THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 66 TWO DIE IN COVE CRASH i Mrs. S. T. Puette, of Lenior and | Fred Truesdale, Colored, | of Winston Salem kill- Last Night. I Two cars had a head on col-! lision at the intersection of the Danbury-Madison highway yes terday evening about 6 o'clock, killing one and injuring four others. Mrs. S. T. Puette and her daughter, Miss May Puette, of Lenior, were in a Chrysler se dan enroute to Leaksville to visit at the home of another daughter. They were taken to a Wins ton Salem hospital where Mrs. Puette died this morning from injuries sustained. It is thought the daughter will re cover. Four negroes occupied the other car and had been to Madi son returning to Winston Sa lem. Fred Truesdale, of Wins ton Salem was killed almost instantly. Hampton Black, the driver a,nd owner of the car, and Raleigh Joyce also of Wins ton Salem received broken legs, cuts and other injuries were taken to a Winston Salem hospital. James Smith, of this county was not seriously hurt and is being held by officers for futher investigation. Smith told a representative of this newspaper that Black was trav eling at a high rate of speed and that he had been begging i him to slow down for several miles back. Black was said to have been drunk. NEWS OF PINNACLE The Missionary Society of the M. E. Church sponsored a Spell ing Bee and one-act play at the High School Friday night. Mrs T. 0. Watson won the prize for being the best speller. A song and dance number, "Little Old Lady" was presented by Miss Jean Carol Beck. Another en joyable feature of the eveningj was a gong "Will You Rember?i by Mr. Calvin Wright. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Bingham and small daughter of Stays- ! town, Pa., are visiting Mrs.! Bingham's parents, Mr and Mrs l J. W. King. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Chris. ! tian of Salisbury were the j guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. I Christian Sunday. Miss Dorothy Boyles spent 1 the past wee-end in Mount Airy visiting friends. Jean and Chris Smoyer of i Asheville are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Christian. Mr. Lawrence Gordon of Cum bevland Gap, Teen, is visiting' his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. 1 Gordon. The Pinnacle boys and girl? basket ball teams defeated the Francisco, boys and girls teams In a game Tuesday night. ft, I established 1872. R. A. YOUNG FUNERAL SERVICE Funeral services for Roy Arthur Young, 47, who died at his home in Winston Salem early Monday morning was held from the home at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon and from Rosebud Christian chuich at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. G. W. Headen and Rev. John L. Lan o 'ston were in charge. Burial was in the' church graveyard. Mr. Young is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lula Redmon Young,! two daughters, Mrs. Jack Dia mond, of Winston Salem; Miss Doris Young, of Winston Sa lem. Three sons, Surveer Cal vin, and Reece Young, all o* i Winston Salem. Two brothers and five sisters, Mr. James W. Young, of Walnut Cove, and Mr Earl Young of Walkertown. Mr-; Ezie Rierson, Mrs. Oscar Cau dle, Mrs. John W. Young, Mrs. Charlie Voss, all of Winston Sa lem and Mrs. Jim Tuttlc, of Davidson county. Pallbearers were Marvin Young, Narvil Caudle, Mac Cra ven Young, Gurney Tuttfc, Otis Voss, Early Rierson, Edwin Young, and Maxie Young. Flo wer bearers were nieces of Mr.. Young: Misses Opal Wallace, Italy Caudle, Dorothy Young, Mozelle Boles, Cleo Caudle, AL ma Young, Viola Neal, Elsie Hill, Lucile Snyder, Vivian Ilai ley, Wilm.ii Dull, Frances Lewel lyn, Lillian Martin, Joy Hut chens, Marie Voss. James Preston Killed At King Many Accidents Occur At King During Past Week. / Personals. v James Preston, son of Knob Preston, formerly of King, was accidently shot and killed in stantly Tuesday noon by "Red"| Kirby, son of A. L. Kirby, of King. The two boys, accompanied •by Howard Kirby, brother of Red, and Jack Gunter, were j rabbit hunting a mile west of i King when the accident occur ied. They had jumped a rabbit I and in firing at the rabbit, the ; load hit James full in the head: death occurring instantly, i The dead boy, about nineteen | years of age, was well liked by all who knew him. j The body is being held at hi" grandmothers home awaiting j the arrival