THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1937 LOCALS Mrs. Giimer Sparger joined a party from Walnut Cove at Myr tle Beach and other points in | South Carolina • * • • « Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Moreficld and Joe Martin have returned from a short visit with Mrs. Morefield's relatives in Baltimore. ***** Dr. J. L. Hanes and nurso, Miss Taylor, of Pine Hall, were in Dan ebury Wednesday. * * * * * Mrs J. H. Woodruff and child- ren, Georganne and Joe, Iris Gray and Elizabeth Voss and Alice Craig, of Walnut Cove, visited the swimming pool at Piedmont Springs Wednesday afternoon. * * * * * J. R. Voss of Walnut Cove was in town Wednesday. * * # * * Mrs Frank Lawson and child ren visited relatives in Lawson ville Sunday. » * * * * Mrs. R. J. Scott chaperoned a party of little folks to Pinnacle Monday to attend a birthday * party given by Jean Carroll Beck. Those attending from here wore: Mrs. Scott and little daughter, Patricia. Jean Wall, Virginia Joyce. Pauline and Mary Booth, Josephine Pepper. *** * * Mr. and Mrs - A. J. Fagg of Winston-Salem, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Joyce. * * * * * * Nellie King spent the week-end in Winston-Salem ***** •V Mrs. S. Gilmer Sparger visited Winston-Salem Tuesday. ***** t James B Joyce of Winston- Salem was in town Tuesday. ***** Miss Luna Taylor has return ed from a several weeks' visit to Myrtle Beach, S. C. « t « * ir Mrs William Mi-Canless, Lois Wall, Lois Stephens and Winifred Hall visited Winsion-Salem Wed- nesday. ***** Margie Petrea, Ellen Prathcr Hfrll. Lois Martin, Marjorie and * Ellen Kate Pepper, Beverly Chris tian, Vance Pepper, Ray Sisk, George Petree, Ralph Thomas attended the movies at the Pal metto Thc-are a Walr.u Cove Tues day night. ***** Mrs. Frank Martin chaperoned a party to Moore's Springs week-end. The party included Hazel and Marjorie Petree, I.ois Martin, Elli n Prathcr Hall, M.;i. Thurman Martin, Katherine Sisk.' and Elian Kate and Marjorie Pepper. ***** S. L. Golding was here today from Flatshoal. Mr. Golding has been troubled with rheumatism a good deal lately. ***** Mrs. S. P. Christian and son, Beverly, Misses Janie Martin and Nellie Joyce and Mrs. N. E- Pep per celebrated the fourth with a trip to interesting points in western North Carolina. * # * * * Mrs. J. W. Hall, who is attend ing summer school in Greens- L boro, spent last week-end at her home here. j Elmer Petree spent last week end at Myrtle Beach, S C. ***** Paul Taylor of Winston-Salem is in town this week. * * * * * Georganne Woodruff of Walnut jcove W£>s a visitor in Danbury I Tuesday ***** : Mrs. Edwin Taylor and 3on, EdtHe, with a party from Walnut Cove are spending this week at j Carolina Beach. * * * * * Angela and Nellie Louise Tay j lor are visiting relatives in Dur | ham this week. ***** I N. E. Wall visited Winston- Salem Tuesday. Thurman Martin And His Court Justice of the Peace Thurman Martin's court at Danbury has I recently passed upon the follow j ing cases: I Daniel Koger, drink in publh place, $2.00 fine and costs. Ar lesU'd by Burke Smith. Claude Smith, operating auto mobile while intoxicated, bound over, $200.00 bond. E. Bullen, public drunkenness. Fined SIOO and taxed with costs. | O. George, public drunkenness, SI.OO fine and taxed with costs. Babe Gibson, (col.), public drunkenness, 30 days on public | roads. j J. E. Johnson, public drinking, taxed with the costs. 1 Allen Hill, public drinking, tax ed with costs Frank Mabe, charged with 'drunkenness on public highway land escaping from officers, SIO.OO [fine and costs. Roy Nprman, drunk upon a I public highway, taxed with costs land $2.00 fine. j Maylor Pyrtle, drunk upon a j public highway, taxed with costs | and $2.00 fine. Will Mabe, drunk on a public highway, taxed with costs. | May Pugh, vagr'ancy at King, j ordered to leave county, three ' months suspended sentence | Bob Mitchll (col.), intoxicated on public thoroughfare, taxed I with costs. ) George Welch, operating auto intoxicated, bound to Supeiior' court. Committed to jail upon failure to give bond. | Johnnie