Page Eight J—""" , nw —.nw—— _J ■ 101-WM. 11 ■ o^-.A■ ! MODERN CHEVROLET CO. 1148 N. Main Street, Winston-Salem, N. C. Offers the following: Used Cars and Trucks Through February—"Specials." Manv others not listed. 8 : 1— , 11 CHEVKOLETS FORDS PLYMOUTHS TRUCKS O 1937 Chev- T - Sed * n 645 00 1935 Coupe ~ 345.00 1936 G. M. C. 11-2 Ton .. 445.00 M 1930 Coach $145.00 1935 Coach 345.00 1933 275.00 1935 Dodge Pick-up .... 325.00 1932 Coach 195.00 1931 Coach 175 00 1934 gedan 275.00 , 1931 Ford 1-2 Ton Truck . 95.00 II 1932 Coupe 195.00 1931 Sedan 195.00 1933 01djj 325 00 1936 Qjgy 11_ 2 Ton 495.00 11 1933 Coach 295.00 1930 Coupe 145.00 ig37 545.00 1936 Chev. 11-2 Panel .. 395.00 1934 Co3 ch 34500 1935 Coach 395.00 1931 Ford Delux Roadsterl7s 00 ig36 Chevrolet Coupe 145.00 1936 Chev. Pick-up 395.00 0 1936 S. Sedan 545.00 1929 F/ord Coach. 2.... 125.00 1930 Buick 145 00 1936 chey j j. 2 Ton 39500 fl The Above Late Model Cars Thoroughly Reconditioned. Don't Pail to See These Extra Values. .tW-HU KAT-TAf—lrtl—TO! IMA TOBACCO mm,! pianter'' : ' Jfe CAMEL PEOPLE BOUGHT THE BEST \ f LOTS OF MY LAST CROP. PAID A HIGH PRICE / - *■&' FOR MY FINEST GRADES. I SMOKE CAMELS ) _ BECAUSE I KNOW THERE ISNT ANY J SUBSTITUTE FOR MORE EXPENSIVE TOBACCOS. MOST PLANTERS FAVOR CAMELS.) fJf. THEY KNOW THE DIFFERENCE/ W7HEN veteran planters like Mr. Hatton say: W "'Most planters favor Camels," their choice ■.fUIKO based on ftrit-bamd kouwlcdfc. If you arc noc a Ml I UN. wf>o tr-ni Camel smoker, try them. Camels are made from Wg—utatao- J finer. MORE EXPENSIVE TOBACCOS —Turkish •• tar 2t yaars and Domestic. ■fIiUTT C W TZ 9RIUIUEI v - *****. USE WE KNOW TOBACCO*^ Lucas Heads I State Board Of Elections Raleigh, Feb. 7.— The State Board of Elections chose W. A. Lucas of Wilaon as its chairman 1 today and announced it wtould Meet March 26 to appoint county election boards. i George Mitchell of Fayetteville, • .who served «s secretary of the board some ydars ago, was elect- ' mi secretary. He and Lucas i were chosen unanimously, the chairman by recommendation of Governor Hoey. Raymond Maxwell, executive i I J. R. Leake I I Going: Out of I I Business. I I will sell one 7-room brick home, with m ■ running water and electric lights, and 2 store buildings ready for business, and about 2 acres of land situated in 300 yards of school and two churches, all in the town of Danbury. If interested, see me at once. I mean to sell. I J.R.Leake, I I DANBURY, N. C. I secretary since the present form lof State Board was set up in 1925, was unanimously chosen to continue in ths job. Associate «.'sia"ce J. Wallace Winborne of th* supreme court ' a/iauiiißlertd tlie oath of office to Lucas McNe : l a«'d J. O. Bell oi i Hende.-sonvi;'c. the Democratic ! j members of the new board, and ( Wr.rr-cn V. Hall of Charlotte and Ai'.ian S Mitchell of Winto", the republican members. Mitche': is -he only person to serve on the board each year since it was esrtaLiiohej ia 1925. | Ilall proposed that the board nic-.Lero give serious study to THE DANBUBY BEPOBTEB three propositions: (1) Split pre cincts so that no precinct, baseu on the last election, should oa: more than a reasonable number iof votes. He llad a list of moi\ ! 'than 100 precincts in which I.GC ] to 2,500 votes were oast in 193' i.; (2) Require precinct judges oi 1 | the minority party to send bal j lots return to county chairmen jof the minority party; and (3) j require county election bdard i chairmen to notify county part- I chairmen in writing On the da} of receipt the name and (address ,of each applicant for an absentee i ballot. ■ , W. T. Elde r of Bur ,: .ue'.c:'. F. 1, is setting two acres n a; '• lc treea this spring as a part of tl' effort to grow more fruit IN Ro mance county. » - | Complete Line of I Field, Garden Seeds! and Lawn Grasses. We handle Slate's Tobacco i Seeds. Forsyth County's enly ' | exclusive Seed Store. , COX'S SEED STORE Wnston-Salem, N. C. ' ■ Corner Trade & Sixth Streets, j ' P. O. Box 165 ———————— j NOTICE OF SALE REAL. ESTATE. By virtue of the power of sale . contained in a deed of trust exe cuted to me by Charlie H. Boyles and his wife, S. E. Boyles, on Marcjj 4, 