of his mother from : Clio, S. C. I The FuneiP.l w : ll take plac;> ' Thanksgiving Day at the First ; Baptist Church, King. To put it another way, the Congress seems definitely of I the mind that the farmer is en titled to a better share of the | economic progress, and that '.be ! prosperity of agriculture is an essential base for improved ! conditions in all spheres of our economic life. | benefits. ! j -i Danbury, N. C., Thursday, November 25, 1937 For Solicitor This District. I P.alph J: Scctt, Danbury nttpr'-y, aivaount-'s himself a candi | ''ate fo. solicitor of the 21st Ju'" ial District. | I Pre-Natal Clinic i Reynolds School To Be Held December 2 on I Thursday at 3 P. M. V/ A pre-natal and well baby clinic will be held on Thursday, . December 2 at the Reynold: j , school building. Mrs. Irvin. I county health nurse, calls at-, tention to the change of day ! from Wednesday to Thursday, j It will be held at 3 o'clock P. M. The well baby clinic has just been started and it is hop ed that all babies and women who are about to become moth ers take advantage of the clinic being held for their respective 'larger life" as we term ourj Putting The Car In Shape For Cold Weather Driving By C. R. Strouse Director, School of A utoniobilet, International Correspondence Schools | w 5.? t«o astoawhtte'sj sri-* . fr.'.i in tcnr.poraturc. At seso degrees, | vV formidable cr ■ .say, tut jwoviied !•':*hr inbcit.a baUary has only about :' tii-; piypor prccaaiiu;..- arc tai-ei, the 3t?tn;;tb it aormaliy baa I*, :n enemy tkit can I: r. m'.iitd j ')'■ '! the summer. ! pos-eti-s to indict eerie*? j rl»ir:t - I .'.ss *iv.- Uiermo.ii" or r.-xj tvarard Jt is •.-i-.w&tia', h:" -v .-. mat .lire;" th" ••••11 in feu crjalvoasa sud ! ' tvccautioua ! - t.,'-:. "i tV« vo {■'•■ ■'»jtfilcn v;aM:; ihl',making \ , lijvi'', tf 1 'l*o a'u! cj.'.-i'- -'i: .- " '«• " fvV buU.-.ry to j are to be it! - i v'aost visiter rt-iiiy • '• «v«r and start tin into iu dtlii i.. win'.a v'is car Jiilita burn |' Every motor! ras-a.'r.w the •'•»! tha li.ii -la switched h avst.-.ily of n-.;c.)2 anti i • rzo sole* on ni.ot ut tfo time. V'ta lattery is . to 'ho cooling t y:_; >ni, b t u.t •... O t iifai(ji;a>sped because iiukli I ; iivi I irret to • ;tk iba frt.ainsf ilrivtsg 1* on short triy.3 r list ftv '.ucit'ly hi r:2l ' «ar»- tlr. -rhieh Vi! to bring tho btttery back 1 thi solution is r.-.t h'-ius lest by 10 las! ci.nrze. > leakage ur eve; •%rs.t». n. A r cl:i V : t.-u water is ndde* to tho tet* I bi.i'.-H or hursttd rv'laVjv mi:y be lory in frets.lns woather. run the L i ilia penalty of forge•••«. e f.r at least half an hour to J r-::>y tafa with yon? labricilitn. tr.;.t ':e electrolyte aud avoid tlia ; I Failure to change in iin . fiMQi hu:i- ?us. SiJuUy t'lat tho vater may ! mo 1 * io T.ii.tor atotv.r olln cau«*s Fr:a«i ig jaay eiaok tha bat* s I cictiy when it docs wt k".d to ininspdi- csv-3 Injuiy to the plates, j 1 l ate troutiin. it is good oconomv r-ud cixack fjjaric at ' . to iir:.!u the til frfui.-:ttsy, in .cr.d twice burins V"i t/iutor. A hjt ; ct tryin*; to (?cl overythiu" yon r r '- ■' »') lir-i the in | Klbty can oat rf t IM! i.v. • tho tody ui iU ell. a-; 1 . ;.4 - ■ t 'i-rating, the r..ali Bis»y ho • wtlch itr&dusllj' aetO!t»'.il.-.'.ss maksa't!:rt sj mnch ss one palloji in ton it abrasive. of the gasoUaa is btiag wasted. few motorists realize tha impor- Siato ibis toas to dilute the oil iu tance of a clean, fully-charged bat- the ciaakcase, tho motoric suiZera tery. All b&Ueries weakeu with a a double loss. /.I! children under school age' will be given the toxoid or dip heria vaccine free of charge. Dr. Reeves is now conduct ing the clinics and is assisted by the county nurse. ANNOUNCEMENT \j I I desire hereby to announce! |m y candidacy for the office of I Solicitor in the 21st Judicial District, subject to the Demo cratic Primary of June, 1938. All support given my candidacy j will be highly appreciated. If nominated and elected, it will be my intent and purpose to perform the duties of this of fice in a courteous and effi cient manner. Ralph J. Scott. IN WA ww I I I 1 * lUM'ltLi ST.' iZNAVC.I _ 1 Editor's note-Senator Reyn olds' column for this week was written at John Hopkin's Hospital, Baltimore, where the Senator is undergoing treatment to find the cause of trouble affecting his hear ing. The legislative snarls of the first week of the