THE DANBURY REPORTER. Established 1872. TAKING OUT TONSILS AT KING STOXK - HKLSAKI/H CI INK KEPT Bl'SV—i. wsosviUA-: WHIPS KING AT iiASEHALI, —OS HER KINO NEWS OF IN TEREST. King, June ;}. -Tlr- following patients underwent tonsil oper ations in the S'.ane-Helsabvck Clinic last week: Miss Mary Joyce Wilson of RuuU Hall; Miss Geneva Shelton, ol Moor--'-; Springs; Miss Peggy Culler of Pinnacle; Mrs. Thomas Darnell of Geri/ianton; and Clax ton Hall of King Route 1; Mar shal Boyles of King Route 2; and Earlie Moser of King. Attorney Robert Gambell of Sparta, administrator of Shelby U. Atwood, was here last week preparing to wind up this estate. James Burge of High Point wa' a week-end visitor to relative here. Miss Rebecca Helsabeck, who is attending Meredith College, is spending her vacation with her parents here. Work on the new home of L. J Kiser on east Main St. is near ing completion. Harvey Pulliam of Narrows, Va., spent the week-end with his parents here. Albert S. Boles, retired railway mail clerk of Washington, D. C., is spending some time with rela tives here. The King Tigers lost to Law soriville in a game played at Lawsonville Saturday. Score 11 and 5. C. A. WH'ite, who holds a posi tion at Pulaski, Va., is at horn on sick leave. Mr. and Mrs. George Yelver *on of Greensboro spent the week end here the guests of Mre, Yel verton's mother, Mrs. Virginia Pulliam. Thomas Newsum, familiarly known as "little Tom," of the Mount Pleasant section, was here last week exhibiting an old relic which he prizes very highly. The old relic, when closed looks like an ordinary pocket knife ex cept it is some larger, when open ed the handle comes apart form ing a knife, fork and spoon. It was carried and used through the war of 1812 by Mr. Newsum'« grandfather, Thomas Turner Newsum, who procured it from an English soldier. . Fred Newsum Shore, promising young son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Shore, of King, and Miss Mil dred Beasley, attractive young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Beasley, of Pilot Mountain, were united in marriage at Richmond, Va., Frday- After s short honey moon trip they will make their home in King. Mr. and Mrs. Gray McDonnell are the glad parents of a new baby boy. The youngster arrived Wednesday. Rev. Edward Helmich was carried to the Baptist Hospital, Winston-Salem, last week where i be will undergo a major opera- 1 ation. I rt ...i Volume 66 Tiir Through Stokes \ By "Meddlesome Bill" Mr. Editor: I A business trip last week car ' riej jjio fi cm my home, Pilot Mountain, through a portion of, via Reynolds school cor.i r.umiiy nearly to Sandy Ridge. ; rii?rc ws» a blue on part of the ■ trip because one of the tires of 1 j the car was punctured by a horse shoe nail and gashed the tub* I badly. Not being properly pre * pared, we had to retrace to n : supply store and buy a new tube. * I We were flat on the ground about * i threo hours. There was a bright-' -1 er side to the trip. All the wheat i i crops we corld see, small or large, I 'were fine. Many said they had; f j the best crop of v/heat in five j •' or six years. The corn crops were 1 * i fair, but not yet to a state of * boosting of goodnessi Many, farmers were a little blue over! , the prospect of the tobacco crop.! Much replanting had been done, j s | plants falling short and much of' s the crop not yet planted though | hopefulness of an average crop 1 wa s expressed. There were many signs of going - forward along the way. Many homes being remodeled and paint-1 ed and roads being improved in s several places. These conditions are shown in and around town / and adjoining section, remodeling, i ,! repainting and road improve -'ments. The newly changed hign- I way from Winston-Salem via - this piece will soon be open for \ t! travel. This change shortens the I distance to Winston-Salem about j six miles. The crop conditions; - throughout this sections are satis-' -• | factory. The hum of the reaper I and the rip of the scything cra - ( die will soon be seen and heard in - the harvest field. MEDDLESOME BILL, i Pilot Mountain, June 7, 1937. ' J. M. Fagg Is Stricken J. M. Fagg, prominent citizen of Dillard, recently sustained a ( stroke of paralysis, affecting one side. The Last reports from Mr. Fagg indicated that his conditio) was improved. Footwashing at Flatshoal Sunday— Piney Grove Next The Primitive Baptists held a footwashing at Flatshoal last Sunday, attended by a number of people from this section. The regular first-Sunday-in- July footwashing at Piney Grove ' always attracts a large crowd- 1 1 First Plows of Tret Branches . The first farm plows were made J of crooked tree branches and \ worked by man power. Watches Ones Bmao Clocks Watches originally were small clocks and were worn hung from the girdle bsoause they were