THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 66 Seab Nelson Gets 30 Years WIFE SLAYER ESCAPES GAS CHAMBER Seab Nelson, the wife slayer,' evades the gas chamber and gels off with 30 yea's in the pen. If he will be a good prisoner, he may have to serve much Usa than this, and might be paroled in a few years. The verdict of second degree murder was returned late today by the jury composed of the fol-1 lowing: John A. SheKon, M. P ! Watts, Walter Beck, Paul Camp-' bell, C. C. Kiser, P. O. Frye, N. F. Christian, C. O- Belles, Gilb?rt] Duggins, R. C. White, Jim Craig and Joe Redman. George Rich ardson was selected as the thir-' I teenth juror. It had been generally under stood that Nelson was being tried' for his life, but his Honor, Judge Bivens, instructed the jury that they might return ja verdict of first degree, second degree or acquittal. 1 The jury was out some two hours, and then brought in a 2d degree verdict. The judge quickly senteni the prisoner to his prison home. Thus ended one of most dra matic criminal episodes occurring in the county for many years. i Great interest was shown by all classes of citizens. Among , many there w)aa intense feeling in the case- Nelson's crime vMo considered |h« most atrocious that has oc curred since Campbell, Rhodes tßul Sheppard were tried for murder, and escaped the electric /Chair with prison sentences. To date two of them a r e loose. Nelson killed his wife at 10 o'clock on the morning of Oct ber 7 —just a week ago. The circumstances involved in the affair are so bitter and heart breaking that many people re fuse to altow you to discuss it in their presence. Six little children, survive this destroyed family—the oldest one only 8 or 9 y ears o£ age ' A baby 2 months old cries for Its mama who will' never come back. She lies in a new-made grave •t Pleasant Grove, where October leaves are falling. Daddy is gone, too, but daddy may some time return. Solicitor Allen Gwyn prosecut ed, assisted by Attorney Elling ton. Ralph J. Scott defended Nelson. Court adjourned late this af ternoon. Other cases disposed of at this term of criminal court are as folows: APPEARANCE DOCKET. State vs. Levi Ziglar, Bigamy. Called a"d failed. Capias. State vs. Frank Jacobs, non support. Called and failed. Ca pias. Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Thursday, October 14, 1937. State vs. Dewey Golden, pos session, nol pros, with leave. State vs. Leslie Nelson, posses sion of liquor. Off. State vs. Adam Young, trans i porting liquor. Capias. ! State vs. G. R. Stone, operat ing car while intoxicated. Nol pros with Uave. TRIAL DOCKET. State vs. Reid Joyce, operating ' oar while intoxicated. Continued. State vs. I. W. Southern, oper ' a ting car while intoxicated, $75 i and cost. Driver's license sus pended for 12 months. State vs. George Manis, operat ing ear intoxicated. $75.00 and cost. Driver's license suspended 'l2 months. State vs. Willie Shuff, posses sion of liquor. Cost and not to violate prohibition law for three years. ! State vs. W. E. Ogburn, oper ating car intoxicated, $75.00 and cost. Driver's license suspended 12 months. ■ State vs. Oarnett Needham, op erating car while intoxicated. $50.00 and cost. Driver's license suspended 12 months. I State vs. Kerfie Roberson, pos session of liquor. $25.00 and ' cost. State vs. Jesse Alfred Mc- Kaughan, reckless driving. Court orders verdict of not guilty. State vs. John Riggs. Possession 1 of liquor. $25.00 and cost. State vs. Frank Cain, trans : porting liquor. $25.00 a"d cost, > and not violate prohibition law for 3 years. I State vs. Charlie Jessup, pos • session 0 f liquor. $25 CO and the cost. i State vs. Ben Neal, possession ■ of liquor. $50.00 and cost and • not t 0 violate prohibition law fo> 1 .3 years. Slate vs. Pete Holland, operat ing car while intoxicated. $75.0 C > and cost, and driver's license su |rpcnded 12 months. 