THE DANBURY REPORTER Volume 66 CHAS. H. JESSUP , KILLED, ROBBED LEADING CITIZEN OF BIG CREEK TOWNSHIP, STOKES COUNTY, MEETS DEATH AT THE HANDS OF PATRICK ' COUNTY, VA., BANDIT, WHO ! ESCAPES WITH MONEY AND ' CAR AVERITT QUESEN • BERRY, SLAYER, IS AR i RESTED IN WEST VIRGINIA , —JESSUP WAS BURIED AT BTATE LINE CHURCH CEME TERY MONDAY. Charles H. Jessup, aged about 60, a prominent farmer and lead ing citiaen of Big Creek town ship, Stokes County, was killed and robbed by Averitt Quesen berry, a Patrick County, Va., bad man, near Kibler, Va. about 9 o'- clock Saturday morning. Quesenberry was arrested at Beckley, West Virginia, Satur day, and is now beld for tria 7 , at Stuart, Va. The kille r used a 22-calibre rifle, shooting Jessup through the heart, then clubbed him with the butt of the gun fracturing his skull. Jessup died almost in stantly. Immediately after the crime Quesenberry robbed his victim of $500.00, and taking his car, a practically new 1937 Chevrolet ?.• dodr sedan, escaped. Quesenberry has court records In North Carolina and Va., atx* is termed a bad man by Sheriff Mays of Patrick County. He is J aged about 40 years and is re ported mantled. He was raised j hi Surry County, near the "Rock" at Mount Airy. The affair occurred on the mountain right close to the home of Mrs. Cecil Pack, who heard the report of the gun. Later some children found Mr. Jessup's body lying in the road. This story is related by Mrs. Back, the *ly eyewitness. As isarly as possible the Virgi nia authorities were notified, and soon Sheriff F. D. Mays of Pat rick county, assisted by State patrol officers, were on the scene OPd beginning the hurtt for the murderer. Traffic on the adjacent Mads was held up for more than two hours by the officers. It was found that the bandit had bought gas and cigailettee at a ding station near Slate mountain. STOKES OFFICIALS TAKE. A HAND. Late Saturday evening Frp»k dptotfan of Asbury, County, was here assisting Sheriff John Taylor in the effort to stcnite the license number Of the Jessup car. Sheriff Taylor •ad deputy sheriffs Bert Smith: vfattoi th« section In the northern! part of Stokes adjacent to the Jessup home to offer their sea vicas to the Virginia authorities if needed. Sheriff Mays stated that Que senberry had a brotror liviig in Winston-Salem a n 3 that he might have headed for that city. Ac cording to Mays a reward of $230.00 would be paid for tbej Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Thursday, August 26, 1937. apprehension of the murderer, and it was given out by others that a brother of the dead man would pay an additional $250.00. Quesenberry was described °s a member of a class known to the mountaineers as "scouts,"' tramps who malqs their way through the country, stopping for a day or week whenever they find food or lodging. Mays said the alleged murderer had been "on the road" in Patrick county for the past several days and had prohably appeared at the Pack horns in quest of food. THE ARREST. The murderer was caught Monday at Beckley, West Va.. ' Monday at Beckley, West Virginia, by a highway patrol man, who noticed the looseness of his license plate. Quesenberry was then found *o be drunk and was arrested for driving drunk. Inside the oar the officer found ,C. H. Jiessup's North Carolina license plate. Thinking Quesen berry had stolen the Jessup car, the officer wired to C. H. Jessup, i of Stokes county, No'th Caro t lina, that he was holding the 'man for driving drunk and ask ing for information as to the i car. ' The North Carolina and Stuart, Va., authorities then w-ed back to hold Quesenbarry for murder. Sheriff Mays of Stuart immedi ately left for Beckley to bring !the murderer back. A representative of the Re porter visited the home of Mr. 1 Jessup Sunday where a large | crowd had gathered to pay their ! respects t c the highly Regarded family, and to view the remains of the excellent citizen who had been so brutally murdered. The body was lying in a beauti ful casket, which was embower ed with flowers. Out on the grounds cars kept coming in with friends from far and near. Men with sad but grim faces spoke feelingly of the tragedy which had Stunned the countryside. If the murderer had been in reach the conse quences may be easily guessed. IS THERE A WOMAN IN THE CASE? There were many flying re-| ports, and varioss theories touching the affair were express ed. It was explained by members' of the family that Mr. Jessup had left his home early Saturday | morning to find and employ Woodrow Dalton, a fans hand who had previously been engaged j on tile Jessup plantation. Dalton had left early in the spring, go ing to Patrick looking for work. He was • good hand, and now work being pressing to save the crops, Mr. Jaosnp deecided to ride over in«o Virginia in quest of Dalton. ( Stopping at the Pack place on the mountain he nutie inquiries, for the whereabouts