THURSDAY, OCT- 14, 1957. I Farmers Should Save j Own Lespedeza Seed All indications point to the fact that lespedeza seed are going to be high in price again this winter and next spring. There approximately 15,000 acres of " lespedeza in Stokes county this year. With thehigh price in mind farmers should make every effort to savvelespedza seed this fall. Interest in growing lespedza. both as a soil improving and hay crop is increasing by leaps and bounds forhughout a umbe r f r states. In the past the grvving of largely to a few southern stages ithis legume has been confined but during the past yea"" lespedza production h®9 increased ere- I'M feeling! FINE THIS MORNING -FREE FROM " THAT THROBBING HEADACHE * \ AND READY FOR A. A GOOD DAY'S J All people who Buffer occasionally , from headaches ought to know this way to quick relief, r At the first sign ot such pain, take two Bayer Aspirin tablets with a half glass of water. Some times if the pain is more severe, a ■ second dose is necessary later, ac k cording to directions. If headaches keep coming back we advise you to see your own physician. He will look for the cause in order to correct it. The price now is only 1W for twelve tablets or two full dozen for virtually, only a 15 virtually 1 cant * tabbt | Prepare Yourself For A I I | Paying Position in 1938 ALnl \ Learn Beauty Culture A This is a real opportunity to learn ;» I > - X profession which will make you inde- / 4 pendent of ordinary jobs. i KING'S BEAUTY SCHOOL J i Bold Frank Exposing- Big City Vice Rackets M—— SPECIAL MID-NITE SHOW Sunday, Oct. 17th, 12:01 A. M. 20c. AH Seats 20c. * Hollywood Theater Winston-Salem, N. C. * mendously in Ohio, Illinois, Indi ana, and even as far west as Kansas, Arkansas and Okla. menttret.hd-xz fifl fi fl flafla flafi Korean lespedza is mo' e in de western states because it matures mand in the central and earlier and this has caused the price of Kea r on seed to rise con siderably. In past Stokes county farmers have spent thousands of dollars for lespedza seed when these seed could be saved at home. In Union, Rowan, Stanly, Iredell and othe r piedmont North Carolina counties farmers have lealized thousands of dollar-s through the sale of lespedza seed. These counties last year produced nvny carloads of S2ed fo> - sile. One of the best Li-lhods for saving this seed is by the use of a seed pan attached to a mowing machine. The Ccommon, Kobe,, and Tennessee 76 varities pan very eiasily after the first killing frost, Korean seed clnk tighter but can be panned satisfactorily usually atfer the 15th of Novem ber di" December. With this method it is possible for a farm er to save enough seed for use in a very short while. Another way is to mow tin i lespedza when the seed are ripe and rake the hay and thresh it. | Even when seed aie harvested j enough are left on the land to re ' seed the crop the following year A good acre of lespedza will j turn out from 15 to 25 bushels of clean seed. Last year many farmers realized from $50.00 to SIOO.OO per acre on seed. Lespedza seed pans are reason able in price. A good pan can ! be" pu'chased for from $5.00 to | $7.00. A few hours work will save enough seed to more than pay for the pan. Seed pans will stand a lot of rough usage a"d can be operated on rough rocky land. They can be purchased I fiom any leading hardware store. A good blacksmith can make a seed pan in a short time. The county agent will be glad to order seed pans for farmers who desire them. Farmers should THE DAXBURY REPORTS plan now to save their own les pedza seed. Lawsonville News. Lawsonville, Oct. 13. —Quite a number of the Lawsonville com munity people attended the Mt Airy Fair and Winston-Salem Fair last week. Miss Novella Stevens and Wal lace Stevens attended a chicken stew in Walnut Cove F'iday nighty Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Lassister, Herbert Jr, Lassister, Misses Lucy Smith and ' Rachael Ann McCampbell were dinner guests in the home of M>. and Mrs O. L. McCampbell, of Archdale, last Sunday. Miss Sarah Flinchum visited j friends in Stokesdale during the week end. Miss Rachael Tucker spent the week end in Winston with friends- Mr. and Mrs John Neal Tuck er spent the week end in Winarton- Salem. M'\ G. V. Martin was an out of-town visitor during the week end A great number of farmers have been taking tobacco to mar ket during the past tw 0 weeks Every one seemed to be g'eatly pleased with the prices^ What's New in Radio? v By J. F. Witkowski Principal. School of Radio, International Correspondence Schools; Associate Member. Institute of Radio Engineers A CALIFORNIA inventor has in vented a new radio device to en able the dispatcher at an airi»ort to keep track of transport planes in flight. Signals sent at pre-deter minod intervals from a radio trans mitter on the plane are picked up at the airport where they automati cally control the movement of a spot of light across an air line map. The light accurately records the position of the ; '.ui.r, . i.owing whether it is on or off its pi ■'•per course. V « • I A radio "tap detector" has lutii develop 1 to in-over theft from oil pipe lii.x by tapping. If there is reason i.