't State vs. Sidney W. Cool'c, reckless d iving and driving drunk, SIOO 00 and cost. Driver'. ! license suspended 12 months, "j Stat? vs. Clarence Griffin, ' manslaughter, continued. 'j State vs. Walter Meriitt, oper ating car while intoxicated, not ■ guilty. ■j State vs. Z:.b Smith, operating ' car wlii'e intoxicated, SIOO 00 and ! cost. Judgment suspended five " years, driving license suspended jl2 months. State vs. Zcb Smith, reckless 1 driving, $25 00 and cost. State vs. Zob Smith, trans porting liquor, $"5 00 nnj cost. State vs. Floyd Bullin, driving > drunk. $50.00 and cost. Driv ing license suspended 12 months, Stiata vs. F'etcher Lawless, ■ Odell Nelson and Posie Nelson A. D. W., each $50.00 a"d State vs. Ronalj Cooke, operat ; ing car while intoxicated, calitd • and failed. Capias. st'ate vs. Muritis Caudle, a.> - sault. Judgment suspended v.;> jon payment of cost. -1 State vs. Ed Payne, transport -1 ing liquor, $25 00 and cost, and show good behavior 3 years. State vs. Elmer Builin, operat ; car while intoxicated, and as . sault with deadly weapon. Mis - trial. 5 State vs. Villard Penn, vio'at - ing prohibition law, 90 days or toad, suspended u] on payment ol - cost within 30 da; s. 1 State vs. Geo. Welch, operat i' ing car while intoxicated, $75.0( | and cost. Driver's su - : pended 12 months. a | State vs. Garfield Wall, operat e ing car while intoxicated, 6 moa | lon roads. -1 State vs. Geo. Neal, Mrs. Geo 3 Neal and Malcom Neal, posses 3 sion of liquor. Not guilty as t ! Malcom Neal. Non suit a s ♦ I >- Mr* > Geo. Neal. Guilty as to Gee '•' Neal. Judgment pending, e Neal. Judgment S3OO 00 and cos in one case, cost in other am - suspended sentence. ij FRANK HANCOCK OPPOSES REYNOLDS .CONGRESSMAN OF THE FIFTI j DISTRICT ENTERS RAC2 n ! FOR THE SENATE—DOUGH TON WILL NOT RUN—MAR t SHALL KURFEES ANNOUX v CES FOR H.INCOCK'S PLACI —LIVELY YEAR COMING I! ._ POLITICS. e Congressman Frank Hancoc n Tuesday night announced him ,j self a candidate against Senate r Robert R Reynolds in next June' primary. At the same time it was give 0 out definitely is Washington tha Congressman R. L. Doughton wi not be in the race. Marshall Kurfees of Winstor g Salem says he will be a candidat for Hancock's seat in Congress. The year 1938 will doubt les j be a very lively time for politic.' In Stokes county both Reynold and Hancock have strong follow lt Ing. Anybody's guess would b as good as another's as to whic' of this twain of gentlemen ca ( j carry this county. e d Nick Stevens Scores Agaii I went over to Madison Thurf a c'»iy, and sold two grades, I dtdn want but 38 on my 284 lb. grade I got 39. The other brought 3' I sold with old Tom Frank an '; he sent mo back home satisfied. Here is what I got: '' 264 lbs. (S 39. 62 lbs. @ 35. NICK STEVENS. 