of Dalton. At this juncture Quesenberry ap peared and got into an alterca (Continued on page 4 ( ) GREAT CROP SWEET, HEAVY i! TOBACCO IS MAGNIFICENT IN ( STOKES EXCEPT HAIL AND ( STORM DAMAGE BUT THE BIG RAINS THIS WEEK r WILL HURT IF CONTINUOUS —CORN WAS NEVER BET TER, TOO. ' There's fine tobaeco in Stokes now—l' m tilling you. It is great and beautiful on the hills, and riplening in the sun whh that natural maturity which means heavy and sweet quality, fine texture, flavor and body. But hetvy rains have fallen L this week, and this may injure the ®op if contiguous through out the rest of August and the first two weeks of September. r Ripening tobacco does not need mueh wet. It tends to start a second growth, e greening-up, I resulting in a coarse and rough condition. Farmers are reporting excell i ent cunse in every part of th" county. j In some few sections hail and wind have seriously {fcmaged many crops. j Corn was never better. The season has suited it fine. Only a month till the tobaco ' markets open. New Fair Faces At Relief Headquarters Miss Rufth Patterson of Dur ham, caseworker. She boards with the Scotts. j Miss Nannie Jones of Walnut Cove, case aide. She commutes daily from her home at Walnut Cove. j These ladies are new additions ;to the staff of Miss Page, super intendent of welfare, and their . i work is chiefly in the social se curity department. Found Danbury R. H. McElveen, of Columbia, S. C., regional manager of the Emergency Crop and Seed Bo an office, was here Tuesday paying 'a visit to G. H. Alford, local {manager of the crop and seed loams of the Stokes territory. | Mr. McElveen was much pleas ed wrth crop prospects in Stokes, and favorably impressed with I Danbury, thosgh he drove thru as far as the Baptist church be i fore he realized he wMb in town. Which goes to fadicaj? that l the local manager has been loyal his civic duty here by exagger i siting the size of the city in which ha lives. Snow Creek Hunters. I have a ftt* boe of hunting 'licenses and fnvlte all who wish to hunt to come and buy. We do I _ | not want to put anybody to any ; trouble, but the law must be en forced. Don't hunt any until th; 1 ! Season opens. W. R. STOVALL, j Deputy Game Protector For' Snow Creek Township. j SUPERIOR COURT IN FULL SWING JUDGE PHILLIPS PRESIDES | AND SOLICITOR G W ¥ N PROSECUTES DOCKET IS LARGE BI T MOSTLY MINOR INFRACTIONS—TERM WILL PROBABLV CONTINUE UN TIL FRIDAY NIGHT. Superior court is in session this week with Judge F. Donald Phillips presiding, and Solicitor Alan Gwyn prosecuting. Hie Honor comes from Rock ingham, Richmond county, being the judge who defeated Stack in the 1934 election. He is consid ered a very able jurist, but is not severe in his sentences, usually, i Solicitor Gwyn is of Reidsville, Rockingham county, i There was no court on Tues day, Judge Phillips having receiv ed a message of the death of a I relative, whose funeral he at tended. I Court was resumed on Wednes day, a n d will doubtless continue until Friday night. I Disposition of cases up to and including Thursday af'ernoon hn> been as follows: APPEARANCE DOCKET. State vs. Dun Belcher, driving drunk. Capias. State vs. N. P. Bc!es, fo'ciblo trespass. Having failed to com ply with former judgment, order led taken into custody. State vs. Roy Davis, assault, called and failed. Capias, j State vs. W. A. Whitt, dispos ing of mortgaged property. Call ed failed. Capias. State vs. Bud Golden, manu facturing liquor, called and fail ed. Capias. State vs. Roland Mabe, manu facturing liquor. At fall term, 1936, defendant sentenced to 4 months on roads, suspended on expressed conditions. Defendant found not to have complied with judgment, was ordered into cus tody and road sentence enforced. State vs. G. R. Stone, operating 'car while intoxicated. Capias to Buncombe county, i State vs. Adam Young, trans porting liquor, called and failed. Capias. TRIAL DOCKET. State vs. Tbos. C. Deprive'-, operating car while intoxicated. Nol pros with leave. State vs. Orville Snyder, larc eny, called and failed. Capias. State vs. Homey Mabe, operat ing caar while Btoxioated, 8 months on roads. Judgment sus pended 2 years en condition be pay $50.00 and cost at this term of court, and not drink intoxi cating liquors of any kind for 2 year* Driving license revoked for 12 months. state vs. L W. Southern, oper ating ear while intoxicated, call ed and failed. Capias, j Ftats vs. Floyd Mania, operat ing car while intoxioated, called I and failed. Capias, i State vs. Sam Neal, driving j drunk, 8 months on roads. Judg-j ment suspended 2 years on ex- j ipieoS conditions that lie pay a 'fine of $50.00 and cost, and not 1 drink any intoxicating liquors of any kind. Driving license revok -1 sion of liquor, called end failed, i ed 12 months. » S'Ae vs. Willie Smith, posses i Cash bond of $75.00 confiscated • and ordered turned over to school •fund. State vs. John D. Bullin, reck less driving, 90 days on roads. 