THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 66 STATE MEN ARE WORKING AT KING IMPROVING THE STREETS OF THE TOWN—STORK IS BUSY AT KINO—PRESTON CHILD DIES IN SOUTH CAROLINA. King, Oct. 6.—A force of state men were here the latter part of last week putting down a priming coat of oil on Depot street. They will let this set for about eight days to try out, then a coat of stone and another coat of oil will be put down. This improvement will include Depot street from the Lakes-to-Florida highway through town reaching through Walnut Hills one mile on the Be thania road- Howard Newsum had the mis fortune to lose a fine barn of to bacco by fire last week. J. Lee Hartman of Miami, Fin., is spending some time with rela tives here. Theodore Newsum has returned from Greenville, S. C., where he attended the reunion of the 30th division World War veterans. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Boyles of Seymour, Indipna, tare spending aome time with relatives here and at Winston-Salem. Rev. J. N. Newsum of Roanoke, Va., vitfted relatives be re !Hast week. A motorcade of about forty Ws filled with Walnut Cove busi ness men and citizens paid King A vMt Thursday. They were a jolly bunch accompanied by a brass banj which made music on the town speeches were made by the boos ters. Dr. E. M. Griffin made a very appropriate talk welcoming the visitors to King and turning over the town key to them. Dr. R. S. Helsabeck ha 3 return ed Irom Richmond, Va., where he spent a few days the guest of relatives. George Vest of West End, Moore county, was among the visitors here Saturday. Mr. Vest is a former resident of this sec tion. Fred Boyles of Ronceverte, W. Va., ig visiting h« parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Boyles, near Ca pella. Leon Stewart, young planter of the Antioch section, was here Saturday on business. The F(delis class of the First Baptist Sunday School entertain- Ed the King high school teacher* •t an oyster supper Friday even-', ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. , C. T. McGee on East Broad St.', About forty people were present , for the occasion. The stork is still on the job >nd got tn another busy week, the following births being record ed: To Mr. and Mrs. Coy Ash burn, a son; to Mr- and Mrs. Bayne Waddell, a daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Nick. Haymore, a •on; to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joyner, a daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Carl lawrnn, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith, a daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Barncastle, a daughter, and to Mr. and Mrs. William Kfeer, a daughter. established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Thursday, October 7,1937. Odell Reid Dies At Sandy Ridge Funejil services for Odell Reid, 24, who died following an automobile accident Sunday, were conducted Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock at Oak Grove Baptist church. Rev. J. A. Joyce officiat ed. Burial was in the church cemetery. Reid is survived by his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Reid; three sisters, Mrs. Audwilhi Joyce, Mrs- Margaret B>own, and Miss Evelyn Reid, and two broth en,', Jennings and Nick Reid, all of Sandy Ridge. ♦ « Meeting- of Fine Arts Club Friday Evening, Oct I The members of the Fine Arts Club were delightfully entertain- Ed on Friday evening, October I, at the home of Mrs. J. J. Taylor, with Mesdames J. J. Taylor and A. G. Sisk, joint hostesses. The meeting was called to ord er by the president, Mrs. J. J- Taylor, and after a brief business session the following interesting program of book reports was en joyed. The first, "King Edward the Vlll"—Hector Bolitha. wks read by Mrs. N. E. Wall, after which Mrs. Grace Taylor gave an interesting summary of "How to Win Friends and Influence People,"—Dale Oarnegle^ There were seventeen present, including Mrs. J. F. Brown, a we! come new member, and Mr?. Nel- lie McGirt, sister of Mrs. G. A. Alford, a welcome _ During hour Mr 3. J. P. Brown and Mrs. R. R. King were lucky prize winners in two novel contests. The hostesses, assisted by daughters, Angela and Nellie Louise Tay'or, and Katherine Sisk then served a delicious salad course. Mrs. Neman White is quit? at he r home her friends will re gret to learn. The remains of Joseph, the 7- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Hob- son Preston, who died at their home in Clio, S. C., Friday were I brought back here for burial. The funeral service which was in charge of Rev. Paul Herman Newsum, was conducted at the First Baptist church Sunday af ternoon at 2 o'clock and burial followed in the church cemetery. I Planters in tbis section are very busy preparing and market ing tobacco. They are receiving! satisfactory