114octlw AT WINSTON -, OCTOBER 1* ..'STOKES FARMERS URGED TT . ATTEND TOBACCO CON I TKOL MEETING T. II J SEARS ASKS OUR GROWER D ' TO TAKE NOTICE. A commits, headed by Senate Smith of South Carolina, Chair 5- man of the Senate Agriculture I Committee wj.l hold a meetin, next Monday, October 18th, a 110:00 A. M. in Winston-Saleir n The meeting will probably b )f i held in the courthouse. The pur I pose of this meeting is to directly from the farmer | themselves, their sentiment as t ; ciop ccr.trol The farmer ' over the country have been re | questing crop control «'>d thi , committee is holding meetings i 'different sections of the countr o. | • trying to finj out the true sent s -1 ment that exists for crop contn to, at presont. In this way it wi 'o o be better prepared to take up cro ! control when congress meets. ,' The tobacco farmers in Nort st Carolina made a strong fight las spring for crop control throug a state compact, but thej* did m secure what they wanted. If u M tobacco farmers a 1 e to h iv.? coi o trol another yeai, it is very ur; H ent that they attend this i:i-> E ing and express their views c f- the matter. Since Stokes is larg' ft- ly a tobacco county, the fannei f-1 of this county should be vol :E interested and make every eifoi N possible to attend the meeti'.i j and make known to this commi tee their wishes a l3 to a contn ck for tobacco. n- T. H. SEARS, County Ag or .•a New Presbyterian Preacher Coming Jn To Stokes at ———. ■ £ The Rev. Mr. McFall of M Airy has notified Stckes Presb; terians that he has found them new preacher and wi 1 send hii te down soon to SU the appoin me-its formerly supplied by Re ss John D. Smith, resigned. i:; Mrs. Judge Bivens Judge Bivens was aecompanic 32 at court here this week by M>" - !l . Bivens, who was formerly Mi. i i" Alma Banner of Mt. Airy, an | from one of Mt. Airy's oldest an most respected families. Mr Bivens found quite a number " acquaintances among the pconl ■fl at Danbury. i't le, | Card of Thanks 15.; sincerely des'.'e to tbiar *d all the many friendn who rende • ltd service in the burial of ei ' lovcj ono, M> s Cov.i M. Joy I and fo.- the beautiful floral offo 1 ings. DR. C. W. JOYCE & FAMIL" N. O. PETREE AND FAMIL' MRS. AUGUSTA 8 BUTNER PASSE* 0 SHE LIN ED AT *TOBACCC V,- VILLE—TOM PETREE T.IKK H. WRONG CAR AT KING - IS STORK ANTICIPATES WAI —FARMERS GETTING GOOI PRICES. or ir- King, Oct. 13—Mrs. August •al But nor, aged 77 years, died at h( ng | home in Tobaceoville Saturdii at | following a stroke of paralysi m. The deceased is survived by thu be sonij, Edwin Butner of Muaci ir- Indiana, Tom Butner of Sho« n J and Hubert Butner of Tobacc •ri> ville. One daughter, Miss Lu to, Butner, of Tobaccovil'e, survivi •t i'also two half brothers, Ben Peti •e-'of Slioalf/ und Gus of Eno lis Funeral services was conduct in at Macedonia church Mond; ry morning at 11 o'clock and inte ti- ment followed in the church cem •ol tery. Rev. J. A. Crews was •i!l charge of the service. op 1 Robe't, the young son of M and Mrs. R. C. White, cut an ug i •th gash in his leg with a heavy coi ( st knife while cutting tobacco stu gh bles Saturday. Three stitch lot were required t 0 sew up the gas ,n.:! Sidney L. Pulliam has retur jn ed to his home in Ashebo o aft rg- spending a week with relativ .(- here. on Mr. and Mrs. Coon Guntci ■p.- Madison spent Sunday with r iiij atives here. •ry 1 Junior Stone, who is in scho )it'at Boone, spent the week-end wi i ng his parents, Dr. anj M's. G. lit- Stone. rol T. S. Petree, Earl Wall ai Js. P. Christian, Danbury citiz t gt. visited King last week. Mr. F I tree, who was the cashier of t ( Bank of King for a number | years, but who had not been he | for a long while, got confusi 1 and bearded the wrong strict c at the corner of Depot and Mu He was let off at Dalton juncti and walked back, pretending im , was hunting Indian relics. j Mr. Christian, while examinii yard a mile or two out, also wal the tombstones in an old grav ed back to town. !