Page Six Early Stokes History (CONTINUED BY T. S. PETREE.) O n Dec. 3, 1795, Governor Samuel Ashe commissioned the following as justices of Stokes county in addition to those al frcady serving; Addonijah Harb our, William John Bos tick a"d Charles Banner. We might mention that by this time that the Capital of our State had been transferred from Fayette ville to Raleigh. It was during the iConntitutiomai Convention , held at Fayettevllle in the year 1780 that the delegate® from the various oounties agreed upon and fixed the present location °* our Capital as permanent. Governor Ashe, on Dec. 20, 1797 appointed James Davis, | Thos East, Sr., Edward Harber and Richard Wallace, Justices of the Peace. We have before us at the time we rcord these vari ous commissions the original documents and nothing is said about the expiration of their of fices, therefore, it is impossible to determine the length of time they serve, and this statement re fers also to the first appointments made by Gov. Alexander Martin Isaac Nelson was Sheriff dur ing the year 1798 and perhaps he might have been a Uttle care less in performing his official duties as we note by the follow- State of North Carolina, Stokes County. To all Sheriffs & Constjableei within this State to whom these presents shall come: Whereas, Isaac Nelson hath this day made oath before me A. Robinson, Esqr. one of the Justices of the Peace for said county, that Zacheriah Moot Brookes Broke Custody from the LOTS: L Thomas Armstrong, 1 60 Anthony Bitting, 7 150 Joseph Bitting, 6 200 ! Lewis Blume, 1 75 j Gray Bynum, 1 1 100 George Ebert, 1 100 1 Lecrtces Esatte, 1 25 j Constantino Ladd, 10 450 Isfcm Vest, 3 125 | Jacob Blume, 4 400 i George Houscr, 2 250 George Houser, Sr,. 3 50 John Hine, 3 100 Christian Lash, 1 8 John Mickey, 1 100 Henry Shore,Sr., 2 75 Abram Steinea, 1 8 Alexander McOall, 2 75 Nathaniel Moody not given in 2 60 Peter Hairaton, 1 10 Henry Fesaler not given in, 1 8 CHAS. BANNER, jr> BANNER, GR WAGGONER. The above property assessed by us the 29th Jbny., 1798. have before us the follow- > i top report but same ia not datcil, It w*a made, however, we think It was some time prior to 1800, judging by the signatures at tached. "We you r committtee apointed your court the last December j Term to settle with Constantine IMdd as Treasurer of public j Buildings and contract with him Jot the Building of a Jail and said Isaac Nelson last night and is not yet apprehended, therefore in the name of the State I charge you and every of you in youi several precincts to search dilig ently for the sd person and to make Hue and Cry After Him from Town to Town and from county to county, as well by horse men as foot men ®nd it you shall find the person who made his escape yesternight, tor ! whom you shall kteve ju3t dause to hunt that then you ap prehend and bring him before a justice of the peace of s'd county there shall be to be dealt with I Its the law directs. Given ' under Imy hand this 6th day of Dec v 1798. A ROBINSON, J. P. Brookes might have been caught, perhaps not, however, we presume Mr. Nelson was not so negligent in the future, but later on we will have more to »ay about him. During the year 1798 it would have been interesting to have nsited Germanton and Been 'im busy ou r county officials were, -o have noticed how proud they would be gathering around our lately created county seat and discussing the events of the day. George Washington had visited Salem on his farewell tour and no doubt all had gone there to see and honor him. Let us take a look and see who owned prop erty in Germantn at that time as the list below shows and also the assessed valuation. "Wc Joseph Banner, Gabriel Waggoner & C. Banner being Choacn assessors for the Town property agreeable to the 7th section of an act of assembly pa 3cd iii the year 1792, report as follows: make report to the next oourt of their Proceedings, Now Report: That they 'have had jtforc them the Expenditures of the new Jail and afte r some Deduc tions they have allowed for the same: L 385, 10, 6.1-2 for C. Ladds* Extra Service 5, L 390. 