Better Homes Edition THE DANBURY REPORTER. Federal Government Says Build Now One thousand new homes are needed in Stokes county, and more than two thou sand need remodeling or repairing. The United States government says to every citizen—BUlLD NOW. Labor and materials will go higher, everything that goes into the making of a home will steadily increase in price. You can get the money through several government agencies to build a new home, or to repair or improve the home you already have. Build Now—Why wait? There is no investment worth more to you than a good comfortable home, cool in the summer, warm in the winter, and furnished for your pleasure and comfort inside. See the array of builders, contractors, furnishers, in this issue of li.o Reporter, and make immediate arrangements to complete for yourself and your family a good, comfortable, convenient home. ESectric Refrigeration Affords Great Savings Because You Can .... ' JjuY WHEN PKC&jT C&E LOWlf £ ~~ ON of Hi# outstanding sayings foohiros of an Oee- Electrical trical Refrigerator is that it anoblos yon to toko ' % 1 Refrigeration ; M 9 buy your moats and otbor perishable foods in Ifl Definitely larger quantities. This feature alone, in most ClltS The families, will take care of the payments en an eiec s9 i trical refrigerator to say nothing of the savings ; 9 Cost Of through elimination of lasses throug'i food spoil- Better ° S * ** ' ° nd the conv * niM>c *' comforf ' «ofety and « 9 ethsr advantages of electrical refrigeration are • 9 Living ! Still to be considered. -u/ve-> ; POWER COMPANY / - ■ Sp?e?aH>:ts Offer Mid-Summer Advice Many mi'l-snnmer n *, k-' about the i imii ;inl home riciiu inioij-i'aion iuid suggestions, which State College sj ci ,'i are offering on the Carolina ! Farm Features radio program. o=o=o E EC KC R 9 S= c —=f 2 Winston-Salem's Leading- Credit Jewelers. L Q M I We greet our many old friends in Stokes county and to I the many new friends we hope to make we offer this - . GREAT "FRIENDSHIP" SALE | Dfor 10 days only through July Ml. you can use the II coupon below and save Two Dollars and Fifty Cents || H ($2.50) on any article in our store priced at Ten Dol- O lars ($10.00) or over. FRIENDSHIP BOND [ CASH $2.50 $2.50 Cls|l , M OR ECKER'S OR J CREDIT WINSTOX-SALEM. \ C. CREDIT O Only one bond applied on any i I one Hale. Ladies' Wrist Watch, Seven Jeweled Move- Ladies' Genuine Diamond Ring in Solid ment, guaranteed in every way- Gold Mounting. 8 814.75 | S Man's 15 Jeweled Pocket Watch Guaranteed I II |g| in Every Way - I D Man's Wrist Watch, Seven Ruby sjeweled j| f Movement, Guaranteed in every way. |i I* 14-75 $17.50 | E»pertjtepairfng Highest Prices l 0 D. G, Underwood. 439 N - Liberty Street Opposite Silvers. For oid ( _____ Winston- Salem, N. C. 01 ipnoi— —tonoL—jono obok! Some crops are being Ivirv st- t !! y ar!y. V-: many dol ■ ar jus - '; 1 ed. and th m- ar rl- , .. . i. j ill ' :i in ; 'kt '.i ~~K 'coafoim vi h »inr!y p 'ctk •- ' •!! \v«inh oi tot-ace-.! Insects and plant diseases t'- k ■ noi-thwt • rn count; s.