Lewis and Snh Spivey, I public drunkenness, taxc-d wit it costs. I W. E. Ogburn, operating auto. intoxicated, S2OO bond for app. ar j in Superior court- Harry Tatum, (col.), public drunkenness, fined SS and with costs ! Otis Ziglar, public d-unketi nc:is, fined and taxed with costs, j Jhnrnie Smith, having in pos session on or near premses, ma- I tet'ial and paraphernalia for pur i ,poi>e of manufacturing liquor, bound > WCI ' to Superior court. I ! Bond S2OO. j Subscribe now for the Danbury Reporter. SI .00 per year. / / / Checks nn n malaria ; \/ in 3 dav« COLDS Liquid - Tablets F|fst I)ay Salve - Nose Drops Headache, 80 minutes Try "Rub-My-Tism"-World's Betd Liniment The people wh 0 "aren't worth a row of pins" are as numerous as they ever were. Receiving Applications For Social Security At Danbury. Applications are being accepted for Old Age Assistance, Aid to Dependent children, and Blir. Assistance at the Welfare De ; part men t in Danbury Applications from those per sons already receiving assistance from the Welfare Department will be received first. In order to avoid confusion, long waiting and the possibility of having to return time and time again be cause of crowds in the Welfare Office persons will be notified by mail when to come to make ap plication. Just as soon as the present case load is investigated all other applications will be ac cepted for investigation. It is expected that the present case loaded will be reviewed and ! investigated by the end of thi.; month. Sandy Ridge Defeats D»'nburv Sandy Rdge. July s—ln a hot- 1 ly contested eleven inning game , ' otween Danbury and Sandv ; Ridge, Sandy Ridge defeated Danbury by the score of 7 to 3 here this evening. Shelton was the hitting and iiolding star for Danbury. He 1 had a triple and a single in five . times up. Troxell and Ham each had two singles in five trips. I In the fifth inning Danbury batted Sandy Ridge's starting pitcher, the great Namon Lawson, out of the box, getting five clean hits and three runs off his de livery before he was relieved by Joyce with none out The Dan bury boys seemed to like their old tea!iin:u". •' twirling. Just too bad, r.a.: .i. Dodson an,l T.?mons did the best hitth'r fo,- Sandy Rdge, the former had a home run and a triple and the later hree singleD in five trips each. Smith. Sore by inninj,:-: R H E Danbury - - 110-0 31-090-00 6 12 2 Saindy Ridge 200..1 02-100-01 1 14 2 Daitery: Danbury Wall and Sandy Ridge—Lawson, Joyce and Stephens- 9 PER^ ,lE COACHES I M A NEW WOMA?TI K 1 thanks to pimsANt. j 1/ Ytl, Pursangcontains,in properly raj ✓ balanced proportions, such proven yft.iSk i ' elements as organic copper and iron. Quickly stimulates appetite and aidsfIJJJSJ! r-fW nature in liuiloiiig rich, red hlootl ffiX 1 cven * n cascs simple anemia. When this bats pens, energy and strength H g*. usually return. Y»u r eci like new. |r*£ w I Pursang from your druggist. Zi.rJx'jita !::rr?RTr.H Letter From Jack Yokum Swamp Hollow, n. c. July 7, 1i»37. ■ editor danbery reporter dere sir i hear that they are goin to hav a lection sune on likeer store !in stokes kounty j want you to fite it yo no tha have tax every thing but liker and now tha want to tax hit thay sa they nede the money to pay old age pensuns I and not tax land so hi let um sel the land if thay don't want to pay tax on It i don own land ami dont want no land i can make licke r on the other fellows lanu ho want to drink the store lick- r any how when tha can git good sugar head livered to them what the sity foks goin to do if we cant make likker and carry it to um what the boys and gals goin to d 0 for liker ho aint 21 if you , cut us off thay cant go in the store i wan you to rite the suger • i alkeed to my preacher about it he says ime rite lies goin to help us fite it i no the siety foks will help U3 fite it tha aint goin t 0 the 'store i wan you o rite the suger co and red devel lie co to send us sum muny to fite it thayll do it if youll rite um a nice letter tell um we are thair best custumers j nother thing the sore wont be open on sunday and way in the nite you