10, 9.1-2 also for expenses & repair at the court house 50, for which the Treasurer is cltirged 'with J L 440,10,6.1-2' I Cash rec'd from the public Treasury L 200. deduct 5 per ct. is .... L 190.' Sale of Lot adjoning Jail 7 14 > | Sale of Materials of old Jail 3, 7, 6 Cd Taxes for repairing old Jail 1795 Nt. Amt. .. 65, 8, 2 Do for repairs done at oourt house, Nt 64 ? 4, 4 1-2 j 330, 16, 6 Makes in favor of C. Ladd Balance L 109,16,6 Which balance is allowed to Constantine Ladd, with the Pro- ' viso that he finish the laying and ceiling of the Debtors Room, likewise, finish the rough paint-, I ing and get a n d put on the door-! locks. They likewise find that the, balance due the county by the late county commissioners noth-| ing has been received, and they, reccommend an Enquiry to be, instituted for ascertaining the sum in the hands of those com missioners Charles McAnally and Gray Bynum. Ail which is submitted hy ABRM. STEINER, WM. HUGHLETT, HENRY B. DOBSON, JOHN MARTIN. I protest to the extra allow ance for the Treasurer's Services made in the 2nd or:ide of this report. T. ARMSTRONG. On the 17th day of December 1799, Governor Benjamin Wil | liams appointed James Martin a | Justice of the Peace and his name jis the on'y one mentioned in the | commission, however, the com ! i mission is directed to ''Matthew j jMcoie & William Dobson, of the county of Stokes, Esquires |or any three of their Associate Justices." I We are now starting in the year 1800 and of course thisj means more appointments, so on December 15th 1800, Gov. Wll-J liams appointed Peter Hairston, ( Joh n Evans, John Endsley and William Wrand as Justices, serv-, ing at that time were some pre viously appointed* To try and list all appoint ments from the year 1789 and » ! each year thereafter would re-j quire considerable research, therefore, in the future we prob-| ably may run across some of' them but will make no special ef fort to compile a complete list. When we consider the fact that St kes county is aimost 150 years old, then we oa n see how much) time it would consume to gather all these facts together. ! To raise revenue following the war for Independence it appears that a tax was levied upo n vari ■ ous documents, as well as other I things, to help retire the National i I THE DANBURY REPORTER debt. We have before us a note against one John West, dated Feb. 20, 1801. Impressed within the note, made by a metal seal, is an Eagle perched upon a shield surrounded by the words "Ten 'cents-Virginia." This reminds us Jthat afte r the world we likewise, attached a stamp on all 'notes fo r the aame purpose. | We promised to say more in regard to Isaac Nelson who was [appointed Sheriff before the year 1800 and served for several years thereafter. Nelso n appears to have been a man that was very careless at times as we will see from some articles we quote be low, as well as a little later on: ."Stokes County, North Carolina. Whereas Ann Briggs came be fore me this 16th day of Feb ruary, 1802, & complained on | oath that on the 2nd day of January last Isaac Nelson did violently assault & abuse her with an' intention to commit a rape contrary to law and against 1 the peace and dignity of the State. You are therefore commanded to apprehend the said Isaac Nel son & him safely keep so that you have him before some justice in B &id county to answer to the 'said complaint fa be further dealt with as the law directs. Given underoo r hands the 16th day of Feby, 1802. THOS T. ARMSTRONG, J. P. ISAAC DALTON. There must have been ju't cause to bind Nelson over to the court as we note on the warrant that he was pllced under bond of 20 pounds. Andrew Bowman was security on bond for an Ad ditional 20 pounds. Ann Briggs gave bond in the amount of 10 pounds as witness for the State. Whe n this was brought up before the grand jury a true bill was found. We will quote. State of North Carolina, Stokes County March Session, 1802. The jurors for the oounty of ] Stokes and State of North Caro lina on their oath present that