1 Judgment suspended 12 montlK ' on condition he pay fine of $25.00 and cost and remain of good b>- ! havior 12 months. Driving ' license revoked 12 months. ' I State vs. Guy Heath, operating ' car while intoxicated, 6 months on roads. Judgment suspended 2 years on condition he pay fine of $50.00 and cost. The de ' fendant being a resident of Vir ginia, it is ordered by the court that a certified copy of judgmei. be transmitted to Motor Vehicle ' Bure«u of that State. State vs. Itoss Meadows, |>os session of liquor Continued I State vs. Willie Shuff, a. d. w.. continued for Sta'e. ,! State vs. Willie Shuff, posses . sion of liquor, continu-d. State vs. Bill Rhodes, operai.- ' ing car while intoxicated, 1 months on roads. State vs. Zeb Smith, two cases , of d'iving car while intoxicated, reckless driving, and resisting an ; 'officer. Called and failvd. Bonds' in the amount of $1700.00 justi fied and appiowd by the Clerk »: : Court ordered. Defendant w-s 'in jail in the Statv of Virginia. I State vs. F'-ank Stevens, trans porting liquor, called and fail-d. Capias. ,j State vs. Wade Merijman, pos session and transporting liquor 'continued. State vs. Pink Tolbert, rtfcist- J ing officer and disturbing public , wo' ship, 6 months on roads. Sta*e vs. Frank Jacobs, noi 1 support, continued. i State vs. Howard Westmore land, assault, 6 months on roads, 1 suspended 2 years on expressed , conditions that he be of good be havior for 2 years, especially to-1 wards Willie Loftis, and not' violate any laws for 2 years, and pay a fine of $50.00 and cost. State vs. Troy Spainhour, Cur tis Moser and Oliver Lawson, possession of liquor, each 90 days ( on road. Judgment sus(>ended' 12 months en condition they re- j main of good behavior, and each! P«y a fipe of SIO.OO and costs. State vs. Geo. Welch, operating car while intoxicated, continued. State vs. W. E. Ogbum, oper ating car while intoxicated, con tinued. State vs. Frank Shelton, a. w., continued. State vs. Vernon Covington and Kerfie Robertson, possession of liquor, continued. State vs. Robert Wilkins, op erating car while Intoxicated, S ; months on roads, suspi jv.l'ml i• 1 condition he paay a fine of $50.00 1 and cost, and remain of good b ' lhaavior for 2 years. Driver ' | license for 12 months. . (continued on pafie 2,) Number 3,311 AUGUSTUS SPEAS DIES AT KING . FARMERS HAVE BCMPER CORN CROP, TOBACCO NOT SO GOOD—THE BIRTH LIST, I AND MANY TONSIL OPER ATIONS OTHER ITEMS. King, Aug. 25.—Lasi riVs for Augustus Sp«ase, aged 8!:, were held at J»ffers>n chui'.'i Thurs day and interment was in the church graveyard. The deceased is survived by several sons and daughters. Tisey Calloway, tobacco grow er of the Schaubh MiU section, was here Saturday on business. ' Farmers in this section have L a burner corn crop tMfc year. The tobacco crop is not so good but there has b«en a wonderful inl ine.. .vin the crop within tne ; .* •• v.?ks. Charlie X. Boles and son, Albert Bolt* of Monro?, Vu„ have ' returned to their home after paying a short visit to relatives . here. 1 M's. H. Grady Harding ha.=j . eturr:ed t 0 h»r home iji Lewis ville after spending a few days with relatives here. Mr. a"d Mrs. John Mcfiee, Mr. and M«s. Emcv Boyl«s, Mrs. -Sarah Lee Xewlon and Mbs Bertie Perdue are spending then /vacation at Carolina Bunch. j Sam White of GSbsonville is sending some time with his .brother. Ring 0 C. Whte, 011 For est Grove avenue. I Bora Pulliam aid family of ,;Charlote are visiting relatives hcr«. «... • - I The work of remotk fins and bialding an addition to 'he home •of Capftin Joe Moore, reti'ed railway man, on north Depot strict, has been completed. There is some improvement in the condition of Mrs. Roy Snider Vh 0 has then quite sick at hor home west of town for several weeks. | Mr. and Mrs. Kennis Pulliam, of Knoxville. Tnn., are spending some lime with relatives here and :at Mount Airy. | S. Pete Wright and family ; spent the week-end wkb Mr. Wight's sister, Mrs. C. J. Kirby, fci Walnut Hills* Mr. Wright holds a position as tele graph operator at Trout man. J D. D. Hall, merchant and plant jer, of Old Mt. OFlve, was her® I Saturday looking after business matters. Ttfe stork put in about ao av erage week here last week: The following births being recorded: To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jessup, a son ; to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Watts, a daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Car) Lawson, a son, and to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Venabte, a sen. The following patients under* went tonsil operations J; Stone-lielSßbfxik C^iic iwwk: Paul Benrfctt of C -1 Willie Zimmerrvan, v | Cove; Miss Pearl Gord: I Pinnacle; J. C. Hunter of ' i covilk; Mi9B Marilynn r son and Misses Bobby antf Wagoner of Germantoa, »nc Sum Futk of