too large for the pocket. Myer Holder, who has been quite sick at his home here for the past several weeks, i a able to be out on the street again, his friends will be pleased to learn, t Danbury, N. C., Thursday, June 10, 1937 BIG FRISCO SCHOOL ROW HOARD OF EDKATIOX BE- J FUSES TO EMPLOY EITHEB YOBHEES Oil FOIIBEST AS PRINCIPAL, AFT KB HEAR ING BITTERNESS ox! BOLLL SIDES BY DELEGA-i I HONK. Coi'scious that it woul 1 bej damncj if it did and damned if it didn't, tli3 Board of Education i in session here Monday sidestep red the Francisco school squab-J ble, and refused to appoint the, representative of either of the contending factions as principal of the Francisco school. I ! Clyde R. Forrest and W. C. Vorhees were respective aspirants 'for the position, which is the head of one of the best schools in th'-' county, | The committee got together, while here and elected Forrest principal. But the Board, after ( considcir.tion, turned down the i choice of the committee, which is composed of Will George, Frank R. Stone and A. c. Sim mons. Stone and Simmons voted for Forrest, George cast his bal lot for Vorhees. ' A large crowj of Eig Creek citizens were at the court house when the Board met. It was so lai-ge that adjournment was had to the auditorium upstairs, as the Board's room was much too small. Here Chairman Dr. G. R. Stone gave everyone an opportunity to state his or her views. There were many women in the crowd. A count showed 85 of the dele-J gation fo r Forrest, while about 37 favored Vorhees. Walter Ray of Francisco w;i spokesman for the Forrest dele gation and was very frank an explicit in his statements. After the Board had given out its decision to award the appoint ment to neither of the contest ants, the Forrest delegation stag ey a sit-down strike in the hall: and around the door of the Board's room, 'and refused to budge until the Board had ad journed and left STOKES LEAGUE RESULTS: Danbury 10; Germanton 0. Francisco 13; Meadows 11. Sandy Ridge 12; Walnut Cove 3. Rosebud 14; Hartman 3. Won Lost Pet Meadows 4 1 .800 Sandy Ridge 4 1 .800 Rosebud 3 2 -600 Germanton 3 2 .600 1 Danbury 2 3 .400 1 Francisco 2 3 :.400 1 Walnut Cove .... 1 4 .2.00 Hartman 1 4 ,200 ' ] Sandy Ridge «t Germanton. 1 Danbury at Walnut Covte. 1 Where they play Saturday: 1 Francisco at Hartman- * Rosebud at Meadows. c Immy Ltad'f Grave « Jenny Lind, th* Swedish nlghtin- , falti is Inirtil in Malvern, ' NO LIQUOR ELECTION YET ! STOKES IHIV BOARD OF COM MISSIOXEKS SITS DOWN ON APPLICATION' FOB IMMED IATE —MI ST j HAVE PETITION WITH RE ! QUIRED NO. OF SIGNATURES I —-COUNTY TAX BATE MI ST BE RAISER TO MEET SOf IV?. SECURITY EXPENSE IX LESS TAX O X WHISK!)V WOULD AVOID IT. j The Stok''s County board of J commissioners Monday refused to an «lection to vote on 'liquor conii'il, without petitions from the people as the law directs viz., 15 per cent, of the qualified I voters, or about 750 names. The board of commissioners, composed of Rev. J. A. Joyce, . chairman; H. L. Gibson and Harvey Johnson, was in session .'Monday and heard applications .'for p.n immediate election. It was argued by those who had applied (for an immediate election that a . tax on epirits is the only way suf- I Sclent revenue may be rais:d to meet the new social security ex pense without considerably rais ing the tax rate. .J The board of commissioners, i which is as dry as a section of I the Sahara desert, would not tako . |he responsibility, but preferred II that the people ask for an elec j tion through petitions as the law . | directs. i If and when petitions asking i for an election by 15 per cent, of ; the qualified voters are presented | to the board, it will be the board's duty to call on the board of elec tions for a referendum. I "COOL KNIGHTS" TUESDAY NIGHT PLAY TO BE GIVEN AT TIIE SCHOOL HOUSE IN WHICH LOCAL TALENT WILL EN DEAVOR TO HIGHLY EN | TEBTAIN ALL WHO COME OUT TO SEE IT —PROCEEDS FOB THE CHURCHES. "Cool Knights'' is the title of a very interesting play to be given at the school house here next Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Miss Marjorie Edwards of Max ton is the manager, and she is a young lady of fine theatrical attainments. She is here now training local latent for th* show, practicing every night. The assurance is that it will be a splendid show, to which the public is cordially invitted. A small admission fee will be charg ed, the proceeds going to local churches. Among the cast of characters enlisted are: Mrs. AntonokaH, i Mrs. J. C Wall, Misses Lois 1 Martin, Ellen P. Hall, Lois Mar tin, Nell King, Marjorie Pepper; i Messrs. Palmer, Houck, Elling- I ton, Joyce, Morefield, Hall, Cneel. i There will be music and spe- I cialties and • general good time, and you should come and spend a i pleasant evening. j DO YOU DANCE OR DON'T YOU ? I I VA T irnih 'SO Till; Mi A T MiJIMOV/ M'lliV > NT: V T VITI'BDIV VGIIT. 