. Mr. Gordon Boyles and Rolland - Garni!, of Winston-Salem; Gla»- 8 tor Jtoes, «f High Point; dam 1 Lewia aaat ttwill Flynt,'' of Walnat O aw% Et. 1, Jtoa 1 Fr&acfci Boat MaUiran Satanfey I .night. i« North Carolina Elects Hoey And State Officers By Huge Majorities—Stokes County Democratic By In creased Majorities HOEY AHEAD B Y 200,000: i ; WILKES COUNTY, AFTER 7Z YEARS, GOES DEMOCRATIC SAMPSON DEMOCRATIC: ' AGAIN. I North Carolina goes Democrat .? j as usual. Hoey lead 9 Grissom by 'JOQ.GOO to 250,000. All Democratic State officers are elected by tre-, ncndoua margins. Wilkes county is Democratic 1 | for the first time in 72 years. I Sampson county, Republican ! stronghold, is carried by the Democrats. | The majority- of President Roowelf in the State is stag gering. Qfi.cial returns arp t. jcor.ie in. So--e estimates are high as 400,000. I ; King News ' King, N'ov. 4. Dr. and Mrs. Belmont Helsabeck have returned from an extended trip to the Bermuda Islands. Grady Newsum, of King and Miss Francis Lane motored to ; Stuart, Virginia, Sunday, where | they were united in marriage. , 1 O. O. Grabs has purchased, from O. T. Fowler, a business lot on Main streeL , The following births were j registered here last week: To Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Dodson, a son, to Mr. and Mrs. John Heath, a, daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hawkins, a daughter; to Mr. and) | Mrs. Willie Forrest, a son and to j [Mr. and Mrs. Julius,.Helsabeck, a daughter. ! Work on a new home for! Grover Pulliam on Broad street is well underway. The Slate Motor Company are repainting the interior of their! building. j £• L. Pulliam has returned fo hi 8 home at Aaheboro after spending a few days with rela-1 tiveaf here. j 1 A; Car being driven by Dewey 1 Low# and an automobile with' Mf ß - Woe Ailed and two children 1 * Wiwloo-Salem collided on 1 Number 3,367 ROOSEVELT LEAD IS NINE MILLION 'nJGKITY IN ELECTORAL COLLI GE OVER 500 SENATE A N I) HOUSE | DEMOCRATIC AGAIN WITH LARGER MARGINS. i Roosevelt is re-elected by the greatest majority in the history ,of the natiop. His ~ popular vote 1 * V J' l«ad is around 9,(KH),00, while his electoral college vote will be 523 to Landon's 8. The President carried every State except Maine and Vermont. Landon failed to carry his own State of Kansas, which went for the New Deal by a largo majenty. T'.:e Senate and the House of Representatives will be Demo ! ::a;ic again with increased i majorities. j The aliasing sweep of the Roosevelt landslide practically wipes out the national Republican party. r.-.:ly in the nivj-ht of Tuesday, Governor Landon «. ngratulated President Roofvveil. The editor of the Literary ! Digest, which predicted Landon's flection by an overwhelming majoiity, refused to comment on j '-he result except to say that he "could not undeistand." AI Smith, the bitter foe of the I P; esident, Hearst and many i Liberty Leaguers," sent their j congratulations. . » 'Main street Friday night. Dewey | sustained several superficial ( wounds about the face and head and one of the children in the Allen car was slightly hurt. . Love's car was only slightly , damaged while the Allen car was ■ damaged considerably. _ j Dr. Garrett Dalton and MadaJine Mulson. of New York City, have returned to their i homes after spending a few days jwith Dr. and Mrs. Belmont Helg*. beck on Main street. : The Halloween Carnival held K the high school building FHday night -was a success.