1937, recorded in tl.o} office of Register of Deeds, Stokes County, N. C., Book No. 85, page j 66, to which reference is hereunto : made, to secure the payment of j a debt therein recited, and de- j fault having been made in the, payment of the debt at maturity,! and the holders of the notes evi- j dencing said indebtedness having applied to me to foreclose the deed of trust for the satisfaction of said debt, I will expose to public auction to the highest bid. : , der for cash, in front of the post office in the town of Pinnacle, N. C., Stokes County, on — MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1938, jat Two O'clock P. M. all the right, title and interest of said Charlie H. Boyles and wife S. E. j Boyles, in a»d to the lands con veyed in said deed of trust to-1 wit: Certain tract of land lying and being in Stokes county, de- 1 i scribed as follows: I "A boundary of land of 30 1 acres, more or less, lying in Yad kin Township, Stokes County, N. C., composed of two tracts deed ed to C. H. Boyles by his father C. C. Boyles, the two tracts con-' taining 7 acres, more or leps, and. the remainder of the 30 acres' 1 being known the William Ed- I wards Lands, sold under court ! proceedings to settle the estate' , of isaid WillVyn Edwards. The' two C. C. Boyles deeds contain j 7 acres, more or less; and the j Williams Edwards lands contain 23 acres, more or less, making j the total 30 acres, all of which is ; hereby conveyed in this deed of I trust. Said boundary adjoins the ! lands of D. F. Boyles, John J?\ | Edwards, Henry L. Edwards lands, C. C. Boyles, J. G. Boyles ! and others, and embraces all the lands ov/ned by the first parties I in Yadkin Township. This January 31, 1938. J." W. GORDON, Trustee. NOTICE SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. North Carolina, Stokes County. In the Superior Court. Before the Clerk. Ilattie Kellum, Administra trix of the Estate of King Smith, deceased, vs. Ida Smith (Widow), Dora Davis and husband John I>avis, r,nd others. The defendants John Davis and Dora Davis will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superirr "ourt of 3'v.kep COHIUJ, N. C.. before the undersigned for the purpose of asking for the sale of certain roal estate lying and being in Stokes County, N. C., fully set forth in the petition filed in the above entitled pro ceeding, the Raid defendants be- Jnrr necessary parties to this ac tion and interested in the real estate described; and the said defew'hnts hereinabove named will further take notice that they are required to appear before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes County, N. C., at a Court to be held at Dan bury, N. C., on the 7th day ol March, 1938, at the oourt house ■ door of Mid county and answer oi I ♦## # # I | Every Day Bargains 7-16 BEADED CEILINGS. | I Best G r ade at $27.50 | Second Grade ats2o.oo We also have a limited amount of No. 3 common. This is good ceiling 1 except it has rough spots on face at sl4. Come and see for yourself what we have to offer. Our grades and qualities are high yet our prices are low. FOQLE BROS. ! COMPANY. ) Winston-Salem, N. C. • •••• ( i . Fox Dogs Wanted I I want to buy 15 fox houndb !' Will trade a mule, or a cow that t' gives 7 gallons a day. My reason i' for wanting the dogs is my j health. My blood pressure is - 495. Answer at once. J. W. LASLEY, Walnut Cove Route 1. i~~ , I "Complete line of To bacco Seeds for sale-by Oox's Seed Store, Winston-Salem, N. 1 O;, Corner Tmde and 6th Sts" 3 3 16dec8ws i t' demur to the complaint filed in e the above entitled proceeding or r, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in i- the complaint, if | This Feb. 8, 1038. lej J. W. TUTTLE, >r Clerk of the Superior Court. THURSDAY, FEBY. 1«, IMS. BABY CHICKS All leading breeds from bla#d tested flocks, high In quality SB.OO per hundred, for sale kjr ton SEEI SINI Winston-Salem, N. C. Corner Trade & Sixth Streets. P. O. Box 165 Mail orders given prompt at tention. DANGEROUS It Is dangerous to nil a TUTE for 666 Just to sake I flf ■ cents more. Customers are jjfm beet assets; lose them aai lose your business. S9B Is «&j » er 4 Mama aa rash as a fP| STOTJTE.