Irtaac gentlemen, late of said county on the second day of January in the yea r of our Lord I one thousand eight hundred and two with force and \arms in the 'county aforesaid and State afore said in and upon the body of 'Ann Briggs an assault dij make and with an entention to ravish, fa to commit a rape on the | said Ann Briggs then and there being did beat, wound Sand ill I treat, to her great damage con trary to morality as well as law to the evil example of all others in like cases offending and against the peace and dignity of the State. THO ROGERS, *tty pro State. We notice that the present ment was aganst Maac Nelson, gentlemen. Perhaps he wai | never-the-loss, a few years later , on, and while still occupying his office, he again was in trouble t over taxes collected and not ac ( counted for but for the present we will take up other items. I Jenny L tod's Grave I Jenny Llnd, the' Swedish nightin gale, is buried in Malvern, No Hunting In the State on Sunday— Legal Notice. In accordance with authority vested by Chapter 486, Public Laws of 1935, in the board of . Conservation and Development, this body in regular session at j Raleigh, N. C., on January 19, ing o r taking of game birds oi j animals o n Sunday in North Carolina. C H. MARTIN, 3 • Game Protector. 1 NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA 1 STOKES COUNTY i IN THE SUPERIOR COURT r THOS. E. SMITH AND WIFE, MINNIE SMITH; EFFIE J LEMONS AND HUSBAND, , ROY LEMONS, ET AL VS. . CLARENCE H. HOLLAND AND WIFE, GRACE McGEE HOL ■ LAND; LILLIAN HOLLAND BOYLES AND HUSBAND AUB REY BOYLES, ET AL. NOTICE The defendants Clyde Bennett and wife, Pearl Bennett, will 1 take notice that a n action cn titled as above and involving the [ sale of real estate in wrich they have a n interest, has been insti tuted in the Superior Court of i Stokes County, North Carolina, that the aaid defendants will further take notice that they are ! required to appear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Stokes Oounty in the court house in Danbury, North Carolina on or before the 17th day of Feb, 1938, land answer or demur to the petition filed in said action, or the petitioners will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in the aaid petition. This 18th day of January, 1938. J. WATT . TUTTLE, CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. H. H. LEAKE, Attorney, Winston-Salem, N. C. None* Having qualified as atainis- Wator of the estate of A. G. [ Cromer, aotice is hereby gives to all persons having claims Against 1 said estate to present them to me, duly authenticated for pay ( meat, on or before January 20, 1989, or this notice will be plead -1 «d in ba r of their recovery. And all persons indebted to said es , tate are notified to make immed iate payment to me. 1 This January 18, 1938. A. L. WARNER, Admr., King, N. C. R- J. Scott, Atty. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAN I j UNDER DEED OF TRUST. By virtue of the power of saie contained in a deed of trust ex*-1 cuted by W. W. Newman and •j R. T. Newman t 0 J. D. Humph f reys, Trustee, on the 14th day of January, 1928, which is recoided I in the Office of Register of' [ Deeds of Stokes County, N. C.J in Book 76, Page 550, to secure I the payment of a certain sum of • j money therein recited, default » having been made in the payment of the note at maturity and the ! holder and owner of said deed of , trust desiring to have the same , foneclosed for the satisfaction of the debt, the undersigned substi > tute trustee will expose to public ; sale, to the highest bidder for cash, on the premises on— SATURDAY, FEB. 19, 1938, ' at the hour of two o'clock P. M., , the lands conveyed in the deed of trust, to-wit: Beginning at mouth of a branch JH. Creasey's comer; f thence East with said Creasey's line 23 chains to a white oak corner; thence a South direction •nd along a n old Ridge Road as it meanders 20 1-2 chains to j»| rock G. A. Martin's corner; thence West 20 chains to a i. bunch of chestnut trees; thence jl a North direction and up the i creek as it meanders to the be rj ginning, containing 50 acres, more '| o r less, adjoining the lands of T. ; W. Tilley, Pete Slate and others, and it being Lot Nt>. 6 in the di vision of the Hall lands which t, was alloted to G. W. Hall. See I Book No. 50, 585 - Reeister's of fice, Stokes County, N. C. I Tlds Jan. 13, 1988. J. W. HALL, ' IfeMitat* Traatee. THURSDAY, FEBY. 10, 19S8. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECUTION. State of North Carolina, County of Stokes. In . the Superior Court. Farmers Bank of Pilot Mountain v». R. S. Law and Dona Law,. Principals, and Charles R. Fowler, Endorser. By virtue of an execution di rected to the undersigned, sheriff i of Stokes county, from the su . j perior court of Surry county. North Carolina, in connection with the above entitled action, I i will on Monday, February 14, 1938, at the hour of twelve o'clock, noon, at the court house' door in Danbury, N. C., sell t® the highest bidder for cash to: satisfy said execution, all the right, title and interest which the said defendants, particularly the defendant Dora Law, have iik the following described r eal ' estate: The land willed to Dora Law by Joseph Coon, being one-third interest in the remainder after the life esthte of the widow, as shown by the will of Joseph i Coon, deceased, said tract o£ land lying a nd being in Yadkiu , township, Stokes county, N. C., adjoining the lands of I. C. Gord on, R. L. Gordon, J. W. Jones a«d others. This January 19, 1938. J. J. TAYLOR, I Sheriff Stokes County, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the power of sale j contained in a deed of trust exe cuted by Will Martin and Wife I Maggie Martin, recorded in the , office of Register of Deeds yf , Stokes County in book 76 page > 488, to secure the payment of 5. ! certain sum of money due on a 1 note to W. T. Clark, default hav ing been made i n the payment of sad note and at the request 0 f the holder of the same, I will sell 1 at pubic auction .to the highest bidder for cash, at the couit house door in Danbury, at 10 o'clock on Saturday, Feb. 12„ 1938, the following lands: Containing 84 acres, more or leas, and adjoining the lands of W. T. Clark on West, J. M. Hook sr on South, D. C. Smith on Bast, Dick Hall and J. M. Clark os North. This January 17th 1938. W. E. HATCHER, \ * Trustee. ' NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of the ■ power of sale contained in a cer- I tain deed of trust executed by N. ■ A. Amos and wife Martha Amos, ■ to the undersigned trustee, said deed of trust being recorded in the office nf the Register of Deeds of Stokes county in Book 90, at page 318, the terms and ccondit:on3 of which have not been complied with, and demand having been made, the under signed trustee will on — ' | TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 8, 1988, ' j at 2 o'cclock P. M., !in front of the court house, id I Danbury, N. C., offer for Ale l at pubile aucton, for cash the I following described lanld : 'Beginning at a white oak o» Smith's line, runs North 4 degs. i 6 minutes East 24 chains paving ! Smith's corner to a chain ia Mar- I tin's corner; these* South 88 1-5 j degrees West oa Martina lis* 86 voles to a. white oak; thaace j North 39 degrees West 21 1-2 j. poles to a branch; thence with _i branch the following courses: ~ South 40 degrees West 4 poles; . thence 8 poles; thence South 4 degrees West 11 poles; thence South 28 3-4 degrees West 8 poles; thence South 50 1-2 degrees ! West 6 1-2 poles to ford of I branch; thence leaving branch South 61-2 degrees Bast onC.U. Hennis line 66 poles to a stone; I thence South 85 7-8 degrees 1! East 92 poles to the beginafog • | containing 59 aicres, more or : Hess. II Being the same property ! bought of Dewey Prioe by N. A ' Amoe as shown by deed recorded i" the Register of Deeds office for ! Stokes county. ' I This 3rd day of Jan., 1988. JOE W. GARRETT, "I'' ' Trustee. Joe W. Gamtt, Attorney, 'l Madison, N. C. ■ First lings *f Tree ftraaefcss The first farm {Mows were t&M* lof orooltsd tree brandies and worked by man power.