THE DANBURY REPORTER Volume 66 * SANDY RIDGE SUNDAY SCHOOL BGANIZED SUNDAY AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH) ANNOUNCEMENT OF A WED- DING THE . LITERARY CLUBS MEET PERSON ALS AND NEWS ITEMS OP INTEREST. Sandy Ridge, Jan. 12.—For a number of years there has been no Sunday School at the Presby terian church here. On Sunday afternoon a group of interested people met and organized a Sun day School. Mr*. C. R. Darr aoade a very inspiring and helpful talk on the purpose of Sunday fetool. It was decided to meet each Sunday afternoon at 2:30 cf clock. The following officers were elected: Superintendent, R. H. Wlatkina; Assistant, J. B. Robertson; Secretary and Treas urer, Ruby Robertson; Assistant, Bessie Biennis; Adult teacher, C. R. Dan 1 ; Assistant, E. M. Macon; teacher for young people, Mrs. C. R Darr; Assistant, Mrs. Jake Ziglar; Junior class, Mrs. Joe Ziglar; Assistant, Mrs. Noel Amos; Primary class, Mrs. R. H. Watkins; Assistant, Miss Edith Hennis. Mr. and Mrs. George Lawrence announce the marriage of their daughter Ruth, to Mr. Melvin Layman on December 29th, at Stuart, Va., Rev. the ♦officiating minister. * Atfg ceremony was used. Mr. and Mrs. Layman will make their hoaie temporarily with the bride's parents here, y The Pasteur Literary Club met Thursday morning with a very in teresting program being given. The debate created much interest at this time. The pmgram was a* follows: Devotional, DeWitt Vernon; Song, Club; Debate, Re solved that electro lights are bet ter than other types of light. AfTinnative—Walter Joyce, R. C. Eaton, Dewey Corn. Negative— Camero n Dodson, Wilbert Wood, Mrs. Darr. Current events, Miay n*rd Joyce. The "Helen Kella r " Literary Club met in regular weekly sess ion Thursday morning with the following progitam being given: Song, Club; Devotional, Louise Jessup; Roll Call, each member ■•king a riddle, a prize waa given to the member answering the most riddles. Lou Ella Amos being the winner. Current •vents, seveml girU. Mandolin solo, Evelyn Joyce. Mr. and' Mrs. Waldo E. Carroll and son Dwight Earl, of High Point visited Mr. Carroll's sister, Mrs. Rosa Hutcherson, here Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Cassidy of Reidsville recently visited Mrs. Oassldy'. sister, Mrs. J. W. Fer guson. Moir Hawkins waa a business visitor in Madison Monday. Miss Norma Boyles and S. R.j Gibson were in Walnut Cove Hbndtay. Mr. and Mrs. Clement Dodson • n d family were guests at Mr. and Mrs. John Oakley Saturday. Ml, and Mrs. W. C. Joyce and Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Thursday, January 13, 1938 tamily and link Goffrey Smith were Aiier gueats of Mr. wd Mrs. W. L. Poore Sunday. W. R. Spencer was a business visitor in Winston-Salem Satur- Mr. and Mm. Russell Martin and family were dinner guests of M*. and Mrs. Jesse Amos Sun day. Rev. J. A. Joyce was a business visitor in King Wednesday. lju-l Handy has returned to his home i« Winston-Salem after having spent a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Han dy, he«"e. Mi 1 , .any} Mrs. Gilbert Joyce were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Dodaon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Elmo Citomer visited Mrs. Rosa Hutcherso" Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Darr and daughter Joan, were dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Joyce Friday evening. Mrs. Gifent Ayera spent the week-end at Boone visiting rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rhodes and baby of Leaksville visited Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Rhodes Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Joyce and daughter Ruth, were shopping In Madison Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hilary Ctaspcnan, Mr. and Mrs. Mofr Hawkins a*d children, Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Hawkins anj daughter Flora Jane, mot Hampton Knight were dtaber guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Stevens. Mr. a»d Mrs. Sam Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Vernon and Mrs. W. O. Wood visited Wallace Ver non in the Veterans' hospital in Roanoke, Va., Sunday. Mrs. Ralph Mitchell, qjf lighter of Mis. Charlie Eaton is in the Duke hospital at Durham for treatment- Mrs. R. L. Ziglar's brother Winfield Agnew, of Floyd, Va., spent the week-end with her hero. John Nance was in Martinsville, Va., Saturday on business. Clyde Amos of Leaksville visit ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Amos, here Saunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Bill Nance and family, Mrs. Jess Nance and daughter spent Saturday in Leaksville. | James Joyce of Winston-Salem visited W. C. Joyce here Monday. Little Estelle Ferguson, who has been ill with the chicken pox, is improving. Friends of Mrs. J. C. Handy will be glad to le&rta that *he is much better afte* having been sick. Miss Artie Belle Nance enter tained a number of her friends | Friday night with an old time square dance. Every one seemed to have enjoyed thmselves very much. Earl L. Collins, an electrician from Martinsville, Va., is. back with his uncle J. 8.. Robertson after being away from his work fo r several days. Otia Amos visited in Preston, Vk., Saturday night. Joe Ziglar and Jack Turner were in Martinsville, Va., Satur day on buainen. ,/; TYPHOID FEVER ATTACKS FAMILY WILLIAM FLINCHUM, HIS WIFE AlfD SON REPORTED ILL WITH DISEASE REED FLINCHUM TAKEN TO HOS PITAJU It is reported that William Flinchum, his wife, and a son Reed Flinchum are ill with ty phoid fever. The son Reed waa taken to" a Winston-Salem hospi- t&l Sunday, and is said to be seriously sick. He had been un der the care of a physician for * week or more, and it was giver out last week that his trouble w» pneumonia, later Bright's disease. The William flinchum family lives close to the river a half mile north of Piedmont Springs. One report is that their water supply is infected with drainage from the CCC oatip, two miles distant. 1 Production Credit Association Stock holders To Meet January 29 Stockholders of the Winston- Salem Production Credit Associa tion will hold their annnpi meet tag in the court house at Wins toa-Salem on Saturday morning, January 29th at 10:00 o'clock, ac cording to an announcement by Welbor*, Welbor*, presdent of the iQiffarfon,' whTsays that" it is desired ttfat every member of the association shall be present. At this meeting, complete anil detailed reports will be made by the officers of the association on its operations for the past year, directors will be elected and oth er highly important business transacted. Mi*. Welborn in announcing the date of the an&uai meeting said that it was hoped to make the attencfence at this year's meet ing the largest of any of the meetings yet held. He said that these annual meetings afforded the stockholder* an opportunity to learn every detail of the oper ations of their association (and that it was their duty to attend. The Winston-Salem Production Oedit Association serves Alle ghany, Ashe, Caldwell, Davidson, Forsyth, Stokes, Surry, Watauga, Wilkes, and YiadHn counties and In 1937 made loans totalling $117,000.00. Nick Stevens of Ltwsonville was in town on business Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Stovall and J little daughter Louise, were din ner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mm. George Wilkins. Mr. and Mrs. John Nance were jin Greensboro Monday. Mrs. George KalSam, Mrs. G. I W. Hawkins and Miss Abbie | Hawkins visited Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hawkins Wedneday. A mftd dog visited many homes here last Tuesday night and bit several dogs. Some of the dogs bitten are being treated in Ma"- .ttnwrille, Va., in order to prevent 9th«r dogs from going n*d. GOOD WOMAN DIES . AT PINEY GROVE 0 PAIRING OF MRS. FANNIE ELIZABETH FLINCHUM W)TH STROKE OF PARALY SIS—SHE WAS THE WIFE OF ROBERT FLINCHUM THE FUNERAL SATURDAY. Mrs. Fannie Elizabeth Flin chum, aged 49, died Thursday night of last week at her home at iiney Grove, after suffering proke of paralysis early Thiufday morning, about nine o'cloifL She lived eleven h|»urs ra£tft| the attack, passing away 20 mlntftas jjefore 9 at night. Mrs. FHhchum sat on the side of the bed and talked a little af ter ate was stricken, but soon lay down and became unconscious, not speaking any more. She had suffered with high blood pressure for tw 0 years. Funeral was conducted on Sat urday afternoon at 2" o'clock by Elders J. A. Fagg, W. J. Brown and Ed Priddy of the Primitive E&ptist church, followed by inter ment at the family burial plat nea» the home. A large crowd was in attendance at the rites. Mrs. Flinchum, who was th / wife of Robert Flinchum, was a good, woman and was beloved by ta bjgc circle of frienda. She was a daughter of the late Jasper Biby* She is survived by her P°well, 28 y*wrs of lage, and by the follow ing brothers and sisters: Mrs. Viney Mabe and Mrs. Josie Law son of Lawßonville; Mrs. Daisy Lawson of Kernersville; Mrs. Annie Nance of Greensboro: An derson Biby of Walkertown. Also by half brothers and half sisters as follows: Mrs. Nannie Tuggle of Guilford county; Misses Eliza beth and Peggy, and Messrs. David and William Biby of Kern ersville. Death of Rev. C. W. Robinson Rev. C. W. Robinson, 89, who for 43 years served as pastor of the North Wilkesboro Presbyter ian church, died at his home at North Wilkesbor 0 Tuesday morn ing. He had been in ill health for two years but on several occas ions during the last year he preached from the pulpit of the Presbyterian church at North Wilkesboro. Mr. Robinson was pastor of the Da n bury Presbyter church some 25 years ago. Reed Flinchum Is 111 In Hospital Reed Flinchum of Piedmont Springs was carried to a Winston- Salem hospital feist week. His condition is reported serious. C. A. Mickey In Hospital C. A. Mickey of Gap is at the Baptist Hospital, Winston-Sal em, for an operation for prostate j gland trouble. Tobacco Course To Be Given At State The four-day tobacco short course to be held at State Col lege, January 25-28, will offer North Carolina farmers an op portunity for extensive studies of tobacco production and mark eting. authorities on the weed crop will discuss the best cultural practices, new methods of insect and disease control, how to market leaf to best and explain the tobacco outlook for this year. Laborary work in gliding to bacco will be given Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. A kdgli-light of the first day's program Tuesday morning will be a talk by J. B. Hutaon, assist ant AAA tadmisinistrator «nd di- rector of the east central region, on prospective control legislation. W. G. Finn, assistant regional director, will go into the leaf outlook, and E. Y. Floyd, exten sion tobacco specialist and state AAA director, will discuss the 1938 agricultural conservation piognam in the afternoon Tues day. i • Plant pathologist, {agronomists, entomologists, \marketing special ists, and their experiment station 'and extension workers are also ijom the program to present var lious aspects of the tobacco grow r ens' problems and point out the I ( best known methods of solving them.,!?*> • . Dae* M. Paul, State College di (rector tof agricultural shorr courses, has (apoounlced that there will be no tuition fee for I the tobacco short course. A $1 >'able at a moderat price both on i legist ration fee will be charged. Rooms and maal3 wil be avail the campus and in homes close by, he added. Three Tobacco Tags At Lawsonville With New Show Three Tobacco Tags, who up io a short time ago were bioadoast , ing from W. P. T. F. in Raleigh, but are now at Richmond, will be at Lawsonville High School on Saturday night of this week, Jan. 16th. From all reports their show at the present time is far superior to anything they have run. Along with good music and singing will be a new show entitled "Married Bliss." A large crowd is expected and ev erybody is urged to come ea r ly and get a good seat A small (admission charge will be made at the door. A feature of the show will be Bob Hartsell, solo singer and guitarist Z. R. Moran Is Critically 111 Z. R. Moran of Meadows is re ported critically ill at his home near Meadows. He was hurt in a mule runaway several months ago, since when he has been oon ,fined to his bed. Complications have recently set in which render I his condition serious. He is 72 m of age. Number 3,331 BROWN DATES IMPORTANT MEETS SERIES OF MEETINGS TO EX PLAIN NEW FARM PRO GRAM ARRANGED ALBO MEETING AT RING HIGH SCHOOL FOR FARMERS URGENT INVITATION T O ATTEND. In order to better acquaint Stokes county farmers with the details of the 1938 Agricultural Conservation Program, a series of meetings have been, and a r e being held throughout the COMA ty. Several charges have been made in the 1938 Agricultural Conservation Program nnj it is our desi«~e to give producers the necessary and important derails of this in order thht they may plan their farming operations for 1933 to take advantage of this 1 Pi- L I The fol!ovring is a list of places, date and hour of meetings to be held in Danbury, Meadows, and Beavoi* Island townships: Monday night, January 17 Germanto n School 7:30. Wednesday night, January 19 ,—Meadows School 7:30. Thursday night, January 20, — Dill&r,d School 7:30. , . | Friday night, January 2\ Young's School 7:30. Producers will notice that all meetings have been scheduled At night. PkAkie take ntote of the place and date of the meeting and atten/ lf%4ja' ]p»Hily can. For the purpose of giving to bacco giowers up-to-the minute information on the tobucco prob leiLS, such as cultural practices, fertilizer recommendations, dis ease contiol, plant beds, etc., we are holding a meeting at the King High Schcol on Tuesday night, January 18, at 7:30 o'clock. , We are very fortunate in hav ing with us at this meeting, Dr. Luthu*' Shaw, Extension Plant Pathologist fiom N. C. State Col lege and Mr. L. T. Weeks, Exten sion Tobacco Specialist, also from the college. These men will give an illustrated lecture using a projecting lantern and slides in connection with the above mentioned tcfcbcco problems. Recently, new practical methods have been developed for the oon 'trol of blue mold on tobacco plant 'beds. Dr. Shaw la an authority 'on this problem, having conducted considerable research work on 0 blue mold. We hope to have with us also at ■ this meeting Mr. F. R. Farnham, Extension Dairy Specialist from State College who will discuss the possibilities of milk markets and the d«i''y industry in Stokes county. New developments have taken place along this line recent* iy. All farmers in either of these subjects are urged to attend this meeting, as I am sure it will be of great benefit to you. j. v. imowx, County Agent. Four thousand farmers at* tended the fir*t Surry oounty TD> bfccco Festival at Mi. Airy cm Tuesday afternoon before Christ mas. J.

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