„,j Rebecca Helsab ck, who i S , attending Meredith College, \v; j :>3 a week end visitor to her parent , lc j Dr. and Mrg. R. S. Helsabeck, i n d IX.n River street. rs 1 Charlie Brown, of Rural H p Route 1, was a business visit o' ,1 0 .' hei e Saturday. | The stork made a specialty ] boys last. week. Five visits «v mado and at each home a bour J ni; in"; boy was left. This begins i 0"-, lool: lik.' war. They were: > >ur ,nd \vi - 3. I' uvey Robe tson, aFO .Mr. >.111.1 y.i?,. Oscar La'.vs -n, er- son; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wh ja Cvin; Mr. and Mrs. James P«ro> iY,'a son; and Mr. and Mrs. Willi; xY.jAshburn a Number 3,318 GRAM) JURY S MAKES REPORT LJ RECOMMENDS THAT SALE OF > COMMODITIES IN SCHOOLS BE STOPPED—'TOILET FOR K COLOKED AT COIRT 110 l Si; >l>! IS RECOMMENDED. ' State of North Carolina, ita | County uf Stokes. Ie! To Hlis Honor; E. C. Bivciis. «*) Judge Pi-siding: ( 1" '' .ind Jury for the Octob er ~. t- ~n it suj-eiior Court of :1 -' ..j most respectfully ,:i ' s submits the following report: co " We acted on o2 bills of indiet- J ' a ment, 27 of which wire found to ,Cb , be "True Hi Is," 5 nut true bills. l-| Presentments of "11 criminal on -1 natur. known to yur body were ' j made a"d acted upon. a - v j A committee visiter the county er " | jail anj found conditions good lc "|both from a stand point of sani in tat ion and repair. A committee visited the Sta'e Prison Camp anj found it to be S'y'run in a very efficient manner, >rn jwith sanitary conditions existing ulj ~ throughout the camp. 10 H A committee visited the county at home and found it to kept in rn " a good condition with the ex lCr ception of beds of inmates 1 needing attention The coni l mittee rrco.nmeniit; that this con -01 dition be cleared up at encc. d "| A committee vi-it«i the var ious offices of tlie county court ' house and found them to be run itn in a veiy effici >it manner and in j.- gt.oj shape. I The Grand Jury reeomriead 11 that the Honorable Ho; rd of ~s's ' Education of Stokes countv dis- Pe continue the sale of randy, chew tlu ing gum and all soft diir.ks in 1 I public schools of Stokes ol ' e j county. ' | The Grand Jury recommend c " j that the Bo.ird ~f County Cora tin. ' . . : tn:ssione: s erect a to, et lor col ion' , , . ~ jcre l poop e in 'he court h use. W. G. MOORE, For man of Grand Juy. Ing lk-1 Growers in t !ii.• section aro ve-.very busy preparing a". 1 nwke'- ling tobacco. They are getting is| .factory pi ;«..•» this year. n\' j Three patients lauhiwen. ton its. sil removal opera'ions in the on Stone-Helsabeek Clinic last week. They were: Miss Bitty Eou M. i • of Va.!o ).lumi S;u' ■ ?ii tor Xcr'va o G;v: . r.' .«:• j Miss I!' no Snider, of \ i. ~ of J C-.viiV'ton. and erf w ;i i pj{; ; t s ;• ef the Ca; •! a ne- c''ii!i. \v«r> > ; ( Week on to Ui.-iuess. C ir/ton who's * • ,"-t '• SO. 'taird -o yum i-o rc "i;i: '■ v.! i . 1. ve »l\.t he is in , a ■ . \v n hcal'ii. Mr. Covington li'■ r i ov c ; abound as }. !i'j j,?, he did >wn thirty years ago. He like am he is good fo.- a l.unjicd of I more. ' •* 1 -i .-m s J—aJ

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