no it ant rite to gost , hav sertain ours to sell likker i sell more likker after nite than, , any time and on sunday i hav n I big da ma by i do one thing rong i am honest i dont believe in lyinsj! i do sel young boys and some uv em sell for me thay are sharp no body spects um selling so tha can git by tel your siety frens about j hit tel um to com on an help us fite tel urn we are goin to organ-: ize at onct and if thall stick to us we'll give um a quart extryj nex delivery we >»ak be shore and! tell um tel thes foks whats holler-1 ing about taxes to do like i doj own nothing an pay nothing be| i a fre sitisen thats what gor-i Washington fit england for to be' a fre sitisen tha aint no better! than gorg Washington an henry clay ho wanted liberty we want librty let us aalone an we can furnish the likke,- an not hav a I store an tax. Your frend, jack yokum v>vw vs'* ! Stokes County f o Is Offering Protection Against & | Typhoid Fever ! | and Diphtheria jj 6 § 0 SloKvs county a ::d tile Xortn Uaiulinu s?. a u L ur d 0 $ o1 Health are offuing protc*cti-vn by tiee vaccina.ion V q typhoid lever and uipntiiejia in evei\ tu j.a, X 6 woman and child in the county. A > THKKK t teat meats of typhoid and one of diphtheria 0 Y vaccine ai necessary. Kach is harmless, practically .» Y $ certain preventative, and alnx.fci pajnk s.s Neither $ A causes any sore. X 0 Bring the whole family to tlie nearest dispensary 6 point UKMKMBER! we wish to improve the health ant V q save the lives of old and young, rich and poor, YOl' and A 0 the OTHER FELLOW. X o : X £ Typhoid and Diphtheria Vaccination 0 This Protects You From Typhoid for X § Three Years, Diphtheria for Life in 90 $ 0 Per Cent, of Cases. HAVE YOi BEEN 6 0 VA('Cl\A T EI)? I o Vaccination Will Be Given At The Fol- i $ lowing Places: x 0 Date—Monday, July 12-19-26 0 v Germauion School.. «):oii to 10:Oti A. M. Y Y Roddini:'k Store 10:30 to 11 :3u A. M. A (j King Srlio >1 1:00 to 2:00 P. M. X 0 Finnacl. S-hcnl 2:30 to 3:30 I'. M 0 0 Date—Tuesday, July 13-20-27 X 0 MickeyV Cat age 9:00 to 1» :.'io A. M A Y Reynold's School li):0(> to 11:00 A. M. 0 ? Filling Station at Johnstown 11:30 AM. to 12:00 Y q Francisco . 12:30 to 1:30 P. M X 0 Nelson's Killing Station 1:45 to 2:30 P. M. X o Date—Wednesday, July 14-21-28 $ § Walnut Cove 9:00 to 10:00 A. M X 0 Dry Hollow 10:30 to 11:00 A. M O 0 Pjne Hall 11:15 to 12:30 P. M. 0 2 Dillard 12:4. r i to 1:15 P. M. Y 0 Sandy Ridge 1:3) to 2:30 P M X $ '.Date—Thursday, July 15-22-29 $ q Ross Store 9:00 to 10:00 A. M. $ o Meadows 10:15 to 11:00 A. M X 0 Danbury 11:15 to 12:00 Noon 0 Q Hartman's Store 12:30 to 1:00 P. M Lawsonville 1:30 to 2:30 P. M. V 0 Come to the nearest Dispensary Point, a $ Be on Time. Tell Everyone About $ 0 This Campaign. o >oooooooooooooooooX>oooooooooooooooo Send your Job Work to the Reporter Office '">0000000000000000000000000000000006 1 NOTICE OF 0 0 j Special Election! j 0 o 0 The Board of Elections of Stokes 0 % County, meeting in special session at s the court house in Danbury, North $ o Carolina, on Monday the 28th day of $ June, 1937, and upon being presented $ 0 with petitions signed by more than til- 0 o teen (15) per cent, of tie qualified and a 0 voters, voting for Governor V 6 in the hist general election, requesting $ that an election be called to determine $ o whether or not Liquor Control Stores 0 q shall be established in the county of X 0 Stokes, NOW THEREFOKE due notice 5 o is hereby given that an election will be o £ held on the 17th day of August, 1937, to $ 0 determine whether or not Liquor Con- 9 trol Stores shall be established in Stokes X 0 county. $ $ NOTICE is also given that the regis- o $ tration books will be open on the 21th x 0 day of July, 1937, and will remain open 0 g through the 7th day of August, 1937, X > and that the following Saturday, Aug. y & 14th, 1937, will be challenge day. 6 0 W ITNESS our hands and seals, this X a the 28th day of June, 1937. 0 $ CARY L. CARROLL, Chairman. t J. G. FULTON, Member. 6 | S. P. CHRISTIAN, Secretary!. | xOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOfI