THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 66 G-MEN MAY BE SUMMONED WARNING FROM LIEUT. LAU RO OF THE OCC CAMP PERSONS MUST BE CARE FU L ABOUT RECEIVING STOLEN PROPERTY. I «'A tip to the wise at times is sufficient, and it ii well wise : this time to warn the citizens of' I this knd surrounding communi ties of the danger attached to { buying Government articles 0.- property that may be offered fo. 1 aale by individuals other than Governmental agencies who, af ter certain proceedings are au tkorized by the law to dispose oi property that has been condemn ed/* I This warning is given out by I i Lieut. Joseph V. Lauro, com manding company 3422, CCC. j Danbury, N. C. Lieut. Lauro further states: 'The person that buys govern mental property otherwise than the authorized agencies uvty l.e securing stolen P and thus lays himself liable to the offense of buying, receiving and concealing stolen property and can be prosecuted under state o. federal laws. t, "The local law enforcement agencies o? this community are composed of honest, competetu" .■»e n under capable supervision of Sheriff J. John Taylor, are at all times endeavoring to safeguard the citizen* but without the co operation of the citizens the c forts of the law officers are ii vain. When this occurs, your community is over run with pet ty thievery and you have startec. something that is hard to eradi cate. "The person who tries to ac quire governmental property b. soliciting a CCC enrollee to sell, # w*ether shoes, clothing or other wise, is not only aiding an. »betting the commission of; . a •rime, but he creates a demand tot an article and gives the seil m the opportunity t 0 start steal ing to meet the demand. Thus the innocent citizen hag started a hoy off to a career of crime that may lead to—who knows where? '"A> individuals who fail to co •perate with the authorities o: Oie CCC Camp in maintain ing a high standard of morale in and around the community, who not refrain from soliciting the •lea of government property, be Wned, that aid will be secured the Federal Bureau of In vestigation and State Govern ment to eradicate this evil in fluence. ''Traffic with a CCC enrollec does the community no good; the citizen should buy his wearing apparel from a "local merchant who carries o" a fair and legiti mate business. It will circulate money faster, aid business and make a better community. "The cooperation of the entiro' citizenry of the community i 1 requested in creating a spirit in the enrollee of becoming a useful, honest, upright citizen, instead | •f a »neak thief. All inform i ttoa of contrary conditions shonhij Established 1872. * Danbury, N. C., Thursday, January 27, 1938. Ladies Aid of Sandy Ridge Meets —; Other Riage News \ bandy Ridgo. j The Ladies Aid of the Sandv i Ridge Methodist church met Tuesday night with Mrs. Wallace j j Vernon, with twenty memocisl present. Devotional was led by! Mrs. F. G. Williams and the j ' topic of the program "Jesus Atti I I { ! tude Toward God," was given by Mrs. Woodrow Lawson. Little f # . Misses Lucille and Angelia Vern-i On gave t sketch of "We Are; Willing Workers." A duet "Wi Is That Knocking", was given o> Mr. Moir Amos and Miss Willie j Hall. The hostess served delic-; ious refreshments. The meeting lfo r February will meet with ' FraJin and' Miss Taylor at the i bome of Miss Fralia. Mr. J. H. Ellington and sen J H. Jr., Walte r Johnson and j McDonald of Greensboro spent Sunday with Mrs. J. H. Ellington and family. J Mrs. R. B. Ellington, who has been spending several wee!:., ■with Mrs. J. H. Ellington, re -1 turned to Greensboro Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hutcher son and Miss Audrey Collins visited Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Gibson in Pine Hall Sunday night. Mrs. Lincoln Brown and her " daughter, Lena, visited friends in Stoneville Sunday. v ij Misses Nancy Joyce and Bliza l betfc Ferguson were week-end guests of Miss Lois Hawkins. Sunuay dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Priddy were Mr. and Itlrs. Carlos Priddy of Law sonville, Mr. and Mrs. Oather ! Priddy, Mr. and Mrs. Taze Pridd> ! and Mrs. J. E. Dowdy. Eor n unto Mr. and Mrs. Murry l Handy a son, January 22, 1938. Born unto klr. and Mrs. Rusaeil I Knight a son, January 22, 193 Born unto Mr. and Mrs. Ger man Miaxy a son, January 24. i Miss Lois Priddy was a guest of Miss Etta Mae Amos during the week-end. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Ziglar Sunday, were Missea Else Crawford, Jessie Lee Fralin, and Rebecca Taylor and i Austin Gainer and Kenneth I Brown. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Macon were Monday night dinner guests of Mrs. J. E. Dowdy. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Vv'arford Sp>:nce. visited Mrs. Spencer's fathe \ Mr. | Loui 3 Grogan, of Critz, Va.. Sun day. Mr. Grog&n has been sick !for some time and will g 0 tc ! Duke hospital this week. I More Typhoid Appears A young sou of E. L. Alley two miles east of Danbury *j. , reported ill with typhoid fever. The condition of Mr. and Mrs. j William Flinchum, who live three miles north of Danbury, and wht j are suffering with typhoid, ii ! said to be favorable. Their son | Reid, who is being treated for i the same disease at a Winston- Salem hospitaJ, is reported im proving. be supplied to the Commandir.j Officer at the camp." GORDON HACKETT VISITS DANBURY DISTRICT HIGHWAY COMMIS SIONER MEETS R O A 1 DELEGATION HERE MR HACKETT'S FIRST TRIP T(, COUNTY LEAVES OUR PEOPLE PLEASED, BU'l FULL OF DOUBTS TIC 1 i PROPOSED GERMANTON WALNUT COVE ROAD. Coming to Danbury to meet i delegation asking for the im provement of the highway i". .. j Germanton to Walnut Cove, Oil ! i trict Highway Commissions , Gcrdon Hackett of Wilkesboi •; 1 paid his fir*t visit to Danbur> 1 this week. Our Stokes citizens were muc pleased to have the commission- i e r visit us, but he was able t. i give them scant encouragemep. as t G roads i n the near future. He stated that tie county ha. already received fur more thai, its just allocation i.i the building 'of the wide concrete turn-pikt I 'vk Pinnacle and King which Elme r Newsum has very approp riately named the Lakes-to- Florida highway. Thi s roa -1 which skirts the southern edge of the county, is charged up tc Stokes road programs in tlu amount of $450,000. This of course includes several expensive bridges. | A large delegation met Mr. i Hackett here and asked for the rebuilding and hardsurfacing the road which leads from I Meadows township, a mile no-'ti. jof Gennanton, via the Lawson place and othe r points down close to the A. & if. railroad t». Walnut Cove, entering the latter place and intersecting with No -89 at Fulton's store in Walniu Cove. Mr. Hackett was unable to make any definite promise* with reference to this road ex cept thlat he would put it on th. map for the earliest considera tion possible, and would sen engineers to re-locate it. Tno proposed highway serves a largo ■ number of citizens between Ger man ton and Walnut Cove, and is a -very important road. During bad weather, lying o n bottom c lowlands largely, it becomes al most impassable, and at me present time is in a wretuic-« condition in many places. Aurora Borealis Tuesday Night The aurora borealis shone Tues day night in all its grand ana solemn beauty. This spectacle which excites the wonder and ad miration of mankind, has never been jtatisfactorily explained, though there are various theories as to its origin. It is popularly supposed to be the reflection ol the sun's rays o n the polar reg ions of ice. I Science says it is of electrical origin. The electron, which is •» natural unit of negative electric ity, is supposed t Q be in play In the heavens, producing the phe nomenon. No«l Lackey of Lawsonville wam here Friday. O rfi£' * Senator W. Banks Horton of Yancey ville, Oa swell county,! North Carolina announces his .candidacy for Solicitor of the 1 21st Judical Disli iit, subject to I j the Democratic Primary to be ' l held in June. Senator Horton is the brothc. of Lieut. Governor W. P. Horton. He was raised & Chatham co: I ty, North Carolina, and serve.! in the United States Navy dur ing both the Spanish-American and World War. Senator Hort on has been an sctive member of the American Legion for more tba n fifteen years. He is a pa-jt Compandor of the Legion Post numbe r 89 of North Carolina a n tat present is the Commander of I state. Senator Horton has al ready rendered his resignation as the 11th Legion District of this District Commander to the State ! Commander, so that he may en | lei- the race for solicitor. | Mr. Horton studied iaw at ! Wake Forest College and has been actively engagej in the practice of law in Caswell coun ty for the past fourteen yea "S iHe Ira J served as president of thy I Caswell county Bar Association I for the past two years. Senator Horton has been au active Democrat all his life. He served as State Senator from 1927 to 1929. He is a Rotarian, a Mason ,and a member of tliv Methodist Church. Senator Horton, said,''lt is my purpose, if elected, t 0 see that citor are carrion uv.t in the light the duties of this office of Soli of a protector of the citizens of the district from the criminal element and not as a public prosecutor interested merely in ' securing convictions of the un j fortunate. I will be entirely in dependent of any alliances and ; will not be a mouth piece of any 'group seeking political advant j age. I pla n to wtage an activ 'campaign but a campaign ii keeping with the dignity of the office for which I lam a candi date." (Political Advertising.) FOR RENT. A part of the Tip Johnson j farm, the old home place. Good | grain and tobacc c farm o n bus | line. Good mad, good buildings and outbuildings. Near five churches. Five miles north-east of KiiTg, N. C. Apply to ELMER JOI-INSON, ; King Route 1. Will 'White and