'ills. PUJJPOSE IS>:ING TO IMIS|; I I NIW FOB A XOHLI. , CAUSE. .! I T;.t. daac :> a'id •'ali ments bi-tog fciven to rai • fun )- for the b»ii( fit of T. 15 suff>i*;is jwho arc unable to obtain e*i i trance into regular sjniiuriuius ( Of such is the soiree '.o by at I Piedmont Springs next Saturday I i 1 night, und»r the management cf 1 Misg Kate Nicholson and Miss 1 Lois Martin, county nurses. , 1 There will be a fine orchestra. and there will be both round mid , square dancing. The public is invited to patio;. I ize this affair, as the purpose i.- i to raise money to build a tubei i culosis hospital on the grounds of ' j the county home, and the county I health and welfare departments rare sponsoring it. There arc no' ■ | public funds available for thc^ • .project, s 0 private pubscijptjon • and money received from enter- j • tainmenth arranged by the health nurses are the only means of He , curing the funds, r The admission fee is SI.OO for > men, ladles free, ■L ! ■ Mrs. Lockey Cotter Ser ioulsy lll—Miss Lenna, Hartgrove Weds Lieu ; tenant. r Vade Mecuni, June 4.- Mi«s : Kathleen Taylor, daughter of D.| C, Taylor, left this P. M. fui , Augusta, Ga. She is visiting h«*r sister, Mrs. O. W. Belding, Jr., Missr Taylor «x peels to be gone ( three or four waks, Her plans a»'C to visit Folly H iuli, .Savan nah, Ga., Florida and ' other places souttli bitfore return i ing nome. Her her luek and happiness. Mrs. Lockey Coffer is seriously ill. She has been in declining I health fo r several weeks. We aie j hoping for her recovery. I Miss Ozelma Burwell has been, confined to he r bed for a week > with tonsilitis. Her friends are very glad to know Bhe is improv ing. Mr. Hughes Hall has recently gone through with a sen . jper ation at the Baptist Hospital at Winston-Salem. But he is at home now doing well and we are glad to know of his improvement. The farmers in this section are getting along fine with their |' crops. They are having good 1' rains and everything looks pros perous. / ( Miss Lenna Hartgrove, daugh- ' | ter of Frank Hartgrove decided J she would select a Lieutenant C from Virginia for a husband.They were (married Wednesday P. M. f at 8 o'clock at Rev. Robert Helsa- B beck'e home. We are certainly wishing them a long and happy - life. t Miss Marie Taylor spent the a week-end with Misses Martha and f Adalide Barr. She reports a fini * Number 3,400 Iil(; INI/KKAKK IN TAX RATI; Tills Wll.f, I■, f'ftO.M \l» oi*n:>\ 01 mh xi. sM'i »:» TV MMXxI VX, Kl (OSI u;oiMi >;t.>i \\ imi: TO Ml* »I. ~\ M 1.;,) »o, i v\ s »itiM i.ujt ou. v.fiu ii vi\k lit.k ii VVOT I.I) I'll THI; 1W.1.w I'l I S l'l.lli KiNH I o u MIXTION ON COM'KOL NOW T n;: r * TJN;. i! is estimated that the i"*' of i the social security program whicli Stokes county is compelled by law t«j establish at once, will be no Kss than SIO,OOO per yea-*, and that with its adoption it wiil no necessary for the present tux »•.!?». of $1.54 to be increased t:» . i ■ " '' is reason an overwhel -1 ming change has taken place al most oveijiight on the qd-«tion of establishing liquor control in the county It is estimated that I with a liquor store established, th: county will receive a revenue in taxes on liquor from $50,000 'to 5125/00 annually. s Many people who hf»vo hereto* fore been uncompromisingly dry, and are still dry, now admit that an increase in the tax rate to $2.25 will be almost confiscatory I'n many instant**, and are will. I ins to concede that the legal control of liquor, while producing the taxes, will probably not in crease the consumption of liquor. It i« generally admitted now that whereas a week ago, Stokes county would have certainly vote.! "£afnst con'ro!, that now i'he majority would almost cer tainly be in its favor. ~ f Petititions are being circulated in every township of the county asking for an election. It ** !"'at 'I by the election offuvr* hire that 1100 voters would be necetfsnry to require the commis sion •rs to call on tije board of iflections for a test vote. These names will be rapidly forthcom ing. Immediately upon the comple tion of the petitions with the re quired number of names, a special meeting of the board of commis sioners will probably be called. At this meeting a formal de mand will be made by the com missioners on the board of elec tions for an election. Miss Page Elected. MJSS Evelyn Page was last Monday elected superintendent of public welfare for Stokes. This i 8 the position formerly occupied by Mrs. Evelyn Mo Nairy, who resigned the first of April and removed to Guilford county. What has become of the old fashioned man who thought something could be settled by passing a law? time. Some one said ghc caught a Barr not (Bear) and didn't get frightened. GUMS it was a Um« Barr.