-> suspect that an under ground seel.o:l of the line has been tapped, electrical oscillations are set up throughout the suspected section. A distinctive humming in th? ear phones of an inspector following the route of the line signals the presence of the most skillfully buried Up. * $ • Telephone service from to earth has been installed by a west ern air line to enable passengers to talk to telephone subscribers in any part of the United States. The plane's phones connect _by short wave radio with the air line station. Fran the station the call is relayed ' to a nearby telephone exchange which puts the call through to It* destination. New Miracles Of The m Photoelectric Cell i By James D. Purdjr DincM, Ithuli f BUctrkal Eogfaseerfac, laMrsatkstl A METHOD of transmitting news bulletins by television haa been developed by a New York inventor. At the transmitting station an elec tric typewriter types the bulletins on transparent tape. A light beam pa— M through the tape to a photo i electric cell which transforms the variations in light intensity into electric impulses that are sent oat by short-wave radio. The receiving apparatus re-transforms the im pulses into light of varying in tensity and projects the original letters or numbers onto a screen. «• • • The photoelectric cell and a light beam from a standard automobile headlight, from whieh all visible rays of the light spectrum have been filtered, are employed in the latest ! protective device against burglars i or other intruders. By a system of mirrors the invisible light beam is reflected back and forth throughout ! the area to be protected. Energy ! released Vy any interference be tween the beam end a photoelectric cell or cells can be used to sound a bell or siren, or oven to transmit an alarm by telephone. *• • • Automobile headlights ean now , be tested by a photoelectric cell i meter. When the device is placed | against the lense of the headlight a I dial reading gives the volume and intensity of light. Another device based on tho use of the photoelectric cell has been developed to grade milk. The device measures the de gree to which various samples of milk transmit light, and grrdea them accordingly. WE FEATURE WHITE'S FURNITURE BE CAUSE IT IS BETTER. ■ WE FEATURE WHITE'S FURNITURE BE CAUSE WE KNOW IT IS BETTER WE FEATURE WHITE'S FURNITURE BE- I CAUSE EVERYBODY KNOWS IT IS BETTER. BUY YOUR FURNITURE FROM US BE CAUSE WE CAN GIVE YOU BETTER SERVICE. SEND US CARD TO CALL AND EXPLAIN. R. H. Furniture Co. I RURAL HALL, N. C. STUART i Theater j Stuart, Virginia Fri-Sat., Oct. 15-16, "Westward Ho" John Wayne. Sun.-Mon., Oct. 17-18 'Turn off the Moon" Charlea Tues.-Wed., Oct. 19-20 "Ever Since Eve" Marion Davies, and Robert Mont gomery. 15c and 30c Thursday only, Oct. 21 "Hearts In Bondage" James Dunn and Mae Clark. / / / Checks nnfl MALARIA II " V ' n 3 d »y ß COLDS Liquid - Tablets Finjt Day Stive - Nose Drops Headache, SO minuter Try "Bub-My-Tism"-World , s Bcs Liniment I— ■ * LOOK FOR THIS CROSS / VtfAtmiMia OFMAICO ] n • AND BET V M GENOME S BAYER ftSPIRIN Oooooooooooooooooov>oooooo >OOOOOCKXX> ! GENTRY'S I I CASH STORE % KING, N. C. I 6 The Place to Buy Your Feed, Seed and % \ Groceries. x \ Agent for Fine Spun Flour—none bet- \ X ter at any price. Special 24 lbs- sl.lO-6 5 \ pounds free. Other flour $2.85 hundred X Up. fa■*» ~ Y 6 Sugar, $5.25. " ,l 1; y Corn Flakes, 3 boxes 22c. x 6 Fresh Coffee, 2 pounds 26c. > I \ Cocoa, 2 pound can, 18c. X X See me for Vetch, Crimson Clover, Barley, Rye and Oats. X \ AGENT FOR THE FAMOUS ROBERT- | \ SON FERTILIZER. | ■ >OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TAX NOTICE!!I Pay your taxes for the year 1936, on or J before November Ist, 1937, and save j advertising cost and penalties. \ This October 12th, 1937. JOHN TAYLOR, Sheriff Stokes County. 14oct3wg 1 ■■■■■■■■■HiHlßß.