prices for their i weed. Mrs. Opal Pulliam of Keraer»- ville, was a week-end visitor to relatives here. R. B. Reynolds of Mountain View was amtong the business visitors here Saturday. Mrs. Mat Hall and daughter, Miss Galatis Hall, have returned from Capel'a where they spent several days the guests of Mr and Mrs. Boss Hall. Robert Marshall of and Miss Mary E. Helper of Rufal Hall underwent tonsil operations in the Stona-Helsabeck CttQic Saturday morning, ; , Terrible Tragedy At Sandy Ridge Today SEAB NELSON KILLS HIS WIFE BY SLASH ING HER THROAT WITH RAZOR-TKEN ATTEMPTS TO KILL HIMSELF - NOW CONFINED IN DANBURY JAIL AND WILL PROBABLY BE TRIED FOR MURDER AT NEXT WEEK'S COURT—HIGH FEELING IN COUNTY OVER TilE DISTRESSING AF FAIR. In her humble cottage tonight at Sandy Ridge lies Mrs. Bessie Neison, aged 32, dead with her throat cut from ear to ear. The terrible deed was ac.omp- lished this morning at 10 o'clock by her husband Scab Nelson, who is now pacing his cell in Dan bury jail and must answer at the ba>- of North Qv jlina justice at Stokes court next week He will be for murder in j the first degree. Feeling runs i high in the cour.ty for thi- is or.e' of the most dastardly and revolt-1 ing ciimes in the history of the ! county, and a S' re at crowd will ! ! hear solicitor Allen Gwyn pross- Icute the murderer for his life. | Mrs. Nelson was killed in the presence of her six small children. f She was chased by her husband j up stairs, jumped through a win- I dow on to the porch and then ,to the ground. He followed h;r with a razor in his hand, seized he, a nd as she screamed and i plf.aded he thrust her head back ! and almost severed it ffom the I body. She died almost instantly, i This ip the te|!t|fmony (of the ' | children who helplessly saw their mother die. Neighbors attracted by th; screams pf the mother and the ! children rushed i n Nelson then made a superficial attempt at suicide, slashing his | own throat. Prevented from this he pretended to attempt to jump into a well. He was carried to a Stuart hos pital where his throat wound was 'dressed and found not serious. Deputy Sheriff Cleve Lawson of | Lawsonville brought him to jail here. j Nelson is a man some 30 yea l s or more of age. 1 Mrs. Nelson was at Nelson's Funenal Home tonight, lying peacefully in a casket awaiting to be transported in the hearse black | to her home. She was a good, NickStevens | Sells High at Madison I sold a load of tobacco at Madison this week as follows, with Webster's and Planters: 202 lbs. @ 38 $76.76 116 lbs. @ 24.50 28.42 240 lbs. @ 39 93.60 118 lbs. @ 27 31.81 Total $230 64 I am well satisfied with my price. I will say Tom Frank Webster knows tobacco, and holds hs bid. NICK STEVENS, Lawsonville, N. C. Boctlw looking young woman with a" att> active face, dark hajr, and :ong dark lashes He r clothes, drenched in her blood, lay in the undertaker's room, telling their gtuesome s'.o'y of this hilurt breaking tragedy. She was dressed in a becoming • obe. Nelson was not drunk at the time He was cruel and overbear ing to his wife, and had beaten her more than once, so neighbu's Slay. The children &ay he hed cursed and abused his wife all day and the night before the killing. The Reporter inquired for the motive that must have actuated the n4an. Was it jealousy, or was he crazy? Not no one believes he was crazy, but just plain mean tend brutal and terribly overbearing. I There was no cause for jeal ousy, they say, as Mrs. Nelson wia a pure and upright woman- Sheriff John Taylor was "at the 'Nelson home and in the Sandy Ridge community making an in vestigation until after midnight. lib waa able t 0 discover no reason why Nelson should have been to commit the crime Mrs. Nelson was a daughter of Mi*, and Mrs. Jack Woods who live near High Point. The children are Lois, Helen, Pauline, Ruby, Bobby and Dennis. She is also survived by three brothers, Homer, Curtis and James Woods, and a sister, Mrd. James Ballard, a'l of High Point. Funeral services will be con- I ducted at the Pleasant Grove Baptist church, Patrick county, Va., Friday aferaoon at 2 o'clock Elder J. A. Fagg, of Winaton- Salem, and Elder Luther Tucker, of High Point, will officiate. Burial will be made in the church graveyard. Z. R. Moran Badly Hurt When Mule si Team Runs Away Z. R. Moran, prominent citizen and farmer of Meadows, is still confined to bis room and bed from an accident which happened to him recently. He was hauling wood when his team, a oair of spirited young mules, took fright and ran throwing Mr. Moran out and dragging him 'ome distant. no bones were broken ' 3 4'as terribly bruised and shocked. I*9 has not been able to wn'.k piace the accident several weeks •go. Another Homicide In Patrick—Killer Claims Self Defense J. H. Creecy of Stuart, Va., J who hauls coal from West Vir ' ginia to Stokes consumers, was here Wednesday and reported another homicide in Patrick which occurred last Saturday night. ■ ; Oeecy says a fellow by the name of Mayberry shot and kii!