special senior., of Congress indicate that nicn: hers of both Houses have bene fitted from their own surveys of conditions "back home" and are determined to see that new legislation is in accord wiiii national needs. Th.'s is reflucied in the jnvv ing pressure for mx relief iV-r business, particularly smaii |l»U:>inosses that fin I it liii ii cult to compete with monopo lies; in the desire to draff :i j farm program that is workable and not just designed to satis | fy the demand that something be done, and in the effort to avoid new government boards and commissions. Aside from farm legislation, the tax situation is one of the most important problems con • fronting Congress. It is an r jpen secret that the Congres sional Committees are daily finding evidence that taxes are definitely retarding full busi ness and industrial recovery and are determined to bring in a bill for tax revision that will be more equitable than the ex isting law. If the pressure for action continues, it may come at the special session, although the program calls for tax legis lation at the regular session. As soon as the farm bill is reported, probably by the time this column is printed, every effort to speed it along will be made in both Houses. It now seems certain that the mem ! bers of Congress have a better picture of farm needs and are hopeful that they can be met I through a well-planned law that I will stand the test of tieoi. ! What will he done about the wage and hour* bill is proble matic. The "behind the scenes" activities in the llou.vo, whi'iv the measure is a live issue, in dicate that the bill finally re ported will be more favorable to the South and free from i > drastic Federal control. t;.,me believe that the law should standards for wages and hows, leaving it to the Justice De partment to enforce, rather than to set-up elaborate and separate enforcement machin ery. (Continued on Bth page) Number 3,324 WALTER EDWARDS DIES BY OWN HAND NO REASON' KNOWN FOR RASH ACT OF KINO MAN DEATH OF MRS. JOSEPH MOOHE - OTHER INTER ESTING NEWS OF KING SECTION. King, Nov. 24- Walter Ed wards, aged about MO and sin gle committed siwjide by shoot, ing himself in the head with a revolver at his home three miles east ol' town Saturday morning. The deceased is sur vived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Millus Edwards and sever al brothers and sisters. No reason was known to the fam ily for the young mans ra.-.h act. I». ... ."rown has purchased Me Bennett his dwe! 11.- !ii mi Main Street. ( onsidc ration $ll2OO. 3!r. Ben nett will move to his farm. Tr i-'iivc, nvrcl aut if P. lit 1 uas I.usi s ' >v Fat lrday. jl'V. r-J: T.lltl iii: ) UT. ' '■ ' tl>' ui'e pe;i ling a u vacat'oi: at Fort I anc'ei Florida. , I andis Newsum sold a load , of tobacco (in the Mount Airy _ market last week which avor r aged him 50 cents per pound. ( Farmers in this section are s very busy gathering and . ing corn. The crop is goo 1 this year. , '! Mrs. Joseph Moore, aged 62. j died at her home on Dei ot St. Friday morning {following a stroke of paralysis. The de ceased is survived by the hu band, two daughters and four sons. Funeral and interment was at Pilot Mountain Sunday afternoon at two o'clock n il Kermit Wall who underwent an appendix removal operation r in a Winston Salem hospital r last week is getting along as well as could be expected. I John Southern, fine tobacco grower of the Bethel section wa s here Saturday on business. # j Mrs. Auburn Newsum who r has been crittically ill in a Salem hospital for the f past several days in reported to be slightly improved. .! Mrs. Permelia Caudle who is suffering from a sprained back j the result of a fall is slowly ini j pro\ing. j The stork ha.l about an aver age week, six births being re corded. They v.rie. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Southern, a son, Mr. and Mrs. T!.or.ia Ft id: :. a dau jrht'-r, Mr. and Mr-. TI-.ward I'oyles, a sen. Mr. and Mrs. Gunue Lawsen, a daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Spe:iv t I.o'ig. a son and Mr. and Mis. M-i-k V/e-.tman land, a dan- 'iter. , T!:e following patents undir veut tonsil removal operations : I the Stone-Helsabeck Clinic 1:. t week: Miss Jenkie Young, of Rural Hall. John Crews, of I Hi;.'h Point, Misses Edith and Hester Lawson and William j Lawson, of Gtrmanton.

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