family have re moved recently from Walnut Cove to Richmond county, N. C. To Represent Stokes 4-H Clubs at Lexington ' Stokes county 4-H Club boys' v/iII be represented by a judging team at the Annual Seed Expo-i-1 I tion of the N. C. Crop Improve ment Association to be held at 1 Lexington, N C., on February 54 a nd 9> according to an announce- ! ment from J. F. Brown County Agent. The following boys are j training for the team: Prescott Sheppard, Sun lv I Ridge. Carl Joyce, Sandy Ridge. William Wilson Sandy Ridge. Walter Joyce, Sandy Ridge. Melvin Wall, Lawsonville. Maynard Joyce, Sandy Ridge > j Wilbert Woods, Sandy Ridge. Walter Spender, Sandy Ridge, j When final eliminations are. made, three team members and' 'one alternate will be selected t>' j i ; represent the county. Much i: j terest is being shown in thi" work by the boys trying out for | the team which is coached by the ' county and assistant agents. Various cash prizes, together With geld and silver mesa's end ' loving cups will be awarded to ' the winning teams (and individ i uals at the exposition. The con gest consists of judging the com ; parative quality of various farm seeds together with the identifi cation of plants, seeds weeds and diseases. * Prenatal and Well Baby Clinic The monthly prenatal and Well Baby Cli.iic will be held at Rey nolds high school on Thursday, I February 3rd, at 3 p. m. D-. Rceveg OF Wa'..~. CJVC, will I'.u. J charge of the clinic, assisted V I the local nurse Dr. Reeves will I examine the children for physical defects a-id inoculate for diph theria infants over six months oi age. | E:;pccUint mothers, both while and colored, that have not visit ed their own private physician and had a thorough physical e::- aminatjon are invited to attend the clinic. The people in charge of the clinic arc endeavoring t ) 'reach the group of mothers that never consult a doctor during the prenatal period and to teach them the importance of prenatal care. They are also anxious that 1 all babies and pre-school children i that have not been protected j against receive this I protection by going to their own i physician «r by bringing their ' childre n to this clinic. Dr. Hege Visits Stokes. Dr. J. Rr,y Hege, director if Forayth-Stoken-Yadkin Health Department, and Miss Bes ij Dill ton, Supervising Nurao, were visitors to Danbury on January gram of the Farm Agents meet ing of local committee in bohaif 2Gth. They appeared on the pro of securing for Stoker county a full time Home Demonstration Agent. After the meeting D. Hege investigated another cat' of recently reported typhoid fev er. Number 3,331 Fine Arts Club Celebrates Birthday, Entertained By Mrs. Nellie M. Taylor Mrs. J. S. Taylor graciously entertained the members of the Fine Arts Club at her home on Tuesday evcniiig, jan. 25. Various business was attende I and t*o very interesting bo>k i, "Live Alone and Like It." and •'Orchids on our Budget,'' writ ten by Jitrjoric Hillis, were re ported on by Mosiiames Win. Mc , Ca'dess and K- L. Smith. There were fourteen members and two visitors, Misses Lutii Patterson and Evelyn Page and •one wvlcome new member, Mrs. Doris Beck, present. In celebration of the club birtli jday, the guc : -t. were then invite I the dining iown to cut a 'cm.,. . cake and enjoy ice . ■ jay fortunes and favoi"S. Reported. Radio Star Performers of WSM. Nashville, I Tenn., Coming To Sandy Ridge Feb. 3 E. M. Ma. on, principal of the Sandy Ridge school, has au nouncej that o n Thursday night, Feb. 3, that "L'nclc Dave'' Macon and company will visit Sandy i Ridge and P"t o n a show in the school auditorium. Mr. Macon has bee n trying to get "Uncle | Dave" to Sandy Ridge for sever al weeks and has at last succeed ed in doing this. Just who will be with "Uncle .rave' is not certain, but it is 'op re' :'-t th? h •s" and "Sarg a"d Sallie" will 'assist in the shc.v, j The entire public is invited to iconic early and get a scat. Tt:e P'occcds derived from the show jvv:!l be adJcd to the gymnasium fund. Death oi Mrs. Sam East in Winston-Saiem I ' I Mis. I>la«tha A. E^st, Xorlh Tiade stiect, died at 11.15 » ,o'clock Sunday night following ,ua illnoco of Is i ionths. she was in a critical condition for two weeks. Mrs. was bo>n in Stokes county October 12, IS7O. shj was the daughte- of T. J. Boa>s and Martha Moorefit j l»oaa. one lived in Winston-Salem since 1930. Her husband, Sam East, & rural n.iil carrier, died Septem ber 9, 1929. i Interment was at Da-bury cemetery Tuesday, the ntes beiu -1 conduct?•.! by R.v. T. J. II nick of the M. E. church. • Mis. East was a member of Brown Mountain Bjptist church, county. Survivors include one daughter, Mies Ethel East, Winston-Salem, tv.-o son-., Paul a»«d S. R. E;;st, bo.ii of Wnston-Salem; two g:a : Icliilarcii; thro - t is.orp, Mrs. IJllie sheppaid, Pinnacle; \ Mrs. Vcrlin Rutledge, West He Id; ani Mrs. W. J. Simmons, Pilot Moun ian: and one brother, T. J. Bcaa, who iivca iii Kentucky.