- !ed one Rcece near Chap Tatum's | Saturday night. Reece took the I load m the back of the head, dy ing instantly. Mayberry sur rendered to Stua''t officers, and is now in jail, claiming self defense. Creeey says a boy of Will Rog , erg was also shot Sunday. Important Ruling As to Social Security In a statement received todiy iby J. N. Freeman, Manager oi the Social Security Board's office in the Nissen Building, Winston- Salem, N. C., Commissioner of 5 , Internal Revenue Guy T. Helve - ing announced that employers 'subject to tax under Title Mil of the Social Security Act will be ' required to file only one informa- tion return for the peiioj July 1 to December 31, 1937. This is .the return on Forms SS-2 and | S£W2a on which the employer re- ports to the collector of internal revenue the amount of wages paid to each employee. These returns I are used both for verifying the accuracy of the monthly Federal J social security tax returns and as a basis for crediting wages to the accounts of employees in the | Federal old-age benefits program. Tr.;3 announ:c:.";-.l i- o." iiitc'- eel t 0 the hundreds of thousands of employers who are required to file this type 0 f return. Instead jof requiring a return for the cu'- ! rent quarter which ends Septem ber 30 and and another return for J the quarter ending December 31, the employers will make one six- month return, which will not alter the filing date for the tax returns on Form SS-1 which must continue to be made by emplcy- e>s each month, and that delin- i quency penalties are being assert ed when employers fail to file the monthly tax returns on time. It was also pointed out that in fornfetion return Form SS 3 call" for wage data only from the first day of the quarter in which the employee dies or attains age 65, but that in view of the authoriza tion of the six-month information return period, every employe'* filing a Form SS-3 pertaining to such period should include wages from July 1, 1937, so that com plete data may be available for ( the employee's tax and wage ac counts. Tobacco Moving Farmers are happy with the good prices for tobacco. Loads of the golden leaf are racing thru every hour. At the present •'ate, the crop will be sold before' Thanksgiving. Much money i s be-, ing £)ut into circulation. Buying j pewjitt supp'iii is the order of the'day. I Number 3,317 FIGHT POSTPONED UNTIL NOV. 27 CORBETT PKiDDV, ACCREDIT ED CHAMPION, MOVES IP Tin; I>ATJ£ TO ACCOMMO DATE A SPRAINED HAND EACH FK.HTEiI'S OPINION OF Till; OTHER. L/ Corbet t Piiddy, the Stokes heavyweight champion, eame over today and asked that the date of his proposed with Eob Mo>'e field bo changed from Octob' r 30 t 0 November 27. Piiddy, who s..\'s lie in training hard, claimed to have an injured hand which he hurt while punch ing tin bag. He says he will beat Minefield to a frazz after the first round I or two. and that the Walnut Cove jii-i. ->t in hisr class, but that '• • • np-ding the exercise he i wi! in;, to b- at him up It is learned that Ivloiefieli s:iys he is tired of Co'b's blowing in the Danburv paper. F2- is willing to concede that Piiddy is • first class bluff, but he b> only a third-rate fighter. He says lie ! wi'l welcome the opportunity to 1 knock the North View gas out 1 of him. j He added that he did not be lieve Priddy'a hand vtes hurt, nohow, and that when Nov. 27„ j arrives P> iddy will want I i ' postponed syain. • SUNDAY BASE It ALL CHAMPIONS OF SURRY OJ'N | TY VS. CHAMPIONS STOKES COUNTY. " j' ' - 1 - • ' Danbury, winner of the Stokes County League Champion, will play Toast, winner of the Surry County League Championship, here next Sunday, October 10th, at 3:00 P. M., to decide the win ner of the two Leagues Toast is reported to have a strong team, having finished on top of their league, while Danbury will be at full strength and put forth every effort to stop the Surry Champions at Riverside Park next Sunday. Robe'tson o r Book er will be on the mound for Toast, while Norman White is slated to pitch for Danbury Funeral Rites For Mrs. Dr. Joyce Attended By A 1 Large Crowd * a *v A large crowd of friends from far and near attended the funeral of Mrs. Dr. C. W. Joyce of Fletch er, Okla., here Tuesday afternoon. The services weie conducted from the M- E. Church by Rev. T. J. Houck, pastor, assisted by Rev. Helsabeck of Rural Hall. Interment was in the family plot at the Danbury cemetery. Honorary pn'lbearers wci: I. M. Gordon, of Pilot Mtn ; Dr. W- C. Slate, of Spencer; C. M. Jone», of Walnut Cove, HI M Joyce, B. P. Christian and Dr. R. H. More field, of Danbury. Active pallbearers were: Ed Taylor, James B. Joye, J. J, Taylor, J. Scott.